OB module 1 quizzes - OB quiz PDF

Title OB module 1 quizzes - OB quiz
Author Nugwu Nugwu
Course  Nurse Coordinating Care
Institution Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Pages 15
File Size 390 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 104
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OB quiz...


 4 out of 4 points

When evaluating information taught about conception and fetal development, the client verbalizes understanding about transportation time of the zygote through the fallopian tube and into the cavity of the uterus with which statement? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


"It will take at least 3 days for the egg to reach the uterus." a.

"It will take at least 3 days for the egg to reach the uterus."

Question 2 0 out of 4 points

Which of the following four phases of the menstrual cycle is eliminated if implantation occurs? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


menstrual phase b.

ischemic phase

Question 3 4 out of 4 points

A primigravida client comes in for her routine visit at 20 weeks gestation. She tells the nurse she feels "funny" in her stomach; like "something is fluttering." The nurse's best response would be: Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


"That's you feeling the movements by your baby. It's perfectly normal." c.

"That's you feeling the movements by your baby. It's perfectly normal."

Question 4 4 out of 4 points

Which of the following would be typical of a fetus at 20 weeks?

Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


The fetus actively sucks and swallows amniotic fluid. b.

The fetus actively sucks and swallows amniotic fluid.

Question 5 0 out of 4 points

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the most obstetrically-favorable type of female pelvis? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


straight side walls a.

heart-shaped inlet

Question 6 4 out of 4 points

When planning care for a client who has undergone an episiotomy, it would be most important to include a goal that address the need for pain relief of the: Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


perineu m. b.

perineu m.

Question 7 4 out of 4 points

During which weeks of gestation is the embryo/fetus most vulnerable to teratogens? Weeks: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


2-8 a.


Question 8 4 out of 4 points

The placenta produces hormones that are vital to the function of the fetus. Which hormone is primarily responsible for the maintenance of pregnancy past the 11th week? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


progester one d.

progester one

Question 9 4 out of 4 points

When a 46-chromosome cell divides by the process of meiosis, the resulting daughter cells, after the second division, have: Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


23 single chromosomes. d.

23 single chromosomes.

Question 10 4 out of 4 points

After several months of trying to conceive, a couple visits the nurse practitioner. Which position does the nurse suggest the female lie in after intercourse to maximize the amount of sperm entering the uterus? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


on her back c.

on her back

Question 11 4 out of 4 points

If only a small volume of sperm is discharged into the vagina, an

insufficient amount of enzymes may be released when they encounter the ovum. In that case, pregnancy would probably not result because: Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


sperm would be unable to penetrate the zona pellucida of the ovum. d.

sperm would be unable to penetrate the zona pellucida of the ovum.

Question 12 4 out of 4 points

Normal variations in characteristics such as hair and eye color are produced by: Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


exchange of genetic material between chromatids. d.

exchange of genetic material between chromatids.

Question 13 0 out of 4 points

A pregnant woman tells the midwife, "I've heard that if I eat certain foods during my pregnancy, the baby will be a boy." The nurse's response should explain that this is a myth and that the sex of the baby is determined at the time of: Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


differentiati on. b.

fertilization .

Question 14 4 out of 4 points

The physical changes that precede puberty in boys include: Selected Answer:


the appearance of pubic, axillary, and facial hair;

increase in the size of the external genitals; and deepening of the voice. Correct Answer:


the appearance of pubic, axillary, and facial hair; increase in the size of the external genitals; and deepening of the voice.

Question 15 4 out of 4 points

How are oogenesis and spermatogenesis different from each other? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


In spermatogenesis, the first meiotic division begins during puberty. b.

In spermatogenesis, the first meiotic division begins during puberty.

Question 16 0 out of 4 points

Which statement best indicates that the client understands the differences in the follicular and luteal phases of the ovarian cycle? Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


"The follicular phase is the second half of my cycle." b.

"The first part of my period may vary in length, but not the second."

Question 17 0 out of 4 points

A 16-year-old client at the clinic for her first gynecological exam expresses concern to the nurse during her admission history that her left breast seems slightly larger than her right. The nurse's best response is Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


"There's nothing to worry about, we see that all the time." b.

"That is a normal physical finding, but I can mention it

to the doctor if you're concerned." 

Question 18 4 out of 4 points

In which of the following circumstances would the fetus be most at risk for injury secondary to uptake of a chemical substance? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


caesarian delivery under general anesthesia a.

caesarian delivery under general anesthesia

Question 19 4 out of 4 points

The chromosomal structure of human beings consists of: Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


46 chromosomes: 22 pairs of autosomes and 1 pair of sex chromosomes. a.

46 chromosomes: 22 pairs of autosomes and 1 pair of sex chromosomes.

Question 20 0 out of 4 points

In evaluating the effect of prior teaching regarding functions of the amniotic fluid, the nurse recognizes that more teaching is required when the client states: Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


"The fluid aids in musculoskeletal development." d.

"The fluid is responsible for oxygen exchange."

Question 21 0 out of 4 points

The blastocyst implants itself in the uterine lining approximately __________ day(s) after fertilization.

Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


3 to 5 c.

7 to 9

Question 22 0 out of 4 points

At the end of the __________ week, the embryo is sufficiently developed to be called a fetus. Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


12t h a.


Question 23 4 out of 4 points

To assist a couple in understanding the transmission of an autosomal dominant inheritance, the genetic counselor constructs a graphic representation, called a Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


family pedigree d.

family pedigree

Question 24 4 out of 4 points

The vascularity of the uterus increases and the endometrium becomes prepared for a fertilized ovum in which phase of the menstrual cycle? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


secretory phase c.

secretory phase 

Question 25 0 out of 4 points

A man is exhibiting has Huntington's disease and his son is exhibiting mild symptoms of the disorder. In order to eliminate any possibility of transmitting the disease to their offspring, the son and his partner are considering artificial insemination. Of the following, the best procedure would be to use: Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


donor sperm planted in a gestational carrier a.

donor sperm, implanted in the woman

Question 1 4 out of 4 points

What technique involves the manipulation of soft tissues to reduce stress, diminish pain, and increase circulation? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


massage therapy c.

massage therapy

Question 2 4 out of 4 points

Which of the following best illustrates an advanced practice nursing role? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


a clinical nurse specialist whom other nurses consult for her expertise in caring for high-risk infants d.

a clinical nurse specialist whom other nurses consult for her expertise in caring for high-risk infants

Question 3 4 out of 4 points

A couple who have three children undergo a divorce. They choose to have joint legal and physical custody. The children spend half the week at each parent's home, with each parent doing homework with the children and taking them to activities. What type of family structure is this considered to be? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


a binuclear family d.

a binuclear family

Question 4 4 out of 4 points

Raoul and Jose Martinez are two brothers who live next door to each other with their wives and children. The brothers take turns cutting the grass for both houses, and the wives take turns doing the grocery shopping. In what type of family structure do the Martinez brothers participate? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


extended kin network family b.

extended kin network family

Question 5 0 out of 4 points

Which of the following would not be a reason for an increase in the number of couples choosing to remain childless? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


increase in opportunities for women in the workplace c.

marked increase in elective sterilization

Question 6 4 out of 4 points

A client is severely allergic to bees. What type of complementary healer would dilute a small amount of the allergen and inject it into

this patient as a means of healing the allergy? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


homeop ath c.

homeop ath

Question 7 4 out of 4 points

Which client is most likely to use a form of chromotherapy? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


a client with a seasonal mood disorder d.

a client with a seasonal mood disorder

Question 8 0 out of 4 points

Reflexology involves specific manipulation of the: Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


hand s. a.


Question 9 4 out of 4 points

The physician has determined that a laboring client must have a cesarean birth. Neither she nor her partner speaks English. What is the best way for the nurse to obtain their consent for this surgery? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


Ask a bilingual staff member, if available, to translate, or attempt to get an interpreter to explain the surgery permit for the couple before the couple signs it. c.

Ask a bilingual staff member, if available, to translate, or

attempt to get an interpreter to explain the surgery permit for the couple before the couple signs it. 

Question 10 4 out of 4 points

The client sees his traditional Western medicine physician who asks him about his signs and symptoms and prescribes a new pharmacologic therapy for him. When this same patient sees his alternative medicine healer, he is asked about his sleep patterns, nutrition, and mood, among other things. This illustrates that one of the most significant differences between traditional medicine and alternative therapy is that in alternative therapy: Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


the emphasis is on holism and healing. b.

the emphasis is on holism and healing.

Question 11 0 out of 4 points

When a person utilizes hypnosis, he/she: Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


can be coerced into doing something against their will. b.

may report a less painful medical procedure.

Question 12 4 out of 4 points

A woman of Korean descent has just given birth to a son. Her partner wishes to give her sips of hot broth from a thermos they brought with them. They have refused your offer of ice chips or other cold drinks for the client. The nurse should: Selected Answer:


encourage the partner to feed the client sips of their broth. Ask if the client would like you to bring her some warm water to drink as well.

Correct Answer:


encourage the partner to feed the client sips of their broth. Ask if the client would like you to bring her some warm water to drink as well.

Question 13 4 out of 4 points

In preparing a plan of care for a three-day postpartal client with a toddler who lives in a poorly-maintained home with exposed electrical outlets and poor lighting, it is most important for the nurse to include a goal that addresses the need for: Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


safet y. c.

safet y.

Question 14 4 out of 4 points

A 13-year-old boy and his parents are arguing loudly regarding him spending so much time at the local mall. When the grandmother steps in to stop the argument, the role she is primarily playing is: Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


peacema ker. b.

peacema ker.

Question 15 4 out of 4 points

Chiropractic therapy is based on: Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


a misalignment of the spine. b.

a misalignment of the spine.

Question 16 4 out of 4 points

Which of the following is true regarding herbal therapies? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


They are not subject to safety and effectiveness testing. d.

They are not subject to safety and effectiveness testing.

Question 17 0 out of 4 points

Which of the following would be used as an instrument in biofeedback to treat insomnia? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


EM G a.


Question 18 0 out of 4 points

Efforts to standardize and test complementary and alternative medicinal therapies are hampered by: Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


lack of education. b.

lack of funding.

Question 19 0 out of 4 points

A home health nurse has set up a home visit with a Korean couple in order to follow up on their jaundiced four-day-old baby that was discharged to home yesterday. What family member might we expect to see at the home as it relates to the family power structure?

Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


the grandmother c.

the grandfather

Question 20 4 out of 4 points

What was the significance of Hippocrates challenging the spiritual bases of diseases? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


It was the first attempt to scientifically base medicinal therapies. b.

It was the first attempt to scientifically base medicinal therapies.

Question 21 0 out of 4 points

The most significant element that boosted the resurgence of complementary and alternatives therapies in the 1990s was: Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


increased consumer awareness of limitations of traditional medicine. a.

the internet.

Question 22 4 out of 4 points

Rubbing the temples on each side of the head to relieve a headache is a form of: Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


acupress ure. a.

acupress ure.

Question 23 4 out of 4 points

A minimum standard of care required of all professional nurses refers to: Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


the care that a reasonable, prudent nurse would provide in a particular situation. b.

the care that a reasonable, prudent nurse would provide in a particular situation.

Question 24 4 out of 4 points

The nurse demonstrates a supportive attitude and attempts to help with transition to parenthood for the couple with a newborn when she states: Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


"The lack of sleep must be difficult for you two right now." b.

"The lack of sleep must be difficult for you two right now."

Question 25 0 out of 4 points

Certified nurse-midwives do which of the following? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


Obtain a physician consultation for any technical procedures at delivery. c.

Give primary care to healthy women during pregnancy and birth.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014 9:07:01 AM CDT...

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