Open-ended essay PDF

Title Open-ended essay
Author emilie hansen
Course Business Communitication
Institution Handelshøyskolen BI
Pages 3
File Size 113.4 KB
File Type PDF
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Open-ended essay

Characteristic of open-ended essay: 1. “buisnessey” theme 2. doing, how they go whatever it is… 3. variation – will require a comparison between “national/types of business culture  how people in culture A do something vs. people in culture B 4. thinking about something is also doing

How to answer the essay: the statement: pink = 1. Question and purple = 2. Question Example of an openended question  “how decisions are made in companies, and the criteria on which they are based, will to a large extent be influenced by the business culture of the people involved” Discuss the statement using relevant dimensions from at least three of the four theorists: Hofstede, Trompenaars, Gesteland and GLOBE.

1. You have to percent a theoretical idea from the syllabus  one of the dimensions in the course. General definition, can be the person/authors own words, source. 2. Then you have to find relevant evidence that supports your case that the theoretical idea is useful in the interpretation. An example! 3. Finally, an interpretive move into the heads of the people involved.

In an essay based on a critical incident you can use examples from the critical incident, however in an open-ended essay, you will have to provide evidence or examples.

When you right an open-ended essay, you should use at least three or foure different dimensions.

Introduction: you have to mention the dimensions you are going to use in the essay. An example on a introduction: In this essay, I will discuss how the decisions made in companies and how the criteria on which they are based will be influenced by the business culture of the people involved. I shall apply the dimensions of Hofstede (power distance and uncertainty avoidance), Trompenaars (universalism vs. particularism) and the GLOBE dimension performance orientation.

The main part (1) First, in terms how Always start off of with the first dimensions you mention in the decisions are made, I find introduction. And always describe the dimension you are Hofstede’s dimension of using. power distance highly relevant. According to An example on a start: Hofstede, power distance is the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organizations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally

In terms of the criteria on which decisions are based, I findessay the Open-ended dimension universalism vs. particularism highly Because relevant. According to this is something Hofstede has said, and it is taking from the syllabus you right like this behind the sentence; (Hofstede, 2010, p. 73) Trompenaars, this dimension actually Apertains to how decisions to describe the dimension: are made; are they based Here, it is important to use the words like “tend” or on relationships or rules? ul nd “usually” because not all people are like this. Stereotypes Inrauniversalist cultures, to no-go!! This is general definition. people tend to make decisions based on rules. d This is thee example on high power There is generally strong distance culture. advanced use of vocabulary focus on equal treatment, ect. In superiors and subordinates rules and laws are supposed to apply veisinone to the heads of people from high power distance culture. everyone and there truth regardless of whom you are dealing with. On the other hand, in t to come whit a contrast. Here you should right about low power e the same method as we did above! Yellow, blue and green. particularist cultures relationships are usually st: Ex perceived as more Inimportant that rules. (these two sections are connected to one section, with one of cPreferential treatment is three/four dimensions) tcommon and acceptable eand there is a general The second relevant dimension regarding how swillingness to change decisions are made, is uncertainty avoidance. sprocedures depending on mthe particular person you care dealing whit. Thus, the Then you use the same methods as the first dimensions ocriteria on which decisions (power distance)  yellow, blue and green, and then a are based in universalist contrast between high and low uncertainty avoidance. cultures tend to be based on fair treatment and ideally independently of Tthe position andt (2) background of the people involved. For instance, deciding who will for å General definition first. Come with a short position in a company is definition on each dimensions. Here we are usually based primarily on talking about the dimension in general, we are the merits of the applicant not talking about different countries like we and not on his or her did in the first part. acquaintances in the company. To citizens of In the mind of people from universalist culture. universalist cultures, this is the fair and ethical way An example of people in particularist cultures. of hiring people. However, in particularist cultures, an applicant who has family members or friends working for the company might receive preferential treatment and land the

Open-ended essay

The second relevant dimension regarding the criteria on which decisions are based is the GLOBE dimension performance orientations. You use the same methods as above. Yellow, blue and green....

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