Oficially DEAD - summary book - Officially Dead PDF

Title Oficially DEAD - summary book - Officially Dead
Course Inglés II
Institution Bachillerato (España)
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COLIN FENTON: From Bath. Killed by a car accident. John alibi. He was looking after the company’s finances, the organization of training courses and the marketing. JULIE FENTON: Colin’s wife. A software developer. She didn’t know Linda and John. JOHN BENTLEY: Alike Colin. He was in jail for while because he did a robbery. Now he works in the jewellery that his wife too. LINDA BENTLEY: John’s wife. Very pretty. Works in the jewellery. She’s the thinker about the robbery FRANKIE SIMPSON: Who fence the jewellery MR BOOKER: Look like a man in pain. He’s accountant, he predicts that Colin is going to get out of business if he doesn’t made a change. MARK ASHWOOD: The witnesses of Colin accident. ROB JENNY MAGGIE: Company secretary. She always made Colin reservations. MR ROSE: The manager at Sandwell’s.

CHAPTER 1: THE MEETING Hotel in Brentwood, Essex, suburbs of London. Colin is in a software course teaching. Colin didn’t gone that afternoon. Wit his wife had a company called C.J.F Software Solutions. He look After finances, marketing and organisation. She is a software developer. He goes to a pub for dinner and after to the bar. He look in the other side of the bar a men that looks a like like him. They faced each others. Was unreal. They laughed. The other man was called John Bentley, his wife is Linda Bentley, she was with a lot of makeup and jewellery. They talk all the night and drink more than they wanted. They talk about Colin’s business and they leave the pub and say to saw them the proximous time that he is going to come. The Bentleys Start arguing. He drink a lot and he is angry he become aggressive but he didn’t hit his wife because they were in the street and someone can saw it. She arrive at the conclusions that he can do a big thieving because they look alike. Colin in the hotel didn’t call his wife. He was thinking about Linda. CHAPTER 2: THE BUSINESS Colin and Julie didn’t go to work together and didn’t return too. Colin was shouted by Mr Bookers to saw him, he goes to the office. He spends last year 150.000$ but only earned around 40000$. Colin said that they are developing a software for a business from Manchester but they didn't sign the contract already. He has to earn a minimum of 20000$ if he want that his company survived. He says that he ask for a loan in the Bank. When he returns to his office, his wife was getting ready to leave. She asks about the meeting with

Booker but he says that it isn’t important. He read some different letters that Maggie had put on his desk. Firstable, a letter from the bank and secondly, a letter written by Linda Bentley that wrote his phone number for Colin for the next time that he goes to Brentwood. He didn’t want that Julie sees the letter because it is going to be embarrassing. CHAPTER 3: THE PLAN A description about Linda. She known John in a pub and their are orphans so they had something in common. She was able to look after herself but he didn’t so she decided to look after him. Linda needed a change and search another shop. Finally she found one in a large jewellery shop that was better paid. When he came out of prison, they moved to Brentwood to start a new life. On evening she received a call of Colin that next week he will stay in Brentwood. They will meet in the same pub on Wednesday because for Linda was the best day so John would be away from home. She didn’t tell him that was Colin. Colin arrive to Brentwood but after all his work, he was tired but he goes to the pub. That one was empty. He was strange that John wasn’t there. After a few drinks, they lent the pub and Linda drove back to her House. The dinner was ready. He was looking at the photos and saw one that where her aunt and uncle. He spend the night eating and laughing. After that Linda said: Colin, do you want to earn $10000for one evening easywork? He was surprised so he wanted another purpose. He wanted that Linda take back him to his hotel but finally he kiss her and they spend the night together. The next morning she drove him to his hotel. Colin asks for he $10000 and she explain the plan. He was the perfect alibi for John to pretend to be him in a hotel while he is going to go inside of the jewellery and steal. They know all of the security system because they worked in it. Colin will think about this. CHAPTER 4: THE JOURNEY Linda received Colin call because he accepted. In the dinner she’s going to tell to John that Colin was agreed to give to him an alibi. He was jealous and angry because they meet when he was in Liverpool. They argue and finally Linda pushed him and he crashed into the kitchen table and fell hard against the wall. She goes to the bedroom and after a time he goes to. They didn’t speak but Linda know that he had to speak with Frankie simpson, and he said ok. The date for the Robert was 10th of January. Colin said to Julie that he has to go to Manchester to arrange with Slater but Julie wants to go with him. He lie and finally he convinced her. The day arrived and Colin after work goes to his house to catch the suitcase. He start driving and meet in a small-road. They change their cars and licence driver. They will meet at the same time on Thursday. Linda gave Colin $5000. CHAPTER 5: THE ACCIDENT Colin was driving to Manchester when the accident happened. He decided to goes for another roda because the another one was very busy. His car started to be out of control. It spun round, rolled over, then crashed into a huge tree by the side of road. Another car was following him. Mark Ashwood stopped his car and go to look after him. The accident was serious. He didn’t have a mobile phone and he didn’t wanted to leave him alone. A lorry appears and call and ambulance, after that the lorry leaves. Colin said to Mark that said to Julie that he was sorry, and he has been so stupid. After that, he was unconscious. An ambulance and the fire engine

arrived. They tried to leave Colin out of the car. The police arrived and Mark describes the accident. Colin died and Mark wants to speak with Julie but they didn’t know his name and address so the police woman gives him his phone number and ha can call her in Monday. He was the only witnesses of the accident and he will have to sign a statement. CHAPTER 6: THE NEWS In Bath Julie was angry with his husband because he didn’t phone her and worrying about some technical problems about the software. In Brentwood, Linda and John were getting nervous. Suddenly a couple of police officers goes to Bentley’s house and tell Linda that her husband died in an accident road. Linda pretend to identificar the body like his husband was and made a funeral. After that, John will do the robbery and they will go to Spain. John was conscious about Julie. CHAPTER 7: THE WIFE Mark was thinking about Colin and about that he has to tell Julie something about him. Julie received a call of Salter wondering where Colin was. She was furious because he was an important client. She knows that something is going wrong. Julie asked Maggie about the number room of the hotel of Colin but she said that this time he made the reservation and she had no idea in which hotel he was. In the next morning Julie called the police to talk about his husband that was disappeared. She give them Colin’s description, the car that he drive… They said that if it was an abandonment they wouldn't do nothing. She feel miserable and they put fresh clothes for that day of busy work. CHAPTER 8: THE FUNERAL John was trouble and he was worried about Julie. He’s waiting for Linda. Linda returned with the suitcase of Colin. Their phone and watch were broken but he has his rang. She wants to sell it. The $5000 where there too. John wants to leave that house because the phone was ringing all the time to sympathize with Linda. Linda catches Colin car and drive to a long-stay carparks in the AirPort and she parked it. She returned with a taxi. The nexts days Linda had a lot of visitors in his house and he had to be quiet in his room. The funeral arrives and the body was going to be cremated. When Linda arrives home, John was pointing her with the gun because he was a prisoner. Lind convinced him to calm down. In some weeks she’s going to tell that he didn’t can live alone and she is returning to Scotland. After that, John is going to do the robbery and they will have all the money and they will leave. After that conversation, they left out and goes to somewhere that nobody knows them to have a cup of coffee. CHAPTER 9: THE ADVERTISEMENT Julie went to the office and start reading news about finances that are in the table of Colin. Jackman wouldn’t continue with the test of the software, he decided to continue with the software that he has already. Julie goes to Booker’s office and he explain her about the financial problems. She didn’t know anything. They own about 10000$. Booker said that is normal that her husband runs away, he didn’t

accept failure. Julie sat down at her kitchen and start to do some work of financials. She start remembering Colin. She think that someone would see him and she put an advertisement in the nationals newspaper, she put a photo, She thought that someone would help her. CHAPTER 10: THE SEARCH Friday night. Mark had finished his work. He was drinking a drink before go out with his friends. On Saturday they’ll go climbing. On monday he has to take the report to his new client in east London, and he’ll go to visit the wife of the man that has the accident. When he has the arrangements with the new client done, he search the direction of John Bentley’s and drove to his house. Mark arrived at the house but it seems that nobody was inside. His journey was a waste of time. He rang the bell and he listened a movement and a light turn on, but then the light turn off and seems empty and silent. He go to dinner and think that when he finished he’ll return. That afternoon Linda say that she wanted to leave her job. Julie meet Frankie in the pub. They talk about the jewellery. They talk to do the robbery in about 10 days. Julie has to made a list of the jewellery that she’ll robber to know the price that Frankie has to pay her. Frankie ask Linda for one hundred thousand for the tramit. They agree the deal. Linda return at her house at nine o’clock. She saw a man in front of her house. They talk and when they enter at the house John appear and Mark thing that he had seen a ghost because that boy looks identical as the men that he has seen died. Linda think quickly and said that he was a friend that was giving her company. Mark was confused. He was waiting linda in the living room while she was preparing a tee. The man that delivered a message for his wife called Julie, not Linda. He said the message “Tell Julie I’m sorry” and he go after that. Mark arrive at one o’Clock at his house. He was confuse. There was a puzzled and he want to solve it. The next morning he was looking at the newspaper and there was a photo of the man that died in the car crash at Thame. Julie was asking if someone have seen that man. Mark want to sole the problem. CHAPTER 11: THE VISIT On the morning Julie didn’t go to work because she was waiting for a call. Firstable she receive two calls that say that they saw Colin in a service area but later she received a call of a police officer that his car was in the airport. SHe goes to the airport to catch the car. She pretends to find the password inside but it wasn’t there. She start crying. When she returned she received a call of Mark Ashwood and tell her that he has news of her husband but he wants to tell her in person. She accepts. The next day MArk arrived. The house was a mess. He starts saying that this must be difficult for her, she said that she was prepared. He tell her that her husband had an accident and he died but she didn’t understand why the police didn’t informed her. He tell her that he was in Linda’s house and that he saw John Bentley’s that are the documents that Colin has in the car. She understand nothing and she tell him to leave and she start crying. He decided to left his business card on the table. CHAPTER 12: THE ROBBERY John couldn’t stay in his house for more longer and Linda found a cheap hotel near london that nobody asks you any question. It was the day of the robbery. At 1:15 John checked his things and they goes to Sandwell’s. He

entered for a back door. They check the hour. It was 1:35 in a half an hour (30min) Linda will come back. He disconnect the alarm with a six-figure code. He star’s putting valueble storms inside his sport bag. He entered to the strong-room. In there it was very valuables stones and they took off his coat and put it over the camera because he wanted to turn on the light. He put more stones in differents boxes. He went out but it was 1:55, Linda will return in 10 minutes and he decide to enter. He opened the skylight. He checked his watch it was 2:05 Linda will arrive now, He saw the time of the detonator and he ran. He heard an explosion. She arrived, opened the back doors of the van and they work quickly putting the bags in the van. The alarm start ringing because he reset the alarm. He jumped into the van. She drove quickly and they arrive at the hotel when Frankie was waiting for they. They separated the jewellery and frankie said that in two days they will have the money. Linda arrived at home at 6 nut at 7:30 she’ll woke up to go to work. She arrived and it was two police officers and the colleagues of Linda. One police officer asks Linda for where did she was the last night and a colleague said that it’s true that she was alone because her husband died recently. She start making coffee. Mr Rose say Linda to finished her work now because he suppose that she has a lot of things to do. She left. CHAPTER 13: THE TRUTH Julie decide to do some housework. She goes to the bedroom where she kept her personal paper and he found Colin’s password. He hadn’t left the country without the password. She sat on the bed and she thinks that she need to talk again with Mark, she found his card business and she called Mark. They will meet the next day at 2:30pm. Julie wake up early and did some work before meet Mark. They talk about the accident and about how alike look Colin and John. She wants to know the truth and to give back Colin his name. She wanted to know Linda and Mark will drove to London at the moment and to bought Julie to Linda’s house. CHAPTER 14: THE CHASE Julie and Mark were driving to London. Linda was preparing the suitcase to leave. they’ll use their personal passports. Before leaving, she drive to Red Lion to meet Frankie for the money. At 6 she was ready to leave and the owner was there to take the keys. Mark and Julie arrived when she was putting her suitcase in the van. Linda didn’t know that someone was following her at the beginning but when she arrives at the houtle she worried about it. She noticed John that was time to leave. They drove to the POrt of Dover and the volvo was behind they. The van stopped and someone fired a gun. Mark listened the sound of a gun fired but he didn’t realized that that gun touch Julie. Mark jumped out the car and start fighting eth John. John hit Mark with the gun and he became unconscious. Linda and John left to france. Mark woke up at the hospital, he feel tired. He asked for Julie and she was fine. Mark discovered that a motorcyclist find them in the road unconscious. When they feel better, a police had visited them. MArk thell the history of Colin and Bentleys. They believe him because they discovered that the robbery was did it for an “inside job” because the skylight was destroyed from the inside and there were not footprints in the roof. The jewellery had been removed before the glass had been smashed. They connect the robbery with John but it will be a great deal to find the Bentley’s. CHAPTER 15: OFFICIALLY DEAD

Julie spend 10 days in the hospital. She decided that MArk will look after her company's financial records. They become close friends. They have a dinner outside Bath to talk about the company. He purpose Julie to sell licenses of the software instead that selling the software. He think too that it would be better to don’t have an office and to be in touch with her secretary by phone. If she followed that, the company will earn well again. She really liked the idea and she kissed him. Mark sold his house and moved to Bath, he was the new director of CJF software solutions. They knew that they were in love so Julie moved to live with Mark. Mark tried to get Julie to go climbing. She think in how her life has changed. Seven years later the robbery, linda was sitting in the garden when she read the newspaper and she start crying. Mark read the news, a British couple were arrested in Spain for a jewellery robbery that happened 7 years before and they knew it because Linda’s aunt died and she had to use her real name to claim the property. She said that the man who was incinerator was Colin, her friend. Finally, she would give colin his officially real name dead.


Dull: boring Tedious. Boring long job Thieving: robatori Yell: scream, speak loudly Damp: cold humidity Arguing: to verbally fight with another one Headlights: lights of a car Loan: préstec Disk: disc Briefcase: motxilla (maletín) Crowded: espai ple Mates: parella Sideboard: aparador Elderly: persona d’edat avançada Proposal: proposta Frost: gelat Alibi: coartada Fence: valla Fussy: meticulós Powdery: en pols, fi Lay-by: àrea de descans Junction: intersecció Roadworks: obres del carrer Hedges: cubrir Wreck: restos Lorry: camió Inquest: investigació Furnished: amb mobles Sighed: sospirar


Madness: bogeria looked puzzled owe lifting steel shutter skylight holdall...

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