Parasitology question bank on trematodes, cestodes, nematodes and protozoa PDF

Title Parasitology question bank on trematodes, cestodes, nematodes and protozoa
Author Nor Mohamed
Course pharmacology
Institution جامعة قناة السويس
Pages 6
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Parasitology Question Bank3rdYear – GeneralDr. Sara Ahmed Shabayek2020-1- Diagnostic stage of P. westermani is shown in stool only: a) TRUE b) False2- Pig gets infection of Taenia solium through food contaminated with: a) Onchospheres b) Cysticerci c) Hexacanths d) Adult worm3- Scolex of Taenia soli...


Parasitology Question Bank

3rd Year – General Dr. Sara Ahmed Shabayek 2020-2021

9a) b) c) d)

1- Diagnostic stage of P. westermani is shown in stool only: a) TRUE b) False 2- Pig gets infection of Taenia solium through food contaminated with: a) Onchospheres b) Cysticerci c) Hexacanths d) Adult worm 3a) b) c) d)

Scolex of Taenia solium contains: Rostellum Hooks Suckers All the above

4a) b) c) d)

Cysticcercus stage of Taenia solium is found in…: Man Pig Goat Sheep

10- According to Clonorchis, which of the following statements is true: a) Platyhelminthes, nematoda b) Liver flukes c) Platyhelminthes, trematoda d) both b and c

5- Taenia saginata differs from Taenia solium as it lacks….: a) Rostellum b) Suckers c) Hooks d) Non of above

4 b

5 a

6 b

7 a

8 a

12a) b) c) d)

microfilariae circulate in blood at….: Morning Night Evening None of the above

15- The definitive host of Angiostrongylus cantonensis is? a) Human b) Cat c) Sheep d) Rat 16- Patient is suffering from deficiency vitamin B12 which type of worms cause this: a) Fasciola sp" b) Hymenolepis nana c) Diphyllobothrium latum d) schistosoma sp 17- Which of the following drugs used for killing Diphyllobothrium latum. a) Praziquantel b) Bithional c) Albendazole d) Flubendazole

8- Regarding to Clonorchis sinensis cycle, which one of the following statements is true : a) Human is infected by eating raw fish b) Human is infected by pentration of Clonorchis in his skin c) The laboratory diagnostic of clonorchis is by showing eggs with terminal spine d) Second intermediate host is snail

3 d

Which insect cause filariasis: culex Anopheles Pulex a and b

14- What is the common name of Angiostrongylus cantonensis? a) Fish tape worm b) Rat lung worm c) Hook worm d) Dog round worm

7- Your patient is a 18year-old boy with a 2-week history of headache and vomiting and a 3-day history of confusion and incoherent speech. He was born in Ecuador but moved to this country 5 years ago. MRI of the brain reveals multiple lesions bilaterally. The following day, he has a seizure and dies. On autopsy, the brain lesions consist of a cystlike sac containing a larva. Of the following, which one is the most likely cause? a) Taenia solium b) Taenia saginata c) Dipylidium latum d) Echinococcus granulosus

2 a

11a) b) c) d)

13- the presence of adult worms of Wuchereria bancrofti in lymph node cause: a) Edema b) Elephantiasis c) Lymphangitis d) All of the above

6- If the number of proglottides in adult Taenia solium is 1000 what is the number proglottides in adult Taenia saginata? a) 1000 b) 1300 c) 500 d) 800

1 b

We can treated the infection of clonorchis by : Albendazole Praziquantel Metronidazole Flubendazole

9 b

10 d

11 d

12 b

13 d

14 b

15 d

16 c

17 a

18- In Paragonimus westermani life cycle, human is dead-end intermediate host: a) TRUE b) FALSE 19a) b) c) d)

27a) b) c) d)

what is effective treatment for trichinosis? Albendazole praziquantel Niclosamide None of the above

28- Regarding Anisakis simplex, the Adult worm live in...... Of marine mammals: a) Intestine b) Liver c) Stomach Urinary d) Bladder

20- Regarding to Toxoplasma gondii, which one of the following is most accurate? a) One way to prevent this infection is to advise pregnant women not to drink unpasteurized milk" b) The form of Toxoplasma found in the tissue cysts in humans is the rapidly dividing tachyzoite. c) The most important definitive host (the host in which the sexual cycle occurs) for Toxoplasma is the domestic cat d) Infection in people with reduced cell-mediated immunity such as AIDS patients, is characterized by persistent watery (nonbloody) diarrhea. 21a) b) c) d)

The treatment of congenital toxoplasmosis is .......: Mebendazole & flubendazole Praziquantel & niclosamide Metronidazole & tetracycline Sulphadiazine & Pyrimethamine

22a) b) c) d)

what is the infective stage for this worm? egg metacercaria larvae none of the above

23a) b) c) d)

Sleeping sickness is a disease of ......,? Loa Loa Trypanosoma bruci Dipylidium caninum Toxoplasma gondii

24a) b) c) d)

Definitive host is human in these parasites except?4 Dipylidium caninum Schistosoma species American trypanosomiasis African trypanosomiasis

What is the definitive host of Anisakis simplex ? Human Marine mammals Crusticeans and fish Non of the above

29a) b) c) d)

The vector of onchocerca volvulus is…: Black fly Mango fly Anopheles mosquito Culex mosquito

30- Regarding Onchocerca volvulus, Diagnosis is done by…: a) Blood examination b) Skin biopsy c) CT scan d) All of the above 31- Which one of the following is the best drug to kill onchocerca volvulus adult worm? a) Ivermectin b) Suramin c) Praziquantel d) Mebendazole 32- A 38-year-old woman lives in united states, she is used to walk on the soil without wearing shoes and suddenly feels nausea, vomiting, bloody diarrhea and epigastric discomfort, what is the suitable diagnosis for this patient? a) Heterophyiasis b) Cysticercosis c) Hookworm infection d) Trichomoniasis 33a) b) c) d)

25- In Heterophyes heterophyes parasite what's the second intermediate host? a) Fish eating animals b) Fresh water fish 'boulty, boury' c) Fresh water crabs d) Carnivores

All of the following are platyhelminthes except? Taenia solium Schistosoma haematobium Fasciola gigantica Anchylostoma duodenale

34- Which of the following isn't correct about Ancylostoma duodenale adult worm? a) It is a hook worm b) It is a tissue nematode c) It causes infection by flariform larva that penetrates the human skin d) It lives in the small intestin of the human

26- Adult worm of Heterophyes heterophyes is found in: a) Billiary duct b) Liver c) Small intestine d) Colon 18


































44a) b) c) d)

35- The presence of loa loa adult worm in the eye causes blindness: a) TRUE b) FALSE 36a) b) c) d)

The vector of loa loa larvae is…: Anopheles mosquito Mango fly Black fly Human flea

45- Which of the following act as second intermediate host for fasciolopsis buski: a) Prinella conica host b) Aquatic plant c) Fish d) Lymna trunculta snail

37- Diagnosis of microfilaria of loa loa in blood sample taken only at night a) TRUE b) FALSE

46a) b) c) d)

38- The trophozoite of Giardia lamblia in duodenum cause inflammation of the duodenal mucosa leading to ... a) Amoebic dysentery b) Malabsorption of fat and protein c) Cystcercosis d) Trichomoniasis 39a) b) c) d)

Diagnostic stage of Trichuris trichura is: D-shaped eggs. Barrel shaped eggs with 2 polar plug. Eggs with rhabditiform larva e. Eggs with empty space between she'll and contents.

40a) b) c) d)

What is the common name of Trichuris trichura? Pin worm Whip worm Round worm Hook worm

All of the following are hermaphrodite except: Heterophyes heterophyes Fasciola hepatica Schistosoma sp. Fasciola gigantica

43a) b) c) d)

What is the infective stage in schistosoma species: Microfilaria Flariform larvae Forked tail cercaria Eggs with Rhabditiform larvae

What is the diagnostic stage of Fasciolopsis buski: Unembroynatted eggs in feced Unembroynatted eggs in urine Embroynatted eggs in feces Embroynatted eggs in urine

47- What is the infective stage of Entamoeba histolytica ? a) Cercariae b) Trophozoite c) Mature cyst d) Cyst cercariae 48a) b) c) d)

Diagnostic stage of strongloides stercoralis is: Egg containing adult worm Filariform larvae Adult worm Rhabditiform larvae

49- What is the infective stage of Entamoeba histolytica ? a) Trophozoite b) Cystcercaie c) Mature cyst d) Cercariae

41- Your patient is a child experienced diarrhea accompanied with nausea,anorexia and abdominal pain .The history of the patient showed that he had gone to a day care center two weeks ago ,The diarrhea was foul smelling and hard to flushed away when examining his stools we found pear shaped flagellated organism.what is the best treatment for that case ... A) Praziquantel B) Albendazol C) Tinidazole D) Niclosamide 42a) b) c) d)

Schistosoma mansoni adult worm lives in: Urogenital veins Mesenteric veins small intestine Liver

50a) b) c) d)

Cyst of Entamoeba histolytica are.... Killed by boiling Killed by chlorination Aren't killed by filteration All of the above

51a) b) c) d)

What are main sites affected ? Small intestine Colon Liver Brain



































52- Regarding Strongloides stercoralis the following is true: a) Has autoinfection properties b) Has intermediate host c) 1and2

62- "Each of the following statements concerning hookworm infection is correct EXCEPT: a) Hookworm infection can be diagnosed by finding the trophozoite in the stool. b) Hookworm infection is acquired by humans when filariform larvae penetrates the skin c) Hookworm infection is caused by Ancylostoma duodenale. d) Hookworm infection can cause anemia.

53- Human is the only definitive host in the life cycle of Dracunculus medinensis: a) TRUE b) FALSE 54- Releasing of the infective larvae of Dracunculus medinensis occurs………. a) In urine b) In stool c) By rupture of the skin blisters in water d) Non of the above 55- According to the diagnosis of Cryptosporidium hominis which is right.. a) Finding trophozoite in diarrheal stools. b) Finding cysts in formed stool. c) Serologic test on blood sample. d) Finding Oocysts in feces using modified acid fast stain. 56- Regarding Cryptosporidium hominis which is most accurate: a) It's sporozoa Not protozoa b) Cysts are Treated by pasteurization. c) It's protozoa Not sporozoa d) Both 1&2

63a) b) c) d)

Which of the following is a hydrated tap worm ..... Enterobius vermicularis Trichuris trichura Ancylostoma duodenale Echinococcs granulosus

64a) b) c) d)

The infective stage of Ascaris Lumbricoides is: Egg in stool Trophozoite and cyst in stool Egg with rhapditiform larvae Microfilaria in blood

65a) b) c) d)

scotch tape technique is used in diagnosis of: Taenia solium Ascaris lumbricoids Enterobius vermicularis giardia lambilia

66- Culex female is considered as vector for enterobious vermicularis: a) TRUE b) FALSE

57a) b) c) d)

The most serious malaria caused by: Plasmodium falciparum Plasmodium malaria Plasmodium vivax Plasmodium ovale

67- One of the modes of infection of Enterobius vermicularis is auto infection: a) TRUE b) FALSE

58a) b) c) d)

The parasite that cause relapse in liver is: Plasmodium ovale Plasmodium vivax Plasmodium falciparum A&B

68a) b) c) d)

What is the infective stage of cysticercosis? Embryonated egg Forked tail cercaria Metacercaria Flatiform larvae

59- which form of disease caused by leishmaniasis species? a) cutaneaus leishmaniasis b) visceral leishmaniasis c) mucosal leishmaniasis d) All of the bove

69a) b) c) d)

What is the role of human in Taenia solium? 1st intermediate host 2nd I.H Dead end I.H Reservoir

60a) b) c) d)

leishmaniasis is transmitted by? bite of infected female phlebotomine bite of infected male phlebotomine all of the bove non of the bove

70- Which of the following can be used in treatment against Taenia solium? a) Praziquantel b) Albendazole & praziquantel c) Albendazole& surgical removal d) Trimethoprime

61a) b) c) d)

Iron deficiency anaemia can be caused by: Ancylostoma duodenale Ascaris lumbercoides Wuchereria bancrofti Fasciolopsis buski

71a) b) c) d)

52 a

53 b

54 c

55 d

56 d

57 a

58 d

59 d

60 a

61 a

62 a

63 d

Paratenic host of Toxocara canis is? Human Cats Duck Wolfs 64 c

65 c

66 b

67 a

68 a

69 c

70 c

71 c

72- Which one of the following agents can be used to prevent Hymenolepiasis ? a) Duck b) Rabbit c) Human d) Cats 73- Which one of the following agents can be used to prevent Hymenolepiasis ? a) Niclosamide b) chloroquine c) praziquantel d) a &b e) a& c 74- Each of the following parasites is transmitted by mosquities except : a) Wuchereria bancrofti b) Plasmodium vivax c) Hymenolepis nana d) plasmodium falciparum 75- Each of the following cestodes have an intermediate host except : a) Taenia solium b) Hymenolepis nana c) Echinococcus granulosus d) Taenia saginata

72 d

73 e

74 c

75 b...

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