Paralegal Cover Letter PDF

Title Paralegal Cover Letter
Course Role of the Paralegal
Institution Raritan Valley Community College
Pages 1
File Size 41 KB
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paralegal cover letter assignment...


Law Firm 35 Russ Street Wilson, NJ 00008 RE: Legal Secretary/Assistant Dear Hiring Manager, Iam r espondi ngt ot headpl acedbyy ourl awfir mi nsear chf oraLegal Secr et ar y/ As si st ant onSept ember9,2015.If eel Iwoul dbeanexcel l entaddi t i ont oy ourfir m basedont he descr i pt i onpr ovi dedonyourbehal f ! Iam cur r ent l yt aki ngapar al egal cour set oear nmyAss oci at eofAppl i edSci enceDegr ee i nPar al egal St udi esandam l ooki ngf oranent r yl evel posi t i onasal egal secr et ar y .Mywor k exper i ence;secr et ar i al posi t i onwi t hFl emi ngt onDent al Associ at esasaFr ontDeskSuper vi sor i nt r oducedmet oofficewor kenvi r onmentandofficewor kr el at edr esponsi bi l i t i es.Mydai l ydut i es i ncl ude,butar enotl i mi t edt o:r ecei vi ngandmaki ngphonecal l s,di r ect i ngphonecal l st o appr opr i at eofficer epr esent at i ve,dat ai nput ,char tmai nt enanceandfil i ng,andaccount s r ecei vabl eandbi l l abl e,amongstot herofficer el at edt asks .Iam confidentt hatmyl egal educat i onandwor kexper i encecr eat eaper f ectfitf ory ourl egal assi st antposi t i on! Asperyourr equi r ement s,Idevel opedv er ys t r ongor gani z at i onal ski l l sasas ec r et ar y , mai nt ai ni ngbot hs y st em andphy si cal char t saccor di ngl y .Wor ki ngdi r ect l ywi t hi nsur ances,I usewor dpr oces si ngt or equestandappealaut hor i zat i onsanddeni al sonadai l ybasi s .Ican communi cat efluent l yi nbot hEngl i shandSpani sh,whi c hpr ov i desmewi t ht heabi l i t yt oass i s t y ourfir m’ sgr owt hwi t hourgr owi ngHi spani cpopul at i oni nt hear ea.I twoul dbeanhonort ome, t obecomeacont r i but i ngempl oy eet oy ourfir m. At t ached,pl easefi ndmyr ef er encesandr esumef ory ourr evi ew.Thanky ouf ory ourt i me andconsi der at i on,Il ookf or war dt ohear i ngf r om y out oschedul eani nt er vi ewaty ourear l i es t conv eni enc e.

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