Ozone 9 Help Documentation - Ozone 9 Help Documentation PDF

Title Ozone 9 Help Documentation - Ozone 9 Help Documentation
Author Seb Ingrosso
Course Calculus 1(B)
Institution University of Toronto
Pages 167
File Size 7.2 MB
File Type PDF
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Ozone 9 Help Documentation


New in Ozone 9 Building on a 17 year legacy in audio mastering, Ozone 9 brings balance to your music with never-before seen processing for low end, real-time instrument rebalancing, and lightning-fast workows powered by machine learning. Find the perfect vibe with an expanded Master Assistant that knows exactly what you’re going for, whether it’s warm analog character or transparent loudness for streaming. Talk to more iZotope plug-ins in your session with Tonal Balance Control and blur the lines between mixing and mastering. Work faster with improved plug-in performance, smoother metering, and resizable windows. No more wondering if your music is ready for primetime—with Ozone 9, the future of mastering is in your hands. Ozone 9 mothership includes the following modules providing you with the best technology to meet your mastering signal chain needs. MODULE



Dynamic EQ






Equalizer 1



Equalizer 2










Low End Focus



Master Rebalance



Match EQ






Spectral Shaper


Vintage Compressor




Vintage EQ




Vintage Limiter




Vintage Tape






Codec Preview









Getting Started Overview Welcome to Ozone 9! If you have never used an iZotope product or want to know more about Ozone, then this is the right chapter for you. The topics include: Authorization Navigating the Interface Signal Flow Ozone Plug-ins and Application Workow Suggestions Working with IPC Optimizing Performance

Authorization The rst time you open a Ozone 9 plug-in, the Authorization window will appear.

The Authorization window allows you to: TRIAL: Start or continue a Trial period evaluation prior to purchasing. DEMO: Continue evaluating the product with Demo limitations (after the 10 day Trial period ends). AUTHORIZE: Authorize the product with a serial number.

Trial Mode Trial mode allows you to evaluate Ozone 9 over a 10 day trial period. The trial period begins when you rst open Ozone 9 plug-ins in a DAW/NLE. The Authorization window will display the number of days remaining in your trial period. Click the Continue button to exit the Authorization window.

Demo Mode

After your 10 day trial period expires, you have the option to operate Ozone 9 in Demo mode. To continue evaluating Ozone 9 in demo mode, click the Demo button. DEMO MODE LIMITATIONS Ozone 9 plug-ins will periodically output silence when operating in demo mode.

Authorization Methods To disable Trial or Demo modes, you must authorize the product with a valid serial number. We offer three authorization methods for Ozone 9: 1. Online Authorization: Authorize on a computer online. 2. Oine Authorization: Authorize on a computer oine. 3. iLok Authorization: Authorize using iLok. INFO: MORE AUTHORIZATION HELP For information about Authorization, please visit the iZotope website: https://www.izotope.com/authorization For additional help authorizing Ozone 9, visit the iZotope Customer Care information on the iZotope website: http://www.izotope.com/support or contact our Customer Care department by sending an email to: mailto:[email protected]. More information about iZotope’s Customer Care department and policies can be found in the iZotope Customer Care chapter.

Navigating the Interface The Ozone 9 plug-in interface is divided into four main areas as outlined in the image and table below.







Global Header

The global header area provides access to: the IPC plug-in name editor, Master Assistant features, the Preset Manager, Undo History, Options, and Help. See the Global Header section for more information.

Signal Chain

The Signal Chain allows you to add or remove modules and adjust the processing order of modules included in the chain. This Signal Chain area is exclusive to the Ozone 9 mothership plug-in. Ozone 9 component plug-ins do not include this Signal Chain because they only include one processing module. See the Signal Chain section for more information.

Module Interface

The module panel area includes all controls and meters associated with a specic processing module.

I/O Panel

The I/O (Input/Output) panel area includes: global (I/O) gain controls, I/O metering, channel operations controls, and global bypass. See the I/O Panel section for more information.

LEARN MORE ABOUT THE I/O PANEL AND GLOBAL HEADER Learn more about the controls in the Global Header and I/O Panel in the General Controls chapter.

Signal Flow The following diagram represents the signal ow of the Ozone 9 Mothership plug-in and application.

SIGNAL FLOW CAVEATS If the Maximizer or Vintage Limiter are in the signal chain and the DC Offset Filter is enabled in the Dither panel, then the DC offset lter is applied before those modules. Dither and Codec Preview are disabled by default.

Working with the Signal Chain You can add, remove, and reorder modules in the Signal Chain area of the Ozone 9 mothership plug-in. By default, the Ozone 9 Signal Chain includes the EQ module and the Maximizer module. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE SIGNAL CHAIN See the General Controls chapter for more information about working with the Signal Chain.

Ozone Plug-ins and Application

Throughout this manual, the terms “Mothership” and “Component” are used to describe plug-ins included with Ozone 9 Standard or Advanced, and the term “Application” is used to describe the App version of Ozone 9 included with Ozone 9 Advanced. OZONE PACKAGING


Mothership plug-in

Refers to the main Ozone 9 plug-in that includes multiple processing modules in a single plug-in instance.

Component plug-in

Refers to the plug-in equivalent of any individual module included in the Ozone Mothership plugin, which allows for focused control over an individual processing module.


Refers to the application version of Ozone 9, including all functionality within the Ozone 9 mothership plug-in and DAW transport controls. See the Ozone Application chapter for more information.

SAVE ON CPU RESOURCES WITH COMPONENT PLUG-INS When working with a single processing module, component plug-ins can be used as resourcefriendly alternatives to the mothership plug-in. MOTHERSHIP & COMPONENT PLUG-IN FEATURE DIFFERENCES There are some features included in the Ozone 9 mothership plug-in that are not available in the Ozone 9 component plug-ins: Master Assistant feature Signal Chain Some I/O Panel controls: Sum To Mono, Swap, Reference, Dither, and Codec Preview.

Tonal Balance Control Tonal Balance Control (TBC) is a metering plug-in included with Ozone 9 Advanced. TBC displays spectrum metering information for the track it is currently inserted on relative to a target curve, which can be useful when dealing with tonal balance issues that arise during mixing and mastering. TBC can help provide context and direction toward resolving issues with a mix or master lacking the low-end power or high-end brilliance found in professionally produced, radio-ready material. For more information on Tonal Balance Control, vist the Tonal Balance Control Help Documentaion.

Workow Suggestions There are a number of different ways to approach working with Ozone 9 plug-ins. We’ve included some workow suggestions you can use if you aren’t sure where to start. These workows are merely suggestions and any workow is valid if it works for you.

Using Presets Ozone 9 plug-ins include a built in preset manager with a wide variety of factory presets to get you started. Start by listening through several of Ozone’s presets. The presets contain helpful descriptions based on the outcome they will produce on your audio. Alternatively, you can start with a genre-based mastering preset, or

simply use the general-purpose mastering presets. When you’ve found one that ts your project, you can start tweaking that preset to achieve your mastering goals. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE PRESET MANAGER Learn more about accessing and working with the Ozone Preset Manager in the Presets chapter. MODULE PRESETS IN THE OZONE MOTHERSHIP PLUG-IN The Ozone mothership plug-in includes a global preset manager and a module preset manager. You can load presets that apply to a single module by clicking the Preset button in the module’s Signal Chain selector. For more information on this module card feature, see the Signal Chain section.

Using the Master Assistant Feature The Ozone 9 mothership plug-in and Ozone Application offers intelligent assistive features aimed at helping you nd a starting point for your Mastering workow. You can access the Master Assistant feature by inserting a Ozone 9 mothership plug-in on your master bus or by opening the Ozone 9 Application and clicking on the Master Assistant button within the Global Header. LEARN MORE ABOUT MASTER ASSISTANT See the Master Assistant chapter for more information about working with Master Assistant.

Working with IPC Wouldn’t it be cool if all the iZotope products you owned talked to each other? Well, it’s a dream come true! With iZotope’s Inter Plug-in Communication (IPC) technology, different iZotope plug-in instances on separate tracks can send data back and forth to each other. Ozone 9 Advanced includes our Tonal Balance Control 2 IPC connection. This will allow you to monitor your Ozone 9 instances including mothership plug-ins and component plug-ins via Tonal Balance Control 2.

Optimizing Performance With Ozone 9, you will experience improvements in performance compared to previous versions. The most noticeable areas of improvement will be: CPU Usage Start-up time Real-time DSP If you start to reach the limits of your particular machine, here are some things you can do to improve performance Remove any modules that are not in use from the signal chain. Ozone Advanced users: If you are only using one module in the mothership plug-in, consider using a component plug-in instead. If possible, increase the buffer size setting in your DAW. If using Ozone’s Digital EQ, adjust your EQ buffer sizes for optimal performance. See Buffer Sizes for details.

If using the Digital crossover type in any multiband module, try adjusting the Crossover Buffer Size in the options menu. If using the Ozone plug-ins within a host application, try changing the buffer size and/or latency setting in the host application. Disable meters in their option screens. Using fewer crossover bands can save signicant CPU power. Try using one- or two-band dynamics, for example, instead of all four bands.

Setting buffer sizes for independent modules Ozone’s Equalizer requires xed buffers when set to certain modes. You can set its buffer size independently using its options tab. These buffer sizes default to reasonable values, and most users should be able to use Ozone right away without tweaking them.

Evaluating host buffer sizes in Ozone You can use Ozone’s Buffer Size Viewer to evaluate what kinds of buffers the host application is sending to Ozone (only applicable in the Ozone plug-ins). Open the View Buffers window in Ozone by navigating to: Options > General > Host > View Buffers. Once you know what size buffers your host application is sending, try the following: Add the EQ module to the signal chain and remove all other modules from the chain. Ensure the EQ module is set to ‘Digital’ mode. Set the EQ lter size to the size you most commonly use. Set the EQ buffer size to the number that’s closest to your host application buffer size (displayed in the View buffers window) Open a CPU meter. * Many host applications have a CPU meter built in, but if you’re running Windows you can also press Ctrl+Shift+ESC and select the Performance tab. Note that CPU meters are usually somewhat inaccurate, but we’re just looking for relative changes in CPU usage. Add an audio le to the track with Ozone on it (or send the output of a track to the bus that Ozone is inserted on). Ensure the le you are using is similar to les you typically work with (ie. sampling rate, bit depth, number of channels). If you usually use Ozone in a multitrack environment then be sure to do the same here. As the audio plays, try adjusting the EQ buffer size while monitoring the CPU meter, to see if certain buffer sizes have a positive effect on CPU consumption. Buffer sizes near the host application buffer size are a good starting point, but the best choice depends on many aspects of your system and host application. Following the steps above ensures that Ozone’s CPU consumption is optimized for your current session parameters. If you change your session conguration, for example, if you move from 44.1 kHz to 96 kHz, or you change from a single-track setup to a multi-track setup, then you may want to repeat these steps to make sure your buffer settings are still optimal.

General Controls Overview Adjusting the General Controls will set up different parts of your mastering environment. The following will affect the entire plug-in: Resize Window Global Controls Signal Chain I/O Panel Plug-in Automation The following will affect the entire module: Module Channel Processing

Resize Window You can resize the main window by clicking and dragging the bottom right corner of the plug-in window. The Ozone 9 mothership, Ozone 9 Application, and Ozone 9 Component Plug-ins are also resizable.

Global Controls The Ozone 9 mothership header includes the following Global Controls as outlined in the image and table below.




Plug-in Instance Name

Determines the name of the current instance when it appears in IPC lists in supported iZotope plug-ins. Click to open a text editor to rename the plug-in instance.

Master Assistant

Opens the Master Assistant window allowing you to choose the type of assistant you wish to use. For more information, see the Master Assistant chapter.




Preset Manager

Opens the Preset Manager window. For more information, see the Presets chapter.


Allows you to undo your last action made within Ozone 9.

Undo History

The Undo History window allows you to compare previously adjusted settings within Ozone. For more information on the Undo History window, see the Undo History Controls section below.


Opens the Options window. For more information, see the Options chapter.


Links to the Help Documentation related to the module or button you are interacting with.

Undo History Controls The Undo History window allows you to compare previously adjusted settings within Ozone. Clicking on Undo History presents a History list of any controls you previously altered. You can audition any of these settings by clicking on one of the History list items. The table below describes the controls present in the Undo History window.




Click the Clear button to clear the history list at any time.


Click the Close button to close the History window. Processing resumes from the point you had last selected, so you can continue building on the History list from an earlier point.


DESCRIPTION You can assign up to four points in the History list to sets A, B, C, or D. This is useful for comparing a collection of different settings at once. To assign a History item to a Set: Select an item within the History list you want to capture. Click on either A, B, C, or D to assign your selected History item to that button. Click on the corresponding A, B, C, or D button to see your associated setting.


Signal Chain You can add, rearrange, or move the following modules in the Signal Chain.

NUMBER OF MODULES LIMITED Most modules can only be added to the Signal Chain once. If a module has already been added to the Signal Chain, then that option in the module list will be greyed out. Only the Equalizer module can be added to the Signal Chain twice. The second Equalizer module available is called “Equalizer 2” in the Signal Chain. MULTIBAND MODULES Ozone offers multiband processing in the Dynamics, Exciter, and Imager modules. Multiband Modules allow you to apply frequency dependent processing to your music. You can use up to 4 separate bands and adjust the crossovers by interacting with the handles in the minispectrum view. COMPONENT PLUG-INS DO NOT HAVE SIGNAL CHAIN Ozone component plug-ins do not include a module chain. This functionality is available in the Ozone mothership plug-in and Ozone application only. Use the signal chain controls outlined in the table below to customize your Signal Chain. ICON



DESCRIPTION Click the + button in the Signal Chain to open the module menu. Select a module from the list to add it to the next available slot in the Signal Chain.




Power Button

Click the power button in the upper left corner of a module tile to bypass processing of that module.

Module Presets

Click to access presets for the selected module. For more information, see the Preset Manager


Click to remove the associated module from the Signal Chain.


Click and drag a module panel left or right in the Signal Chain to change its order within the signal ow.

Mix Meters

Displays the input, or dry (unprocessed) signal entering the module and the output, or wet (processed) signal.

MODULE PRESETS AS STARTING POINT Use the Module Preset list to help you get started on cleaning up your master. Each preset is designed to target a specic, but common issue found within a track. Play around with these presets to see how they affect your audio. Once you have a starting point you like, nely tune the parameters to dial in your sound.

I/O Panel The I/O (input/output) Panel allows you to monitor levels and adjust gain, channel operations, and output formatting using: Controls Meters Metering Options

Controls The I/O Panel includes the following metering controls outlined in the image and table below.




I/O Metering Options

Opens a limited I/O metering options menu. See the I/O Metering Options for more information on the options available.

Gain (Input/Output)

Adjusts the input or output gain. Output gain level comes before Dither and Codec Preview in the signal ow.


Toggle to either turn Ozone 9 instance ...

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