Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives Multiple Choice Questions and Answers Ch26 PDF

Title Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives Multiple Choice Questions and Answers Ch26
Author YH NYH
Course Derivatives Markets and Products
Institution Singapore Institute of Technology
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Hull: Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, Ninth Edition Chapter 26: Exotic Options Multiple Choice Test Bank: Questions with Answers

1. An Asian option is a term used to describe which of the following A. An option where the payoff depends on whether a barrier is hit B. An option where the payoff depends on the average value of a variable over a period of time C. An option that trades on an exchange in the Far East D. Any option with a nonstandard payoff Answer: B An Asian option is an option whose payoff is calculated from the average value of a variable over a period of time 2. As the barrier is observed more frequently, which of the following is true of a knock-out option A. It becomes more valuable B. It becomes less valuable C. There is no effect on value D. It may become more valuable or less valuable Answer: B As the barrier is observed more frequently it is more likely to be hit. A knock-out option therefore becomes less valuable 3. There are two types of regular options (calls and puts). How many types of compound options are there? A. Two B. Four C. Six D. Eight Answer: B There are four: call on call, call on put, put on call, and put on put 4. There are two types of regular options (calls and puts). How many types of barrier options are there? A. Two B. Four C. Six D. Eight Answer: D

There are eight: up and in call, up and in put, down and in call, down and in put, up and out call, up and out put, down and out call, and down and out put. 5. In a shout call option the strike price is $30. The holder shouts when the asset price is $40. What is the payoff from the option if the final asset price is $35? A. $0 B. $5 C. $10 D. $15 Answer: C The holder gets the intrinsic value at the time of the shout or the usual final payoff whichever is greater. In this case the holder gets 40−30 = $10 6. A floating lookback call option pays off which of the following A. The amount by which the final stock price exceeds the minimum stock price B. The amount by which the maximum stock price exceeds the final stock price C. The amount by which the strike price exceeds the minimum stock price D. The amount by which the maximum stock price exceeds the strike price Answer: B A floating lookback call pays off the amount by which the maximum stock price exceeds the final stock price 7. A fixed lookback put option pays off which of the following A. The amount by which the final stock price exceeds the minimum stock price B. The amount by which the maximum stock price exceeds the final stock price C. The amount by which the strike price exceeds the minimum stock price D. The amount by which the maximum stock price exceeds the strike price Answer: C A fixed lookback put pays off the amount by which the strike price exceeds the minimum stock price, if this is positive

8. Which of the following is equivalent to a long position in a European call option? A. A short position in a cash-or-nothing put option plus a long position in an asset-ornothing put option B. A long position in an asset-or-nothing put option plus a long position in a cash-ornothing put option C. A long position in an asset-or-nothing call option plus a long position in a cash-ornothing call option D. A long position in an asset-or-nothing call option plus a short position in a cash-ornothing call option

Answer: D A long position in a European call is equivalent to a long position in an asset-or-nothing call option (this is worth S0N(d1)) and a short position in a cash-or-nothing call option (this is worth –Ke-rTN(d2))

9. Which of the following is equivalent to a short position in a European put option? A. A short position in a cash-or-nothing put option plus a long position in an asset-ornothing put option B. A long position in an asset-or-nothing put option plus a long position in a cash-ornothing put option C. A long position in an asset-or-nothing call option plus a long position in a cash-ornothing call option D. A long position in an asset-or-nothing call option plus a short position in a cash-ornothing call option Answer: A A short position in a European put is equivalent to a short cash-or-nothing put option (−KN(−d2)e-rT) and a long position in an asset-or-nothing put (S0N(−d1)) 10. Which of the following describes a cliquet option A. An option to exchange one asset for another B. An instrument when the holder can choose between several alternative options C. An option on an option with predetermined strike prices for the two options D. A series of options with rules for determining strike prices Answer: D A cliquet option is a series of options where there are rules for determining strike prices. For example, there could be a series of one-year options where the strike price for each option is the asset price at the beginning of its life. 11. An employer has promised that it will grant employees three year options in one year’s time and that the options will be at the money at the time they are granted. What describes these options? A. Chooser options B. Forward start options C. Compound options D. Shout options Answer: B

These are referred to as forward start options because they are options that are certain to start at a particular future time. 12. When can Bermudan options be exercised? A. Any time during the life of the options B. Any time after a certain date up to the end of the life of the life C. Any time before a certain date or at the end of the option’s life D. On dates specified at the start of the option Answer: D Bermudan options can be exercised on specified dates but not all dates. (Bermuda is between Europe and America!)

13. Which of the following is the payoff from an average strike call option? A. The excess of the strike price over the average stock price, if positive B. The excess of the final stock price over the average stock price, if positive C. The excess of the average stock price over the strike price, if positive D. The excess of the average stock price over the final stock price, if positive Answer: B An average strike call pays off the excess of the final stock price over the average stock price if this is positive 14. Which of the following is the payoff from an average strike put option? A. The excess of the strike price over the average stock price, if positive B. The excess of the final stock price over the average stock price, if positive C. The excess of the average stock price over the strike price, if positive D. The excess of the average stock price over the final stock price, if positive Answer: D An average strike put pays off the excess of the average stock price over the final stock price if this is positive

15. A binary option pays of $100 if a non-dividend-paying stock price is greater than its current value in three months. The risk-free rate is 3% and the volatility is 40%. Which of the following is its value? A. 99.25N(-0.1375) B. 99.25N(0.1375) C. 99.25N(-0.0625) D. 99.25N(0.0625) Answer: C

The binary call option is worth 100N(d2)e-0.03×0.25. In this case S0 = K so than ln(S0/K) = 1 and (0.03  0.4 2 / 2) 0.25  0.0625 d2  0.4  0.25

16. A volatility swap is A. An instrument that swaps the change in the value of a market variable for a fixed amount B. A swap involving an asset whose volatility is greater than a certain level C. An exchange of the implied volatility of an option at a future time for a fixed volatility D. An exchange of the realized volatility of an asset for a fixed volatility Answer: D A volatility swap is an exchange of the realized volatility of an asset over a period of time for a prespecified fixed volatility with both being multiplied by a notional principal.

17. Which of the following is true of a gap option A. The strike price determining whether a payoff is made is not the same as the strike price determining the size of the payoff B. There is a straightforward valuation formula similar to Black-Scholes-Merton C. It describes an option where there is a cost to exercising D. All of the above Answer: D All of A, B, and C are true. A gap call option provides a payoff of ST – K1 when ST>K2. A gap put option provides a payoff of K1-ST when ST...

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