NTU Clubs & ello monkey kangaroo PDF

Title NTU Clubs & ello monkey kangaroo
Author Ihav Idia
Course Expressive Drawing: Developing Personal Approach & Style
Institution Nanyang Technological University
Pages 32
File Size 3.4 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 29
Total Views 128


monkey kangaroo loryan gi raf hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahaahhahahhaa HOW...


d n a s b u l C Guide s e i t e i c o S tuden by NTU S

ts’ Union





NON ACADEMIC CLUBS Welfare Services Club Cultural Activities Club (CAC) Sports Club

22 27





NTU Students’ Union Find Us On Social Media: @ntu.su Contact Email: [email protected]

The NTU Students’ Union seeks to act as the voice for our current 23,000 undergraduate students (our Union Members), and to bridge a gap between the University administration and all Union Members, bu actively engaging our exco, and out 22 committees under the Union and the close collaboration between other Student Organisations.

MISSION To empower the voices, advocate the interests, and enhance the vibrancy of campus life of NTU students. VISION A community where NTU students are empowered partners in building their university experience.



President The President lays the strategic direction and oversees the executive decisions of the Union.



(Corporate Communications)

(Student Activities)

Oversees and aligns the communication process between the Students’ Union and the student body.

Corporate Communications Executive (Branding) Oversees the Union’s branding strategy through the maximising of design and media collaterals.

Corporate Communications Executive (Relations) Oversees the two-way relationship of the Union and the student body through feedback platforms and publications.

Oversees and aligns all flagship projects, according to the NTUSU mission and vision.

Honorary General Secretary

Honorary Financial Secretary

Promotes internal governance and oversees the operations and research arm of the Union.

Strategises for the prudent use of Union funds and oversees the corporate and financial arm of the Union.

Human Resource Executive Oversees matters pertaining to the human resources policies of the Union.

Welfare Executive (Development) Works to enhance students’ welfare by campaigning for a holistic,student-centric academic experience in NTU.

Special Projects Executive

Operations Executive

Financial Executive

Integration Executive

Information & Research Executive

Organises both flagship and ad-hoc projects to engage students during the semester, such as U-Study and NTU Open House.

Manages assets and oversees the facility operations of the Union.

Responsible for the financial claims and reimbursements on expenses related to the Union.

Promotes cultural awareness and advocates for an inclusive and holistic student experience for local and international students.

Oversees the research and data arm of the Union to support policy formulations.

Student Engagement Executive Responsible for fostering a spirit of community and unity among the student body, through events organised.

Welfare Executive (Student Life) Works to enhance students’ welfare through projects such as orientation, hall allocation and campus transportation.

Corporate Liason Executive

Business Projects Executive

Student Life Executive (Orientation)

Orientation Associate Executive

Union Advisor

Responsible for engaging corporate partners and securing partnerships to provide welfare for students.

Oversees the business arm of the Union and promotes innovation of new businesses to support the Union.

Oversees the relationship between students and the University administration, in all matters pertaining to orientation.

Supports the Orientation Executive in duties, as well as helming the position of the Union Orientation chairperson.

Maintains the continuity of information between Executive Committees

Integrated Career Opportunities Network Committee @ ntusu


School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering (SCBE) Club

Material Science and Engineering Club

School of Art, Design and Media (ADM) Student Club

Civil and Environmental Engineering (EE) Club

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) Club

Asian School of the Environment (ASE) Club

Communication and Information (CI) Club

School of Humanities (SoH) Club

School of Biological Sciences (SBS) Student’s Club

Computer Science and Engineering (SCSE) Club

School of Social Sciences (SSS) Club

Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) Club

Students’ Medical Society

Sports Club

Cultural Activities Club

School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (SPMS) Club

Trainee Teachers’ Club

Welfare Services Club



Faculty clubs are student bodies that act as a medium between the NTU Student Union and the faculty’s own student body. The club is run by a student-elected management that maintains the welfare of the students through engaging them in various activities.


Accountancy and Business Club Find Us On Social Media: @NTUABC

Accountancy and Business Club is an Academic Constituent Club that aims to create value for

ASE Club Find Us On Social Media: @aseclub Contact Email: [email protected]

NTU Asian School of the Environment Club is a club that caters to ASE Students' welfare and needs.

the students of NBS through our events and activities.

NBS Audit and Assurance Team Find Us On Social Media: @nbs_naat Contact Email: [email protected]

NAAT partners with Student Affairs Office to provide financial advisory services to over 80 student organisations within NTU as means of honing our financial advisory skills & knowledge. NAAT allows students to experience real audit sessions to learn and apply what was taught in school. NAAT also works together with professional bodies and firms to spread awareness

Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) Club The Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) Club serves all Civil, Environmental and Maritime Studies students in NTU. Through various engaging activities, we aim to enrich student’s university life, meet students’ needs, build a bridge between faculty and students, and be the voice for our CEE students in NTU.

Tax Advisory Club

Communication and Information Club

Find Us On Social Media: @ntutaxadvisoryclub Contact Email: [email protected]

Find Us On Social Media: @wkwsci Contact Email: [email protected]

TAC raises awareness on tax and advisory services among students, and is the point-of-contact for students, the Big 4 accountancy firms and professional bodies who are reaching out to students at NBS.

Find Us On Social Media: @eeeclubntu Contact Email: [email protected]

The best of student welfare can be found at EEE Club, which looks after our students’ academic and non-academic needs. Interactive workshops and memorable events — including the annual Freshman Orientation Programme (Efinity), EEE Week, Exam Welfare Wishes — are among the many things the Club does to spice up campus life, foster cohesiveness, and build bonds among EEE students.

Find Us On Social Media: @ntuceeclub Contact Email: [email protected]

on audit and certifications that interested students can pursue.

Tax Advisory Club (TAC) aims to promote tax knowledge, raise the level of professional competency, and increase the vibrancy of the Nanyang Business School (NBS) tax community.

Electrical and Electronics Engineering Club

The Communication & Information Club (CI Club) is the official student club that represents and serves the student body of the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information, NTU. The CI Club also enhances the vibrant school culture at WKWSCI, organising events and activities for the students to enjoy.

Egnite Find Us On Instagram: @egnite.eee

In our increasingly hectic lifestyles today, we sacrifice a small fraction of our time to make a difference to the less privileged by showing an act of kindness and support to them. To some, this might not seem much. However, to those who are less fortunate, no act of altruism is ever wasted.

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Club Find Us On Social Media: @ntumaeclub Contact Email: [email protected]

With MAE Without Strangers as the vision, MAE Club is an academic constituent club that serves MAE undergraduates. Visit our website at www.maeclub.com

ADM Student Club

Computer Science and Engineering Club


Find Us On Social Media: @ntu_adm Contact Email: [email protected]

Find Us On Social Media: @ntucseclub Contact Email: [email protected]

Find Us On Social Media: @ntuscbe Contact Email: [email protected]

ADM Student Club promotes interaction, bonding and common identity among members of student body of the School of Art, Design and Media. We aim to promote the academic pursuits and aspirations of members of the ADM Student Club.

Music District Club President: @musicdistrict_adm Contact Email: [email protected]

Where students of ADM with a passion for music and stage direction come together to create live performances.

Academic Constituent Club of School of Computer Science and Enginnering (SCSE).

Material Science and Engineering Club Find Us On Social Media: @ntumseclub Contact Email: [email protected]

Representatives of the faculty, planning events and managing student welfare.

School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Club (SCBE) is a student organisation established to improve the welfare and student lives of SCBE students. We organise social and academic events such as Night Cycling and SCBE Day, as well as multiple exam welfare initiatives such as Fruit Drive and Exam BOO-ster Night for SCBE-ians to come together and have fun, while providing a fulfilling experience to all SCBE-ians!

ACADEMIC CLUBS School of Social Sciences Club

Biological Sciences Club Find Us On Social Media: @ntusbsclub

Chinese Sub-Club

The student-run Biological Sciences Student’s Club was founded in 2002 as an active unit of the School. The Club organizes events such as the College of Sciences Day and Freshmen Orientation Programme. In addition, the Club committee members work with the School management to address issues that concern students, from academic matters to welfare matters and beyond.

Find Us On Social Media: @ntu.chinese Contact Email: [email protected]

We aim to represent students enrolled in Chinese, and become a feedback channel. We also manage the student’s welfare and seek to promote interest in Chinese both as an academic subject of critical inquiry and a philosophy to the student body in NTU.

Find Us On Social Media: @ntusssclub Contact Email: [email protected]

SSS Club plans and organises events for the SSS student populace and hopes to brand inclusivity between the 4 courses it houses: Economics, Sociology, Psychology and Public Policy and Global Affairs.

Economics Society English Sub-Club Club President: Han Pei Lin, Kimberly Contact Email: [email protected]

SBS Biohackaton Contact Email: [email protected]

Established in 2019, the SBS Biohackathon was established with a goal to promote programming and data science in the field of biology. The function of the club serves as a platform for SBS and other disciplines to come together and share interests on data science and programming as a skill set.

As the voice of English Literature students, we provide an avenue of welfare and support for EL students to have a fulfilling time in school. We liaise with the Main Management Committee to find opportunities and plan events that engages our students in various academic and social

Find Us On Social Media: @ntu.history Contact Email: [email protected]

Club President: @spms_club Contact Email: [email protected]

The SPMS Club is the Student body that aims to unify the SPMS population, build a strong SPMS identity and spirit, promote social interaction between students and provides academic welfare and support.

School of Humanities Club Club President: @ntu.Soh Contact Email: [email protected]

The Club was established to enhance our students' university experience both scholastically and socially. Through events such as Exam Welfare Week, SoH Anniversary, Freshmen Orientation Camp, as well as dialogue sessions, our students are able to interact and bond with fellow students from other subject areas and, through this exchange, foster a vibrant SoH Identity.

The NTU Economics Society is a student-run organisation that aims to enhance the academic, career and social facets of all students who are interested in Economics. Our society and its network continues to grow past its decennial anniversary and we aim to continue to provide fulfilling and exciting events for our members.


History Sub-Club

School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences Club

Find Us On Social Media: @ntuecsoc Contact Email: [email protected]

Our club aims to cultivate an interest in history among all students of NTU and provide opportunities for history students to participate history-related projects in external organisations.

Public Policy and Global Affairs Sub Club Find Us On Social Media: @ntu.ppga Contact Email: [email protected]

PPGA Sub Club envisions to enrich the University experience of the PPGA students. To be the platform that allows for students to express their points regarding the social, economic and political issues of our country.

LMS Sub-Club Find Us On Instagram: @ntulms Contact Email: [email protected]

The Linguistics and Multilingual Studies (LMS) Sub-club aims to encourage cohesion and provide welfare for the LMS student body as well as liaise between external entities and the student body to provide them with a platform for career prospects and internship opportunities.

Philosophy Sub-Club Club President: Benny Chee Contact Email: [email protected]

The Philosophy Sub-Club aims to inspire interest for philosophy and improve welfare of our student body. We regularly plan an array of philosophy-related events and activities, and run our own publication The Nanyang Philosophy Review to share ideas and introducing philosophy to the uninitiated.

Psychology Society Find Us On Social Media: @ntupsychsoc Contact Email: [email protected]

NTU Psychology Society is a student-run organisation that is open to anyone who is interested in Psychology, regardless of their major or field! We aim to create an educated awareness of, and to foster a greater interest in Psychology, through organizing psychology-related events and providing resources relevant to psychology for our Society members and everyone in NTU.

Sociological Society Find Us On Social Media: @ntusocisociety Contact Email: [email protected]

NTUSS is a safe platform which facilitates bonding amongst sociology students. With multiple opportunities and various community outreach programmes available, students are able to engage with the community around them, and in turn, this would create a vibrant and inclusive atmosphere amongst them.

ACADEMIC CLUBS Students' Medical Society Find Us On Social Media: @purpleandsilver Contact Email: [email protected]

Now in its seventh iteration, LKCMedSoc has grown to over 600 members encompassing all five batches, both pre-clinical and clinical. LKCMedSoc's goals are to to enhance the university experience for all undergraduate students.

Club Jeux Find Us On Facebook: Club Jeux

Physical Education & Sports Science Club (PESS) Find Us On Social Media: @niepessclub Contact Email: [email protected]

We believe in learning while having fun through playing board games. We have an array of over 100 different games to cater to different interests and purposes. Whether you just want to borrow games, or you are someone who's serious about using games in the classroom, contact us to find out more. Or, join us during our opening hours and meet up with our friendly members!

At PESS, we organize sports events to promote an active lifestyle in NIE. We also organize courses for SSM as well as PE student-teachers to help them obtain certificates that will develop their skills once they enter the teaching field. In essence, we aim to promote the use of sports and games to increase awareness and promote the joy of participating in an active lifestyle.

Trainee Teachers' Club Find Us On Social Media: @niettcsg Contact Email: [email protected]

The Trainee Teachers’ Club’s (TTC) foremost duty is to safeguard and enhance the interests of its student-teacher members. The Club achieves this by: promoting vibrancy on campus for a safe and lively environment that student-teachers feel at home in; organizing events that lend a sense of vibrancy and active student life; and refining initiatives that care for the needs and wants of student-teachers in the National Institute of Education (NIE).

DanceFuzion Find Us On Social Media: @nie.dancefuzion Contact Email: [email protected]

Taught by our resident choreographer, Ms Chua Choon Hui (Converge Studios), our primary dance genre is Hip Hop, and sometimes, we would explore other styles (e.g. Girls’ Style, Bollywood). As no entry audition is required, we accept everyone and encourage all members to learn from each other, inculcating unity, self-confidence and expression.

Chinese Language Education And Research (CLEAR) Club Club ArNex Find Us On Social Media: @club.arnex Contact Email: [email protected]

Club ArNex is a creative and exciting club that organises art-related events for students, by students! We organise a variety of events, from Valentine's Day, to Flower Arrangement, Poetry Fests, and more!

Find Us On Social Media: @nieclearclub

We aim to: Promote a greater appreciation of Chinese Culture within NIE Community. Facilitate interaction among different ethnic groups in NIE. Provide a platform that equips future Chinese Language teachers with professional qualities and skills. Work on education-related projects so as to raise the awareness of Chinese education.

Club Sci·Napse

Service Learning Club

Find Us On Social Media: @scinapse Contact Email: [email protected]

Find Us On Social Media: @nieslc Contact Email: [email protected]

Club Sci·Napse aims to provide a Fun, inClusive and viBrant environment for student teachers to Interact and learn more about the wonders of science through our activities.* We aim to bring forth various opportunities to d...

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