OSCE Musculoskeletal history taking PDF

Title OSCE Musculoskeletal history taking
Course Diseased Systems: Central Nervous And Musculo-Skeletal Systems
Institution University of Sunderland
Pages 2
File Size 85.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 53
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Diseased Systems: Central Nervous And Musculo-Skeletal Systems MPH322...


Musculoskeletal Problem Hands, ankle, knee, shoulder

History taking





-Presenting complain: what seems to be the problem? -When did the injury occur? -How did it occur? -Does it affect your daily activities? -Are you able to bear weight on it? -Pain on movement? -Precipitating factors? -Previous injuries to that joint? -Quality of pain -Any clicking, locking, or giving away of joint? -Relieving factors -Radiation of pain? -Severity of pain on scale of 1-10 -Any swelling? -How quickly did the swelling occur? -Is the pain on or off? Or is it continuous? -Any concerns?

Management Advice: PRICE, HARM, Analgesia, Gentle mobilization, Recovery period P R

-Protect the injured part from further injury -Rest the affected joint/muscle for 48-72 hrs following the injury -You can use crutches for an ankle, knee, or leg injury -Use sling if wrist/hand -Apply ice ASAP after injury. This limits pain and inflammation -Wrap the ice in a damp towel and apply it to the injured area for 15-20 mins. NOT more than 30 mins -This should be done every 2-3 hrs during the day for the first 2-3 days after the injury -Compression with bandage will limit swelling -Remove bandage before going to sleep -Remove it completely alter 48 hours so the joint can freely move -Elevation limits and reduces swelling -Ankle/Knee  Keep foot up on a chair to at least hip level when you are sitting -Hand/Wrist  use a sling with your hand and wrist higher than your elbow




Heat (avoid for 72 hrs after injury) Alcohol (avoid for 72 hrs after injury) Running (avoid for 72 hrs after injury) Massage (avoid for 72 hrs after injury)

-Heat should be avoided for 72 hrs after injury -No hot baths, saunas, or heat packs -Alcohol increases bleeding and swelling -Alcohol decreases healing -Running or any other form of exercise may cause further damage -Massage may increase bleeding and swelling.

Analgesia 

Paracetamol or NSAID 48 hrs after injury

Recovery period  

Within first week you should feel better However, it may take up to 6 weeks to heal

Mobilization 

Gentle mobilization so that the joint is not fixed all the time...

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