NRS 110 Chapter 5 Cultural Diversity Questions Answer Key PDF

Title NRS 110 Chapter 5 Cultural Diversity Questions Answer Key
Course Medical-Surgical Nursing I
Institution College of Staten Island CUNY
Pages 9
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NRS 110 Chapter 5 Cultural Diversity Questions Answer Key...


Nursing 110 Chapter 5 Cultural Diversity

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Concepts of Cultural Diversity and Respect ● Cultural Diversity can be deined as the coexistence of dierent ethnic, biological sex, racial, and socioeconomic groups w/in one social unit. - Not limited to people of varying religion, language, physical size, sexual orientation, age, disability, occupational status, and geographic location. ● Cultural respect enables nurses to deliver services that are RESPECTFUL of and responsive to health beliefs, practices, and cultural and linguistic needs of diverse pts. - Helps reduce health disparities and improving access to high-quality health care. Culture 1. What can be deined as a shared system of beliefs, values, and behavioral expectations that provides social structure for daily living? Culture 2. What 3 things combine to make up a culture? Body of knowledge, body of beliefs, and body of behavior 3. What are some elements? Religion, language, physical size, sexual orientation, age, disability, occupational status, and geographical location. 4. What does it help shape for people in a speciic group that is shared by and provides an identity for members of the same group? Accepted behaviors 5. What is the primary means of transmitting culture? Speaking the country’s native language 6. What makes the practices of a particular culture arise? Social and physical environment 7. What makes cultural practices and beliefs remain constant? As long as they satisfy a group’s needs. 8. Subcultures a. What is a large group of people who are members of the larger cultural group but who have certain ethnic, occupational, or physical characteristics that are not common to the larger culture? (E.g., nursing is a sub of large health care system; teens and older adults= subcultures of general population of the U.S.) Subculture b. Societies- Which group has the MOST ability to control the values and sanctions? Dominant group - Which one is the largest group in society? Dominant group - Which groups have some physical or cultural characteristic (e.g., race, religious beliefs, or occupation)? Minority groups - ***When a minority group lives within a dominant group, many members may lose the cultural characteristics that once made them dierent. AKA cultural assimilation; process and rate are INDIVIDUALIZED. 9. Ethnicity a. What is a sense of identiication w/in a collective group, largely based on the group member’s common heritage? Ethnicity b. What do people w/in an ethnic group share? Cultural and social beliefs and behavior patterns, incl. Language and dialect, religious practices, literature, folklore, music, political interests, food preferences, and employment patterns.

Nursing 110 Chapter 5 Cultural Diversity

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10. Race a. Which term focuses on speciic physical characteristics, e.g., skin color, body stature, facial features, and hair texture? Race b. What is not considered a reliable way to determine a person’s race? Physical attributes 11. Factors Inhibiting Sensitivity to Diversity a. What do you call it when someone assumes that all members of a culture, ethnic group or race act alike? Steretoype b. What does negative stereotyping include? Ageism, Sexism, and Racism -THESE ARE MISTAKEN BELIEFS THAT CERTAIN RACES, AN AGE GROUP, OR ONE BIOLOGICAL SEX IS INHERENTLY SUPERIOR TO OTHERS, LEADING TO DISCRIMINATION AGAINST THOSE CONSIDERED INFERIOR. What is the belief that everyone should conform to your own belief system? Cultural imposition d. What is the term for when one ignores dierences and proceeds as though they do not exist? Cultural blindness c.


What occurs when people become aware of cultural dierences, feel threatened, and respond by ridiculing the beliefs and traditions of others to make themselves feel more secure about their own values? Cultural conflict

12. Cultural Influences on Health Care Match the population to the common health problems below. a. Native Americans or Native Alaskans CVD, cirrhosis, DM, FAS b. African Americans- HTN, CVA, sickle cell anemia, lactose intolerance, keloids c. Asians- HTN, liver CA, lactose intolerance d. Hispanics- DM, lactose intolerance e. White people- BRCA, CVD, HTN, DM, Obesity f. Eastern European Jews- Cystic ibrosis, Gaucher’s dz, spinal muscular atrophy, Tay-Sach’s dz 13. Reactions to pain- name some nonverbal indicators of pain. 1. Restless 2. Bracing(holding unto something like funiture or an object for support) 3. Rubbing 4. Vocal complaints 5. Facial expressions (grimaces, winces, furrowed eyebrows, narrowed eyes, clenched teeth’s e.t.c) 14. Mental health - Most norms originate in research and observations made of White, middle class people. - Psych well-being norms and behaviors dier amongst ethnic groups. - Hispanics- this group can’t tell their probs to a stranger b/c it’s considered inappropriate. - Chinese- stigmatizes mental illness and considers going to therapy and taking psych meds disgraceful to the family.

Nursing 110 Chapter 5 Cultural Diversity

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- Puerto Ricans- demonstrates hyperkinetic seizure-like activity called ataques. 15. Biological Sex Roles - Man may make healthcare decisions regardless of which family member is involved. - KNOWING WHO IS DOMINANT IN THE FAMILY IS IMPORTANT WHEN PLANNING NURSING CARE (BECAUSE WHAT DOMINANT MEMBER IS ILL AND CAN’T MAKE DECISIONS? OR WHAT IF NONDOMINANT FAMILY MEMBER IS ILL?) 16. Language and Communication a. What is the ability of caregivers and organizations to understand and eectively respond to linguistic needs of patients and their families in a health care encounter? Linguistic competency b. USE AN INTERPRETER WHO UNDERSTAND THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM ONLY. AVOID USING FAMILY MEMBERS OR FRIENDS (THEY TEND TO GET PROTECTIVE AND THAT’S NOT RELIABLE). c.

Which department of the USDHS created a health care language services implementation guide to help healthcare organizations implement eective language services to meet the needs of their patients with limited English proiciency, thereby increasing their access to healthcare. USDHS Ofice for Minorities


Why do some Hispanics look downward when talking to you? It might have to do with their age, econonomic status, authority, sex, social class.


Why do Muslim-Arab women avoid eye contact with men? To show modesty.

g. Which group of Jewish men tend to avoid direct eye contact with women? Hasidic Jewish men h. English is not always the irst language of most people i.

Children usually assimilate more rapidly because they leave home each day to go to school and make new friends who speak English

17. Orientation to Space and Time a.

What term is used to refer to the area around a person regarded as part of that person? Personal space

b. Which origins commonly sit and stand close to one another when talking? Arabs and Africans c.

Which groups are comfortable with more distance between themselves and others? Asians and Europeans

d. Which cultures consider being late as a sign of respect? South Asian cultures 18. Food and Nutrition a.

Certain foods remain as staples of the diet even when members of a culture are in a dierent country.

Nursing 110 Chapter 5 Cultural Diversity

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b. What is a risk for inadequate nutrition? Food in the hospital that isn’t appetizing to the pt’s tastes or not used to eating. c. Dietary teaching must be individualized according to cultural values about the social signiicance and sharing of food. 19. Family Support a. Some pts may be unwilling to share private info. with those outside the family (incl. HCPs). b. Other cultural groups have great respect for elders and would never send them to nursing homes or other institutions. 20. Socioeconomic Factors a. Which groups had the lowest income? Native American, Native Alaskans, African Americans b. What puts older people at risk for poverty? A ixed amount in their SS check, can’t keep up with inflation and their also widows. c.

Which groups have lower income, ending up with no SS or Medicare beneits (work history wise)? Agricultural workers

d. Which groups seem to pass the culture of poverty from generation to generation? People living o of government assistance, migrant farm workers, and people living in isolated areas. e.

How does poverty impact people psychologically? Feelings of despair, hopelessness, resignation and fatalism, abusive family homes and even abandonment, loss of self-respect and retreating from community involvement.


What increases the incidence and severity of disease (CLUE-proximity)? Living so closely to each other and not having any space between everyone. There’s a higher chance of getting each other sick because they share lots of things, don’t care much about sanitation, and have poor health habits. Also some houses don’t have basic necessities so people can’t shower, can’t stay warm or keep their food from going bad (b/c of no electricity).

g. What fosters depersonalization, higher crime rates, and psychological conditions? Living in crowded areas. Culturally Respectful Nursing Care Elements of Cultural Competence ● What are we developing when it comes to our own existence, sensations, thoughts, and environment to prevent them from having an undue influence on those from other backgrounds? Awareness ● What are demonstrating in regards to the patient’s culture, health-related needs, and culturally speciic meanings of health and illness? Knowledge and Understanding ● By accepting and respecting cultural dierences, what are we facilitating?Pt’s and families abilities to make decisions to meet their needs and beliefs. ● What shouldn’t we do in regards to the HCPs beliefs and values? Push them onto people from dierent backgrounds and cultures. ● What should we resist (example: “Dierent is not good.”) Judgemental attitudes ● What should we be open to and comfortable with? Cultural encounters

Nursing 110 Chapter 5 Cultural Diversity

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● What are some ways we can accept responsibility for our education in cultural competence? Going to conferences, reading up on professional literature, and observing cultural practices. 18. Which online service created by the Ofice of Minority Health of the U.S. Department of Human Services hopes to advance health equity at every point of contact through the development and promotion of culturally and linguistically appropriate services? Think Cultural Health 19. Which model is a cross-cultural communication tool that helps HCPs strengthen communication and identify potential threats to tx adherence? ESFT Model - What does each letter represent? E= explanatory model of health and illness, S= social and environmental factors, F= fears and concerns, T= Therapeutic contacting 20. What is another term that is closely R/T cultural imposition, and is the belief that the ideas, beliefs, and practices of one’s own culture are superior to those of another’s culture? Ethnocentrism 21. Which part of the ESFT Model are these questions? a.

E- Explanatory models of health and illness ● What do you think cxed your problem? ● Why do you think it started when it did? ● How does it aect you? ● What worries you most? ● What kind of tx do you think you should receive?

b. S- Social and environmental factors ● How do you get your medications? ● Are they dificult to aord? ● Do you have time to pick them up? ● How quickly do you get them? ● Do you have help getting them if you need it? c.

F- Fears and concerns ● Does the medication sound okay to you? ● Are you concerned about the dosage? ● Have you heard anything about this medication? ● Are you worried about the adverse eects?

d. T- Therapeutic Contacting ● Do you understand how to take the medication? ● Can you tell me how you will take it?

Nursing 110 Chapter 5 Cultural Diversity

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22. When can you consult a friend or family member for a cultural assessment regarding a patient’s health care plan? When patient can’t respond. Guidelines for Nursing Care 23. Which is now a specialty and formal area of practice, originating from Dr. Leininger (nurse-anthropologist? Transcultural nursing 24. Which model depicts a circle with an outlying rim representing global society, a second rim representing community, third rim representing family, and inner rim representing the person themselves? Purnell Model - What are the 12 pie-shaped wedges representing? Dierent domains in life and concepts - What is cultural consciousness depicted by? Saw-tooth line - What is related to the HCP, although organizations may also be represented on this line according to their stage of cultural competence as an organization? Saw-tooth line 25. Which model takes into account 6 cultural phenomena: communication, space, social orientation, time, environmental control, and biologic variations? GIGER AND DAVIDHIZAR’S MODEL 26. Which model emphasizes becoming culturally competent and integrating cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural skill, cultural encounters, and cultural desire? CAMPINHA-BACOTE MODEL 27. Tips to becoming more culturally competent a.

Develop Cultural Self-Awareness-ask yourself, “What are my beliefs and values? What do I practice? What are my family experiences? What are my biases and how does it aect how I feel about others as well as aect how I provide care?” → PUTS THINGS INTO PERSPECTIVE AND WILL HELP YOU TO BECOME MORE CULTURALLY SENSITIVE

b. Develop Cultural Knowledge- DO YOUR RESEARCH (ABOUT THE FOLKS IN YOUR AREA), BE A GOOD LISTENER AND OBSERVER. Some people have been belittled and ridiculed-that’s why they have a hard time opening up about their beliefs and practices. When you talk to pts, approach with sincerity, respect, and concern (your attitude will convey this) → pt SHOULD open up. DON’T COME UP TO THEM JUST BECAUSE YOU’RE CURIOUS AND THINK YOUR CULTURE MIGHT BETTER THAN THEIRS (THAT MAKES YOU IGNORANT AND NEED EDUCATION). c.


d. Respect Culturally Based Family Roles- Who make the most important decisions? To ignore this, conflict can ensue. e.

Avoid mandating change- If changes are necessary, provide support and reinforcement. Don’t force them to take part in care that conflicts with their values→ can lead to guilt, and alienation from a religious or cultural group if you do. YOU MAY EVEN THREATEN THEIR WELL-BEING.


SEEK CULTURAL ASSISTANCE- makes pt want to accept health care services, can build trust, promote mutual understanding, respect, and cooperation.

Nursing 110 Chapter 5 Cultural Diversity Key Concepts

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Nursing 110 Chapter 5 Cultural Diversity

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Nursing 110 Chapter 5 Cultural Diversity

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