OB Subject Guide Summer 2020 PDF

Title OB Subject Guide Summer 2020
Author Jiang Heidi
Course Organisational Behaviour
Institution University of Melbourne
Pages 17
File Size 395.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 33
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OB Subject Guide Summer 2020...


MGMT20001 Organisational Behaviour SUBJECT GUIDE Summer 2020 Prepared by Subject Coordinator: Dr Kim Goodwin Subject Coordinator contact: [email protected] Head tutor: Dr Sascha Rixon Head tutor contact: [email protected]

Subject Outline Introduction Welcome to MGMT20001: Organisational Behaviour (OB). This subject is part of the compulsory core of the Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) in the Faculty of Business and Economics. Students from other Faculties may also be able to choose this subject as part of their breadth stream. It is taken as a level two subject. The subject runs in Semester 1, 2 and Summer each year and you can therefore choose to complete the subject in whichever semester suits you. Subject Overview and Aims The overall aim of the subject Organisational Behaviour is to introduce you to what are known as “micro” and “macro” approaches to understanding how people behave in organisations. Using this simple way of dividing up the social world of organisations, we will introduce you to a range of conceptual and practical skills that will help you throughout your education and into the workplace. The study of the micro theories will provide you with an introduction to basic individual, group and organisational processes, as they affect people working in organisations. You will explore the major theories and models in the key areas of organisational behaviour, including perception and attribution, values, attitudes and behaviour, motivation, stress, job satisfaction, and absenteeism, team-related issues such as team building, group dynamics, decision-making and negotiation & conflict. You will be provided with the opportunity to experience working in a team both face-to-face and online to identify and analyse behaviour, problems and decision making at the organisational level. The macro organisational behaviour theories include a study of the organisation as a whole and its relationship to its environment (especially with other organisations), including organisational communication, culture, power and politics, and strategy and structure, as well as the management of organisational change. OB will equip you with a range of skills that will provide you with a solid foundation for studying organisational behaviour and other subjects. It will also allow you to develop skills you will require in the workplace, that is, skills in research, critical thinking and reflective writing.

Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes On completion of this subject you should be able to: • •

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Describe the basic theories & models within organisational behaviour. Apply major theories and models from the field of organisational behaviour to analyse organisational problems and generate realistic solutions and recommendations, as presented in case studies. Summarise and evaluate recent academic research and findings on a specified topic in organisational behaviour. Describe practical application of theories and concepts in a teamwork assignment.

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Identify and critique management approaches in the field and collaboratively develop alternative models of practice. Solve problems of management practice. Analyse team dynamics.

Generic Skills In this subject you will have the opportunity to develop important generic skills. These include: • • • • • • •

The ability to examine critically theories and related research. Problem-solving skills. The ability to communicate clearly in verbal and in written form. The ability to work collaboratively with team members both face-to-face and virtually. Interpersonal and decision-making skills. Reflective writing skills. The ability to conduct research.

Awareness Issues At a broader level, studying MGMT20001 Organisational Behaviour will increase your awareness of issues such as: • • • • •

The inter-disciplinary nature of management and how it is informed by psychology, sociology, politics, and cultural anthropology. The interplay of research, practice, and theory within the broad discipline of management. How the social, political, and legal environment influences business and management decisions. Balancing the needs of the individual, the organisation and the community / environment. Managing staff in changing business environments.

Eligibility and Requirements There are no prerequisites or corequisites for this subject. Please note that this is a level-2 subject. Only those students who have completed the equivalent of one year of study are advised to enrol in this subject. The University of Melbourne is committed to providing students with reasonable adjustments to assessment and participation. Students are expected to meet the core participation requirements for their course. These can be viewed under Entry and Participation Requirements for the course outlines in the Handbook. Further details on how to seek academic adjustments can be found on the Student Equity and Disability Support website: http://services.unimelb.edu.au/student-equity/home


Academic Staff Contact Details Please see the subject LMS site for full contact details of the teaching staff in this subject. Subject Coordinator and Lecturer Contact Details Name: Dr Kim Goodwin Email: [email protected] Head Tutor Contact Details Name: Dr Sascha Rixon Email: [email protected] Email Protocol Please note that we are only able to respond to student emails coming from a University email address. Please do not use personal email addresses such as Gmail or business email addresses. Emails from non-University email addresses may be filtered by the University’s spam filter, which means that we may not receive your email. All correspondence relating to this subject will only be sent to your University email address. Note that you must first activate your University email address before you can send or receive emails at that address. You can activate your email account at this link: http://accounts.unimelb.edu.au/. While academic staff endeavor to address queries received via email, it is more appropriate to resolve substantive questions during lectures and tutorials and during normal consultation hours. With this in mind, we encourage students to attend all classes and to familiarise themselves with the consultation hours offered by the teaching staff in this subject.

Lectures Teaching Delivery Organisational Behaviour is delivered across three platforms: • • •

1 hour lecture (12 face-to-face lectures) 1 hour online tutorial (12 online tutorial completed PRIOR to in-class tutorial) 1 hour in-class tutorial (12 in-class tutorials)

Lecture Participation Requirements •

1-hour lectures are offered on Wednesdays and Fridays. Wednesday 3:15 – 4:15pm PAR-Medical-C403 (Wright Theatre) Friday 3:15 - 4:15pm PAR-Medical-C403 (Wright Theatre)

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The purpose of the lectures is to introduce you to the curriculum. The lectures provide the necessary information required to complete the course. You will also receive additional information regarding the assignments and final exam as well as how the lecture material relates to the online and in-class tutorial. There are specific textbook chapters that are related to each lecture. The specific section of

the textbook assigned for each lecture is listed in the lecture and tutorial timetable below. Lecture Slides •

Lecture slides will be uploaded on the OB LMS page for this subject the morning of the lecture. The lecture slides are located under the “Lectures” tab on the LMS.

Online Tutorials Online Tutorials Participation Requirements • • •

The online tutorials are designed to deepen your knowledge of the OB topics covered in the lectures and to prepare you for the in-class tutorial. They help you to integrate what you learnt in the lecture with your own knowledge and experience. The online tutorials must be completed prior to the in-class tutorial. You must bring your completed online tutorial to class.

In-class Tutorials In-class Tutorials Participation Requirements • • •

The purpose of the in-class tutorial is to help you to develop and practice articulating your ideas and opinions in a safe and supportive learning environment. During class you will hear alternative perspectives and work in groups to reach consensus You will learn how to use OB theories and concepts to identify and analyse issues in a case, and form recommendations to solve organisational problems.

In-class Tutorial Times • •

The tutorials commence in Week 1 (week beginning Monday 6th January). Date, times, location of in-class tutorials and name of tutors will be available to students on LMS under the link ‘Online and In-Class Tutorials’.

Week 1A (commencing Monday 6th January) Online & In-class Tutorial Online Tutorial • •


You must complete the first online tutorial during the week of Monday 6th January. This will involve you completing the People & Organisation Quiz Part A. You must bring the responses to your registered class tutorial during the first week of semester.

In-class Tutorial • • •

The first in-class tutorial is designed to help you get to know your colleagues and your tutor as well as an overview of the subject and assessment. You will discuss behavioural expectations in the tutorial, discuss how these expectations differ from prior experience, and set personal goals to meet expectations. It is important to attend this introductory tutorial as it will provide valuable material, especially for the individual and team-based assignments.

Subsequent Online & In-class Tutorial •

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You will be required to participate in various activities online and in class twice weekly. To participate effectively in the online and in-class tutorial, you must read the relevant textbook chapters and the required reading materials. You must complete the on-line tutorial work PRIOR to your tutorial class each twice week as the online tutorial activities are designed to prepare you for class. You must bring to class your completed online tutorial work. Week 2A online tutorial you will complete a survey that includes a self-assessment of your cognitive style as well as demographic questions. Your responses in this survey will be used in assigning you into your OB assignment teams. Week 2A in-class tutorial you will write a Team Contract designed to help your team establish goals, assign roles and develop a schedule to complete your team assignment. The contract is due in prior to Tutorial 4. Week 3B in-class tutorial you are required to submit a Structural Plan of your team assignment to your tutor. In many of the in-class tutorials you will work in your assignment teams. Attending all tutorials will help your team to work cohesively to complete class activities and your team assignment. Your participation mark includes your contribution to group processes in class and on your team assignment.

Lecture, Online and In-class Tutorial Schedule MICRO Week 1A Beginning 6/01

Week 1B Beginning 09/01

Week 2A Beginning 13/01

Week 2B Beginning 16/01

Online Tutorial

In-Class Tutorial & Assessment


Topic: Introduction to Organisational Behaviour

Topic: Introduction to Organisational Behaviour

Lecture 1 Topic: Introduction & Contrasting Management Approaches

Topic: Contrasting Management Approaches

Topic: Contrasting Management Approaches

Lecture 2 Topic: Perception, Attribution & Decision Making

Required Reading: Freedman 1992 Textbook Chapter 1: Introduction to the field of Organisational Behaviour

Skill-building workshop for Individual Assignment

Topic: Perception, Attribution and Decision-making

Topic: Perception, Attribution and Decisionmaking

Required Reading: Dunning et al. 2003 Textbook Chapter 3: Perceiving ourselves and others in organisations Textbook Chapter 7: Decision-making and creativity

Teams assigned during in-class tutorial

Topic: Teamwork & Team Effectiveness

Team Meeting with tutor (15 minutes in tutorial)

Required Reading: Barry 1991; Tuckman 1965 Textbook Chapter 8: Team dynamics Textbook Chapter 12: Leadership in organisational settings

Week 3A Beginning 20/01

Lecture 3 Topic: Teams & Leadership

Team Contract due 12noon th Wednesday 15 January Lecture 4 Topic: Values, Attitudes &Behaviour

Individual Assignment th Due 9am, Friday 17 January

Topic: Values, Attitude and Behaviour

Topic: Values, Attitude and Behaviour

Required Reading: Hofstede 1980 Textbook Chapter 2: Individual behaviour, personality and values Textbook Chapter 4: Workplace emotions, attitudes and stress

Case Study: The way we do things around here

Lecture 5 Topic: Motivation

Week 3B Beginning 23/01

Week 4A Beginning 27/01

Topic: Motivation

Topic: Motivation

Required Reading: Quinn & Spreitzer 1997 Textbook Chapter 5: Foundations of employee Motivation Textbook Chapter 6: Applied performance practices!

Case Study: Fab Sweets Team Assignment Structural Plan Due 9am Friday 24th January

Topic: Conflict & Negotiation

Topic: Conflict & Negotiation & Micro Review

Required Reading: Patton 2001 Textbook Chapter 11: Conflict & negotiation in the workplace

Case Study: Sanrizz

Topic: Organisational Change

Topic: Organisational Change

Required Reading: Beer & Eisenstadt 2000

Case Study: Boost Juice

Lecture 6 Topic: Conflict & Negotiation

Lecture 7 Topic: Organisational Change

Mid Semester Participation Feedback and Review

Lecture 8 Topic: Organisational Culture Week 4B Beginning 30/01

Textbook Chapter 15: Organisational Change

Week 5A Beginning 03/02

Week 5B Beginning 06/02

Topic: Organisational Culture Required Reading: Martin 2004 Textbook Chapter 14: Organisational Culture

Topic: Organisational Culture

Topic: Organisational Communication

Topic: Organisational Communication Case Study: Enron

Required Reading: Marshak 1993 Textbook Chapter 9: Communicating in teams and organisations

Lecture 9 Topic: Organisational Communication

Case Study Solaris & SupaNova Team Assignment th Due 9am Wednesday 5 February

Lecture 10 Topic: Power & Influence

Week 6A Beginning 10/02

Week 6B Beginning 13/02

Topic: Power & Influence

Topic: Power & Influence

Required Reading: Benfari, Wilkinson & Orth 1986 Hardy, 1987 Chapter 10: Power and influence in the workplace

Case Study: Automakers

Topic: Strategy and Structure

Topic: Strategy & Structure Micro and Macro OB Review

Required Reading: Waterman et al.1980; Miles & Snow, 1978 Textbook Chapter 13: Designing organisational structures

Case Study: Apple

Summer examinations 17/02 – 24/02


Lecture 11 Topic: Organisational Strategy and Structure

Lecture 12 Topic: Ethics Textbook Chapter 2: Individual behaviour, personality and values Textbook Chapter 12: Leadership in organisational settings

Assessment Assessment Submission and Penalties for Late Submission • •

• • •

Assignment submission is via the LMS Assignment Submission link on the LMS. Please note that you are required to keep a copy of your assignment after it has been submitted as you must be able to produce a copy of your assignment at the request of teaching staff at any time after the submission due date. Assignment information sheets will provide detailed step-by-step instructions on how you should approach, complete and submit the assignment. The penalty for late submission for the individual and team assignment is 5% per day. Students with a genuine and acceptable reason for not completing an assignment (or other assessment task), such as illness, can apply for special consideration.

Assessment Overview • • •

• •

Assignments are accompanied by assessment criteria and grade descriptors so that you are informed at the outset how you will be assessed for each piece of work. Assignments include ‘task words (verbs)’ in the questions; please refer to the ‘Task Words’ help sheet provided on LMS page to assist you with the direction of the question (s). Specific seminars on how to unpack and provide a comprehensive answer to the assignment question(s), how to research, reference using the APA reference style, to structure responses and how to write critically and clearly are provided in Week 2. The final exam is a Hurdle Requirement. Students are required to pass the final exam to achieve an overall pass in the subject. Your assessment for this subject comprises the following:

Assessment Task

Individual or Group



Assignment 1


Friday 9am 17th January (via Assignment Submission Link on OB LMS)


Assignment 2


Wednesday 9am 5th February (via Assignment Submission Link on OB LMS


Participation in tutorials (online and in-class) and group processes (in-class activities and assignment 2)

Individual / Group

Weekly online and in-class tutorials and group participation in assignment 2


Hurdle Requirement


Exam period


End-of-semester exam (2 hour exam,15 reading time)

Tutorial Participation • Worth 10% of the total mark for the subject. • Participation provides the opportunity to: - develop skills verbally and online presenting ideas, persuading colleagues, debating, arguing and exchanging ideas and judgments - develop important skills necessary for the workplace such as problem solving communication, conflict resolution, teamwork and leadership - Learn from others and share the responsibility to teach others. • Individual participation will be assessed using the following quantitative and qualitative measures: Quantity: • Frequency of contribution during online tutorials and attendance at class tutorials - Low quantity: students have participated infrequently - High quantity: students have participated frequently Quality: • Participation in class tutorial discussion; substance of comments - Low quality ranges from minor brief comments having little substance to limited analysis and some basic interpretive comments. - High quality means significant value-added contributions that advance the understanding of the class and are referred to by other students • Participation in group activities including team assignment preparation - Low quality: demonstrates low levels of teamwork, communication, team problemsolving, conflict resolution and leadership - High quality: demonstrates high level of communication, team problem-solving, conflict resolution and leadership Assignment 1: Individual Assignment Overview • This assignment is worth 10% of your total mark for this subject. • Individual assignment - Total Word Count 1,000 words. Word count EXCLUDES: in-text citations and reference list. • You will write a short piece on a particular aspect of organisational behaviour. Individual Assignment Objectives • To give you early feedback on your ability to: - Assess your understanding of the reading(s) and the related micro topic, - Conduct research, - Write an assignment on organisational...

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