Parenting - traduzione parenti PDF

Title Parenting - traduzione parenti
Course Lingue per l'impresa
Institution Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Pages 17
File Size 140.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 115
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traduzione parenti...


Fare i genitori è sempre stato un mestiere (1) difficile, ma in questi ultimi anni (2) lo è diventato molto di più. (3)

Oggi, poche madri (4) possono permettersi (5) di rimanere a casa per fare la mamma a tempo pieno, e anche (6) quando riescono a dedicare del tempo ai figli, (7) devono competere con la televisione, i videogiochi (8) e altre attrattive tecnologiche che non favoriscono (9) la creazione di buoni rapporti in famiglia.

È vero che i padri sono più coinvolti adesso di una volta, ma in generale entrambi i genitori passano poco tempo (10) con i figli (11) e si sentono in colpa.

Per quanto riguarda (12) la disciplina, quasi nessuno adotta più (13) i metodi permissivi degli anni Settanta, (14) ma picchiare i bambini (15) è considerato un gesto quasi criminale. (16)

Cosa fare, quindi, quando tua figlia di tre anni (17) si rifiuta di vestirsi? (18)

Come reagire al figlio (19) che va male (20) a scuola?

Una cosa è certa (21): i genitori hanno un’enorme influenza sullo sviluppo (22) dei figli (23) e dovrebbero fare di tutto (24) crescerli (25) nel modo più equilibrato possibile. (26)

1) 2) 3) 4)

“work” and “job” Recent years or last few years it’s not just more but “much more”, and more requires something else Only a few mothers / or few mothers, but not a mixture i.e only few mothers / a few mothers 5) Best translation is “afford” but “allow themselves” with the reflexive pronoun is just about acceptable 6) Difference between “also” and “even”? 7) Masculine or feminine? 8) Articles? 9) “encourage” is best but “favour” is acceptable 10) “time” is uncountable, so? 11) Masculine or feminine? 12) “As for discipline” or similar but not “considering the discipline”, or “education” 13) Difference between “none” and “no one”? and “nobody” is third person singular 14) No capital letter 15) Don’t exaggerate with “beating” and such like 16) “quasi” here means something like “almost” 17) “daughter” in this case and “three-year-old” without plural 18) “dress up” means what? 19) Masculine 20) “If your son is bad at school” – what’s wrong with this? “does/doing badly at school” 21) Explain how to use “surely” 22) What means here? 23) Masculine or feminine? 24) “anything” and “everything” 25) “bring them up” not “grow them up” or some such 26) Don’t leave this out.

Being parents has always been a difficult job, but in recent years it has become much more so.

Nowadays, few mothers can afford to stay at home to be full-time mums, and even when they do manage to dedicate time to their children, they have to compete with television, video games and other technological attractions that don’t encourage the creation of good family relations.

It is true that fathers are more involved now than they used to be, but in general both parents spend little time with their children and feel guilty.

As for discipline, hardly anyone adopts the permissive methods of the 1970s any more, but hitting children is considered an almost criminal gesture.

So what do you do when your three-year-old daughter refuses to get dressed?

How do you react to your son’s poor performance at school? How do you react if your son is doing badly at school? XX How do you react if your son is bad at school?

One thing is certain: parents have an enormous influence on the development of their children and should do all they can to bring them up in the most balanced way possible.

Being parents has always been a difficult job, but in recent years it has become much more so.

Nowadays, few mothers can afford to stay at home to be full-time mums, and even when they do manage to dedicate time to their children, they have to compete with television, video games and other technological attractions that don’t encourage the creation of good family relations.

It is true that fathers are more involved than they used to be, but in general both parents spend little time with their children and feel guilty.

As for discipline, hardly anyone adopts the permissive methods of the 1970s any more, but hitting children is considered an almost criminal gesture.

So what do you do when your three-year-old daughter refuses to get dressed?

How do you react to your son’s poor performance at school?

One thing is certain: parents have an enormous influence on the development of their children and should do all they can to bring them up in the most balanced way possible....

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