Objective First. Workbook with Answers. 4th Ed. 2014 68p PDF

Title Objective First. Workbook with Answers. 4th Ed. 2014 68p
Author Gabriel Mondragon
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Fashionmatters Vocabulary "@rpusspot O Spellcheck Think carefullywhen to use double consonants- theCombridge 1 ClothesShowLiveis a hugefashionexhibitionthat Leame,rCorpusshowsexarncandidatesoften mqkg mistakes takesplaceeveryDecemberin Birmingham.Read with these. this extractfrom the catalogue...


Fashionmatters Vocabulary



Think carefullywhen to use double consonants- theCombridge Leame,r Corpusshowsexarncandidatesoften mqkg mistakes with these.

1 ClothesShowLiveis a hugefashionexhibitionthat takesplaceeveryDecemberin Birmingham.Read this extractfrom the catalogueproofs.Checkthe spellingbeforeit goesto print!Anexampleis given. Thereareten moreerrorsto correct. r

Itlas impossible,tofind a oair in my size.. I'IOTlt was imposibte to find a pair in my size.


iiiil'd.3'iilffi[t6"rc* 'I


EliteP mierM md,ehinq

Fora career ;nmsdelif,g: Youcouldbecome the nextsupermodel!


2 Correctthe spellingerrorsin thesesentences written by examcandidates.



a b c d e f g h

You can immagine how excitedI was. There is a beautifull view from up there. The concertwas briliant This was only the beggining. According to the writter, it is expensive. They did not appologisefor this. I hope you werent dissapointed. Hapinessis the most important thing.


Phrasal verbs

Getsome freeadvice 0nyourhairstile. Make-up demonstrations too.

3 Completethe followingsentences with phrasalverbs from the box in an appropriateform.

Cool Accessories Thebrightest andmostoutragous designer bags! Fantastic headgear too,including stylish capsandhats.

lGeminif Gemini makes beautifuljewelery fromcrystals and gemstones, including braclets, earings andpendants. Andit'slessexpensiv thanyoumight think!

dressup get awaywith keep up with pull on put together smarten up stand out I go to at leastten big fashion showsa yeat just to .......................

the latestdesigns. ...........

foan askedme to paint the flat with her, so I an old sweatshirtand my tattiestpair of jeans. c Henry could wearingjeansin his lastjob, but now he has had to

$imilyleather Anexiting range ofleather clothing, fromcasual jackets tothesmartest suites. Watches, belts, bagsand sunglasses alsoavailable.



for the

party, but when he arrived, he really .....,as everyoneelsewas wearing casualclothes.

I I LoveBomb Unisex clubwear forthereally fashion-conscius, printsthatglowinthedarkl withdiferent abstract

Alice has

.....an amazing

outfit using recycledclothing and glassbeads.

Reading 4 Lookat the photo of a pair of jeans.How old do you think they are?Read the text quicklyto find out. for a tatty $25,000may sound excessive this picture in pair of ieans,but the ones are They Levi's. arenot an ordinarypair of pairs left. saidto be one of the two oldest Theyarecertainlythe mostexpensive! Discoveredlast year in an old coal mine in Colorado, they were initially sold for $10,000and then sold on again at a higherprice.ThenSethWeisserpaid evenmore for them.Co-ownerof a store appropriatelycalledWhat ComesAround Goa Around,he decidedto contactLevi's 'l in SanFrancisco. sentthem picturesof the jeansand they were delighted.They I think!' would havepaid$40,000, Levit has its own museum and LYnn Downey, the comPanYhistorian, said:


knew this would be a treasure that everyonein the companywould want us to have,so Levi'sagreedto pay one of the highestsumseverfor a pair of old jeansl Apartfrom a holein theleft pocketand frayededgesat the bottom, the jeans are in remarkably good condition for their age.Ms DowneYwas ableto datethem Ui tit.it leatherpatch,which was added il il;, ;J the singleback pocket.A secondpocket was added in 1902.She the most importantreason said:'Perhaps wtry Lwit boughtthesejeansis that the companylost everythingin the 1906San Francisco earthquake and the first 50 yearsofour historywasdestroyedl

Now readthese statementsabout the text and saywhether they aretrue or false. a There are no other jeansas old as these. b SethWeisserpaid $10,000for the jeans. c Lynn Downey is an employeeof Levi's. d The jeansare made completely of one material. e The jeans have fewer pockets than ones made after 1902. f The Levi'scompanyis more than 100yearsold' 6

formsin the text. Underlinethe four superlative


Findwordsin the text that meanthe sameasa-f. a too much b common c suitably d pleased e worn out f surprisingly

Grammar Comparison usinga comparativeadjectiveand Makesentences any other wordsneeded.An exampleis given. a Cotton shirts/cheap/woollenones. Cottonshirtsare cheaperthan woollenones. ones. b Flat shoes/comfortable/high-heeled c |eans/casual/trousers. d Supermodels/thin/otherpeople. e Lily Cole/young/KateMoss. f New York/big/SanFrancisco. g |ogging/dangerous/bungee-jumping. h Clubbing/tiring/studying. usingthe structure Rewritethe followingsentences notas... asand the word in bold. a Last year the prices in this shop were lower. CHEAP

'n:':i: :n:::"::l":nTlT.;;: I think this exerciseis easy. DIFFICULT .........'....I This exerciseis .................... thought. Ben won the racebut Georgecamesecond. FAST Georgewas..................

Ben. "..............



Listening 1 *lillE Youwill hearfive short extractsin which people aretalkingabout computergames.Forquestionsr-5, choosefrom the list (A-H)the job of eachperson. Usethe lettersonly once.Therearethreeextraletters whichyou do not needto use. A soldier


B software developer


C salesmanager


D psychologist


E graphic artist


flffiE Tlm,-Tl

r]mgt T_TW I-TffiI

F sportsperson G teacher H nanny* * someonewhose job is to look after a family's children while their parents are at work

Reading 2 Skimthis text about two children,Harryand George. Do they prefercomputergamesor boardgames? 3 Scanthe text for wordsor phrasesthat meanthe sameasa-h. a company b enjoy c breakingoff ..................... d finding solutions e luck f restrict c D



toworkhard.at andVickySabotowskitry Richard with aswellasspend.time business, tneiiOesign lovers.themselves' Asgames sons. ifreirtwovoung awayt0 makethemostof it r .ouprunavetounO 'We playing appreciate theirtimeathome. always an brieflyintenupting saidVicky, il;.; asafamily,'

M*! !-,U e-of glo':' rr.itingbuttensesam -'-t-T such - really likegames

9 - Hany, 5,andGeorge, involve 4and6uessWho?,w.hich as Coinect - of aregames these Because . ;;td; outproblems' win- and people don'talways tntt.a, thecleverest us!' lovebeating thechildren b.utVicky gam-es' bothhavecomputer Thechildren 'We morefun' tryto games theyfindboard believes because limithowoftentheyplayonthecomputer theydtWhen if,rrr't n0socialinteraction' !9y a gameof butif wesuggest in.}lg.t boredeasily, keen' theyarealways .otntiningli(eConnect4 cop-out games area bitofa Tome,computer yourchildinfrontofwhileyou ,otrif,ingio plont< else'' goanddosomething 'With games'ou O'uYnu.n agreed. computer George Ir boring' get really they in* oniort o*n and games" board prefer Playing

Grammar Reviewof presenttenses 4 Matchthe sentencehalvesa-e and r-5' Thenfill each gap with a suitableverb in the presentsimpleor presentcontinuous. a A report published this week .....that manY b Parents board games c According to a lot of parents,children .....too much time in front of the TV d More and more Parents their children from going outside to PlaY .'...to be e Board games particularly attractive, educationaland social ........... I ....................... children' benefits to their ....'the whole 2 as they family in an enjoyableindoor activity' 3 instead of playing outdoors, which that they are lessfit nowadays. it is 4 becausethey ..................... dangerous. 5 that salesof board games at present. Completethe emailwith verbsfrom the box in an appropriateform.Sometimesa verb canbe usedmorethan once.Thereis an exampleat the beginning(0). forget hate keeP know like realise sound supPose understand wish :.:., :S-:Sti;o.',,,.,+;*'0,,:*i,,,*'J;*'i;;t:.,,,,:*rr;::.,:'i'tu:i;:,':,:"u:l',ittt:':ti";il:1"-'':tot;tl"::tt

,*q$. .r*n i& t Y B ? 6 n r e E i

: Dear Maya How areyou?I (0) ...fl4ffiAe... you'reworking hard for your ...I aml Although examsat the moment' t (1) ...to do nothing in the evenings' I normaily (2) this week the books are out every nightl lt's not easyto study' though.My little brother|ames(3) ...'.'.'.............. I haveto studybut he annoyingme.ffe (4) ...........................'.... to be quiet.I (6) '.....'.......... (5) ................................ it most when he playswith his computergames' to turn up the volumeand it fre (7) ................................ (8) ................................ appallinglWhen I askhim to turn it down I why.Honestly'sometimes he never(9) ................................ brother! mY he wasnt ( l0) ... ahost

Vocabulary 6 Completethis puzzleof wordsto do with games usingthe cluesbelow.Thecorrectnumberof letters is givento helpyou.Whatword appearsvertically? 1 Computer gameslook great now becausethey than five have much better yearsago. J, An exact coPYof something. is when you do 3 An.................... something exciting. 4 Who you plaY against. t Companiesoften bring out a newer of the samegame. 6 You use thesewhen you are fighting' 7 To work otttaPtzzle or Problem. 8 Gamesusually havevery good soirnd I ) 3 4 J

6 7

Choosethe right adjectiveto describethe peoplein a-e. Thereis one extra adjectivethat you do not need to use. aggressive anti-social demanding messy mindless soPhisticated Brian turns up the volume on his sound system at2 amand refusesto turn it down when the neighbours comPlain. Kenny has piles of papers on the floor and leaves old coffeecups and chocolatewrappers on his desk for days. Victoria is four yearsold and keepsasking her parentsto play with her, even when they are trying to work. d Judy often gets angry and her boyfriend saysshe can be violent. e Claude wears Armani suits and goesto the best nightclubs in town.

inYI 4el$.t$4t?' ITqf n}lgf iCt"ilst!13i'11lq'-515{:ry'p:i;{i?r{r'ir'


Goingplaces Vocabulary Travelquiz with 1 Completethe followingsentences a suitableword.Thecorrectnumberof lettersis givento helpyou. a I'd really like to go on a round the Greek islands. b The historic town centre was full of - - carrying guidebooksand cameras. from Dover to Calais

We took the - -

instead of the train through the tunnel. The -

- we borrowed on holiday had

red sails and enough spacefor two people. e I think

are more comfortable than campsites.

f There were quite a fewboats shelteringin the

making I dont always.....:......................... dinner in the evening so I often get

g On a ship, you sleepin a - h The

- - made all the arrangements

for our holiday. i Tomastook the early -

are 3 Decidewhetherthe3esentdnces formalor informal.lf they are informal, completethem with a phrasalverb from z.lf they areformal,complete them with an ordinaryverb or expressionfrom z. Makeany other changesneeded.

a takeaway. Coaches

- - and landed in Paris


every hour, on a daily basis. I dont know why you................................ your boyfriend - he behaveslike an

around 10.00am.

verbs Phrasal


2 lnformalphrasalverbsoften havea moreformalequivalent.Match phrasalverbsin r-8 with the moreformalalternativeverbsa-h.

Steve Dorlt forget to................................ to remind him to bring some

1 to come across a person

a to be in the mood for

glassesto the party.

2 to get over an illness

b to tolerate

We were informed that the company

3 to put up with a situation

c to manageto see(a person or a place but not clearly)

chairmanwas................................ influenza,and was thereforeunable

4 to ring up a person

d to leave/departfor

to attendthe meeting.

5 to keep on doing something

e to telephone

6 to feel like doing something

f to recover from

7 to make out a person/thing

g to meet accidentally

8 to set offfor a place

h to continue

...to park your car outside my house,I'll have to

If you

consider taking legal action.

Decidewhich of the followingarewritten and which arespokenformsof English,and whether they areformalor informal.

of location Prepositions 6 Completethe blog with suitableprepositions.

Lookat this examplefrom the Student'sBook: Youdon't have to socialiseif you don't want to' ANswER:Informal, sPokenEnglish. a This compartment is reservedfor non-smokers......................... b |ohn rang. Pleasering him back sometime tonight. Steve............-. c We would be delighted if You could attend our son'swedding on 16th June. I wonder if you'd mind verY much if I openedthe window?.......................... e You must be joking! t Can I help you, sir? g Out of order......................... h Pleasegive my love to your family. Best wishes,Liz .................... Can you give me a hand with mY things?

i OK,I'll be with you in a second.

My favourite Place a coralisland Thishasgot to be Sipadan, (1) ........................................ the eastcoastof Borneo.I stayed a little roomwith just a bed and a (2) ........................................ (3) nothing ..................... the wallsor wardrobe, floors.lt wasverysimple- everyoneatetogether (/t\ the terraceat the front ofthe the roadfromthe hotel (5) . .................... Just ................. building. isthe beach,whichis beautiful.Youcanwalk (6) the islandin abouthalfan hour .....,......................... althoughthereareverystrictrulesaboutwalkingj' certainpartsof the beachat 0) . .....,................. the turtleslaytheire99sin the sand. nightbecause hassomeof the mostamazingdiving Sipadan (R) the world.Youcanwalkout to sea you come(9) ..................... metres andafter200 a coralwallwhichdropsa kilometrestraightdown oceanfloor, (10)........................................the

Grammar and permission necessity Obligation, with verbs 5 Completethe followingsentences form. suitable in a box from the haveto



need Permit

drive on the left' n In Britain you................................ 21 in b In somecountriesyou................................be order to drink in a bar. Im going to stay in bed tomorrow morning go to work. as I ................................ 'I you ...to get Your think really hair cut,' said Elizabeth'smother. me borrow her My sisterdidnt............ teenagers. were clotheswhen we ...get the bus home last f Peter night as the trains were on strike. g You ...have bought me a new watch for my birthday. My old one works perfectly well. ...in government offices h Smoking any more.


Endangered Reading 1 Youaregoing to readan article about a zoo in the UnitedStates. Readthe articlequicklyto get an ideaof what it is about and then answerthesequestions.Don't worry too muchabout any words that you don't know. a Where do northern white rhinos normally live? b Where is the ScrippsResearch Institute? c Which animal has the researchteam had a success with? d How many deep-freezetanks are at the FrozenZoo? e How many northern white rhinos are still living?

Guessing unknownwords 2 In linesr4-r7 of the articleit says: They would be living specimens of one of the most endangered specieson Earth, who after a few months would be trotting into wildlifeparks ... Youmight neverhaveseen trotting before,but you can probablymakea guessasto its meaningif you think aboutwhat otherwordsmight alsofit there - for example,walking,moving, going, running, etc,

U N I T4

The inside of a metal box fllled vrnthIiqrud Scrippsteam of which Ben-Nunis a part. rutrogenand frozento -173'c (-280"F)is 'This is the tust time that therehas been hardly the ideal habitat for a largeAfrican something that we can do. If we could mammal.But,as a testtu^beis takenout of use animalsthat were"aheadydead to the containeramida cloudof white gas,a generatespermandeggs,thenwe canuse notewntten on its sidecan be seen.'This thoseindividualsto ffeate greatergenettc is a northemwhite rhino,' saysresearch diversity,'l,oringsays. scientistInbar Ben-Nunas she readsout Loring'slab at Scnppsholdssamplesfiom ss the ]abe]. the northem white rhino and the drill Ben-Nunis holdingno ordinaryscientific monkey,but the realFrozenZoo,headedby sample.Forthefrozencellsin that testtube Dr OliverRyder,just a few milesaway,is on couid one day give rise to baby northem a much largerscale.Housedin a building white rhinos and help save the species. insideSanDiegfoZoo,its freezerscontain They would be livtng specimensof one samplesfrom 8,400animals,representing 75 of the most endangered specieson Earth, morethan 800species.TheyincludeGobi who after a few monthswould be fiotting bears,endangeredcattle breedssuch as into wildlife parks,and maybe,just maybe, gaurs and bantengs, mountain gorillas, helpingrepopulatetheir kind on theAfrican pandas, a Califomia Wey whale and os grasslands.No wonder that the place condors. Theentiregiganticcollectionis in where the samplecameftom is ca_lIed the fow deep-freeze tanks. FrozenZoo. I/y'henit comesto speciesstill on the brink, The FrozenZoo was foundedn 1972at Ryderis insistentthat we havea duty to SanDego Zoo'sInstitutefor Conservation save them and that the Frozen Zoo can Researchas a place to keen samolesof play al important role Especially close zr skin from rare and endanglredspecies. to Ryder'sheartis one of the speciesthat At the time tlat the fust sampleswere Loring u working on: the northem white collectedand put into deepfreezeit was rhino. There are just eight of the animals not reallylcror.mhow they would be used left a-liveon Earth. To put it bluntly: the z5 and genetlctechnologywas in its nfancy. norlhemwhite rhino'sgenepool is more But therewas a sensethat one day some acflrratelya rapidlydryrng-upgenepuddle. unlinorarnscientific advancemight male But, i{ Loring'swork succeedsin creating use of them.Now thanksto a team at the northem white rhino stem cells and then nearbyScnppsResearch hstitute,that day tumlng them into sperm and eggs,that genepoolcanbe deepened has comea lot closer. agaln. gs Geneticscientistsat Scripps,working fiom Rydermakesno seffet of how emotionally a businesspark in San Diego'snorthem attachedhe is to savingthe northemwhite subwbs,havesucceeded in takrrgsamples rhino while there are still iiving animals, of sklncellsfromthe FrozenZooandturning ratherthan just revivingsomelaterentirely as theminto a cultureof specialcellsknownas froma test tu-beHe recallswrbressingthe stemcellsandthesecouldbe usedto bring birth of a femalenorthemwhite rhino more to lifelong-deadanimalswhosespeciesare than 20 years ago and watching it being almost extinct. The breakttrough, so far, inuoducedto its herd.'l saw her meetthe has comewlth qeating stem cellsfor the rest of the rhino herd. There was a clear silver-maneddnll monkey,AJrica's most senseof how to meet the babv If we walt as endangeredmonkey. until thereareno white rhinosandthen one 'The ftozen Zoo was a wonderfirlidea,' is createdftom a test tube,to whom arewe saysDr JeanneLoring who is leadrngthe goingto infioduceit?' he says.

need Decidewhat thesewordsfrom the ar...

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