Parenting Disputes PDF

Title Parenting Disputes
Author Kyle Dmoch
Course Advanced Family Law
Institution University of Wollongong
Pages 38
File Size 951 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 45
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Parenting Disputes Framework for Resolving Disputes, Order that may be Granted & Enforcement Mechanisms

Table of Contents Overview of the Proceedings .................................................................................................................................... 3 Overview of the Step in Parenting Matter ............................................................................................................. 3 Tools of Interpretation .......................................................................................................................................... 4 Objects of Part – s60B FLA 1975 ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Paramountcy Principle & Best Interests of the Child ..................................................................................................... 4 Parental Responsibility ......................................................................................................................................... 5 Preliminary Matters ................................................................................................................................................. 8 Statutory Push to Avoid the Adversarial System .................................................................................................... 8 Encouragement to Reach Agreement: ss60B(2)(d) & 63B FLA 1975 ............................................................................... 8 Legal Practitioner Obligation to Advise of Consideration of Parental Agreement: s63DA FLA 1975 ............................. 8 Institution of Proceedings and Procedure .............................................................................................................. 8 General Rules – To Validly Institute Proceedings ............................................................................................................ 8 Parties who May Institute Proceedings: s69C Family Law Act 1975 (Cth)....................................................................... 8 Parenting Disputes, FDR & s60I Certificates ................................................................................................................... 8 Required Jurisdictional Connection ................................................................................................................................. 9 Statutory Framework for Applying the Best Interest (Paramountcy) Principle ...........................................................10 Ove Overvie rvie rview w .............................................................................................................................................................. 10 Background to the Assessing the Child’s Best Interests ................................................................................................ 10 Process of Applying the Various Provisions: Goode v Goode (2006) 36 FamLR 422 @ [56]-[65] .................................. 10 Pres Presum um umptio ptio ption no off EEqua qua quall Sh Share are ared d PPare are arental ntal Res Respo po ponsib nsib nsibilit ilit ilityy (E (ESP SP SPR): R): s61 s61DA DA Famil Familyy LLaw aw Act 19 1975 75 (Cth Cth)) .................................... 10 Overview ....................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Specific Scenarios .......................................................................................................................................................... 11 Circumstances where Rebuttable May/ May Not Occur ............................................................................................... 11 Cour Courtt’s Dut Dutyy to Co Consid nsid nsider er Eq Equal ual Sha Shared red Ca Care re o orr Al Alloc loc locatio atio ation n of Si Signif gnif gnifican ican icantt Ti Time me to EEac ac ach h PParen aren arent: t: s65DA s65DAA A Fam Family ily Law Act 19 1975 75 (Cth (Cth)) .................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Historical Dimension & Gender Biases .......................................................................................................................... 11 Use of Psychological Literature & Social Science as Aids to Discretion ......................................................................... 12 Operation of the Duty within s65DAA (General Rule(s)) (When an Order for ESPR is Made) ....................................... 13 Rele Releva va vant nt Cons Consider ider iderations ations in the Exer Exercis cis cise eo off th the e Co Cour ur urtt’s Di Discre scre scretio tio tion n ...............................................................................14 Background ................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Findings of Credit (Determining Credibility of Unresolved Differences in Evidence b/w Parties) ................................. 15 The Best Interests Checklist: s60CC Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) .................................................................................... 15 Bes Bestt Int Intere ere erests sts Che Check ck cklist: list: Pri Prima ma mary ry Co Cons ns nside ide iderati rati rations ons ons:: s6 s60C 0C 0CC(2) C(2) Fam Family ily Law Ac Actt 19 1975 75 (Ct (Cth) h) .................................................16 Benefit to a Child of a Meaningful Relationship with Both Parents: s60CC(2)(a) FLA 1975 .......................................... 16 Protection from Harm and Family Violence: s60CC(2)(b) FLA 1975 .............................................................................. 16 Bes Bestt Int Intere ere erests sts Che Checkl ckl cklist: ist: Ad Additio ditio ditional nal Co Consid nsid nsider er eratio atio ations: ns: s60 s60C CC(3) Fami Family ly LLaw aw Ac Actt 197 1975 5 (Cth Cth)) .............................................. 18 1

Views of the Child: s60CC(3)(a) FLA 1975 ..................................................................................................................... 18 Relationship with Others: s60CC(3)(b) FLA 1975........................................................................................................... 18 Disturbing the Status Quo: s60CC(3)(d) FLA 1975 ......................................................................................................... 18 Separation of Siblings: s60CC(3)(d)(ii) FLA 1975 ........................................................................................................... 19 Parents, 3rd Parties & Role of Biology in Decision-Making (Nature of Relationship, Likely Effect of a Change of Circumstance & Separation and the Capacity to Provide for the Childs Needs) : s60CC(3)(b),(d) & (f) FLA 1975 ......... 19 General Conduct of Parties: s60CC(3)(i) FLA 1975 ........................................................................................................ 21 Matrimonial Conduct of Parties: s60CC(3)(i) FLA 1975 ................................................................................................. 22 ATSI Culture................................................................................................................................................................... 23 Religion.......................................................................................................................................................................... 23 Parenting Orders ..................................................................................................................................................... 24 Pare Parenti nti nting ng Ord Orders ers (Or (Order der derss th that at D Deal eal w w// An Anyy As Aspe pe pect ct of PParen aren arental tal Res Respon pon ponsib sib sibilit ilit ility) y) ............................................................. 24 Matters in Which a Parental Order may Administer ..................................................................................................... 24 Orders Dealing with Where a Child Lives: s64B(2)(a) Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) ......................................................... 25 Orders Dealing with Children Spending Time or Communicating with Another Person ............................................... 25 Proceedings in Respect of Parenting Orders ................................................................................................................. 25 Interim Orders .....................................................................................................................................................25 Variation of Orders .............................................................................................................................................. 26 Spen Spend d Tim Time e wi with th Ord Orders ers (fk (fkaa Ac Acces ces cess/Co s/Co s/Contact) ntact) (W (Wher her here e tther her here e is no Equ Equal al o orr Su Subs bs bstan tan tantial tial Tim Time) e)........................................28 Orders not Permitting Children to Spend Time with Parents ........................................................................................ 28 Order for Children to Spend Time with Non-Parents .................................................................................................... 28 Where a Child Does Not Want to Spend Time with a Parent ........................................................................................ 30 Breaches of Spend Time Orders .................................................................................................................................... 30 Wh Where ere Sex Sexual ual Abu Abuse se is In Invo vo volved lved in Par Paren en enting ting M Matte atte atters rs ............................................................................................... 30 Practical Issues & Background....................................................................................................................................... 30 General Rules for Considering Child Abuse in Parenting Matters ................................................................................. 31 Supervised Contact in Abuse Cases (Where Unacceptable Risk Present) ..................................................................... 31 Procedural Requirements & Rules ................................................................................................................................ 32 Mis Miscell cell cellaneo aneo aneous us Oth Other er Co Concer ncer ncerns ns ns/Ord /Ord /Orders ers .................................................................................................................... 32 Relocation Cases ...........................................................................................................................................................32 Change of Name Cases .................................................................................................................................................. 34 Gender Dysphoria Cases ............................................................................................................................................... 34 Order Enforcement Mechanisms .............................................................................................................................. 36 Enf Enforc orc orceme eme ement nt of Or Orders ders in R Relati elati elation on to Chil Children dren ......................................................................................................... 36 Background (Historical Dimension - Minimal Interventionism Approach) .................................................................... 36 Current Rules & Mechanism Available for Enforcement: Pt VII Div 13A (Tougher Enforcement Regime) .................... 36 Preventing Removal of Children from Australia (Sanctions on the Removal from Australia) ........................................ 37 Location Orders ............................................................................................................................................................. 38 Recovery Orders ............................................................................................................................................................ 38


Overview of the Proceedings Overview of the Step in Parenting Matter 1) Satisfaction of Preliminary Matters a. Undertake Duty Bound Push towards Agreement/Non-Adversarial Outcome b. If No Agreement, Satisfy Prerequisites to Validly Commencing Action i. Applicant Party Must be have the Power Able to Institute Proceedings: s69C FLA 1975 ii. Applicant Party Must Submit an FDR Certificate in Relation to the Child at the Same time as Proceedings Commencement: s60I(7) FLA 1975 iii. Applicant Must Have the Required Jurisdictional Connection on the Relevant Day: s69E FLA 1975 iv. Relevant Child Must Not be 18 Years or Older, De Facto or Married: s65H(1) FLA 1975 2) Apply the Statutory Framework for Applying the Best Interest (Paramountcy) Principle: Goode v Goode a. Consideration of the Presumption in Favour of ESPR: The starting point for all parenting applications consideration of the presumption in favour or equal shared parental responsibility (ESPR): s61DA FLA 1975 b. Determining Whether the Court’s Duty to Consider Equal Shared Care or Allocation of Significant Time to Each Parent Arises (s65DAA) i. If ESPR is Ordered: This triggers the operation of s65DAA (the Court’s Duty to Consider Equal Shared Care and/or Allocation of Significant Time to Each Parent). In this context, the court might make orders neither party sought, subject to according procedural fairness (U v U (2002) 29 FamLR 74)). ii. If ESPR isn’t Ordered: The Court may still order equal or substantial parenting time, either because one of the parents has sought that, or because one of the parents has sought that, or because the best interests of the child require it. In this context, the court might make orders neither party sought, subject to according procedural fairness (U v U (2002) 29 FamLR 74)) c. Meaning of Considering w/in the s65DAA Duty: Considering making an order for equal or substantial time under s65DAA means positively considering making such an order, provided the twin tests of reasonable practicability and the child’s best interests are met d. Where Equal or Substantial Time Order isn’t Appropriate: The issues is at large and to be determined in accordance with the child’s best interests as ascertained by a consideration of the factors in ss60B & 60CC e. Process for Final & Interim Parenting Orders: The process is the same whether it is a final or interim parenting order under consideration f. Overriding Consideration – Paramountcy Principle: The child’s best interests remain the overriding considerations 3) Consider what Orders may be Appropriate a. If Matter is Urgent Consider what Interim Remedy May be Available i. A court is empowered to make a parenting order ‘including an order until further notice’: s64B(1)(a) FLA 1975 ii. The decision maker must follow the new steps and consider ESPR and the substantial involvement of both parent’s in a child’s life (i.e. Goode and Goode Steps) b. Matters in Which a Parental Order may Administer: s64B(2) FLA 1975 i. Living Arrangements: The person or persons with whom a child is to live ii. Contact Arrangement: The time a child is to spend with another person or other persons iii. Allocation of Parental Responsibility: The allocation of parental responsibility for a child iv. Implementation of Joint Parental Responsibility: If 2 or more persons are to share parental responsibility for a child—the form of consultations those persons are to have with one another about decisions to be made in the exercise of that responsibility; v. Communication Arrangements The communication a child is to have with another person or other persons vi. Maintenance Arrangements: Maintenance of a child vii. Variation of Orders: The steps to be taken before an application is made to a court for a variation of the order to take account of the changing needs or circumstances of 3

viii. Dispute Resolution Arrangements: The process to be used for resolving disputes about the terms or operation of the order ix. Other Arrangements: Any aspect of the care, welfare or development of the child or any other aspect of parental responsibility for a child c. Is there No Substantial or Significant Time Ordered? i. Consider Spend Time With Order and Contact Order d. Are there Any serious Situation Rising? i. Sexual Abuse ii. Relocation iii. Name Change iv. Gender Disphoria e. Are there any Issues with Non-Compliance?

Tools of Interpretation Objects of Part – s60B FLA 1975 -


Ensuring a CBIs are Met by: s60B(1) o (a) Meaningful involvement w/ Both Parents: ensuring that children have the benefit of both of their parents having a meaningful involvement in their lives, to the maximum extent consistent with the best interests of the child; and o (b) Protection from Harm: Protecting children from physical or psychological harm from being subjected to, or exposed to, abuse, neglect or family violence; and o (c) Ensuring Proper Parenting: Ensuring that children receive adequate and proper parenting to help them achieve their full potential; and o (d) Ensuring that Parents Fulfil Duties & Responsibilities: Ensuring that parents fulfil their duties, and meet their responsibilities, concerning the care, welfare and development of their children. Underlying Principles: s60B(2) o (a) Right to Contact with Both Parents: children have the right to know and be cared for by both their parents, regardless of whether their parents are married, separated, have never married or have never lived together; and o (b) Right to Substantial & Significant Time: children have a right to spend time on a regular basis with, and communicate on a regular basis with, both their parents and other people significant to their care, welfare and development (such as grandparents and other relatives); and o (c) Obligation for Parents to Share Responsibilities: Parents jointly share duties and responsibilities concerning the care, welfare and development of their children; and o (d) Joint Liability: Parents should agree about the future parenting of their children; and o (e) Right to Enjoy their Culture: Children have a right to enjoy their culture (including the right to enjoy that culture with other people who share that culture).

Paramountcy Principle & Best Interests of the Child Overview - Principle’s Basis under UNCROC Art 3.1 o In all actions concerning children, whether undertaken by public or private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration - General Statutory Rule for Application of the Paramountcy Principle o The court must regard the best interests of the child as the paramount consideration in making a parenting order ▪ s60CA FLA 1975 o Interest is defined in this context as including matters related to the care, welfare or development of the child (very broad application) ▪ s4(1) FLA 1975




Presumptions created by the Paramountcy Principle in Relation Parental Responsibility o Its presumed that in the case of parental responsibility the child’s best interests will be served by equal shared responsibility ▪ s61DA FLA 1975 o Presumption will not operate when family violence/abuse is present ▪ s65DA(2) FLA 1975 o The presumption may be rebutted, but in the absence of proof, the presumption must be applied ▪ Young et al (2016) @ p465 Considerations in Determining the Child’s Best Interests o Primary Considerations – s60CC(1) FLA 1975 o Additional Considerations – s60CC(3) FLA 1975 o Weighting Mechanism – Doesn’t Appear to Exist

Determining the Child’s Best Interests – Primary & Addi...

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