PAD253 Assignment 9 - here is some suggestion for public administration. there are many variety of PDF

Title PAD253 Assignment 9 - here is some suggestion for public administration. there are many variety of
Author Tasya Karan
Course Administration malaysia studies
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 20
File Size 573.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Download PAD253 Assignment 9 - here is some suggestion for public administration. there are many variety of PDF



PREPARED BY: NO. 1. 2. 3.


MATRIC NUMBER 2018248946 2018894324 2017921801



TABLE OF CONTENT 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0

Acknowledgement Introduction of EKSA Background of the Public Organization The Implementation of EKSA Benefits of EKSA Challenges of EKSA Conclusion References Appendix

3 4 5-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22 23 25-27


1.0 Acknowledgement I have learned a lot and really enjoyed while working on this assignment. I would like to extend my sincere and heartfelt obligation towards all the personages who have helped me in this assignment. Without their active guidance, help, cooperation and encouragement, I would not have made headway in the project.

I am extremely thankful to the subject lecturer, Sir Muhammad Syahmizan Bin Azmi for his valuable guidance and encouragement to accomplish this assignment.

I also acknowledge with a deep sense of reverence, my gratitude towards my parents and members of my family, who has always supported me morally as well as economically.

At last but not least gratitude goes to all of my friends who directly or indirectly helped me and cooperated to complete this project report.


2.0 Introduction of EKSA The Public Sector Conducive Ecosystem (EKSA) was introduced from January 2014 as a re-branding initiative of the Public Sector 5S with regard to the need to highlight a quality and conducive workplace to be more relevant to the public departments/agencies in Malaysia. This re-branding step is in line with changes and current requirements to enhance the organization's performance and competitiveness as well as to further promote a creative and innovative culture within public sector departments/agencies. EKSA has also been practiced in the government and private sectors to create a conducive environment at work and maintain its corporate image. This practice creates a systematic and practical working environment besides being able to reduce inefficiency in terms of time and space. The execution of EKSA on a continuity basis is a change of service delivery method to a more customer-friendly due to the creativity and innovation element imposed.

Apart from that, EKSA also introduced a new evaluation and auditing model that includes the Generic Criteria and Special Criteria which also takes into account the diversity of Government agency premises based on the types of services provided. Previously onesize-fits-all approaches were found to be inadequate to meet the needs of the various Government agencies at this time. Hence, the EKSA assessment has been adjusted according to the audited agency.

The purpose of this assignment is to study the effectiveness of EKSA in strengthening environmental management office so that all citizens of the public sector can work in the environment systematic, comfortable and conducive workplace.


3.0 Background of the Public Organization

EKSA of Ministry of Health CIRCULAR The round shape reflects strong unity and commitment among MOH staff by emphasizing the spirit of cooperation and teamwork regardless of religion, race and rank in ensuring EKSA Practice as a work culture. AKRONIM EKSA Symbolic of the Conducive Ecosystem of the Public Sector in general. LOGO KKM It is a corporate image of the MOH and indirectly is an assertion that this logo is the copyright of the MOH. Sort, set in order , shine ,sustain, standardize Indicators to 5s practices in general Blue Symbolizes a prestigious color that is loyal, energetic, fresh, vibrant and charismatic. It is also symbolic of the commitment and trust of MOH staff in ensuring the success of EKSA Practices. The melody of the two blue tones symbolizes the success and strength of the precise spirit of MOH staff to realize the achievements of EKSA. Black The writing of the white slogan surrounded by black (black stroke) is symbolic of the professional attitude of MOH staff. White The two lines of the circle that surround the logo mean firmness, transparency and credibility in providing the best service. While white writing is a symbol of perfection, cleanliness and comfort practiced by MOH staff. Red Symbolizes the commitment of MOH members in implementing and successful EKSA practices


Execute action in Ministry of Health Emphasis of the implementation of this exercise practice is divided into 12 main categories that include the entire workplace environment in Ministry of Health. a. Need of Eksa angle Delivery information. It can be physically provided using office space such as walls, notice boards or virtually. b. Master file requirements , audit , training , promotions and zones Documentation of the implementation of Eksa practices should be provided at the committee, individuals and zone levels. Office space Office equipment Office equipment is always in good condition and can always be used safely 10.2 Layout of office equipment All office furniture and equipment are neatly arrange in good condition and do not threaten the safety and health of employees 10.3 File Arrangement Arrange in an orderly manner, easily obtain, stored and systematic

10.4 Interior decoration Decorations that fit the image of the department are easy and economical to maintain and their position does not threaten the safety and health of employees. 10.5 Direction Sign/ Direction / Warnings Direction sign, Direction and reminders should be placed in a strategic place that is easily visible to the public. 10.6 Fail room 10.6.1 Layout plan/ file room plan should be prepared and displayed in a strategic space. File cabinets need to be labeled with document type and put index Cushion or chair should be provided at waiting area for customer or patient 10.7.8 The main counter must meet the following criteria:user feedback system ,employee directory, reading Material/ information customer charter 6|Page

10.8 Help desk / call centre Division corporate information may be displayed but not excessively in term of quantity and is constantly updated. For example, organization chart, customer charter , notifications or instructions to be communicated to telephone. 11. Office Space/Officers room There are no unnecessary items scattered on the floor around the workspace 11.2 Desk ( on top desk) 11.2.4 Active files/diaries/organizers should be organized neatly and orderly at all times 11.3 Under/edge of the table Provide a special place for dustbin wires/Cables ( for ict and electricity) should be cleaned using suitable materials such as black tape/cable casing 11.4 Desk/Cupboard drawer 11.4.1 Desk drawer optimize use

11.5 Wall/Partition officers 11.5.1 Documents that need to be displayed in their respective workspaces including the officer’s room I - Full name tag ii - position 11.6 Chair 11.6.1 Client chairs and work chairs should be neatly arranged when not in use. Make sure the seat is at a safe level to sit , not swaying, comfortable and clean 11.7 Computer and printer or Scanner The computer is arranged according to the suitability of the officer and adheres to the security features such as monitor screen cannot be seen directly or behind the entrance 11.8 Labeling and parking lot 11.8.1 Only used and portable equipment only suitable parking lots are provided . 12. Production Division Equipment and work pieces should be arranged in an orderly manner and can be labeled with the name of the tool and stored in the storage area or closet that has been provided so that it is easy to obtain and store again . Use of appropriate labels to distinguish activities/goods/services. (For example, labels of finish goods , goods in progress , damaged , disposal and others.


12.2 Machines and tools Faulty machines should be placed separately for repair or disposal. Machine maintenance schedule should be provided for machine monitoring 13 Store 13.1 Store door Store doors should have the following items:iStore floor plan iiStock application form “Prohibited entry” signs are clearly displayed iiiProduction schedule are exhibited outside the store Inside store Make sure the store is always clean, not dusty and neatly arranged. Have an appropriate record system to record the goods taken / achieved / searched. There is no waste / unnecessary material in the store Storage of store goods Toxic items should be arranged neatly and in order according to the area /dividing line that has been set and should be labeled. No old items are damaged, life expectancy and obsolete.Equipment used to lift or store toxic goods in good condition 13.5 13.5.1 iiiiii13.5.2 13.5.3 13.5.4 13.5.5

Store safety and hygiene Fire extinguishers that meet the following criteria:Have a certificate still in force from the fire department The opening process should be placed side by side Hung on a wall-mounted and parked bracket Fire prevention system(system water sprinkler and hose reel) Adequate lighting Warning Signs such as “ no smoking” and “flammable” are clearly displayed Stairs and trolleys should be placed in easily accessible and parked places.

14. Public places 14.1.1 Heavy food (gravy food) should be avoided 14.1.2 The responsible officer should be appointed to manage the cleanliness of the meeting room 14.1.3 The ethics of the use of meeting rooms should be provided and place in a suitable location 14.3 Training Room 14.2.2 Decoration in the form of corporate and there is periodic maintenance (Example, photos, information on departmental/ achievements, quality statement/ direction, customer charter and others. 14.2.3 Equipment /facilities are clean and dust free in perfect condition and can be used well 14.4 Pantry 1 Make sure the sink is clean not clogged and there is no food waste


14.4.8 Food should be placed in a covered container (Included in a food container) and labeled ( as appropriate/ optional) 14.4.9 Trash cans are provided and closed to prevent odor. 14.4.10 The pantry should always be clean , tidy , organized and contain from any insects , pets , dirt and unpleasant odors 14.4.11 The use of air fresheners is encouraged to avoid unpleasant odors 14.4.12 Make sure the lights and doors are closed after use 14.5 Toilet The floor surface is always clean and dry. Toilet must be appointed to manage the cleanliness of the toilet(provide an officer name and telephone number) 14.6 Main Route / Public Route 14.7.1 The floor is always clean; no waste is placed along the path 14.7.2 Decorations such as flowers that are along the path(if any) are neatly arranged. Clean and organized so as not to abstract the path. 14.7.4 Emergency doors are not blocked and are always close 14.7 Main Lobby . 14.7.2 Public routes are clean and unobstructed by any obstruction such as goods, equipment that may interfere with public route 14.7.3 Information such as strategic plan/vision/mission/client charter and others are constantly updated and displayed in a conspicuous place 14.8 Provide the following :-Guest arrival book -Employee directory -Information corner for customers -Adornments that fits the corporate image 14.9 Customer Service counter and Waiting area 14.9.2 Seating is provided in the waiting area for the convenience of outside customers/guests 15 Departmental Area

15.1.1 Department signboards , directional signs / instructions should be placed in important locations namely admin room, secretary , toilet room ,exit and meeting room 15.1.3 Suitable size and easy to understand 15.1.4 Easy to see by the public and its strategic position 15.2 Media/ exhibition materials


Media materials or exhibition materials displayed on notice boards throughout the section should be in good condition, not dusty and always clean. The material needs to be updated according to the current situation 16 Human resources capacity 16.1 Top management involvement -The involvement of top management such as division secretary, division director in the implementation ok Eksa is very much needed for the continuation of Eksa practice in MOH 16.2

In terms of image appearance

Exhibits high personality such as cheerful , enthusiastic, modest dress , grooming and fashion hair , neat and personal hygiene in accordance with the image civil servants.

16.3 Relationship with teamwork/colleagues -

Increase joint efforts / teamwork such as “gotong - royong” , creativity , meeting and so on

16.4 Relationship with Customers Customer oriented relationship such as smiling , courteous , polite and helpful 16.5 Competence and skills in performing task -

Demonstrate competence in managing task such as high fidelity and commitment to the task , proactive , skilled and knowledgeable with essential tasks and initiatives.

17 Environment safety Safety measures should be taken to ensure a safe working environment. 18 Cultivating Creativity And Innovation Implement innovations or best practices that can improve the productivity and quality of citizens without the use of high financial allocation

19 Green Practice Implement a comprehensive energy/resource saving program as , energy saving notice / instruction, use of energy saving lamps/equipment, Optimal temperature setting Paper savings Water saving , Green campaign , Provide savings analysis , For example:- Cost, time, labor space

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In conclusion, with these guidelines, it is hoped to help the people of MOH in implementing quality environmental management through Eksa practices and cultivating continuously until it becomes a practice in MOH.

The Implementation of EKSA Steps in Implementing EKSA EKSA can be implemented in an orderly manner through the establishment of good governance and management actions covering matters such as creating the EKSA Implementation Committee and setting a clear implementation action plan, creating sectors / work zones, conducting training programs and holding EKSA departments / agencies.

The level of implementation for each stage of action taken should be reported periodically to top management through the prescribed mechanism. Ongoing monitoring should be done to

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evaluate the effectiveness of implementation at all levels, while reviews should be done to determine the improvement measures that need to be taken.

The first step in running EKSA is to appoint EKSA committee members with a clear role. The appointment of the Chairman of the EKSA Implementation Committee serves to determine the overall direction of EKSA implementation, formulate an EKSA implementation action plan, set policies, rules and guidelines and determine budgets and financial resources. Facilitators are appointed to provide training and guidance to zone leaders and members, ensure that all groups comply with the rules and guidelines provided, determine the division of zones and act as intermediaries to convey the latest information between management and the implementing group. In addition, the coordinator is responsible for scheduling EKSA Implementation Committee Meetings, coordinating EKSA programs, reporting progress and status of EKSA implementation and assisting with the management of promotional, training and audit activities.

The second step in implementing EKSA is to create an EKSA sector / zone. Creating group responsibility areas to facilitate the implementation and supervision of EKSA such as sector / zone division should be explained through sector / zone location plan to facilitate reference and factors that need to be taken into account in sector / zone division. Examples of factors that need to be taken into account are, the overall layout of the sector / zone and the division into sub-sectors / zones should be appropriate according to the function and size of the organization (it is recommended that the number of sectors / zones is not too much) to facilitate more systematic coordination and monitoring. groups for each sector / zone and the total group membership for each sector / zone, creating an EKSA angle by displaying the group and sector / zone structure taking into account the direction of EKSA in the department / agency and the sector / zone in a department / agency should be based on level / level or whichever is appropriate.

The third step in the implementation of EKSA is to hold a training program to deepen the knowledge related to EKSA as well as to cultivate EKSA to the staff of the Department / Agency. Among the training / programs that need to be followed to increase understanding are EKSA Awareness Program, EKSA Practice and Implementation Methods and EKSA Internal Audit.

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The last step, namely, the launch and inauguration of EKSA should be organized as a curtain opener for the implementation of EKSA in addition to conveying the wishes and support of management for the implementation of EKSA in the Ministry. Management needs to be directly involved and give strong commitment and support to the implementation of EKSA through the setting of targets to be achieved, policies and objectives of EKSA and also determine the goals of each implementation step. Among the things that need to be emphasized during the launch of EKSA are EKSA Policy, EKSA Zones, EKSA Objectives, EKSA Implementation Action Plan and EKSA Implementation Guide.

EKSA Audit In line with the rebranding of the Public Sector 5S Practice, several new evaluation criteria have been developed. EKSA introduced a new evaluation model that contains generic and specific criteria that take into account the diversity of government department / agency premises according to the type of services provided. The previously practiced approach of one size fits all was replaced with a new model.

Model A evaluation is based on generic criteria while Model B evaluation is a combination of generic and specific criteria. The evaluation criteria used are according to the suitability of the department / agency where there are 6 components of the evaluation criteria namely Implementation









Environmental Security, Departmental Area Areas and Specific Places. The criteria compiled are in accordance with the needs of the various departments / agencies. This is to ensure that the audit is carried out comprehensively and meets the aspects of diversity and differences between a department / agency.

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5.0 Benefits of EKSA Practicing EKSA will contribute to the productivity of management as the benefits of the introduction of EKSA are highlighted such as enchaned customer service quality, a more positive working environment, increased creativity and innovation, an increased level of safety and an improvement in the spirit of teamwork. The establishment of EKSA required the strong commitment of all members, teamwork, time and effort must be formed by all employees of the organization. The first benefits of EKSA is to enhance the customer service quality. Customer service is referring to the identity or perception of the customer or party interested in the environment, actions and achievements of a person organization. Coordinated values, ethics and labor standards among citizens work is important in order to create a positive corporate culture. Furthermore , the EKSA also promotes the protection aspects of the environment each department or agency of the public sector. For example, most customers do not expect miracles, but demand they responsibility. If there is a mistake or an error, take f...

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