OB - sadsa PDF

Title OB - sadsa
Author Niraj Shrestha
Course Client-Server Database I
Institution City Colleges of Chicago
Pages 10
File Size 220.6 KB
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UTERINE TACHYSYSTOLE: - Turn - stop pitocin - give terbutaline

Normal fetal heart rate(Picture) ● 2 acceleration indicates INTACT NERVOUS SYSTEM ● 3 contractions in 10 minutes = Contraction stress test it will be a negative contraction stress test 3.

Prolonged deceleration a. Turn the patient b. Give 10L per min oxygen via non-rebreather


4. Who is at the highest risk for necrotizing enterocolitis? The post term babies because they did meconium inside the uterus Treatment: OG tube


Need to be in NPO Surgery Watch their abdomen for loops Abdominal distension/measure girth Post date baby poop 5. When you transition from intrauterine life to extrauterine life, what is one of the things you want to watch? - Respiratory function 6. Your patient with cancer and they have radiation therapy, their wound, what are you doing? - Assess the wound - Recommendations at home: - Also remember that they have diarrhea so make sure patients drink 8 to 12 cups of clear liquids a day (especially gatorade, pedialyte). - Eat small and frequent meal (5 to 6) - Patient can take care of their rectum by using baby wipes instead of toilet paper - Take sitz bath

7. DXA what does it measure? - Bone density and hips, forearms and spine 8. Gonorrhea and chlamydia have similar signs - Greenish/Yellowish mucosa - Pain during sex - Burning sensation during urination - OBTAIN URINE CULTURE 9. When your baby is in distress? - He is probably grunting first and call the doctor and notify 10. Neonatal withdrawal - Signs and symptoms - Nasal congestion - Hypertonia - Extremely Irritable - High pitched crying - Tremors - Fever 11. High Bilirubin you are going to do what? - Phototherapy (no lotion, cover eyes, only diaper)

12. What is mag? - It is toxic. It is a neuro protector. It BLOCKS nerves transmission that's how it prevents seizures 13. In order to get confirmation for gestational diabetes, you need - 2 positives in a three hour glucose test 14. Amniotomy - Assess fetal heart rate - Make sure you dont have a cord prolapse 15. Women that are confused that are elderly are risk for UTI 16. Endometriosis can have - Painfull sex (dyspareunia) - Pelvic cramping - Low back pain - Pain when defecating - Dysmenorrhea - Bloody urine or dysuria presence when they have lesion 17. PCOS - high risk for type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hair growth, prone to infertility, irregular periods, cyst in ovaries, obesity, acne - Education of nutrition and exercise program for prevention of metabolic syndrome 18. Magnesium sulfate and terbutaline combination complication= pulmonary edema 19. Candidiasis - The treatment is monistat for 10 days. The discharge looks whitish cottage looking cheese 20. If you have a moro or a grasp that the hand doesn't close? - Brachial nerve injury 21. When we dry and stimulate the baby and after stabilize that the baby is breathing - Put a cap on baby head before you put them to the breast 22. Know how to calculate percentages weight loss

23. The duramorph is given via epidural. It is given to make the women pain free once the epidural catheter is removed and the side effects are itching and we give benadryl. - Adverse effect is decrease respiratory rate

24. Boggy Uterus - Massage it until firm 25. Normal stool pattern - Breastfeeding babies have yellowish soft stool, acidic order, seedie - Formula have green brown more form stool, foul order - Wet 6 to 8 diapers a day 26. Maternal glucose goes down when you breastfeeding which means her insulin demand is less 27. Adverse effect of Oral contraceptive - Headache - Chest pain - Clots - Visual disturbance 28. The best contraceptive for diabetic mother is cap or diaphragm 29. Remember negel date 30. Low BP - Give a bolus of lactated ringers 31. RDS SATA - Continuous pressure ventilation - Surfactant 32. The minimize oxygen demand SATA give opioid cluster their care and - put in neutral thermal environment - Touch time 4 to 6 times 33. After 6 weeks you gotta consider your patient might have postpartum depression - If she is not taking care of the baby, herself and she really doesn't want to deal with BABY 34. If postpartum chills - fluid/drink water make sure the client is comfortable and warm 35. Meconium aspiration SATA - Obstruct the airway


Decrease the surfactant increases hyperinflation of the areola

36. Contraindication of a circumcision - Any urinary tract deformities epispadias or hypospadias - hemophilia or family clot disorders - RDS baby - Prematurity 30 or 32 weeks no circumcision 37. Sign and symptoms of respiratory distress SATA - Cyanosis - Grunting - Nasal flaring - Hypotonia - Chest retraction or substernal apnea that is greater than 20 sec - tachypnea 38. Heart murmur abnormal -Heart murmur becomes abnormal after 72 hours permanent after 6 months 39. Heat loss can occur through radiation - If they are near the window, so take baby away from window to prevent radiation heat loss 40. Infant safety ● Car seat: baby must be rear facing for 2 years or 20pounds after 20 pounds face forward ● Newborns must be 45-degree angle ● No stuffed animals in baby crib ● No string on clothing ● Don't leave unattended around pets ● Don't leave on top of bed 41. Barlow-Ortolani maneuver ● Check hip dysplasia, put the knee on the baby chest and you rotate their hips out if you hear the clicking sound they you need to tell the physician because you need further evaluation 42. Macrosomic babies, diabetic mom are going to have hypoglycemia -Want to have them feed immediately with a breast or bottle 43.Complication of an Hyperbilirubinemia - They can have kertinus

44. Pacreta - attached to the perimetrium Increata- In myometrium Acreta- in the endometrium 45. Signs and symptoms of a heart attack - Chest pain - Shortness of breath without excursion - Jaw pain - Pain radiates to the arm - a newly developed intolerance to exercise - episodes of nausea and indigestion - palpitation abdominal pain Lightheadedness - Sweating 46. Plastibell circumcision - Teach the parent to check for bleeding - Loose diaper - It falls by itself and dont touch it 47. The hormones that decrease after delivery SATA - Estrogen and progesterone goes down and the prolactin increases and the oxytocin is released once the baby is attached to the breast which is the let down effect it let down the milk 48. Before you do Cervical ripening make sure ? - sure you check the maternal status is stable the fetal heart rate is a category 1 - the cervix is the bishop score less than 6 49. If you have genital herpes - You want to do cesarean (c-section) 50. If you have PKU avoid all kind of protein - Type of food high in protein - Steak (meats) - Nuts Lentos - Egg white Beans - Peanut butter - Cashew - Walnuts

51. If you have a boggy uterus and you already give oxytocin and methergine - Hemabate 52. Pap smear is not for DIAGNOSIS for cervical cancer its for SCREENING - Diagnosis for cervical cancer is biopsy 53. FFN - good negative predictor -

Its is a good indicator that the patient will not deliver for two weeks on preterm labour patients that have cervical dilation

54. Who is at the highest risk for osteoporosis? - Smoker - White caucasian - Women - Small bone 55. When we have an ultrasound in the last 2nd trimester and early 3rd trimester it is done because? - To check placenta placement and placenta previa 56.If you have a motor vehicle accident what can happen? - Placenta Abruption and first you see late deceleration and then bradycardia 57. If you have a low blood sugar, feed the baby 58.If you have maternal fetal tachycardia - give tylenol because mother has a fever 59. Meconium aspiration happens to post term babies 60. If you have a big fallopian tube (Ectopic pregnancy) - If it is greater than 2 cm, you do a self injectomy because the tube can rupture, if it is less you can give methotrexate IM, you can give 3 doses to try to dissolve the embryo 70. Adverse effect of terbutaline - Tachycardia - Chest pain (palpitation)

71. Clomid/ Progesterone can be given for infertility ● Increase of FHS and LH which release the eggs. ● Progesterone is used for cushioning of the endometrium because of implantation. 72. Endometriosis - Can give you scarring of the fallopian tube - Sign and symptoms: low back pain, pelvic pressure, painful sex(dyspareunia), infertility, spotting in between periods, diarrhea, pain when defecating, bloody urine or dysuria presence when they have lesions, dysmenorrhea 73.remeber that the baby's car seat - Rear facing up to 20 pounds after 20 pounds facing forward 74. Ways we can test for amniotic fluid amnisure - ferning - Nitrazine 75. If you patient is in active labor less than 7 cm dilated, you wanna make sure she breathe through contraction 76.If you have someone that is bleeding, and she is early in her pregnancy what are you going to do? Asses the bleeding

77. Fetal heart rate can be heard in 12 weeks by doppler 78. If you are bleeding and your fundus is deviated then it could be displaced from the midline - Take patient to the bathroom/void 79. Maternal taking in, taking hold, and letting go - Taking in: All about the mommy, talking about herself, taking care of herself - Taking hold: Focus on the baby, taking care of the baby which happens usually on the 2nd day in the hospital and - letting go when she returns to the workplace 80. Shoulder dystocia treatment and consequences to newborn - You usually have a big baby - Can cause injury to brachial nerves - We as nurses will do the mcroberts and suprapubic pressure. The consequences the baby will have can be broken clavicle 81. Fontanels


Are suppose to be flat and soft if he is crying they can be bulging if he is dehydrated it


can be depressed or sunken Anterior closes 12-18 months Posterior closes 2-3 months

82. Umbilical Cord care- place diaper below, notify physician if bloody, puss, or odor 83. Large progestional age babies are at risk for hypoglycemia 84. Edema that crosses the suture line is caput 85. Are suppose to be flat and soft if he is crying they can be bulging if he is dehydrated it can be

depressed or sunken 86. Uterine inversion prevention ● To prevent this you want to hold the suprapubic area and massage the fundus once you have pressure in the suprapubic area 87.Sign and symptoms of RDS SATA - Hypoxemia - Acidosis - Respiratory grunting - Nasal flaring - Hypotonia 88. Signs and symptoms of cold distress SATA - Lethargy - Tachypnea - Grunting - Hypoglycemia - Jitteriness - Weak suck - Hypotonia 89. Motting - White patches with pink edges 90. Category 3 - Late deceleration with no variable, absent variability - Sinusoidal pattern - Bradycardia 91. Breastfeeding you want to put the baby belly to belly and the breast covering the mouth of the baby and full mouth covering the areolar 92. Coitus interruptus → withdrawal method

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Advantage: free Disadvantage: unreliable Not effective

93. Motor vehicle accident = bradycardia 94. Molding is the overlapping of the cranial sutures 95. Higher than normal Alpha fetoprotein can lead to abdominal fetie, abominable defects, spina bifida, anencephaly (A baby born with an underdeveloped brain and an incomplete skull.) 96. Signs and symptoms of hyperbilirubinemia - yellowing of the skin, poor feeding, cephalohematoma 97. Group B (GBS) streptococcus - Grunting, low back pain, bleeding in between periods can be gonorrhea 98. If the patient doesn't understand consent tell the doctor 99. Lumpectomy - Assess the wound healing 100. Hep B needs consent to give to newborn -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9- SATA 2- MAths 12- priority 1- ati 7-pharm 3-lab 1 37- NB 17- women health 12- antepartum 16- intro partum 14- postpartum...

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