Nursing 354 ACE Syllabus 2021(1) PDF

Title Nursing 354 ACE Syllabus 2021(1)
Author aashish katara
Course Mental Health Nursing
Institution Southern Connecticut State University
Pages 24
File Size 621.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 89
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Course outline with QSEN...


Southern Connecticut State University School of Health and Human Services Department of Nursing Nursing 354 Section 3 ACE

Mental Health Nursing Semester: Spring 2021

Faculty: Mary Ann Glendon, Ph.D., MSN, RN Office: JE. 108 Phone: 392-6481 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Arranged by Appointment Monday 11am-12pm, 3pm-4pm, Tuesday 11:30-12:30pm, Thursday 10am-12pm. Class time/ location Section 3 Tues. 8:10 a.m.-11:30 a.m.

Place: Online and on ground following quizzes CLINICAL FACULTY: Prof. Meari Avery (Connecticut Valley Hospital), Prof. Dom Biello (Middlesex Hospital), Prof. Morgan Madore (The Hospital of Central Connecticut Hospital), Prof. Suzanne Turner (Bridgeport Hospital) , and Prof. Emily Vincent (The Hospital of Central Connecticut Hospital). CLINICAL: Wednesdays, Fridays, or Saturdays (usual times are 8am- 4pm or 7am.-3pm. but may vary depending on the site) – see clinical group assignment. bn Delayed Start Policy The policy is as follows: “Delayed starts mean that activities beginning before the announced start time are delayed in terms of when the activity will begin, it does not mean that the activity is cancelled, but rather that the activity will begin at the announced start time and conclude at the time it would normally end. For example, a class scheduled to begin at 8:00 a.m. and run to 11:00 a.m. would begin at 9:00 a.m. and conclude at 11:00 a.m. With early closings, activities that would normally run past the early closing time will cease at the set early closing time, and activities that would normally begin after that time are cancelled, for example if the early closing was set for 3:00 p.m. a class normally running from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. would cease meeting at 3:00 p.m., a class scheduled to begin at 4 p.m. and run to 7 p.m. would be cancelled.” Inclement Weather

In case the weather is inclement, please call 392-SNOW (7669) or the university’s Home page to obtain information about the school closing or a delay. If a class is cancelled or delayed by the University, the student will be responsible for the information that would have been covered in class Course Description: Issues of mental health nursing, including adaptive and ineffective 1

behaviors, major psychiatric illnesses and high-risk populations are addressed. The student applies theoretical knowledge utilizing various models in a clinical practicum. Students are encouraged to incorporate the goals of Healthy People 2030, a vision for achieving improved health for all Americans, as they proceed with their course work. Prerequisites: Successful completion of all Junior Fall semester nursing courses, and current CPR certification is required. Students must meet all health requirements as noted in the Student Handbook before they can begin the clinical experience. Corequisite: Pathopharm II. Permission must be granted from the NUR 354 instructor in writing to continue in NUR 354 if Pathopharm II is dropped or failed. Credits: 3 Credit (Total of 7 weeks direct class faculty instruction (4 hours per week) and 8 hours per week clinical experience for 7 weeks, and minimal 6 hours per week outside of class preparation, reading, assignments). BSN Program Outcomes: 1. Incorporates theoretical concepts and foundational knowledge from liberal education to guide nursing practice. 2. Integrate current best evidence and professional standards into nursing practice with consideration of clinical expertise and patient preferences and values. 3. Apply leadership and management principles to achieve quality and safety outcomes. 4. Demonstrate responsiveness to the larger context of the healthcare system regarding regulatory, financial, and political factors that influence the quality and value of care. 5. Function effectively within nursing and inter-professional teams to foster open communication, collaboration, mutual respect, and shared decision-making. 6. Provide patient-centered care that recognizes individual and/or family preferences, values, and needs, respecting patients and families as full partners in care. 7. Promote individual and population health, wellness, and disease prevention at the global/local level. 8. Use information and technology to provide care, communicate, educate, manage knowledge, prevent error, and make critical decisions that optimize patient outcomes. 9. Demonstrate behaviors consistent with social justice, legal and ethical accountability, and professional codes and standards. 10. Minimize risk of harm to patients, providers, and the public through continuous improvement in both system effectiveness and individual performance.

Course Objectives: At the completion of this course, the student will be able to:



Identify psychological, developmental, and sociological-cultural concepts (theories) of mental illness. (PO.1, test & paper)


Recognize adaptive coping mechanisms for the psychiatric client. (PO 5,6, test, paper & activities)


Participate in the therapeutic milieu and use therapeutic communication in patient interventions. (PO 2, 6, 9, clinical experience & test)


Participate in therapeutic groups for the mentally.(PO 2, clinical experience, paper, & test)


Identify patterns of interactions in the dysfunctional family and their significance in family growth. (PO 1, 2, 5, 9, test, activities, clinical experience, & paper)


Integrate concepts from mental health nursing into a nursing care plan of a patient with mental illness. (PO 1, 2, 8, 10, paper & test)


Collaborate with other members of the interdisciplinary health team in planning care. (PO 3, 5, 6, paper & clinical experience)


Evaluate the impact of mental illness and hospitalization on the client and family. (PO 6, 9, paper, clinical experience)


Assess manifestations of side effects on the major drug groups (i.e., antipsychotic and antidepressant) in selected psychiatric conditions. (PO 2, 6, test, paper, & clinical experience)


Discuss and analyze the ethical and legal issues concerning mental health and mental illness. (PO 7, 9, 10, test, paper & activities)


Analyze research findings for application to nursing and to nursing practice. (PO 2, 8. test, paper, & clinical experience)

See Clinical Objectives on the Clinical Evaluation Tool (CET) for specific clinical competencies. Teaching/Learning Strategies: Lecture, small group discussions; audio-visual materials, critical thinking activities. Evaluation: Medication Presentation and Paper, a Written Assignment, quizzes, and a HESI Examination. 3

Clinical Practice Sites: Clinical experience in acute care settings, partial hospitalization programs, community rehabilitation programs, and outpatient clinics. Required Text(s): Halter, M. J. (2018). Varcarolis’ foundations of psychiatric mental health nursing (8th Ed.). Elsevier Inc. ISBN 978-0 323-38967-9 Recommended APA. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association, (7th Ed). APA. ISBN: 143383216X Changes noted in the APA 7th Edition _changes_7th_edition.html Pedersen, D. (2018). Psych notes: Clinical pocket guide (5th Ed.). FA. Davis. ISBN: 978-0-8036-6089-2 Grading Successful achievement in both theory and clinical experience is mandatory for a passing grade in Nursing 354. To pass this course, students must receive a passing grade for both the theory and clinical portions of the course. Regardless of the actual theory grade, failure to achieve a pass on the clinical component will result in a course failure. Students must achieve all critical clinical course

objectives by the end of the clinical experience to pass the course. Students who receive less than a 77 in the course and/or a failure in the clinical portion of the grade must repeat both the theoretical and clinical portion of the course (per SCSU Undergraduate Nursing Policies).

Students are encouraged to access the resources available through the textbook such as Pre-tests, Post-tests, NCLEX review questions, and the HESI case studies on the evolve student website. Website: Course requirements for Nursing 354: 1. Theory A.

A medication presentation and paper related to the characteristics of a specific group of psychiatric medications and the patient education issues involved with these specific psychiatric medications. 4


Written Assignment about attendance at a community support group.


Examinations: four (4) quizzes, one (1) HESI exam

Method of evaluation: A. Medication presentation and paper B. Self Help Group Written Assignment C.

4% 2%

Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Quiz 4

Feb. 9 Feb. 16 Feb. 23 March 9

18.5% 18.5% 18.5% 18.5%


March 16th



_____ 100%

HESI: All students will take a course specific, standardized HESI (Health Education Systems Incorporated) exam. The conversion score on the HESI will count as 20% of your course grade. The remaining 80% of the course grade will be earned through quizzes and papers as explained in the syllabus. Any student who receives a grade of 80 or below must make an appointment to meet with the faculty and review their quiz prior to taking the next quiz. Clinical component A student must receive a PASSING clinical practice grade to receive a passing grade in this course. The Nursing 354 Clinical Evaluation Tool will be used to evaluate clinical practice. Critical thinking, therapeutic interventions, communication, assessment, and professional accountability are the major student outcomes evaluated. Students must develop satisfactory clinical papers. The assigned clinical instructors will be responsible for evaluating papers and determining the student’s overall clinical grade. Students are expected to adhere to the ANA Code of Ethics.

CLASSROOM PARTICIPATION IS EXPECTED All students are expected to be active learners in this class Clinical Experience: Successful achievement in both theory and clinical experience is mandatory for a passing grade in Nursing 354. Students must achieve all critical clinical course objectives by the end of the semester to pass the course. 5

A student may be asked to go to the Practice Lab to become more competent with a skill or skills that is/are needed for the specific clinical specialty. The instructor(s) may ask the student to do this as a stipulation to passing the clinical component of a specific course or just for additional practice. This time will be in addition to the regularly scheduled clinical time. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange this with the faculty member who works in the Practice Lab. Any further questions about this should be directed to the clinical faculty. Course Policies: 1. Attendance in clinical areas is mandatory and students must be in the area at the specified time. Attendance during clinical experiences is MANDATORY since missing clinical jeopardizes your ability to meet course and clinical objectives. If it becomes necessary to miss clinical, the student MUST notify the clinical instructor AND the agency BEFORE the expected time of arrival. Students who miss one day of clinical will be required to attend a makeup SIM day on the following date: Saturday. March 20– first half of semester The Simulation Experience

Materials are posted on the course BB site

A Simulation is an interactive experience where a real-life situation is recreated in a safe learning environment. In the simulation encounter, all students will have the opportunity to work in an RN capacity. You will be expected to give complete care based on assessment skills, theory, the nursing process and designing and implementing a plan of care for the patient. Your patient may be a manikin or a person (simulated patient). Simulation is part of your clinical experience; therefore, a missed simulation is considered a missed clinical. Due to the structure, design and focus of the simulations, each hour of simulation is equal to 2 hours of clinical time. When the encounter has concluded, there will be a debriefing session which will give you the opportunity to explore, reflect and provide feedback regarding the experience. You are expected to attend simulation dressed for a clinical day adhering to the dress code as put forth by the Department of Nursing. Remember to bring a stethoscope, watch, and pen light to all simulations, as well as, your pre-simulation assignment, a pen/pencil and paper. Students who miss more than one day of clinical will be given an additional assignment that will be comparable to the workload hours of a clinical day. Clinical should only be missed for significant illness or extenuating, urgent circumstances. Any missed clinicals for illness or significant event require proper documentation to clinical and classroom instructor. 2. Absences from class are to be related to the faculty as soon as possible. When an absence or lateness occurs during the clinical experience, the clinical faculty member, and the clinical facility (unit) should be notified. An absence of five days or longer shall be reported to the Office of Student Affairs. 6

3. Classroom learning provides the knowledge base for clinical practice. The students are responsible and accountable to the provider and consumer of health care. Attendance in class allows for faculty/student discussion and clarification of health care concepts in the practice of nursing; therefore, class attendance is required, and students must be in class at the specified time. Students who miss class may be unable to meet the course objectives. 4. Permission of the individual instructor &/ guest speaker is required for tape recording any class lecture-discussion. 5. University policies concerning examination procedures will be strictly enforced. All examinations (i.e., quizzes and final) must be taken on the day scheduled. If there is an excused absence for a test or examination, the make-up test may be the essay type. Students must assume responsibility for taking the make-up examination or test within one week; unless there has been an arrangement made in writing with the faculty member; otherwise, the grade automatically becomes zero. When students are late for an examination, they will not be permitted to take the examination unless an excuse, satisfactory to the examiner, is given. Students are not allowed to keep examination or test papers. Students may review their own papers at the discretion of the faculty. 6. Academic Honesty- we expect the highest standards of academic honesty. Academic dishonesty is defined in your university student handbook. This policy prohibits cheating on examinations, unauthorized collaborations on assignments, unauthorized access to examinations or course materials, plagiarism, and other proscribed activities such as text messaging directly before, during and after a quiz or exam. Plagiarism is defined as the use of another’s idea(s) as your own, either intentionally or unintentionally. See the student handbook for further clarification on the university policy. 7. Cell Phone Use – Students are notified that cellular phones are allowed in class only if they are turned off or engaged in the silent mode. Under no circumstance are phones to be answered in class. Students who ignore this policy may be asked to leave the class. When there are extenuating circumstances that require a student to be available by phone, the student should speak to the faculty member prior to class so that arrangements can be made. Texting during class is not allowed. Laptop computers are allowed for the purpose of taking notes during class and resourcing relevant class resource material, not for personal communication. Students are not permitted to use cell phones while in the clinical area (due to HIPPA regulations) or during examinations. Arrangements can be made in the clinical agency if a student needs to be reached during the clinical experience. Addendum: Should the faculty choose to allow turning technologies/responseware app use during class, the student should only use their cell phone to briefly answer the question and should have cell phone facing down for remaining time of the course. Students who do not adhere to this policy may be asked to leave the class.


8. Student Accommodations Disabilities: University policies will be followed. Students are encouraged to meet with the instructor as soon as possible, to discuss any concern so that appropriate accommodations can be made. Accommodations cannot be given without the proper documentation. Please see the Student Handbook for additional information.

“Southern Connecticut State University provides reasonable accommodations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, for students with documented disabilities on an individualized basis. If you are a student with a documented disability, the University’s Disability Resource Center (DRC) can work with you to determine appropriate accommodations. Before you receive accommodations in this class, you will need to make an appointment with the Disability Resource Center located at EN C-105A, telephone 203392-6828. To discuss your approved accommodations with me or other concerns, such as medical emergencies or arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment to meet as soon as possible. My office location is Jennings 108. If any student has a particular disability related need to participate in this course, such as, special seating, note-taking assistance, the use of tape recorders, or modified examination conditions, please let me know as soon as possible so that appropriate accommodations can be made. 9. Student papers and other written assignments are due on the date specified by the faculty. Five points will be deducted from the grade for each day an assignment is late. Under extenuating circumstances, an extension may be granted at the discretion of the faculty member and/or faculty team. All requests for extensions must be put in writing by the student and submitted to the faculty member concerned prior to the due date. Student papers may not be returned. Students are encouraged to make a copy of the paper prior to submission to the faculty member for their own records. 10. Students are required to adhere to the Department of Nursing Dress Code when at all the clinical sites unless changes are specifically discussed with the faculty member. Most facilities require students wear their SCSU student uniforms. Check with your clinical faculty. Some facilities do allow students in Mental Health Nursing to dress in business casual attire. Violation of the Dress Code will result in the student being asked to leave the clinical area. A student may be required to leave the clinical area if, in the judgment of the faculty member, his /her health status could adversely affect the client or if the student is unprepared for the clinical practice.


11. HESI: All students will take a course specific, standardized HESI (Health Education Systems Incorporated) exam during Final Exams week. The final exam schedule will be determined at the discretion of SCSU and not by the instructor. The conversion score on the HESI will count as 20% of your course grade. The remaining 80% of the course grade will be earned through quizzes and papers as explained in this syllabus. 12. Exam Soft The SCSU Department of Nursing uses Exam Soft for all course exams unless otherwise determined by the Professor. Exam Soft provides for computerized testing and procedures that are consistent with those used for the NCLEX-RN licensing examination. In order to take your exam, you will need to use either Firefox or Chrome as your brow...

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