Nuclear Weapons Essay for GOV207 PDF

Title Nuclear Weapons Essay for GOV207
Course International Politics
Institution Union County College
Pages 4
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This was Submitted for Professor Margiotta's GOV207 class, with the topic being if nuclear disarmament was a good idea....


Nuclear Bombs are incredibly destructive weapons, so much so that can level an entire city in seconds. For that reason, many of the world’s high level powers are in possession of one, even if Anarcho-Capitalists are joked about for wanting a piece of the nuclear bomb pie as well. I guess that ensures mutually assured destruction between two parties with said capabilities to annihilate each other’s cities within the blink of an eye. If Hiroshima and Nagasaki are anything to go by, the destruction and aftermath a bomb like that would cause would be incredibly hard, if not impossible, to truly comprehend. An entire city being leveled to the ground unless there are buildings made of strong material, the survivors being at severe risk of radiation sickness which I don’t want to show because I’d rather you not gouge your eyes out, all of which has proven how destructive human beings can really be when we try to. The most scary thing about all of this is that nuclear bombs have grown drastically more destructive ever since Japan surrendered in 1945, with the most powerful weapon that was ever detonated being the USSR’s own Tsar Bomba, which translates from Russian to mean King Bomb, having a capability of 50 megatons. Even if all of that is true, ever since the United States dropped the nukes on Japan, the only notable conflict within the past 50 years was the Cold War between the US and USSR, where at most there were tensions. This alone should prove to be a motive to not mess around with countries that are either rumored or have confirmed to be in possession of nuclear weapons. As such, I believe that disarming nuclear bombs would be a foolish decision.

Perhaps we should start with their destructiveness. Oddly enough, it can be a memoriam mortis, or a reminder of death, because of how impersonal and destructive they can be. As I have noted before, the destructive capabilities are frightening, so being reminded that if the bomb detonates then you would be annihilated, it may make you think twice about doing some less than savory acts. Aside that, many high power countries like the USA and the Russian Federation have a large enough amount of nuclear bombs to assure destruction to any country that pushes them too far. For them, it would be foolish to even think about disarming because they wouldn’t want their adversaries to see this as weakness and attack them. I also discussed the threat of just having one could have. Throughout the time since WWII, no war between superpowers happened, and there is a good reason to suggest that nuclear bombs are the reason behind it. In the end, I do believe that it’s imperative to keep our nuclear stockpile up to date. Being able to ensure a deadly retaliation is possibly the best defense against an attack. Even if it means your enemies aren’t even dust in the wind after you decide to retaliate.

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