Quiz 3 - ALL quiz 3 answers PDF

Title Quiz 3 - ALL quiz 3 answers
Course Nutrition and wellness
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 2
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ALL quiz 3 answers...


NSC 150 Quiz #3 1 Define weight bias? How is this tied to the term obesity? (6 . points) Weight bias is an individual's negative perspective of self. This can consist of negative attitudes, thoughts, and behaviors. This is tied to obesity because it can negatively impact a person’s eating as weight bias is correlated to psychological and physical health outcomes. 2 Sarah is a 20 year old women's basketball player. She is 5'10" and 185 lbs. Using (3 . the equation BMI=weight (lbs)/(height (in)) x 703 determine her Body Mass points) Index. a. 24.0 b. 26.5 c. 21.3 d. 28.5 3 Based on Sarah's Body Mass Index, what category does she fall under? . a. Underweight a. b. Normal or healthy c. Overweight d. Obese

(1 point)

4 Discuss BMI and why it is used. What are some pros and cons to using BMI? (5 . Analyze the results of Sarah's BMI and explain if this is an accurate measure of points) her health. -BMI (Body Mass Index) is an indicator (tool) used to determine how much fat a person has. It's also able to analyze any future categories that might lead to health problems. Overall, it's simply able to take and match a measure of an individual's weight category. -A pro in using the BMI is, it consists of simple calculations in which make up the individual’s weight and measures. -A con in using the BMI, is it can be inaccurate when determining a person’s fat seeing as it can't can’t tell the difference between both body weight and body fat. - Sarah’s BMI results seem to add up. Her height and weight are above average in comparison to females in her age classification. 5 Using the Harris Benedict equation for females (below) figure out Sarah's BMR . using information from question 2. Sarah's activity factor is a 1.725 due to her busy schedule with basketball. What are Sarah's estimated energy needs? BMR=655.1 + (9.6 x weight kg) + (1.9 x height cm) - (4.7 x age) pounds/2.2= kg inches x 2.54= cm BMR= 1,184.2 Estimated Energy Needs= 1,628

(5 points)

(6 6 Sarah is interested in decreasing her body fat mass. Based on the calculated points) . estimated energy needs in #5, discuss recommendations you would suggest to Sarah to complete this goal. What calorie range would you recommend? What are important nutrients to incorporate to prevent muscle loss? -Seeing as Sarah is already a basketball player, she could also start strength training in order for her to build muscle mass as well as her strength. Along with this, simply cutting caffeine out of her diet as well as eating nutritious fats such as nuts, avocados, cheese, etc. -Sarah’s recommended calorie range in order to lose weight would be 1,909, seeing as she’s obsese.However, in order for her to just mildly lose weight, her intake should be 2,159. -Some important nutrients in order to incorporate the prevention of muscle loss is receiving Vitamin D, which helps the muscles with functioning. Vitamine A, which helps the muscle in growing and Vitamin C, which helps keep the muscles healthy. 7 Explain the difference between dieting and eating a balanced diet. (5 . points) -Dieting consists of setting a certain goal in regard to calories. The goal with dieting is to lose weight in a certain manner of time. -Eating a balanced diet consists of using specific/ different approaches and nutrients when trying to lose weight. The main goal is to have an adequate amount of nutrients, not just weight loss. 8 Name at least 3 facts relating to dieting and eating disorders. (5 . points) -Relating to dieting, many factors can contribute to shifts for it. For instance, being 1.) Individuals are able to over eat, causing their diet to shift, 2.) Individuals' metabolism weight slows down as their weight continues to increase. 3.) Depression at time’s can result. -Relating to eating disorders, different factors can contribute to them. For instance, being, 1.) Values placed on cultural ideas 2.) Puberty, and 3.) Peer Pressure. 9 Discuss at least 3 strategies for healthy weight gain. (4 . points) Three strategies for healthy weight gain may involve 1.) Accepting that we’re all different in body shapes and sizes. 2.) See ourselves as both beautiful innerly as we are outerly. 3.) During these times we may notice a change in our weight, for instance, if depressed, etc, try to increase our physical activity time....

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