Org Behavior Final Exam Outline PDF

Title Org Behavior Final Exam Outline
Course Organizational Behavior
Institution Thomas Edison State University
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Organizational Behavior:  4 Mgmt Functions: Planning,Organizing,Leading,Controlling (POLC).  Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles: o Interpesonal(Figurehead,Leader,Liason) o Informational(Monitor,Disseminator,Spokesperson) o Decisional (Entrepreneur,Disturbance Handler, Resource Allocator,Negotiator)  Organizational Behavior-Field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior w/in organizations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organization’s effectiveness.  Systematic Study-Looking at relationships, attempting to attribute causes and effects, and drawing conclusions based on scientific evidence.  Productivity-A performance measure that incl. effectiveness and efficiency. (effectiveness-achievement of goals,efficiency-ratio of effective output to the input required to achieve it.)  Organizational Citizenship Behavior-Discretionary behavior not part of formal job requirements, but promotes the effective functioning of the organization. Individual Behavior:  Learning-Any relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience.  Operant Conditioning-Desired voluntary behavior leads to a reward or prevents a punishment.  Behaviorism-Behavior follows stimuli in a relatively unthinking manner.  Variable-Interval Schedule-Distributing rewards in time so that reinforcements are unpredictable.  Fixed-Ratio Schedule-Reward given at fixed amounts of output.  Variable-Ratio Schedule-Varying the reward relative to the behavior of the individual.  OB Mod-The application of reinforcement concepts to individuals in work setting. Attitudes/Job Satisfaction:  Cognitive Component-Opinion or belief segment of an attitude.  Affective Component-Emotional or feeling segment of an attitude.  Behavioral Component -Intention to behave in a certain way toward someone or something.  Cognitive Dissonance-Any incompatibility between 2 or more attitudes or btwn behavior and attitudes.  Self-Perception Theory-Attitudes are used after the fact to make sense out of an action that has already occurred. Organizational Commitment-Degree to which an employee identifies w/a particular organiz. And its goals and wishes to maintain memebership. o 3 Dimensions of commitment:  Affective-Emotional attachment to the organiz. And a belief in its values.  Continuance-Perceived economic value of remaining w/ an organization compared to leaving.  Normative-Obligation to remain w/ the organiz. For moral or ethical reasons.  Exit-Dissatisfaction expressed through behavior directed toward leaving the organiz.  Voice-Expressed through active and constructive attempts to improve conditions.  Loyalty-Expressed by passively waiting for conditions to improve.  Neglect-Expressed through allowing conditions to worsen. Personality/Values:  MBTI-Personality assmt instrument (Extraverted/Introverted,Sensing/Intuitive,Thinking/Feeling, Judging/Perceiving)  CANOE(big5)-Conscientiousness(reliability),Agreeableness(cooperative,trusting),Neuroticism, Openness to experience (curious, imaginative),Extraversion.  Locus of control-Degree to which ppl believe that they are masters of their own fate.  Machiavellianism-Degree to which an individ is pragmatic, maintains emotional distance, and believes that ends justify the means.  Self-Monitoring-Measures someone’s ability to adjust his/her behavior to external factors.  Terminal Values-Desirable end-states of existence; goals that a person would like to achieve during his/her lifetime.  Instrumental Values-Preferable modes of behavior or means of achieving one’s terminal values. 

Hofstede’s 5-Power distance-(Low-equalish power btwn status/wealth and those w/out. High-unequal power distribution) ICMUL (I see a mule up land) o Individualsim vs. Collectivism (Individualism-degree to which ppl preer to act as individuals. o Collectivism-tight social framework that expects other group members to protect each other) o Masculinity vs. Femininity-(M-society values work roles of achievement,power,control and where assertiveness and materialism are valued. F-Little differentiation btwn roles for M&F) o Uncertainity Avoidance-(High-Does not like ambiguous situations and avoids. Low-Does not mind ambiguous situations and embraces.)


Long-term vs. Short-term-(Long-Emphasizes the future, thrift, persistence. Short-Emphasizes the present, “here and now”.)Personality-Job Fit Theory-Realistic-physical activity, skill, strength, coordination, mechanic. Investigative-thinking, organizing, understanding, biologist. Social-helping, developing others, social worker. Conventional-Rule-regulated, orderly, unambiguous activities, accountant. Enterprising-verbal activities, opportunities to influence others, attain power, lawyer. Artistic-Ambiguous/unsystematic activities, creative expression, painter.

Perception/Individual Decision Making:  Attribution Theory-When individuals observe behavior, they attempt to determine whether it is internally or externally caused.  Distinctiveness-Individ displays diff behaviors in diff situations.  Consensus-if everyone’s response in a situation is the same.  Consistency-A person responds in the same way over time.)  Fundamental Attribution Error-Tendency to underestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate the influence of internal factors when making judgments about the behavior of others.  Self-Serving Bias-Tendency for indivds to attribute their own successes to internal factors while putting the blame for failures on external factors.  Halo Effect-Drawing general impression about an individ on basis of single characteristic.  Contrast Effects-Evaluation of a person’s characteristics are affected by comparisons w/ other ppl recently encountered who rank higher or lower on same characteristics.  Projection-Attributing one’s own characteristics to other ppl.  Self-Fulfilling Prophecy-Situation in which 1 person inaccurately perceives a 2nd person and the resulting expectations cause the 2nd person to behave in ways consistent w/ the original perception.  Profiling-Form of stereotyping in which group of individs is singled out for intensive inquiry, scrutinizing, investigation.  Bounded Rationality-Individs make decisions by constructing simplified models that extract the essential features from problems w/out capturing all their complexity.  Satisfice-seek solutions that are satisfactory and sufficient)  Anchoring Bias-using early info as basis for making subsequent judgments.  Confirmation Bias-using only facts that support our decision.  Representative Bias-Assessing the likelihood of an occurrence by inappropriately considering the current situation as identical to ones in the past.  Escalation of commitment-increasing commitment to decision even w/ negative info about it.  Randomness Error-Tendency to believe that you can predict outcome of random events.  Hindsight Bias-Looking back, after outcome and believing you accurately predicted the outcome of an event.  Utilitarianism-Decisions made to provide the greatest good for the greatest amount of ppl. Motivation (ConceptsApplications):  Hierarchy of Needs(Maslow)o Physiological-hunger,thirst,shelter. o Safety-security,protection. o Social-Affection,belongingness,acceptance. o Esteem-self-respect,achievement, status. o Self-actualization-growth,achieving one’s potential, self-fulfillment. Must move up in order. 

ERG Theoryo Existence-provision of basic material rqmts. o Relatedness-desire for relationships. o Growth-Desire for personal development. More than 1 need can operate at same time. If higher level cannot be fulfilled, desire to satisfy a lower-level need increases.

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Theory X-assumption that employees dislike work/responsibility, are lazy/must be coerced to perform. Theory Y-assumption that employees like work, are creative, seek responsibility, can exercise self-direction.

Herzberg’s 2 Factor Theory(Motivation-Hygiene)o Hygiene Factors-Extrinsic and related Dissatisfaction, salary, work conditions, company policies. o Motivation Factors-Intrinsic and related satisfaction, achievement, responsibility, growth.

Cognitive Evaluation Theory-Allocating extrinsic rewards for behavior that was previously intrinsically rewarding tends to decrease the overall level of motivation.(Reading in summer is good but for grades sucks)

Management by Objectives – Program that encompasses specific goals, anticipatively set, for an explicit time period, w/feedback on goal progress.

Self-Efficacy Theory-Individs belief that he/she can perform a task.

Equity Theory-Individs compare job inputs and outcomes w/ those of others and respond to eliminate any inequities.

Disruptive Justice-Perceived fairness of the amt and allocation of rewards among individuals.

Organizational Justice-Overall perception of what is fair in the workplace.

Procedural Justice-Perceived fairness of process used to determine outcome.

Interactional Justice-Perceived degree to which one is treated w/ dignity/respect.

Expectancy Theory-The strength of a tendency to act in a certain way depends on the strength of an expectation that the act will followed by a given outcome & on the attractiveness of that outcome to the individual.

Job Characteristic Model o 5-Skill Variety-job requires a variety of diff activities so workers can use a # of diff skills. o Task Identity-job requires completion of a whole and identifiable piece of work. o Task Significance-Job has a substantial impact on lives of workers. Autonomy-Job provides freedom,indepen. Feedback-individual obtaining direct and clear info about the effectiveness of performance. o Variaible-Pay Programs-Bases a portion of an employee’s pay on individual/organizational measure of performance. o Piece-Rate Pay-workers are paid a fixed sum for each unit of production completed. o Profit-sharing-Distribute compensation based on estab formula designed around a company’s profitability. o Gain Sharing-Incentive plan which improvements in group productivity determine the total amount of $ allocated. Employee Stock Ownership Plan- Employees acquire stock as part of their benefits. o Flexible Benefits (Modular Plans-predesigned package.  Core-Plus Plans-Core of essential benefits, menu-like selection of benefit options.  Flexible Spending Plans-Allow to use

Emotions of any kind are disruptive to organizations.  Emotions-Intense feelings that are directed at someone/something.  Affect-broad range of emotions ppl experience.  Moods-feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions & lack a contextual stimulus.  Emotions Dimensionso Biology of emotions-originate in brain’s limbic system.Inactive-happier. o Intensity of emotions-Personality, Job Rqmts. o Functions of emotions-Critical for rational thinking, motivate ppl. o High Neg Affect-Tense,nervous,upset,stressed. o High Pos Affect-Alert,excited,happy. o Low Pos Effect-Sad,Depressed,Bored,Fatigued. o Low Neg Affect-Calm,Relaxed,Content. o Pos moods are highest-@ end of week,middle part day. o Neg moods are highest-beginning of week,show little variation through day.  Rene Descartes-Wonder, love, desire, hatred, joy, sadness.  Organizational influences Individ Emotions  cultural influences.  Emotional Labor – A situation in which an employee expresses organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal transactions.Airplane, morgue worker.  Felt emotions-An individs actual emotions.  Displayed emotions-emotions that are organizationally required & considered appropriate in a given job.  Universal emotions- anger,fear,happiness,sadness,disgust,surprise.  Higher emotional labor=more highly paid jobs(w/ high cognitive rqmts).  Emotional Intelligence-Ability to detect & manage emotional cues & info. – Biologically based, unrelated to standard measures of intelligence.Self-awareness(know how you feel), self-mgmt(manage your emotions & impules), selfmotivation(can motivate yourself & persist), Empathy(sense & underst& what others feel), Social Skills(can handle emotions of others)  Research findingso High EI Scores, not High IQ sores, characterize high performers. o OB Applications of understanding emotions-Emotions & selection-Emotions affect employee effectiveness. o Decision making-Emotions are important part of the decision-making process in organizations.Creativity-Pos mood increases creativity.

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Motivation-Emotional commitment to work & high motivation are strongly linked. Leadership-Emotions are important to acceptance of messages from organizational leaders. Interpersonal conflict-Conflict in workplace & individ emotions are strongly intertwined. Negotiation- Emotions can impair negotiations. Customer Services-emotions affect service quality delivered to customers, in turn, affects customer relations. Job attitudes-can carry over to home. Deviant workplace behaviors-Neg emotionsemployee deviance(actions that violate norms & threaten the organization)-productivity failures, property theft & destruction, political actions, personal aggression. Emotions are critical to rational thinking. Emotional dissonance-disparity btwn the emotions we feel & emotions we project. Affective events theory-employees react emotionally to things that happen to them at work & reaction influences their job performance/satisfaction.

Group Behavior–  Informal Group-A group that is neither formally structured nor organizationally determined; appears in response to need for social contact.  Comm& Group-group composed of the individs who report directly to given manager.  Task group-those working together to complete a job or task.  Interest Group-those working together to attain a specific objective w/which each is concerned.  Friendship group-share 1 ore more common characteristics.Why ppl join-Security,status, selfesteem,affiliation,power,goal achievement.   5-Stage model of Group Developmento Forming stage(1st)characterized by much uncertainty. o Storming stage(2nd)characterized by intragroup conflict. o Norming stage(3rd) characterized by close relationships & cohesiveness. o Performing stage(4th)group is fully functional. o Adjourning stage(5th)for temp groups, characterized w/ wrapping up activities rather than performing Temp Groups w/ deadlines. o  Punctuated-Equilibrium model-Temp groups under time constrained deadlines go through transitions btwn inertia & activity-at the half-point, they experience an increase in productivity. o Sequence of actions:  1. Setting group direction.  2 (1st) phase of inertia,  3-half-way point transition,  4-major changes,  5-(2nd) phase of inertia,  6-accelerated activity.   Group Properties-roles-Set of expected behavior patterns attributed to someone occupying a given position in a social unit. o Role identity-Certain attitudes & behaviors consistent w/a role. o Role perception-An individs view of how he/she is supposed to act in given situation. o Role Expectations-How others believe a person should act in given situation. o Psychological contract-Unwritten agmt that sets out what mgmt expects from the employee & vice versa. o Role Conflict-Situation in which an individ is confronted by divergent role expectations. o Norms-Acceptable standards of behavior w/in a group that are shared by the group’s members. o Classes of norms-Performance,appearance,social argmt,&allocation of resources NORMS. 

Groups norms & Hawthorne studies-Worker behavior & sentiments were closely related, Group influences(norms)were significant in affecting individ behavior, Group Standards(norms) were highly effective in establishing individ worker output, Money was less a factor in determining worker output than were group standards, sentiments, & security. o Conformity-Adjusting one’s behavior to align w/norms of the group. o Reference groups-Important groups to which individs belong or hope to belong & w/whose norms individs are likely to conform. o Deviant Workplace Behavior-Antisocial actions that intentionally violate established norms & result in neg consequences for the organization, its members, or both.Group norms can influence the presence of deviant behavior. o Typology of Deviant Workplace Behavior-Category/ Exs Production- Leaving early,intentionally working slowly,wasting resources.  Property-Sabotage,lying about hours worked,stealing from the organization.

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Political-Showing favoritism, Gossiping & spreading rumors, blaming coworkers. Personal Aggression-Sexual harassment,verbal abuse,stealing from coworkers. Status-Socially defined position given to groups or members by others. Social loafing-the tendency for individs to expend less effort when working collectively than individly.


Conclusion-Odd # groups do better than even, Groups of 5-7 Perform better overall than larger or small groups


Group properties Cohesiveness-Degree to which group members are attracted to each other & are motivated to stay.  Increasing group cohesiveness:Make the group smaller,encourage agreement w/group goals, increase time members spend together, increase group status & admissions difficulty, stimulate competition w/ other groups, Give rewards to the group, not the individs, Physically isolate the group.


Group Decision making Decision Making-Large groups facilitate the pooling of info about complex tasks. Smaller groups are better suite to coordinating & facilitating the implementation of complex tasks. Simple, routine st&ardized tasks reduce the requirement that group processes be effective in order for the group to perform well.  Strengths-More complete info, increased diversity of views, higher quality of decisions (more accuracy), increased acceptations of solutions.  Weaknesses-More time consuming(slower), increased pressure to conform, domination by one or a few members, ambiguous responsibility. More accurate than individ.


Groups are more effective but not as efficient. Some cases individs can make better decisions that groups.  Groupthink-Phenomenon in which the norm for consensus overrides the realistic appraisal of alt course of action.  Groupshift-Change in decision risk btwn the group’s decision & the individ decision that member w/in the group would make; can be either toward conservatism or greater risk. Group decisions exaggerate the initial position of the individ members, the shift has been shown more often to be toward greater risk, whether a group will shift toward risk or caution is a function of the members’ pre discussion inclinations.  Symptoms of the Groupthink phenomenon-Group members rationalize any resistance to the assumptions they’ve made. Members apply direct pressure on those who express doubts about shared views or question the alts favored by the majority, members who have doubts or differing points of view keep silent about misgivings, appears to be an illusion of unanimity.


Group Decision-Making Techniques Interacting Groups-Most Common, Typical groups, in which the members interact w/ each other face-toface.  Brainstorming-6-12 ppl An idea-generation process that specifically encourages any & all alts, while w/holding any criticism of 

Norminal Group technique –A group decision-making method In which individ members meet face-toface to pool their judgments in a systematic but independent fashion. Restricts discussion or interpersonal communication during the decision making process. All physically present, writes down ideas on problem, reads them off one by one, no discussion, discusses ideas for clarity & evaluates them, ranks them. those alternatives. Nominal groups outperform brainstorming groups.

Electronic Meeting 50 ppl-Meeting in which members interact on comps, allowing for anonymity of comments & aggregation of votes.Decreased group effectiveness,...

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