Parcial 9 June 2020, questions PDF

Title Parcial 9 June 2020, questions
Course international business
Institution 扬州大学
Pages 6
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Question 1

Business ethics concerns: C developing a consensus among companies worldwide a .

as to what ethical principles that businesses should be expected to observe in the course of conducting their operations.

b .

c .

what ethical behaviors should be expected of company personnel in the course of doing their jobs. the application of ethical principles and standards to business activities, behavior, and decisions. picking and choosing among the normative ethical standards of

d society in order to arrive at a set of ethical standards that apply . directly to operating a business.

Question 2 The major drivers of unethical business behavior include: B

pervasive managerial immorality and a general lack of a scruples on the part of top executives regarding how .

customers and suppliers should be treated. b . corporate cultures that put the bottom line ahead of

ethics, heavy pressures on company managers to meet or beat performance targets, and overzealous or obsessive pursuit of wealth accumulation, power,

status, and other selfish interests. c widespread managerial belief in the ethical relativism school of . thinking. an aversion to ethical correctness on the part of top executives and

d a belief that unethical behavior is unimportant and probably will not . be discovered.

Question 3 A company's strategy needs to be ethical because: A a a strategy that is unethical not only damages the company's . reputation, but it can also have costly consequences.

of the dangers that top management will be b embarrassed if the company's unethical behavior is .

publicly exposed. everyone is an ethics watchdog, and somebody is sure c to blow the whistle on the company's unethical .

behavior. d of the risks of getting caught and prosecuted by governmental . authorities if an unethical strategy is used.

Question 4

Which of the following is considered to be an intangible or less visible cost that companies may incur when ethical wrongdoing is discovered and punished? D a Costs of providing remedial education and ethics training to . company personnel b Civil penalties .

c Legal and investigative costs . d Loss of reputation .

Question 5 Notions of right and wrong, fair and unfair, moral and immoral, ethical and unethical: B a vary enormously from religion to religion and country to country . across the world.

b are present in all societies, organizations, and individuals. .

ultimately depend on the circumstances—nothing is c really black or white when it comes to ethical .

standards. d ultimately depend on a person's own values and beliefs. .

Question 6

Integrative social contracts theory maintains that: D there is no such thing as moral-free space: all ethical a .

standards are determined by societal norms, and individuals have an implied social contract to live up to these standards.

b .

few nations or cultures have a common moral agreement about what is ethically right and wrong.

c . there should be no absolute limits put on what actions

and behaviors fall inside the boundaries of what is

ethically or morally right and which actions and behaviors fall outside.

d .

first-order universal ethical norms always take precedence over second-order local ethical norms.

Question 7

In an attempt to fulfill its corporate social responsibility, which of the following is an activity that a company might consider to enhance the quality of life for its employees? D a Providing work-at-home opportunities . b . c . d .

Donating a percentage of its profits to a global charity like UNICEF or the Red Cross Selling products at a discounted price to customers in underdeveloped countries Paying to have litter removed from a state highway

Question 8 Good corporate citizens: B a identify up-and-coming managers who have a future in local- or . state-level politics

go beyond meeting society's expectations for ethical b strategies and business behavior by fostering social .

benefit and balancing the interests of all. c . create a democratic workplace in which the voices of

lower-level employees are heard through representation on the board of directors. d ensure that their workforce is diverse .

Question 9 Companies committed to environmental sustainability: D

consider the commitment to shareholders as a firsta .

order priority, commitment to employees as a secondorder priority, and commitment to the environmental protection as a third-order commitment. consider the commitment to the environment as a first-

b .

order priority, commitment to employees as a secondorder priority, and commitment to shareholders as a third-order commitment. consider the commitment to the environment as a first-

c .

order priority, commitment to shareholders as a second-order priority, and commitment to employees as a third-order commitment. undertake initiatives directed at improving the company's triple

d bottom line, which places importance on economic, environmental, . and social metrics.

Question 10

Sourcing a supply from a small, women-owned business is an example of a corporate social responsibility action to: D a . b . c . d .

support philanthropy ensure honorable and ethical action enhance employee wellbeing. promote workforce diversity...

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