P2p ch. 3 - P2P answers PDF

Title P2p ch. 3 - P2P answers
Author Kayla Forman
Course Communication As Critical Inquiry
Institution Illinois State University
Pages 2
File Size 98.7 KB
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P2P answers...


PREPARING TO PARTICIPATE Chapter 3: Ethical Communication (Student Preparation—Knowledge)

(Student Participation—Application)

3.1 Ethics and Communication Describe the differences between ethics and ethical communication ● Ethics refer to the decisions we make and why we act the way we do, while ethical communication refers to the application of ethical norms to the messages we create and receive.

3.1 Ethics and Communication a. Think of an example of something that may be legal, but not ethical. Is it possible for something to be ethical, but not legal? ● Breaking a promise is legal but not very ethical. If you make a promise to someone you should keep that promise and act on it. It is possible for something to be legal but not ethical.

3.2 Four Standards List and explain the four standards that can be used to make ethical communication decisions. ● Political: It assists us in comprehending ethical practices based on political value systems- a person must comprehend the values of a political system in order to comprehend the ethical practices of that system. ● Dialogical: Interactions between people foster self-growth, personality development, and knowledge development. Each person in a communication situation should make decisions based on his or her abilities to promote mutual understanding and discourse between participants. They should have good communication motivations and should listen to all sides of an issue before making a final decision. ● Human: We have a responsibility to be open, gentle, compassionate, and critically reflective in our choices, both to ourselves and to others. ● Situational: This is where audience analysis comes in. Communication and decision-making guidelines would include the role of the communicator for the audience, what is reasonable or

b. Why is it important to talk about ethical communication in this classroom? ● It is important to talk about ethical communication in this classroom because being ethical creates a good classroom environment and there shouldn’t be any type of cheating or anything like that because it won’t help you in the future with your profession. It is good to always have good ethics. 3.2 Four Standards Think back to an ethical communication dilemma you have faced. How did you decide what was right or wrong in your situation? Did you consider any of the standards or guidelines discussed in the chapter? Did any of these standards help you make your decision? ● An ethical dilemma I have faced was during a softball game my coach told me to purposely walk a player that is known for hitting home runs so they don’t get a run in. I decided that it wasn’t right and that would be considered cheating so I ended up pitching how I usually would and struck her out. I considered the situational standard because as a softball player you should never cheat and everyone should have an equal chance to win. I also didn’t believe in cheating and it would go against my values as a person. This standard did help me make my decision because once I looked at the situation and everything I decided it wouldn't be right to purposely walk a player.

appropriate for the audience, how aware the audience is of communicators techniques, what the audience's goals and values are, and what the audience's standards are for. 3.3 NCA Credo Describe the premise of the National Communication Association Credo for Ethical Communication. ● This philosophy is founded on the First Amendment, respect for others, information access, democratic decision-making, and personal accountability. 3.4 Plagiarism Define plagiarism. Explain the difference between intentional and unintentional plagiarism. ● It might be purposeful or unintentional to press someone else's thoughts or ideas as if they were your own. ● It can happen on a Global level, such as taking complete passages or speeches, or on a Partial level, such as employing keywords and phrases inside your own speech, when you consciously piece together many pieces from other sources and pass them off as your own. ● Carelessness can occur when you fail to take careful notes when researching or when you forget to properly reference your sources. It can also happen when you paraphrase someone else's ideas without giving them credit.

3.3 NCA Credo Can you think of a speech topic that might violate the NCA Credo? Do you think that some speech topics should be banned from being presented in the classroom? ● A speech topic that might violate the NCA credo is a speech about a certain religion and why you shouldn’t be that religion. I think they should be banned from being presented in a classroom because it may make other students uncomfortable and not feel safe in the classroom. 3.4 Plagiarism Why is plagiarism a problem? Why do people plagiarize? What should be the punishment for plagiarism? How might you, as a future educator, approach plagiarism offenses in your classroom?

Plagiarism is a problem because you are taking credit for someone else’s work and it's unethical. People plagiarize because it's easier to just copy someone else’s work than doing the work on your own and actually learning the information. A punishment for plagiarizing should be rewriting the paper or redoing the work and some type of academic punishment. In a classroom I would first give the student a warning and if they do it again I would give them a 0 and talk about some type of academic suspension or have a meeting with their parents....

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