Org change exam 2 - exam 2 PDF

Title Org change exam 2 - exam 2
Author Natalie Camber
Course Organizational Change and Development
Institution University of Arkansas
Pages 19
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Org. Change (MGMT 4263) Exam 2

Chapter 5 1. What are formal structures designed for? a. To support the strategic direction of the firm by enhancing efficiency and effectiveness b. To clarify roles and responsibilities c. To ensure accountability and oversight d. To create a coherent organization chart

2. Which of the following is NOT an example of formal systems? a. Strategic planning, accounting and control systems b. Pay and reward practices c. Performance management d. Organizational culture

3. Some organizations do not require any formalization because they are so small. a. True b. False

4. How does the degree of differentiation change over the life an organization? a. Differentiation generally remains stable throughout the life of the organization b. As the number of employees increases, there is greater differentiation c. As an organization becomes more successful and profitable, there is a greater need to differentiate tasks d. As a workforce becomes more embedded and cross-trained, the degree of differentiation diminishes

Org. Change (MGMT 4263) Exam 2 5. What is integration? a. How much one task overlaps with another b. The degree in which each individual tasks fits in with the organization’s overall mission c. The degree to which responsibility is meaningfully assigned instead of having unnecessary levels of management and bureaucracy d. The extent to which all disparate tasks and jobs are combined into a cohesive whole

6. What are common ways that larger, more complex companies are organized? a. Larger companies tend to be organized purely by function b. Every product and category is integrated into each department to ensure integration c. Departments may be organized by product or geographic area, and there may be people who specialize, bringing together all parts of the organization d. They consolidate all locations to manage all aspects of the company more closely from one entity

7. What part of structure does the chain of command reflect? a.

The formal power structure

b. The informal power structure c. The organization’s culture d. The change process

8. Organizations that have a more decentralized decision-making process tend to be structured in what way? a. Hierarchical

Org. Change (MGMT 4263) Exam 2 b. Flat c. Formal d. Informal

9. The formality of an organization is defined by the extent to which structures and processes of the organization are written down and expected to be followed. a. True b. False

10.Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a mechanistic organization? a. Tasks are broken down into separate parts b. There is a narrow span of control c. There is a straightforward planning process d. Communication is abundant and flows horizontally

11.Which of the following kinds of organizations is most likely to be mechanistic? a. A tech start-up b. A school c. A nuclear power plant d. An architecture firm

12.In what kinds of industries would an organic organization work best?

Org. Change (MGMT 4263) Exam 2 a. Organic forms are best suited to creative fields, or in an environment where flexibility and adaptiveness are critical

13.As uncertainty ____________, the amount of information that needs to be processed between decision makers _______________. a. Decreases, increases b. Increases, decreases c. Increases, increases d. Increases, stays the same

14.One way that organizations can reduce their information-processing challenges is by: a. Sending more emails b. Adding slack resources c. Making departments more reliant on each other d. Working harder and longer

15.What is the role of information systems? a. To develop needed information and get it to the right people b. To make sure all employees understand what’s going on in the organization c. To keep employees accountable for mistakes they may be making d. To develop annual reports for shareholders

16.What kinds of lateral relations will help increase information flow?

Org. Change (MGMT 4263) Exam 2 a. Possible answers include: direct contact between affected individuals, use of liaisons to bridge groups, multidepartmental task forces, formal teams, integrating roles with cross- departmental decision authority, structures with dual-authority relationships 17.Organizations need to align their formal structures and systems with the environment. a. True b. False

18.How does an organization’s design impact the behavior of its members? a. Design either inhibits or facilitates collaboration b. Design suits some personalities better than others c. Design determines the size an organization can reach d. Design inhibits creativity

19.In the implementation stage, which reporting structure is most effective? a. Brainstorming sessions b. Task force c. Town hall meeting d. Having the people who generate ideas also make the decisions

20.There is one best way to structure an organization. a. True b. False

Org. Change (MGMT 4263) Exam 2 21.Which decision should be made first? a. Structure b. Culture c. Tasks d. Strategy

22.While having a good strategy is important, it is ineffective if which characteristic isn’t present? a. Delegation b. Oversight c. Alignment d. Dedication

23.Leveraging structural and systematic change will create major animosity with one’s employees. a. True b. False

24.Incremental changes require ______________, while larger more influential changes require _____________. a. Less dedication, sustained passion b. More employee buy-in, leadership commitment c. Fewer resources, formal approval d. Numerous task forces, town hall meetings

Org. Change (MGMT 4263) Exam 2 25.If leadership has a low tolerance for ambiguity, the approval process is likely to be: a. More rigorous b. More straightforward c. Quicker d. Lengthy

26.When approaching a formal approval process, change agents should utilize all of the following strategies EXCEPT: a. Identify the decision-maker’s attitude and work with that person b. Be as vague about the project as possible in order to set accurate expectations c. Connect the project to the vision and strategy of the organization d. Use the appropriate process to legitimize the proposal

27.Change proposals should only be introduced once formal approval is obtained. a. True b. False

28.Acceptance is enhanced in which of the following situations? a. By involving others in the discussion and thoroughly discussing alignment b. By presenting the change proposal after others have already put forward their ideas c. By keeping the project quiet until the project is formally approved d. By not including people who may resist the initial idea

Org. Change (MGMT 4263) Exam 2 29.Acceptance can be increased despite initial resistance if the project has been through a rigorous review. a. True b. False

30.How might change leaders increase the likelihood of gaining approval? a. They should have a well-placed sponsor, know their audience, understand the power dynamics, have the project presented by the right person, and bring it forward when the time is right

31.Formal approval tends to follow the same general decision-making process in most organizations. a. True b. False

32.Moving forward without formal approval establishes creeping commitment to the change project. a. True b. False

Chapter 6 1. Stakeholders with a positive commitment and a high understanding of the change will provide the strongest consensus. a. True b. False

Org. Change (MGMT 4263) Exam 2 2. Resistance to change should be avoided at all costs. a. True b. False

3. Managers use different power tactics when trying to influence superiors as opposed to subordinates. a. True b. False

4. Organizations would be better off if they didn't have to deal with power dynamics. a. True b. False

5. Employees who are deeply committed to the organization will generally demonstrate the most support for change initiatives. a. True b. False

6. What is likely to happen when a new CEO comes into an organization? a. The CEO may challenge power and culture dynamics b. The CEO will fire most of the employees c. The CEO will continue with business as usual d. The CEO will be immediately accepted 7. What is an example of a cultural artifact? a. The way employees dress b. The basic underlying assumptions of a group c. The organization's publicized mission

Org. Change (MGMT 4263) Exam 2 d. The size of the organization 8. The movements of stakeholders follow which of the paths below? a. Interest, awareness, desire for action, leadership b. Awareness, discussion, communication, participation c. Awareness, interest, desire for action, take action d. Denial, grief, bargaining, acceptance 9. Organizational members can be classified as all of the following except: a. Central connectors b. Troublemakers c. Boundary spanners d. Information brokers

10. If a merger makes good business sense, an organization might not pursue it due to which of the following reasons? a. Shareholders may be upset b. It may be too expensive c. The cultures of the two organizations clash d. There is not unanimity among the board 11. Which of the following aspects of culture is most difficult to change? a. Cultural artifacts b. Espoused beliefs and values c. Underlying assumptions d. How people relate to one another 12. Which of the following is not a step in conducting a force field analysis? a. Identifying the strengths of forces acting in the situation b. Understand the forces and how they might increase leverage for change c. Examine the financial impact of the change in the short and long term d. Identify ways to increase support and reduce resistance 13. What is a force field analysis? a. A process of identifying driving and restraining forces b. A process of tempering power by leveling the playing field c. A process of identifying the best routes to accomplish change d. A process of creating alliances 14. In order to assess culture at it's deepest level, change agents should ask which question? a. Are humans basically good, neutral, or evil? b. How often has the mission changed? c. Do people really believe the mission? d. What is the incentive and reward system?

Org. Change (MGMT 4263) Exam 2 15. In order to get a full picture of the informal organization, which stakeholder(s) must be considered? a. Yourself b. The CEO c. The lowest level employees d. Former employees 16. In a stakeholder map, one may want to depict all of the following factors except: a. Stakeholder wants & needs b. Stakeholder linkages c. Likely stakeholder response to the change d. Stakeholder wealth relative to others

17. Which of the following is not one of Hardy's dimensions of power? a. Resource power b. Charisma power c. Process power d. Meaning power 18. Which of the following tends to be the least popular power tactic? a. Referring to a higher authority b. Bargaining c. Developing coalitions d. Applying sanctions 19. Which kind of power tends to be least important on its own? a. Positional power b. Network power c. Knowledge power d. Personality power 20. Which of the follow is true about Schein's definition of culture? a. It's a pattern of basic assumptions that has been implemented by a single leader b. It's a set of assumptions that is taught as one of a variety of ways of perceiving problems c. It's a set of assumptions that is considered valid by senior leadership d. It's a set of assumptions that has been learned by a group as the correct way to think about problems

Chapter 7 1. Recipients of change are usually passive participants.

Org. Change (MGMT 4263) Exam 2 a. True b. False

2. Which of the following is NOT a reason for a change recipient to decide to support the change? a. The benefits to them outweigh the costs b. The change has a high personal relevance c. The change is consistent with their values d. The change will make their job more interesting

3. Which of the following correlations between age and resistance to change is true? a. Age is negatively related to resistance b. Younger workers are more likely to accept change c. Younger and older workers respond to change in the same way d. Age is positively related to resistance

4. Change initiatives may cause mixed feelings from change recipients based on the impact of all factors EXCEPT: a. Their relationship with others b. Their ability to do their job c. Their compensation and bonuses d. The fit with their needs and values

Org. Change (MGMT 4263) Exam 2 5. Which of the following is a least constructive coping mechanism to change? a. Proselytization b. Interrogation c. Complaints d. Sabotage

6. Which of the following statements is true about reactions to change? a. People will almost always be disconcerted by the prospect of change b. People will have strong responses to change based on the perceived consequences to them c. People will generally accept change that benefits the organization as a whole d. People will feel the same way about change that their peers do

7. In addition to thinking about personal impacts, employees think about the benefits of change to the organization. a. True b. False

8. Which of the following is NOT a change tool to help employees commit to a change? a. Stakeholder engagement b. Participative teams c. Using the change leader’s perspective to convince others of the change d. Bringing change initiatives to light 9. Which is NOT a reason that an individual would welcome change?

Org. Change (MGMT 4263) Exam 2 a. A chance for personal growth b. A chance for promotion c. Variety and challenge d. To work longer hours

10. What is a risk of acceptance of change? a. Having the change move too quickly b. The possibility of groupthink c. Accepting the wrong change for the organization d. People are in it for the wrong reasons

11. How should leaders respond to acceptance of change in their organizations? a. Channel the energy but still consider concerns; foster transparency and openness to learning; manage the pace of the change

12. Employees will always be either entirely in favor or entirely against any particular change initiative. a. True b. False

13. Employees are most likely to react to their own feelings of ambivalence in all of the following ways EXCEPT: a. Confidently voicing their concerns and mixed feelings b. Turn to approaches that have worked in the past c. Actively seek out confirming data and reasoning

Org. Change (MGMT 4263) Exam 2 d. Remember only attitude-consistent data

14. Change leaders should approach mixed feelings using which of the following actions? a. Trying to push employees to accept the change regardless of their feelings b. Ignoring ambivalence by emphasizing the benefits of the change c. Continue with the change plan and expect employees to get onboard when they’re ready d. Listen for information and sort out what actions are needed to achieve the change

15. If stakeholders are feeling ambivalent, leaders should help people make sense of the proposed change. a. True b. False

16. Which of the following statements is most accurate for why people undertake or accept change initiatives? a. People undertake change for the money b. People undertake change when they believe that the benefits outweigh the costs c. People undertake change when they are completely confident they are prepared and it is the right step for the organization d. People undertake change to build their resumes and experience

17. What are reasons that a negative reaction to change may develop?

Org. Change (MGMT 4263) Exam 2 a. The perception of negative consequences of the change may be a reality. The communication process around the change may be flawed. People may doubt the effectiveness of the change. People may lack experience with change or have had negative experiences in the past. People may have had negative experiences with the people leading the change or be influenced by negative reactions around them

18. How might alignment issues cause a negative reaction to change? a. Everyone’s reactions to the change are not aligned b. Change leader asks you to do something incongruent with what existing structures and systems tell you to do c. The change is not widespread enough through the organization d. The communication coming from the change leaders may be contradictory

19. What is the psychological contract? a. The psychological addendum to an employee’s hiring contract b. The assumptions people have about how the organization should treat them c. An implicit contract built between employees and colleagues over time d. The sum of the implicit and explicit agreements we believe we have with our organization

20. Most of the psychological contract is implicit. a. True b. False

21. What are common characteristics of the time before a change? a. Uncertainty, rumors, and anxiety

Org. Change (MGMT 4263) Exam 2 b. Clear understanding of what’s coming and how it will impact employees c. Widespread excitement and acceptance of the change d. Shock, depression, and bargaining

22. What are common reactions during the change? a. Curiosity and engagement b. Discussion, teamwork, and interest c. Immobilization, denial, and sense of loss d. Confusion and resignation

23. What are common descriptors of the phase after the change? a. Feeling of guilt and alienation b. Achieving closure, adaption, and openness to the new reality c. Shock and numbness d. Happiness, gratefulness, and excitement

24. Which of the follow is NOT one of Kotter’s eight steps? a. Establishing a sense of urgency b. Forming a change team c. Planning for short-term wins d. Collecting the organization’s thoughts on the need and content of change

Org. Change (MGMT 4263) Exam 2

25. What choice best describes the survivor syndrome? a. A feeling of responsibility and commitment to carry the organization forward b. Understanding of the reasons for the change and feeling that the change had been fairly carried out c. A sense of relief and appreciation that one was kept when others were let go d. The reaction of poorly handled change, including lower motivation, guilt, and increased stress

26. People with a low tolerance for turbulence and ambiguity are most comfortable in a stable environment. a. True b. False

27. People who have experienced long periods of stability and minimal change are likely to respond to change in which of the following ways? a. Feeling unsettled with a higher perceived risk b. A tendency to trust periods of increased change c. A predisposition to try new strategies and tactics than the ones they have used d. With anger and bitterness

28. The tendency to rely on competencies and strategies that have worked in the past is referred to as a competency trap. a. True

Org. Change (MGMT 4263) Exam 2 b. False

29. If the opinions of those trusted by recipients of change are positive and the recipients’ initial attitude toward the change is negative, recipients are likely to respond in which of the following ways? a. Tempered support of the change with pressure to reconsider their support b. Opposed to the change but open to other perspectives c. Predisposed to involvement d. Vehemently opposed

30. When change leaders talk about significant change, they usually thoroughly focus on the cost/benefit analysis of both changing and keeping with the status quo. a. True b. False

31. How can organizations encourage employees to be more open to change? a. They can encourage consistent questioning of the status quo and constantly seek to improve existing operations...

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