[PA 209] Reaction Paper 1 Mendoza, Lady Michaela C PDF

Title [PA 209] Reaction Paper 1 Mendoza, Lady Michaela C
Author Lady Michaela Mendoza
Course Business Research
Institution STI College
Pages 3
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Lady Michaela C. Mendoza

PA 209 | Atty. Alder K. Delloro

UP Diliman-NCPAG

Reaction Paper to James Rachel’s “What is Morality?”

In James Rachels’ Elements of Morality, chapter one is an overview of the subject matter whereas he is able to provide several illustrations that actually happened, and how morality contributed in the decision-making on those situations. These examples have corresponding arguments based on philosophical principles and moral standards to make the scenarios more sensible to the readers – but challenging to determine whether it is right or wrong. On top of it, he defined morality as “to guide one’s conduct by reason.” In the initial example about Baby Theresa who has anencephalic as soon as she was born, her parents were confident with their choice to donate her organs as a sign that they have accepted her fate. Her physician backed up their decision considering the numbers of patients who will benefit from the transplant. However, it was postponed since their state interfered and as mandated, collection of organs should take effect until the donor is announced to be dead – and Baby Theresa still has a heartbeat and is considered alive by that time. When she passed away, her organs weakened and can no longer be transferred to other patients. The situation captures the minds of several intellectuals and presents their reasoning based on logic and a bit of what they believe in. Clearly, the discretion of the state is based on their law and it was followed by the hospital. Despite the compliance, the result is unfavorable since the will of the parents were compromised.

As drawn in this story, Rachel explained conflicting arguments as how the parents’ reasoning was practical but it would mean killing their daughter to save the life of others. Thus, how definite the directive of the state of Florida regarding organ donations. Considering the situation of the patient, not only being a minor but Baby Theresa is a tabula rasa. By all means, as the parents, they have all the jurisdiction to decide on behalf of their child. The state should take into deliberation and provide special treatment in the case and should have decided immediately as to make Baby Theresa’s organs more useful especially to those in need. We can imagine the number of infants or individuals that could value it. Another is the situation of Jodie and Mary who are conjoined twins and requires medical operations to be able to be separated. As discussed by the doctors, the process is possible but 1

Lady Michaela C. Mendoza

PA 209 | Atty. Alder K. Delloro

UP Diliman-NCPAG

cannot guarantee the survival of the two since they don’t share the same strength, therefore Jodie is likely to survive since she supplies blood to her sister. Unlike the former case, their parents decided to delay the operations because it is unbearable for them to let the other live. To add up, they are a devoted Catholic and believe that “If it’s God’s will that both of our children should not survive, then so be it.” In view of their values and since they are the guardian of the twins, it should be justifiable. After all, society expects them as parents, to be held accountable for the welfare of their children. Yet the hospital objected and sent their petition to the court and it was granted to pursue the operation even after the disagreement of their guardians. The operation has been a success, and as anticipated, Jodie lived and Mary died. The argument arises as to how the decision was made due to the imposition of the hospital and the court.

In this portion, “Should we save as many as we can? Or should we believe in the sanctity of life regardless if it means saving people?” was presented. It is hard to contradict an individual’s faith especially during this kind of moment where life and death is part of the decision making – let alone sacrifice the life of one of your children and give a chance to the other. They cannot simply surrender the existence of Mary. However, as the jurisdiction of the authority, given the weakness of the other twin, it is wise to continue the operation and have them disjointed. Similar to Baby Theresa as the first example, killing Mary will bear good cause. Lastly, Rachel presented the case about the incident that happened to Tracy Latiner, a child with cerebral palsy and died in the hands of his father who was later convicted with murder. Conversely, after hearing the reason for his behavior and as supported by his wife, the judgement is at dispute. The Court of Canada objected with the court’s judgement because the mandatory 10year sentence was diminished and this case is not considered as murder.

Having a child with special needs can be a handful. Aside from the demands in care, financial stability is also a necessity to support their medications and/or therapy. However, these motives cannot rationalize the fact that Mr. Latiner killed her daughter to end her suffering due to multiple operations. Of course, because of what he did, it drew a lot of attention especially for the community of the disabled. They believe that it was a disrespectful act given the condition of the


Lady Michaela C. Mendoza

PA 209 | Atty. Alder K. Delloro

UP Diliman-NCPAG

victim. Legally speaking, we can easily conclude that it was murder but recognizing the explanation given by the father, he did what he needed to end the misery of his daughter. Morality is what shapes our human minds. The three examples given delivered insights and different points of views on how our values predicted what we believe is right or wrong. As all the characters were trying to solve their issues, their judgement is founded by their own personal justification. We can learn that our conclusions can be affected by what we believe, hence the values that molds us until we have the right capacity to choose. Though, we should expect that our motives are not always acceptable in the eyes of society, nonetheless does not mean that we are wrong. While this chapter that James Rachel wrote is only the beginning of a more complicated subject, it serves as a guide on how we should make judgement not only on what we know, but to contemplate the interest of others and its equivalent results. In order to be more conscientious, we should contain it with a logical and rational predicament.


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