PHY3102 Nutrition Practical Workbook 2014 PDF

Title PHY3102 Nutrition Practical Workbook 2014
Author Cindy Phan-Nguyen
Course Nutrition, Metabolism And Body Weight
Institution Monash University
Pages 31
File Size 1.2 MB
File Type PDF
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PHY3102 NUTRITION, METABOLISM AND BODY WEIGHT Nutrition Lab Workbook: Post Prandial Effect of Macronutrients on Appetite and Cardiovascular Markers Workbook outline 1.

Safety Guidelines ........................................................................................................................... 1


Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 2


Learning objectives ........................................................................................................................ 2


Preparation for the practical.......................................................................................................... 2


Assessment .................................................................................................................................... 3


Lab outline ..................................................................................................................................... 4


Hunger Scales ................................................................................................................................. 6


Blood Measure Procedure ............................................................................................................. 8


Data analysis ................................................................................................................................ 11


Calculating Height, Weight, BMI, BMR and EER ......................................................................12


Evaluating Cholesterol Levels ..................................................................................................19


Glucose calculations................................................................................................................. 22


Calculations from the practical ................................................................................................ 26

1. Safety Guidelines This practical uses human subjects. Students are reminded that care must be taken to avoid cross infection by transmissible diseases when handling human fluids or equipment that has been exposed to human fluids. The Department of Physiology adopts ‘Universal Precautions’ as a means of minimizing risks to students. This means that students must wear protective clothing, including laboratory coats, goggles and gloves. Disinfection of equipment and surfaces is performed by laboratory staff unless a spill occurs, in which case students should inform a demonstrator immediately to affect proper clean‐up procedures. Students should ensure safe disposal of all biohazard waste in the appropriately marked bins. Lancets must be placed in sharps bins. Students will be given clear instructions of occupational health and safety procedures that should be taken at the beginning of the practical. However, we ask that students who have a transmissible disease/virus, or have diabetes or other condition that impairs glucose levels, do not participate as subjects in this practical. Should you feel unwell at any time, please sit down and let a demonstrator know immediately.

PHY3102 Nutrition Lab Workbook – Post Prandial Effect of Macronutrients on Appetite and Cardiovascular Markers 2014

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2. Introduction A person’s blood glucose and cholesterol levels provide an important marker of their risk of a variety of health complications. Testing fasting glucose levels as well as the blood glucose response to a glucose load indicate a person’s risk of insulin resistance, pre-diabetes or diabetes. Similarly, cholesterol levels indicate a person’s risk of heart disease, with the higher the LDL blood cholesterol level, the greater the risk for developing heart disease. Regular tracking of glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides (also known as triacylglycerols or abbreviated to TAG) is important. This lab uses the Cardiochek Analyzer to measure blood glucose, total and HDL cholesterol and triglycerides. This will evaluate the post prandial effect of two breakfasts with differing macronutrient contents on appetite and cardiovascular markers. 3. Learning objectives On completion of this practical students should be able to: 

Cite the normal numerical limits of blood glucose, total cholesterol, HDL and triglyceride levels as well as the units in which they are measured.

Describe the short term effect of two different breakfasts on glucose, total cholesterol, HDL and triglyceride levels. Describe the importance of fasting before taking these measures.

Take and measure blood samples using the CardioChek Machine.

4. Preparation for the practical As we will be testing fasting glucose, cholesterol and triglyceride levels it is important that no food or drinks (except water) have been consumed since midnight last night. If you have consumed anything this morning it will affect your results. You will still be able to participate in the lab but your results will not be accurate and therefore will have to be evaluated separately. When adding your data to the excel spread sheets please indicate that you are not fasted.

If you are unable to participate in the lab for any of the following reasons, please consume your breakfast prior to the lab as per normal: 

Diabetes, or other condition that impairs glucose levels;

A transmissible disease/virus;

A dietary reason preventing the consumption of either of the breakfasts provided, or

Unable to fast for 8 hours (eg pregnancy or breast feeding)

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5. Assessment You are to complete ALL activities in the workbook, but not all activities will be assessed. The activities that will be assessed are indicated below along with the associated marks. Please note that Activity 12 uses the data generated from the practical and you therefore will not be able to complete this during the practical session. The data you require for activity 12 will be released to you on the Friday following the last practical giving you all the same amount of time to complete this activity. These data are the data generated during practical sessions. The workbooks are to be handed in one week after the release of the data. Please ensure that all calculations and presentation of data in Tables and Figures conform with scientific conventions. The dates will be confirmed on Moodle. Please ensure that you attach a cover sheet to your practical workbook. The cover sheet can be found on Moodle and downloaded. Activity 5

6 marks (one mark for each correct answer)

Activity 8

10 marks (one mark for each correct answer)

Activity 9

14 marks (one mark for each correct answer)

Activity 10

9 marks (one mark for each correct answer)

Activity 11

12 marks – 3 marks for the correct AUC value (a total of 6 marks) and 3 marks for each clearly presented graph (a total of 6 marks)

Activity 12

42 marks - Parts 1 and 2) 3 marks for each comment related to the findings from each table (a total of 6 marks); Part 3) 3 marks for each clearly presented graph and 3 marks for comment on findings (a total of 9 marks); Part 4) 3 marks for each comment at 60 mins and 120 mins (total 6 marks). Tables 13 (5 marks); Tables 14 and 15 (4 marks each), Table 16 (8 marks).

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6. Lab outline

Figure 1 Key Steps in the lab process 1. Break into groups of 4 (students unable to consume either of the breakfasts provided will be the 5th member of a group). 2. Your group will be allocated either the high fat breakfast or the low fat/high carbohydrate breakfast. If you require a particular breakfast for dietary reasons please inform the demonstrators at this time. 3. Allocate each member of the group the blood test that they will be performing (person 1 – glucose; person 2 -total cholesterol; person 3 – triglycerides; person 4 - HDL cholesterol). Apply group labels provided. 4. Complete your first Hunger Scale measure – record in Table 4 (see procedure - page 6). 5. Take baseline fasting bloods (see instructions page 7-10) – record in Table 5 (page 10). You should not have consumed anything since midnight. If you are not fasted prior to the test or consumed your own breakfast meal rather than the one provided it is important that you indicate this in the excel spread sheet (fasted = 0; non-fasted =1, own breakfast = 2). You then need to put an * in the next column to let us know to exclude these data from the final dataset. 6. Collect your breakfast. 7. Clean your hands with the wipes provided before and after eating your breakfast. Record the time you commenced your breakfast. You must finish within 20 minutes of this time. 8. Repeat bloods and the Hunger Scale as per Table 1 – record in Table 4 (page 6) and Table 5 (page 10). 9. Transfer your results from your tables to the main excel spread sheets open on the two lab computers – there are separate computers for the high fat and low fat groups (ensure you do this as soon as the data are measured to limit the number of students requiring the computer at the end of the practical). 10. While waiting for next blood sample, complete the workbook activities.

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Table 1 Blood measures and hunger scale details Person 1

Person 2

Person 3

Person 4

Blood test


Total Cholesterol


HDL Cholesterol

Blood sample

Baseline, 30min,

Baseline, 120min

Baseline, 120min

Baseline, 120min


60min, 120min

Hunger scale

5min before B/F,

5min before B/F,

5min before B/F,

5min before B/F,


30min after B/F

30min after B/F

30min after B/F

30min after B/F





60min, 120min,

60min, 120min,

60min, 120min,

60min, 120min,

Table 2 Nutritional profile of the high fat breakfast

Energy (kJ) Energy (Cal) Protein (g) Fat, total (g) Saturated Fat (g) Carbohydrate (g) Sugars (g)

Sausage and egg McMuffin (157g) 1540 369 21.2 19.6 8.9 25.7 1.6

Hashbrown (55g)

Water (250ml)


638 153 1.6 9.5 1.1 14.6 0.2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2178 522 22.8 29.1 10 40.3 1.8

Table 3 Nutritional profile of the low fat/high carbohydrate breakfast Weetbix Lite milk Orange juice Banana Mandarin Total (4) (1 Cup) (250ml) (12-17cm) 958 530 307 301 110 2206 Energy (kJ) Energy (Cal) 242 128 73 72 27 542 Protein (g) 9.1 9.6 1.8 1.8 0.5 22.8 Fat, total (g) 1.5 3.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 4.7 Saturated Fat (g) 0.2 2.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.3 Carbohydrate (g) 44 15.3 15.3 15.3 5.5 95.4 Sugars (g) 1.3 15.3 15.3 15.4 5.5 52.8 Other cereals available: Just Right (1C = I cup) or Freedom Foods Corn Flakes (1C = 1 cup) (portions based on similar energy/ carbohydrate) The low fat breakfast can be made suitable for a variety of dietary needs: vegetarian/ vegan; gluten free; lactose free / dairy free (soy milk/rice milk).

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7. Hunger Scales Hunger scales provide a measure of how hungry or full we are at a given time. It is important to be aware of our hunger levels, and the impact of eating on these levels. Meals of different macronutrient levels may affect our hunger levels and how satisfied we are following meals.

0. Empty. You probably haven’t eaten for more than 7 hours. Your body is begging for food and you start to feel dizzy and nauseous. 1. Ravenous. Weak and light-headed. Your stomach acid is churning. You may have a headache. You can’t concentrate and feel dizzy. 2. Over-hungry. You feel irritable and unable to concentrate. You may even feel nauseous. 3. Hunger pangs. Uncomfortably hungry. Your stomach is rumbling. The urge to eat is strong. 4. Hunger awakens. Slightly uncomfortable. You’re just beginning to feel signs of hunger. You start to think about food. Your body is giving you the signal that you might want to eat. 5. Neutral / Comfortable. You’re more or less satisfied, but could eat a little more. Your body has enough fuel to keep it going and is physically and psychologically just starting to feel satisfied. 6. Just satisfied. Perfectly comfortable. You feel satisfied. 7. Completely satisfied. A little bit uncomfortable. You’re past the point of satisfaction, yet you can still “find room” for a little more. Your body says “no” and your mind says “yes” to a few more bites. 8. Full / Uncomfortable. You feel bloated. You may need to loosen your clothes. Maybe you shouldn’t have had more, but it tasted so good. 9. Stuffed. Very uncomfortably full. Maybe you didn’t eat all day to leave room for this meal and you feel heavy, tired, and bloated. 10. Sick. You are so full you feel nauseous. This might be a typical Thanksgiving Dinner feeling – you are physically miserable, don’t want to or can’t move, and feel like you never want to look at food again. Source:

Methods: 1. Select the number on the hunger scale that best reflects how you feel at this moment. 2. Complete the first hunger scale measurement five minutes before breakfast. Record the time and your score on Table 4 (page 6). Please note that it is important that each member of your group staggers the time they commence breakfast by a few minutes to allow time to complete the Cardiochek measurements on time. 3. Repeat the hunger scale measures 30 minutes, 60 minutes and 120 minutes.

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Time commenced breakfast: Breakfast type:


฀ High fat

฀ Low fat/high carbohydrate

Table 4 Hunger Scale results Time

Hunger Scale number

Baseline (5 mins before breakfast) 30 minutes after commencing breakfast 60 minutes after commencing breakfast 120 minutes after commencing breakfast

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8. Blood Measure Procedure

CardioChek Testing Guide (with Lipid Panel strips): Please refer to the CardioChek User Guide for complete operating instructions. Preparing to Test

Testing Supplies          

CardioChek Analyzer (A) with matching Lipid Panel MEMo Chip (B) (shown inserted) PTS Panels Lipid Panel Test Strips (C) Gloves* Sterile lancets (D) Capillary tubes (E) (or Capillary Blood Collector*) Plungers (F) Gauze * Alcohol wipes (G) Bandages* Biohazardous waste container*

* Not Pictured

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Steps to Test with CardioChek Analyzer and Lipid Panel Strips: 1) Insert MEMo Chip. Insert the MEMo Chip that matches the lot number on the test strip vial. Press either button (


) to turn the CardioChek on.

2) Insert Test strip. Hold the test strip by the end with the horizontal raised lines. Insert the opposite end of the strip firmly into analyzer. Push the strip in as far as it will go. The analyzer will then display RUN TEST or APPLY SAMPLE. 3) Stick finger. Wipe the finger with an alcohol wipe and let finger dry. Remove the cap from a lancet. Press lancet against side of finger until the lancet clicks.

4) Get a blood drop. Massage the hand from the palm to the finger. The blood drop forms on the finger. Wipe away the first drop of blood with gauze. Then collect the blood for testing. If the blood is slow coming out then hold your hand down below your heart.

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5) Collect blood drop. Hold the blue-banded end of capillary tube and touch the blood drop to the black-banded end of the capillary tube. For best results, hold tube horizontally or slightly downward. The capillary will fill with blood automatically until the blood reaches the black band. Make sure the capillary is filled to the black band and has no bubbles. (Alternatively, plastic capillary blood collector may be used [not pictured].)

6) Insert plunger. Insert black plunger into capillary end with blue band (capillary tubes only).

7) Dispense blood. With RUN TEST or APPLY SAMPLE displayed, hold capillary directly over the test strip white blood application window and push plunger down slowly and smoothly. Dispense all of the blood into the blood application window. (Note: The analyzer shuts down if idle for 3 minutes. If the analyser does shut down remove both the chip and the strip to reset the analyser prior to use.) 8) Wait / Read results. In about two minutes, the CHOL result will appear on the display. It will display TESTING while the test is running (To display other lipids, press the NEXT button to scroll through the test results.) Remove and discard strip. DO NOT add more blood to a test strip that has been used.

9) Record your results Record your results in table 5 (page 10).  You may choose to complete this table for all your group members, however this is not essential.  Record your results in SI units (ie mmol/L) 10) Dispose of used equipment.

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After the sample is complete immediately dispose of the used lancet, glass capillary and plunger, test strip, alcohol swap and gauze in the bio hazardous waste container provided. 11) Prepare for next test. If the CardioChek analyzer is on, and the last result is still on the display, or the display says RUN TEST, press the Enter button (left button with a circle on it). The CardioChek will display INSERT STRIP and the next group member can complete their testing.

Time commenced breakfast: Breakfast type:


฀ High fat

฀ Low fat/high carbohydrate

Table 5 Blood test results Time

Person 1

Person 2

Person 3

Person 4

Person 5


Total Chol


HDL Chol







Baseline 30min 60min 120min Please note: Record results in mmol/L. It is only necessary to complete your own results in this table

9. Data analysis The results from all labs will be ...

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