Optimates vs. Populares PDF

Title Optimates vs. Populares
Course Themes and Personalities in History
Institution University of California Riverside
Pages 3
File Size 59 KB
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Last period of Roman Republic is full of even more violence and civil war o Destroys the republic and begins a new monarchy 60BC; arrival of C. Julius Ceasar in Rome o from an ancient family; patrician o politically, he was however always a populares o most successful demagogue, would do anything to succeed o previously was in Spain as a Roman governor and won minor military victory  Awarded a triumph o Could not actually enter Rome until he has his triumph  However, he wanted to also run for office of consul  Asked senate if they can curve the law so that he can run for senate and have his triumph later o He however had many enemies in the senate, especially Marcus Porcius Cato Marcus o Supported the senates o Hated Ceasar for personal reasons o Did not want Ceasar to win, but he knew he didn’t have to vote to block Ceasar  Used an old Roman tactic, filibuster  The senate would have meeting where someone would speak as a way to stall  You could not really stop someone from speaking  Ceasar just cancels his triumph and enters the city to become consul Ceasar enters city and has campaign for his position o Gets the most votes and becomes consul o His colleague; M. Calpurnis Bibulus  Was an optimate and son in law of Cato o Realized he will have opposition from Bibulus and Cato  Knows he will need powerful allies if he were to succeed  Forms political alliance; first triumurate Pompey was Rome’s most successful general o Conquered 4 new provinces in the east Crassus was Rome’s wealthiest man o Used money to have great political influence 60 BC; both Pompey and Crassus had problems they believed Cesar can help as consul o Pompey promise to soldiers that after serving, they will receive land from government  tries for two years to get this for the soldiers o Crassus goes to Senate to change the contract for Senate says no  Equestrian contract For a few days after become consul, Cesar proposes a land law in Senate o But Cato filibusters and it goes on for months o Cesar realizes that it won’t work through the senates and takes it to the people and tells them what will be passed

o Begs Bibulus to let the law through in front of all the people  He says no and won’t allow any innovation during his year  says they will never get this law o Cesar calls for a vote o Bibulus has a number of ways to block the vote from happening  A bad omen o Cesar had his supporters filled the temple with Pompey’s veterans before dawn o After dawn, Bibulus come with his people to tell the bad omen o Cesar give signal and is guys attack the Bibulus and throws him off and his supporters are thrown out of the vote o the vote goes on and the law passes  Pompey’s men get their land, Bibulus he Retires to his house and uses religious weapon to beat Cesar, so during that time, no political thing can happen for the rest of the year, looking at the heavens for signs Without Bibulus, Cesar and his allies are able to pass numerous locks o Cesar passes law to distribute then too many poor people in Italy o Crassus has his equestrian contract changed o passes law to transfers a Roman patrician to plebian order  P. Clodius Pulcher o Pompey marries Cesar’s daughter Julia Tribune; P. Vatinius o Populares politician, ally of Ceasar o Passed lex vatinia  Give Cesar an extraordinary command After being consul, Cesar becomes Gov. of two provinces o Give some power and military glory o becomes immune of prosecution  optimates upset 58 BC; Cesar leaves for Rome to take over to provinces o nearly immediately and invades Gaul o spends the next eight years to conquer it Back in Rome, Clodius becomes Tribune and proves he is populares politician o Passes laws that made him popular among the people  that state will provide free food for all Poor citizens  from now on, religion cannot be used to block political issues  senators usually abused religion to block political issues  Restore the collegia  Social organization, membership easily dependent on religion, profession, etc.  very large and usually well organized  these organizations were outlawed by Senate  similar to fraternities and sororities  helped Clodius gain even more popularity from collegia o Began using supporters for filing purposes  Attack political enemies

optimate rivals of adopted his method and use their wealth to create their own supporters  Constant battle between populares and optimates  the violence was so bad, there’re no city officials  Clodius was eventually killed o Optimates appeal to Pompey and beg him to help prevent a revolution o Pompey’s wife died due to childbirth Pompey helps restore and becomes close to optimates Crassus is killed during fighting Cesar is in Gaul o Pompey and Cesar on unwilling to accept an equal  civil war  Republic finally destroyed 

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