Officially Dead PDF

Title Officially Dead
Author Luciana Sánchez
Course Inglés
Institution Universidad Nacional de Jujuy
Pages 2
File Size 55.6 KB
File Type PDF
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Colin Fenton, a succesful businessman in a company. One day, he meets a perfect double of himself, however, he and his wife persuade him to commit a crime and rob a jewelry....


The Summary of Officially Dead by Richard Prescot

Colin Fenton was a businessman with a company called C.J.F. Software Solution. He ran this company along with his wife, Julie Fenton. Colin looks after the company’s finances while Julie is a software developer. At the beginning of the story, Colin Fenton was in Brentwood. In the evening, he went into a bar. When looking for an empty seat, he met a perfect double of himself. The double was John Bentley. He was with his wife, Linda Bentley. They worked in a jewellery shop. John invited Colin to sit with them and they soon got into a nice conversation. The meeting with Colin Fenton gave an idea to Linda about a robbery plan. She wanted her husband to rob the jewellery shop and use Colin to create an alibi. But John refused it. He had been in prison and he didn’t want to go there again Back to Bath, Colin had his usual life again. He and his wife, Julie, always went to work in separate cars. They left home at different times in the mornings and arrived home at different time in in the evenings. During the day, they hardly saw each other because of their busy agendas. After some years, the company had a financial problem. The business would not survive unless there were some large orders coming. The company was developing some important new software for a big insurance company named Jackman’s but unfortunately the contract was not signed yet. But in a few months, everything would be ready and the contract would be signed. One day when Colin was at his office, he received a small envelope with his name on it. It was from Linda Bentley. Linda invited him to have dinner at their house. The meeting would be on Wednesday evening which was a perfect time according to Linda because she would be alone. On the following Tuesday, Colin travelled to Brentwood. He went to the pub where Linda had been waiting for him. For his surprise, John did not join them because he was in Liverpool to watch a football match. Linda insisted and Colin accepted the meeting. After a few drinks, they left the pub and Linda drove them back to her house. There, Linda offered £10,000 for one evening’s easy work. Colin was surprised, he had a financial problem but he didn’t want an “easy work” to get money. The next morning, Linda drove Colin back to his hotel. Then, Colin asked again about Linda’s offering. Linda then explains about what Colin had to do. A few weeks after their meeting, Colin called Linda and agreed to help, he would be John’s alibi. Colin wanted everything to run well without harming somebody. The date for the robbery was arranged for 10th January. Having finished arranging the robbery plan with Linda Bentley, now it was the time for Colin to deal his wife. Julie did not have to know about the robbery plan so Colin made a fake meeting out of town. On 10th January, Colin left his house to Manchester. There, he went into a small road where the Bentleys had been waiting for him. Linda then took out a thick envelope with money from her bag and handed it to Colin. After the meeting, Colin drove back to Manchester. But on his way there, he had an accident. His car crashed into a huge tree by the side of the road. He was trapped in the driver’s seat, the steering-wheel pressing into his chest. Another man witnessed the accident. The man looked inside the wrecked car, Colin was trying to speak. He asked the man to tell the truth to Julie.

Meanwhile, John and Linda Bentley were waiting nervously in Brentwood. They did not know that Colin had had an accident and died. Then two police officers came and inform Linda about “her husband’s death.” Colin’s death made them change the plan into a better one. Everybody thought that John Bentley was dead, not Colin Fenton. For a time, John had to stay hidden. When everything was quiet again, John would do the robbery. Back to Bath, Julie Fenton was working when she had a phone call from Jackman’s asking where Colin was. He did not appear for their meeting. At first, Julie got angry but eventually she got worried. On the next morning, she called the local police station and made a report of a missing person. She also made an advertisement in the national newspaper. Surprisingly, the man who tried to save her husband, Mark Ashwood, read the advertisement and decided to investigate. So, he went to Linda Bentley’s house to tell her about “her death husband’s last wish.” When he was there, he was shocked because he saw a man’s face who exactly like the face of the man he had seen die. Moreover, the man had called out “Linda” not “Julie.” Mark then called Julie saying he had some information about her husband. Julie agreed to meet him the next day. When they finally met, Mark told her about the accident. He also told her about his visit to Linda Bentley’s house. He ended by saying that Colin Fenton had died in that car accident and his death was being used by other person. The day of the robbery then came. Linda drove a van to reach Sandwell’s, the jewellery shop. At one thirtyfive, they arrived there. John went out the van and tells Linda to comeback in exactly half an hour. He then unlocked the door and he had twenty seconds to lock the door again by entering the correct code on the keypad of the shop’s security system. There, he managed to take some precious stones and jewelleries, John took off his coat and threw it over the camera. John did not want his face recorded on the video recorder. After that he met his wife outside, Linda had parked the van just outside. A few days after the robbery, Linda Bentley was making preparations to leave the house. But before leaving, she had to get the money that she earned from robbing the jewellery shop. Then she went back to her house, gave the keys to the owner of the house, and picked up John at the cheap hotel. At first she did not notice that there was a car following her but when she arrived at the hotel, she began to worry. On their way to Devour, Linda told John about the car following them. Linda then stopped the van and John started shooting the car. The windscreen of Mark’s car shattered and Julie screamed, falling to one side. There was blood on her coat. Mark jumped out of the car and attacked John. Mark and John started to fight. Unfortunately, Linda came from the van, grabbed her husband’s gun, and shot Mark on the back of his head with it. Linda and John quickly got into the van and drive on to Dover. A few hours later, they led to the French countryside on a train going south, towards Spain and freedom. Mark woke several hours later in a hospital bed. He was worried about Julie so he called a nurse. The nurse told him that Julie would be fine and both of them would be all right. When they were feeling better, Mark explained the whole story about Colin Fenton, John and Linda Bentley to the police officer visiting them. But it was too late to catch the Bentleys since they had already escaped to Spain. The London Police reported the crime to Interpol, the international police organization. Finally, after seven years of Colin Fenton’s disappearance, Julie read a newspaper and cried. Mark sees the headline and it said ‘’British Couple Arrested for Jewellery Robbery after Seven Year’’....

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