Option Compare Database PDF

Title Option Compare Database
Author Cabson DARI
Course Auditing 1
Institution Vaal University of Technology
Pages 6
File Size 46.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Option Compare Database Option Explicit Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset Dim con As New ADODB.Connection Dim dsales, interSales As Currency

Private Sub btnCreateTable_Click() On Error GoTo Problem con.Execute "CREATE TABLE tblVaalEnterpriseSales1" & "(" & " StaffNumber String(5)," & "MeyertonSales currency," & "VanderbijparkSales Currency, " & "TotalSales Currency," & " Commission Currency" & ");" MsgBox " Table created", vbOKOnly Or vbInformation Me.chkCreate.Visible = False Me.btnCreateTable.Enabled = False Exit Sub Problem: MsgBox ("Error " & Err.Description) End Sub

Private Sub btnview_Click() On Error GoTo Problem Dim sql As String

sql = " SELECT * FROM tblVaalEnterpriseSales" rs.Open sql, con, adOpenKeyset, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText rs.MoveFirst DisplayEmployee btnview.Enabled = False Exit Sub Problem: MsgBox (Err.Description) End Sub

Private Sub chkCreate_Click() If chkCreate.Value = True Then Me.btnCreateTable.Visible = True ElseIf Me.chkCreate.Value = False Then Me.btnCreateTable.Visible = False End If End Sub

'Save button Private Sub Command36_Click() Dim sales As Currency rs.Open "tblVaalEnterpriseSales", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic 'adding data to the table With rs .AddNew .Fields.Item(0) = Me.cboCode .Fields.Item(1) = dsales .Fields.Item(2) = interSales sales = dsales + interSales .Fields.Item(3) = sales 'rs.Fields.Item(4) = CalcCommission(sales) .Update .Close End With Set rs = Nothing 'Set con = Nothing

End Sub 'commision 'Private Sub Command38_Click() '' Sales ($) Commission ''1 – 100,000.99 2% of sales ''100,001 – 400,000.99 R2000 plus 5% of the sales over R100,000 ''400,001 and over R17000 plus 10% of the sales over R400,000 ' 'End Sub Private Function CalcCommission(ByVal sales As Currency) Const PERC_COMM1 As Double = 0.02 Const PERC_COMM2 As Double = 0.05 Const PERC_COMM3 As Double = 0.1 Select Case sales Case 1 To 100000 CalcCommission = (sales * PERC_COMM1) Case 100001 To 400000 CalcCommission = (2000 + (sales - 100000) * PERC_COMM2) Case Is > 400000 CalcCommission = (17000 + (sales - 400000) * PERC_COMM3) End Select

End Function 'update button Private Sub Command39_Click() On Error GoTo Problem Dim rs1 As New ADODB.Recordset Dim sql As String Dim sales As Double 'rs.Close 'Build dynamic SQL statement based on record

'selected by the user. '=" & "'" & Me.txtProduct & "'" sql = "select * from tblVaalEnterpriseSales where StaffNumber = " & "'" & Me.txtsalesPcode & "'"

'Assign updatable cursor and lock type properties AND rs1.CursorType = adOpenDynamic rs1.LockType = adLockOptimistic 'Open the Recordset object. rs1.Open sql, con, , , adCmdText 'Don't try to update the record, if the recordset 'did not find a row. If rs1.EOF = False Then 'Update the record based on input from the user. With rs1 .Fields.Item(1) = Me.txtDomestic .Fields.Item(2) = Me.txtInternational sales = rs1.Fields.Item(1) + rs1.Fields.Item(2) .Fields.Item(3) = sales 'rs1.Fields.Item(4) = CalcCommission(sales) .Update .Close End With End If Exit Sub Problem: MsgBox (Err.Description) End Sub

'next record Private Sub Command58_Click()

If Not (rs.EOF And rs.BOF) Then rs.MoveNext DisplayEmployee End If If rs.EOF = True Then MsgBox ("you reached the end of the file. Click ok to display the first record") rs.MoveFirst DisplayEmployee End If

End Sub 'button calculate commisson Private Sub Command59_Click() rs1.Fields.Item(4) = CalcCommission(sales) End Sub

Private Sub Detail_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Me.cboSales.RowSource = "" Dim k As Double For k = 50000 To 600000 Step 55000 Me.cboSales.AddItem (k) Next

Me.cboCode.RowSource = "" Me.cboCode.AddItem ("BX200") Me.cboCode.AddItem ("SM216")

Me.cboCode.AddItem ("BR555") Me.cboCode.AddItem ("HH098")

Me.chkCreate.Value = False Me.btnCreateTable.Visible = False 'Me.btnCreateTable.Enabled = False Set con = CurrentProject.Connection End Sub

Private Sub OptDomestic_Click() Me.OptInternational.Value = False dsales = Me.cboSales Me.cboSales.Value = "" End Sub

Private Sub optInternational_Click() OptDomestic.Value = False interSales = Me.cboSales Me.cboSales.Value = "" End Sub Private Sub DisplayEmployee() If Not rs.EOF And Not rs.BOF Then Me.txtsalesPcode = rs.Fields.Item(0) Me.txtDomestic = rs.Fields.Item(1) Me.txtInternational = rs.Fields.Item(2) Me.txtTotal = rs.Fields.Item(3) Me.txtComm = rs.Fields.Item(4) End If End Sub...

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