Notes of ancient philosophy PDF

Title Notes of ancient philosophy
Course Ancient Philosophy
Institution Miami University
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Disciple of Parmánides who is in charge of the series of Enigmas and where applies the logic: that is called
Function element reduction to absurdity
You have magnitude have an infinite decimal shape and if one has no magnitude we would be still.
Where they want ...


NOTES OF ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY China FUNDAMENTALS THEMES Discontinuity of Culture The problem of "Tao" — Path Designates a way of living wisely How to convert or interpret reality (mal-identical = thought-spirit-soul = 1er Supreme Being) Representatives of the ' Taoism — Lao Tze – former master Chuangtzu — the phrase something from that horizon cannot be my destiny, but it may be my destiny. None of that can change my existence (All things extend before my sight, but in none of them I can find my destiny). The teaching of the Tao-Tse-Ching — "added simplicity" and contains three aspects — the constant — what is always done Not being — you don't get to be but you end up The self — when it is finished Confucius (Kung-Fu-Tzu) "Your concern is youth "Make an educational program: A. History B. Poetry C. Civics — commitment to the nation "Knowledge and virtue walk by the hand. It is difficult for the man to devote himself three years to knowledge and not end up being good.

He confessed no matter what I'm trying to do to make myself worthy of being known. "Teaching is predominant. Choose where the double individual and social dimension is denoted. Virtue is the essential element. "Therefore Virtue is the Supreme value Greece The Socratic (also known as physicists or cosmologists) "Tales of Miletus "He glimpses the problem of one and the manifold. 2 Forms of astonishment "In aesthetic beauty "In the form of a question (because, how, what happens, etc.). "Capacity of astonishment (CAM, Mov.) In order to question "Ability to formulate questions of a philosophical nature — what is the world?" The principle of things is the element "water" if there is no water there is no life. Study object — The unitary explanation Nat scientist. (Particular) — does not limit the dynamic aspect of being Rational philosophy — with the concept of principle reduces the multiplicity to unity Anaximander Your princ. (SIGNS) Arge To (SIGNS) (to operon) — the indeterminate, something eternal Material cause — indeterminate, Sust. No Limit, eternal Physical elements that happen... The determined

. Spring — Fire Summer — water Autumn — Air Winter — Earth It's an eternal movement No water is given, if there is no fire; If there is no air there is no Earth ANAXIMENES (SIGNS) = AIR 1. Regresa abandons the theory of Taó (signs) It retakes the theory of such: the particular element 2. The particular element that is the princ. (SIGNS) of things: it is the air 3. Theory of condensation (clouds, earth, water) rarefaction (it becomes warm) It is said that the earth is suspended in the air and conceived in a flat form. Conclusion I. Have raised the question about the ultimate nature of Things (SIGNS) II: Eternal Supposition the matter — water, fire and Air PYTHAGORAS OF SAMOS Contextualisation 1. They are a religious society or community (gathering, self-esteem, autodominance) 2. Its acetic-religious tendency, combined with a religious spirit b) influenced — over the current Ofrica: "They are organized in community form "Doctrine on the transmigration of Souls

"The important thing in man is the soul and not the body "The soul is the real man not a simple shadow or image of the body (homer) C. The ascetic-religious tendency 1. Notion of purity 2. Purificatorias remarks 3. Observation of Silence (self-recollection, meditation) d) influenced by music The study of mathematics that was considered valuable for the formation of man. Indu — Idea of the (Karma -soul) Worldview Chinese — Tao's Idea Egypt — Idea of Raka HERACLITO OF EPHESUS Your thought (Panta Rey) all flows A) The one and the multiple "The multitude of things that form the universe integrate unity, this is life and dynamic. The one is dynamic, it carries in itself a principle of diversification — change 1. In the being there is no stillness, but movement 2. Harmony that is born of contrasts (spring, summer, autumn, winter), (every day in a new experience because it is leaving the lived and we go to the way of death). 3. It is not questioned in essence, but as is formed (what is the cosmos — No-Si — How does it come to be? B. Fire 1. The one sought in philosophy is fire If there is not, there is no

2. Life and Death Day and night: fluctuating moments of fire Good and bad: "Tension" the fire devours everything and everything composes Of harmony in tension arises unity Conclusion — only the one is and the multiple is a mere coincidence, what it is, is necessarily what it should be and what it is not, it is necessarily what it should be. Parmenides Cosmology. Faced with the problem of the one and the multiple A) Being, the one is, exists Be — space (material, limited, determined Is the reality Time — Infinity B. Becoming, change, only illusion Not being — indeterminate (limited) (If you have no shape and figure you can not talk about there) If something starts to be 1. If it comes from being it is already, therefore it does not begin to be. (It's something you have, it doesn't prove, But it's there). 2. If it comes from being Nothing, nothing can come out of nothing. THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE Two roads VOVG = Reason — the understanding — here is already the idea, the essence that informs us the senses (the purest, the exact one).

Doxx = opinion — Experience — knowledge that informs us the senses (mere opinions, mere illusions). Idea — something abstract materializes through the word. ZENON OF LENA Disciple of Parmánides who is in charge of the series of Enigmas and where applies the logic: that is called Function element reduction to absurdity You have magnitude have an infinite decimal shape and if one has no magnitude we would be still. Where they want to go is to say that the movement and plurality of things is a mere illusion. Understanding is what will deceive us and the senses will deceive us. "With understanding you grasp the essence, what it is."

Empedocles 3. He considers that the principle of things is four elements: Water, Earth, air, fire. 2. What makes it possible to unite is: Love and to separate: hatred. 3. Matter-Eternal Anaxagoras 1. Homeomerías: In things there is a bit of everything, in everything, but there is an element that predominates according to the species. 2. Characteristics to the method notion of Noos; (as a movement impulse) — Razoll — intelligence. It recognizes intelligence as the different principle of creator. It is considered as a material reality. Units

POINT, LINE, SURFACE, VOLUME: A. Magnitude — measurements/extension, divided/their movement but infinity B. No magnitude — not medieval, no Mov. THE ATOMISTS (LEUCIPPUS AND DEMOCRITUS) 1. nmóv  Indivisible particle 2. To present different forms that when colliding with each other, are grouped and thus constitute the bodies 3. Materia THE SOPHISTS 3) Abandon the search for SIGNS " The previous reflection focused on the object B. Reflection on the subject " Civilization and culture " Education — line, practical, central — boost, promote. Inculturation: This is the combination of Dificulturas. They no longer care about were of the nmóvil   of good or bad and care about the categories — which is more effective and more useful. C. Man becomes self-conscious Protagoras FUNDAMENTAL THESIS Man is the measure of all things of which they are as far as they are and of which they are not as they are not. (The most useful code not only for me but for all is not only individual but general). Plato 1. Cosmological Vision — ÐPNX

2. Ontological vision — Being and becoming (Heraclitus and Parmenides) 3. Anthropological Vision-Theory of the Soul THEORY OF COSMOLOGICAL IDEAS SAY Perfect Idea — Principle of things Es Equinocidad — Idea of horse subsisting Imperfect Idea Is what man possesses, he has to resort Subject — Object to the Senses To know is to remember again Operation — Faculty Subject — Object = image — (sensitive) Idea — (intellectual) Has No body Matter. Is invariably — does not change Timeless — Inspatial THEORY OF THE SOUL The soul is at the height of perfect ideas because it knows it directly, the soul is also subsisting and knows the points of the idea (in a direct vision — eternal United — Theory of the soul — theory of Ideas Idea Pertecta — Alma The body is a prison for the soul — but not bad, but the body limits it and makes it give efforts to get to the good. Aristotle To enter metaphysics, makes a division

" The Sensitive and perishable Substance" " The sensitive and eternal substance" " The substance — they are changing and transforming " The Egyptian goddess " Cults to Mitra of the Persians Neoplatonism: Last expression of the Greco thought on the other hand it is presented towards the future like influence of the philosophical thought of the Christians Platinum — He lived in Alexandria, founded his Eseuela, more mystical than philosophical in the word's nest; Its philosophy presents hierarchical interpretation of the universe, its supreme reality the "one" Emanations 1st emanation. Intelegible World Plato — The bible of the Neoplatonic (It is the soul of each individual) The last — "matter" according to Platinum — matter is a subject and a form receptacle. Finally the thought of platinum is: The same union between subject and object and between the soul and God " That remains with pure contemplation " Ashamed to have a body " Desencornado and delivered to the pure vision of the absolute "There are everywhere to return to the one" THE SKEPTICAL SCHOOL Skeptics are those people who do not aeeptan what they are saying, leave it in the air and when they think and analyze it to check, he believes. It does not deny or affirm, suspend the trial until analyzing and reflecting to believe it.

MIDDLE AGES Introduction CONCEPT OF CREATION God is Hebrew is dabbar = Word — to be, to say, to do Spoken in a loving act, creates the world with everything that exists in it " Concept of Man You will love God with all your strength, with all your soul, with all your body, with all your heart. Conceives man as a harmonious whole in himself God made us in his image — likeness — he is reflected in consciousness, will, freedom

CONCEPT OF LIFE If I am not here it is because someone did not love me, I am here and everything I do in the day and night I must offer it to God Beraka — prayer that is given to give thanks to God Simple and contradictory Ideas: They accept black and white medium terms and between these there are color gamma A whole and a particular accept medium terms Substance: It is all "entity" that exists in itself "Inmovil "Sensitive and perishable "Sensible and Eternal

Power: The ability of a thing to be modified. Act: It is the realization of this capacity. It's not a complete fact, it's a Mov. Example: Tree — Act — to reach the target by the Mov. Seed — Potency — because it is changing gamma of possibilities in which a being or an entity can develop. "Four Causes" Def. Able to produccir a reason Mov. To an entity of being Causes — Material — possible to be polite Efficient Formal terminante They are reduced to a single energy, Mov. Way End in itself CYNICAL PHILOSOPHY "Funduda by Antisthenes in Athens, year 400 B.C. "The Cynics taught true happiness "They set out first of all in Socrates ' modest "They said that happiness did not depend on external things like political power, or good health (live now no matter what yesterday, the future as well as what made you happy, would satisfy you) "The most famous of the cynics was Diogenes "Cynics say that being human didn't have to worry about their health THE NEOPLATONICOS "Gave start with platinum (205-270)

"It is based primarily on beliefs, ideas and feelings "They are detached from ideas, traditions — Greek and Roman Rom A — syncretism (various things are put) religious "Temples are born to Isis "Blessing "Repentance "Thank you "Adoration Life is a gift from God that has been created by the Transcendence and redemption Christian is the notion of sin (renounce God and believe me more than God) It was created in the image and likeness of the Obligations of the Christian "You will love God above all things (a commandment of the Hebrew law) "You will love your neighbor as yourself (Ghandi was the one who said: I would believe in his Christian God if he behaved as he says it) Islamic philosophy — is present since the 12TH century Pratisticas — The figure of Augustine is born — they are the ones who believe in Christians Tend to go high with the soul Wisdom — Go to God It tends to go into the light that will enlighten you (consciousness). The one who makes the perfect idea known is the Enlightenment of God. Present and future can only be made "present in the Soul". RENAISSANCE S. XIV-XVI

1550 painter and architect Giorgio Vasari: It coined the term renaciminto "to be born Again" or a "rebirth of the human mind." Art and Culture — Greek Where man relocates in the center, for the most important man "Your Reason "Your body The separation of science and faith is given Scientific method — empirical The economy — barter or monetary issue Commodities — there is already cost Formation of a social class — bourgeoisie (mean) of a feudal thing to a social class. "Concept of man is considered a sinful being; But in the Renaissance it is considered great and valuable. Going to practice in life art and Culture "Concept of life — life is conceived as man is consecrated to God (Middle Ages), but in the Renaissance man is considered protagonist, what matters is the here, and now. "Nature concept. — It is considered as listening, feeling it and you can take advantage of everything in the scientific environment (observation, experimentation, etc.). "World concept — middle age is geocentric — it is the center, the land of the whole world and everything revolves around it. In the Renaissance — Sun is, the center and planets revolve around it. 17TH-18TH CENTURY BAROQUE Irregular pearl It is characterized by: Time of contrasts, where an atmosphere is preserved.

Vitalism The positive and predominant: Vanity and kitsch Enjoy this day remember you're going to die and that's why you take advantage of the day. 30-Year war damaging to Germany and France benefits the — policy (1618-1648) Society Large social differences — upper class — lower class-begging. Life looks like a theater. To be or not to be that's the question I act or do not act Shakespeare Conceives Life as a dream Live or not live Calderón de la Barca conceives life as a dream also conceives. Life is a dream, which is life, a frenzy. Life is a dream and dreams, dreams are. Idealism 2a Philosophical currents — Materialism To duty, be ideal. What is done at that time What it seeks to seek the practical sense as it is made to be done. "Influence of Christianity on the philosophy S. XIII "The Mystic of Eckhart A. The philosophy conceived: 1. Perennial (content, do not change or vary)

2. Culture-fed reflection — any human manifestation that is given or given 3. Union of Thoughts with other epochs-Arislóteles 4. Tension between man, world and God B. Difference in the conception of being Concept Greek Christian concept Being, origin of nature God Creator Man — rational tendency of faith Man rational effort revelation: enlightenment of God It is only thought that God is a creator and is resolved Greeks are based on bases to reinforce their life Franciscan naturalism (Eca, Suson, Dante) 3 Aspects or characteristics "Universal Fraternity "Love of Nature "A tendency to glorify God's world...

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