Nematodes - Intestinal and Extraintestinal; Aphasmid and Phasmid PDF

Title Nematodes - Intestinal and Extraintestinal; Aphasmid and Phasmid
Author Anonymous User
Course Medical Laboratory Science
Institution Angeles University Foundation
Pages 6
File Size 190.3 KB
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Parasite Common Name Identifying CharacteristicsInfective StageMode of TransmissionDrug of Choice IntestinalPhasmid Ascaris lumbricoides Giant IntestinalThis worm has a so-called “polymyarian type” of somatic muscle arrangement. The whitish or pinkish worms are large, males: 10 to 31 cm and females:...





Ascaris lumbricoides

Capillaria philippinensis

Common Name

Giant Intestinal


Identifying Characteristics Intestinal This worm has a socalled “polymyarian type” of somatic muscle arrangement. The whitish or pinkish worms are large, males: 10 to 31 cm and females: 22 to 35 cm in length, with smooth striated cuticles. The worms have a terminal mouth with three lips and sensory papillae. This parasite characteristically has a thin filamentous anterior end and a slightly thicker and shorter posterior end. Male worms (Plate 3.15): 1.5 to 3.9 mm in length; Females (Plate 3.16): 2.3 to 5.3 mm long. Male spicule: 230 to 300 μm long; has an unspined sheath. The esophagus has stichocytes.

Infective Stage

Mode of Transmission

Drug of Choice

Embryona ted ova

Ingestion/Swallo wing of eggs from soil contaminated with human feces or consumed with produce contaminated with soil containing infective eggs.

Mebendazo le Pyrantel pamoate Albendazol e

L2 larva

Ingestion; decomposition of infected animals via eggs in the liver being released into the soil.

Mebendazo le



Enterobius vermicularis

Pin worm/Seat worm

Human Hookworms 1. Necator Americanu s

Human Hookworms 1. American hookwor m/Americ

This is classified as meromyarian. Adult worms have cuticular alar expansions (Plate 3.13). Small adult female worm: 8 to 13 mm by 0.4 mm; has a long-pointed tail. Uteri of gravid females are distended with eggs. Male: 2 to 5 mm by 0.1 to 0.2 mm; has a curved tail and a single spicule. Rhabditiform larva: 140 to 150 μm by 10 μm; has esophageal bulb; no cuticular expansion on the anterior end. Eggs (Plate 3.14): asymmetrical, with one side flattened and the other side convex; range from 50 to 60 μm by 20 to 30 μm in size averaging 55 by 36 μm. All hookworms have the meromyarian type of somatic muscle with two to five cells arranged

Embryona ted ova

Direct transfer of infected eggs by hand from the anus to the mouth of the same or another person; Indirectly through bedding, clothing, food or other articles.

Mebendazo le Albendazol e Pyrantel pamoate

Rhabditifo rm larva (feeding) Filariform larva

Skin penetration; Direct ingestion of infected larvae via contaminated fruits or

Mebendazo le Pyrantel pamoate Oxantel

2. Ancylosto ma duodenale 3. Ancylosto ma ceylanicu m Animal Hookworms 1. Ancylosto ma braziliens e 2. Ancylosto ma caninum


Strongyloides stercoralis

an murderer / New world hookwor m 2. Old world hookwor m Animal Hookworms 1. Cat hookwor m 2. Dog hookwor m Threadworm

per dorsal or ventral half. N. americanus adults are small, cylindrical, fusiform, grayish-white nematodes. Females (9- 11 mm by 0.35 mm) are larger than males (5-9 mm by 0.30 mm).

2.2 mm by 0.04 mm, colorless, semitransparent, with a finely striated cuticle; has a slender tapering anterior end and a short conical pointed tail. The short buccal cavity has four indistinct lips. The uteri contain a single file of 8 to 12 thinshelled, transparent, segmented ova, 50



Rhabditifo rm larva (feeding) Filariform larva (infective)

Contact with soil that is contaminated with free-living larvae

Ferrous sulfate

Thiabendaz ole Albendzole


Trichuris trichiura


Lymphatic filarial


Parastrongylus cantonensis

to 58 μm by 30 to 34 μm. Male worm (Plate 3.5a): 30 to 45 mm whil female: 35 to 50 mm long. The female (Plate 3.5b) has a blunt posterior end, while the male has a coiled posterior with a single spicule and retractile sheath. The worms have an Whipworm attenuated anterior three-fifths traversed by a narrow esophagus resembling a string of beads. The robust posterior two-fifths contain the intestine and a single set of reproductive organs. Extraintestinal Adults are elongate and threadlike. Microfilariae are 250 to 300 μm long, equal in diameter to a red blood cell, and sheathed. Rat lungworm The adult worm, which is pale and filiform, has a length

Embryona ted ova

Ingestion of infective eggs from contaminated soils, hands, food, or water.

Mebendazo le

Thirdstage filarial lar vae

Person to person by mosquito bites.

Diethylcarb amazine (DEC)

Food-borne routes, ingestion of raw or

No anthelmint hic

L2 larva


Trichinella spiralis

Trichina wom

of 17 to 25 mm (Plate 3.29). Male worms: 16 to 22 mm in length and 0.25 to 0.35 mm in diameter. They have a well-developed caudal bursa. Female worms measure 19 to 33 mm in length and 0.28 to 0.50 mm in diameter. The female worms have uterine tubules. This arrangement is usually described as the “barber’s pole” pattern. The adult male, which measures 0.62 to 1.58 mm by 0.025 to 0.033 mm, has a single testis located near the posterior end of the body, and is joined in the mid-body by the genital tube which, in turn, extends back to the cloaca. The posteriorly-located cloaca has a pair of caudal appendages and two pairs of

insufficiently cooked contaminated molluscs, crustacean, or other hosts; or ingestion of vegetables contaminated with infectious larvae.

Encysted larva

Consumption of animal meat infected with pathogenic cysts, encasing T. spirali s larvae.

treatment is recommend ed at present.

Mebendazo le Albendazol e

papillae. The adult female measures about 1.26 to 3.35 mm by 0.029 to 0.038 mm, and has a single ovary. References: Belizario, Jr., V. & de Leon, W. (2013). Medical Parasitology in the Philippines (3rd ed.). Ascariasis (roundworm infection). Retrieved from Parasites - Capillariasis (also known as Capillaria Infection). (2012). Retrieved from Pinworm (threadworm) infection. Retrieved from Mode of Transmission of Hookworm. (2017). Retrieved from Parasites – Strongyloides. (2018). Retrieved from Trichuris trichiura. (2010). Retrieved from Cross, J. Chapter 92: Filarial Nematodes. (1996). Retrieved from Parasites - Lymphatic Filariasis. (2018). Retrieved from

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