Nutrition Final SG - all 3 exams + answers into one document PDF

Title Nutrition Final SG - all 3 exams + answers into one document
Author Mackenzi Pfeffer
Course Nutrition
Institution Lindenwood University
Pages 21
File Size 127.8 KB
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all 3 exams + answers into one document...


Principle number one states that food is a basic human need yet 14.6% of individuals living in the United States have limited or are uncertain about the availability of safe and nutritious food - true which of the following substances is an essential nutrient? - saturated fats __________ are levels of essential nutrient intake judge to be adequate to meet the known nutrient needs of practically all 98% of healthy people while decreasing the risk of certain chronic diseases - Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) cholesterol is a nutrient that must be consumed in the diet - false Poor nutrition or malnutrition can result from both inadequate and excessive levels of nutrient intake - true complex carbohydrates include ________ - starches, glycogen, and most types of fiber ________ is the average glycemic index proven to have significant health benefits and people with diabetes and also reduces the risk of chronic diseases, I. E, heart disease - 45 or less which substance provides the most energy per gram - fat essential amino acids are produced by the human body - False The DRI for proteins can range between 10 to 35% of an individual‘s daily calorie intake - true an example of an anthropometric measurement is the - height of an individual which among the following are fat soluble vitamins - A, D, E, and K dietary cholesterol is a fat like, clear liquid found an animal products and is a precursor of estrogen, testosterone, and vitamin D - true

The standard levels of nutrient intakes listed in the nutrition facts panel on packaged foods are known as - NOT RECOMMENDED INTAKES Most adults consume adequate levels of essential alpha Linolenic/omega-3 fatty acids - true The 15 minerals considered essential for humans are a source of electrical power that stimulates muscles to contract and helps maintain adequate amounts of water and the tissues and controls the body's acid base balance - true _________ our chemical substances found in fruits, vegetables, beans, greens, and other plants with different proposed effects and health benefits - phytonutrients The recommended fiber intake for females is ________ Grams/day - 21-25 dietary changes introduced for the purpose of improving the intake of a particular nutrient produces a ripple effect on the intake of other nutrients - true saturated fats are considered a non-essential nutrient - false which of the following are sources of dietary water - all of these answers apply (Coffee, fruit juice, vegetable juice, brothy soups) The balance of fluids, nutrients, gases, temperature, and other conditions needed to ensure proper functioning of cells is known as - homeostasis Nutrigenomics, the study of nutrient gene interactions, green tea was found to reduce prostate cancer in men - true diabetes, heart disease, cancer, hypertension, and dyslipidemia are chronic diseases associated with poor nutrition - true Community level assessment of population health includes which of the following


all of these answers apply (nutritional surveillance, observational studies, vital statistics data)

The national priorities of healthy people 2020 for improvement in health status during the preconception are to increase the proportion of women of childbearing age potential and take of at least 400 mcg folic acid from fortified food/dietary supplements by 10% - true food and dietary supplement, calories, and body fat affect fertility primarily by altering - The environment of egg and sperm development obesity is generally indicated by body mass index value over ______ kg/m2 - 30 which of the following is not included in the nutrition assessment step of the nutrition care process that focuses on the delivery of affective nutrition care - NOT BIOCHEMICAL AND MEDICAL TESTS in a woman, a weight loss of greater than 10 to 15% decreases the hormones estrogen, LH, and FSH leading to Amenorrhea, anovulatory cycles and short or absent luteal phases thereby reducing fertility - true which factor would be more likely to affect female fertility than male fertility - Poor iron stores _________ is an essential nutrient for DNA replication involved in amino acid synthesis and vitamin metabolism. And adequate intake early in pregnancy is related to approximately 50% of neural tube defect such as spina bifida - vitamin B -9 (folate) folate is the synthetic form of vitamin B9 - false The preconception nutrition recommendation for the intake of iron is ______ mg/ daily - 18 which one of the following is the leading cause of female infertility - polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) The regular consumption of which of the following is recommended to improve iron deficiency - lean meat

One month before conception through three months after conception is considered the critical. When nutrition and other exposures can impact conception, pregnancy maintenance, growth, development, and health of the offspring - true fetal malformations are most strongly associated with - NOT ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION The development of facial and heart abnormalities in the fetus has been linked to ______ by the mother - excessive vitamin a intake A woman who is obese at pre-conception is at increased risk of maternal complications - false pregnancy is the most intense period of growth and development humans will ever experience - true A function of the placenta is the removal of waste products from the fetus - true population white improvements and social circumstances, infectious disease control, and availability of _______ have corresponded to greater reductions in infant mortality then have technological advances in medical care - safe and nutritious foods during pregnancy the primary purpose of increased body water composition is to - expand blood flow and nutrient transfer to the placenta and fetus The recommended calorie needs of a pregnant woman the second trimester are in additional ______ kcal/day - 340 eating disorders are rare in pregnancy because most females with such disorders are sub fertile or in fertile - True in maternal carbohydrate metabolism ________ promotes maternal insulin resistance - diabetogenic effect The preferred source of fuel for the fetus is - glucose

The synthesis of new maternal and fetal tissues is primarily met by the mothers intake of carbohydrates - false, primarily met by protein intake overweight and obese pregnant women do not use their energy stores any differently than normal weight pregnant women so the recommended gain is no different - false, overweight and obese woman use portion of energy stores to support feel growth, they need to gain less The recommended weight gain range for a normal weight women is - 25 to 35 pounds A high-quality pregnancy diet would least likely include - Foods containing little or no salt The water intake for pregnant women is met by increased levels of thirst and consumption of nine, 8 ounce cups of fluid per day - true dietary assessment during pregnancy should cover - usual dietary intake, dietary supplement use, and weight gain progress during pregnancy, moderate or vigorous exercise (60-70% VO2 max) is recommended for healthy women - 3 to 5 days per week The goal of weight loss for an obese pregnant woman is to lose enough weight to meet the recommended weight range during pregnancy - false _______ is a pregnancy specific syndrome where the signs and symptoms range from mild to severe as do the health consequences - preeclampsia which of the following is a risk factor for gestational diabetes - all of these answers apply (Low physical activity levels, excess body fat, unhealthful diet) __________ is a complex range of disabilities and Neuro development and behavior, adaptive skills, and self-regulation in the presence of confirmed PAE (prenatal alcohol exposure) - ARND, alcohol related Neurodevelopmental disorder Weight gain in a multi fetal pregnancy is based on the woman’s prepregnancy weight - True

The primary goal and management of type one diabetes and a pregnant woman is to control - blood glucose levels ideally, when should dietary intervention for preeclampsia begin - prior to pregnancy all commonly used herbal supplements are considered safe for use by pregnant women - True ______ are the nutrient intake standards for healthy people - dietary reference intakes DRIs The dietary reference intake for carbohydrates such as sugars, starches, and fibers is _______% of daily calorie intake - 45 to 65 in body fluids ______ provides a source of electrical power to stimulate muscles to contract (The heart to beat) and the nerves to react - minerals The recommended preconception intake of folic acid is ______ mcg/ per day - 400 The recommended pre-conception and take of iron is _____ mg per day - 18 _______ is related to someone higher rates of infertility and substantially higher rates of subfertility - NOT POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME (PCOS) The national Academy of nutrition and dietetics nutrition care process (NCP) focuses on delivery of affective nutrition care through nutrition monitoring and evaluation as part of a four step process - True which of the following has lead to a decrease in infant mortality in the United States - all of these answers apply (improvements in social circumstances, availability of safe and nutritious food, infectious disease control) in the United States the primary contributor to our highest post neonatal mortality rate is socioeconomic inequality - True

fasting maternal blood glucose levels decline and third trimester due to increased ________ utilization by the fetus - glucose ________ Is the hormone that promotes milk production and is stimulated by suckling - prolactin The flavor of foods in the mothers diet influences the taste of breastmilk - True human milk is the only food needed by most healthy infants for the first ____ months after birth - 6 _________ is considered liquid gold and is produced in the first 2-3 days postpartum - colostrum Human milk is the most appropriate food for infants but can also be used as medical therapy for older children and adults with certain medical conditions - true human breastmilk is composed of 87% water and is _______ to maintain the infants hydration - isotonic The energy needs of infants per kilogram of body weight are higher than at any other time of life - true which of the following can occur with the consumption of alcohol by a mother who is breast-feeding an infant - interferes with the infant sleep patterns letdown failure is the most common reason for the cessation of breast-feeding - false, low milk supply is the most common reason. let down failure is the least common goats rue and milk thistle (blessed thistle) are considered galactagogues because they may reduce the mothers breast milk supply - false, because they promote lactation, synthetic or plant derived breast non-feeding jaundice occurs soon after birth and is due to the infant nursing infrequently or inefficiently causing elevated BilliRubin levels. This condition usually resolves 1 to 2 weeks after birth - true infants who have been exclusively breast-fed for at least four months are protected against - NOT DYSLIPIDEMIA

which of the following is not a newborn growth assessment indicator - sleep/wake cycle bright futures nutrition is one of the programs to decrease infant mortality and improve health outcomes for high risk and at risk infants - true which of the following newborn reflexes related to eating permits feeding - NOT EXTRUSION/TONGUE-THRUST At birth a healthy newborn can Ingest fats, proteins, and complex carbohydrates - false full-term infants are born at ______ weeks gestation - 37-42 when assessing newborn health, motor development is important as it can influence the infants ability to feed themselves and the energy to expand and activities for growth and development - true The two essential fatty acids required in an infants diet or alpha linolenic acid and ______ acid - linoleic The energy needs of an advent range between _____ kcals/kg of body weight - 80-120 The recommended protein intake for infants from 7 to 12 months of age is 1.52 grams/kilograms bodyweight - false to meet the fluid needs of an infant, it is important to add juice to their intake of breastmilk in the first six months of life - False, juice is not needed to meet fluid need if an infant is exclusively breast-fed and not exposed to adequate amounts of sunlight, here she would need a ________ supplement - vitamin D approximately half of the calories in breastmilk come from fat - True which of the following foods can increase the risk of choking in an infant - crackers

growth and the infants health status are better indicators of dietary adequacy than the volume of breastmilk or formula alone - true The adequate intake for fat is _____ grams for infant from birth to six months of age - 31 Iron deficiency anemia is linked to an early introduction of cows milk with an infant - true that AAP and the Academy of nutrition and dietetics recommend that optimal nutrition for infants be provided by exclusive breast-feeding through the first ______ months of life - 6 The DHA content in breastmilk is lower in vegetarian mothers than non-vegetarian mothers - true inadequate iron and take with an infant is associated with which of the following - all of these answers apply (socio emotional development, motor development, poor cognitive development) which mineral contribute significantly to the prevention and reduction of early childhood dental caries - fluoride which of the following is a chromosonal anomaly infants are at risk for - Galactosemia The American Academy of pedodonticsand the AAP recommending an infant be weaned from the bottle between ______ months - 12 to 18 introducing an infant to solid or semi solid foods, complementary foods, is recommended at around six months of age - true when initiating enteral feedings in a preemie, a preterm infant formula is better than breastmilk - False, breastmilk is always best The toddler stage of development is characterized by rapid increase in gross and fine motor skills - true

to encourage the development of feeding skills of toddlers they should be completely weaned off the bottle at 18 to 24 months - false children naturally prefer sweet and slightly _____ tastes - salty The WHO growth charts are designed to be used with children two years and older and are gender specific - false, CDC Growth charts toddlers at ______ are able to use their tongue to clean their lips and has well-developed rotary chewing - 18 to 24 months in the feeding behaviors of toddlers, a food Jag is when they only want one food or food choices are very narrow - True The appetite of preschool age children is related to growth and increases just prior to a growth spurt - True The RDA for protien for children 4 to 8 years of age is _____ g/kg/day - 0.95 children three through five years only need to be physically active for days a week proper for growth and development - false children consuming vegan and macrobiotic diets tend to have a lower growth rate but still remain within normal ranges - true components of a nutrition assessment include a food/nutrition related history, pertinent bio chemical measurements, anthropometric measurements such as weight, height, and body mass index - true which of the following activities is true of the WIC farmers market nutrition program - Provides vouchers to purchase locally grown produce to prevent iron deficiency anemia in toddlers and preschoolers, milk consumption should be limited to _____ ounces per day



A lower IQ, impaired motor, behavioral, and physical activities are seen in children with high levels of lead exposure but not low levels - false, seen in low levels _____ is a food safety practice to reduce the risk of children getting a foodborne illness - fight-BAC A BMI of the 90th percentile would indicate that a three year old is - overweight A daily eating plan reduce the screen time and activity for 60 minutes per day is the _____ stage for treatment of an overweight or obese child - NOT PREVENTION PLUS to decrease the risk of a child developing asthma breast-feeding is recommended in the first 4-6 months - true children on a plant-based diet consuming fruits and vegetables have a ______ lower risk her asthma - NOT 60% children with down syndrome (trisomy 21) have feeding and drinking difficulties due to which of the following - all of the above (larger tounge but reduced muscle tone, low muscle tone in facial muscles, smaller oral cavity) A healthy diet and physical activity are recommendations to help manage the symptoms of ADHD in a four-year-old - True eight foods cause _____ of all food allergies - 90% The need for a nutrition assessment to determine if intensive nutrition services needed does not require which of the following - NOT FEEDING OR EATING SKILLS in children, failure to thrive diagnosis means the weight for age is less than the 25th percentile - Falls, less than the 5th percentile during the school age years growth velocity is as great as it was during infancy



rapid growth during the first year of life differentiate infancy from all other ages - true which of the following is considered a leading cause of infant mortality in the United States - all of these answers apply (Low birth weight, preterm birth, unintended injuries, congenital malformations) One and three children 3 to 5 years of age have dental caries, cavities - true with infants, control of voluntary muscle movement influences their ability to feed themselves and expend energy and activities involving motor development - true The RTA for pro team for children 1 to 3 years of age is ______ g/kg per day - 1.1 preschoolers are unable to adjust energy to meet their caloric needs and must be told to clean their plate - false Toddlers and children typically consume enough foods to meet vitamin and mineral needs except for - vitamin D to help a toddler or preschool or improve ther iron intake which of the following food would you recommend to a parent - meats dark green leafy vegetables such as broccoli kale and collard greens are sources of calcium for toddlers and preschoolers - true which of the following is the purpose of a growth chart for toddlers and preschoolers - all of these answers apply (Monitor growth, assess physical growth, identify potential health or nutrition related problems) in children 3 to 5 years of age, given juice or milk at bedtime increases the risk of dental caries - True The preferred approach in dealing with overweight or obese children is



The causes of children who are overweight or obese are very different than adults and can only be managed by a healthcare professional - false, very similar to adults and can be managed by their parents which of the following is associated with an adequate food consumption and a child who is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder - constipation Healthful eating behaviors cannot only prevent immediate health problems but can also reduce the risk of developing chronic conditions - true menopause is associated with an increase in abdominal fat and a significant increase in the risk of cardiovascular disease and accelerated loss of bone mass - true _______ set policy for USDAs core child nutrition programs - Healthy, Hunger free kids act 2010 ________ is an online self-assessment and planning tool for schools to identify their strengths and weaknesses in health promotion policies and programs - school health index heart disease is often associated with a _______ diet - atherogenic The WHO growth references are for children who are adolescents between 5-19 years and looks at height for age, weight for age and bmi for age - true The five social determinants of health go beyond the biological and genetic make up and behaviors of the individual level - true in school-age children bmi rebound occurs on average at _______ years of age - 6 the additional energy required for the digestion, absorption, and metabolism of what people eats result from - the thermic effect of food (TEF)

in school age children the parents food preferences influence the child’s likes and dislikes but they still want to try foods advertised on te...

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