Part 2 new - Lecture notes 1 PDF

Title Part 2 new - Lecture notes 1
Course Acca sbr book 2019
Institution Đại học Kinh tế Quốc dân
Pages 8
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Sculpture Jade Carving Jade carving in China dated back to 4900 BCE. In Chinese art, "jade" is a decorative stone used in a variety of jewelry as well as sculptures. Jade has been an important material in the goldsmithing profession since prehistoric times, and still accounts for the majority of Chinese stone carvings. In Chinese culture, jade carvings are so valuable since the people believe jade represents beauty, purity, immortality, and longevity. Jade carving is one of the oldest types of sculpture in China, a leading technique dating back to a long time. This art is the result of unlimited imagination and creative possibilities. The carvings can be people, flowers, birds, animals, ... the most important thing is to keep the very unique "soul" of the jade. On every inch of jade, the jade carving master not only exhibits the carving technique and overall design coordination, but also blows into it the soul that makes the gemstone come alive, making the person admire the body. mind integration, subtle as lost in the first place in the world. Each perfect Jade Carving work is not inferior to an excellent painting. In terms of texture and design, jade is even superior to painting. Hardstone Carvings Hardstone carving, dating back to the fifth millennium BC, is one of the Chinese oldest art forms. However, it was not until the Qing Dynasty with an adequate supply of raw materials, incredible craftsmanship along with royal support that allowed this to flourish, producing countless works, notable carvings. Ancient hardstone carving artists’ favorite subjects are vegetables and fruits, symbolizing prosperity, longevity and fortune or even academic success. Another popular theme is images of animals and people.

Wood Carving There have been many researches on Chinese wood sculpture and recorded about 7,000 years ago in Neolithic period. This art form became popular under the Ming dynasty, in the fourteenth century. From the ancient tombs (belonging to the Han Dynasty) that were excavated, it can be seen that the animal carvings of Han Dynasty were extremely diverse and lively, those popular symbols include horses, dogs, cattle. At the time, wood carvings had gained popularity in home, palace and temple decorations. Carved pillars, walls, purely wooden paintings - all of these not only still exist today but also play significant role in Chinese cultural heritage. Through wood carvings, we can see the ideology and culture in each stage, expressing social norms, codes of conduct and values of that period. The projects of sculpture gradually follow the viewpoint "art comes from life", wishing for a happy, good and peaceful life. Other type of carving  Bamboo carvings  Coal carvings  Ivory carvings  Nut carvings  Shell carvings  Clay sculptures …

Architecture The Great Wall of China The Great Wall of China is actually the name of a collection of many fortifications. It was built estimated to date over 2500 years, stretching up to 21196.18 km long. The Great Wall, through different dynasties, was built in different areas to protect territorial boundaries. And Emperor Chu in the Pre-imperial China (770 - 221 BC) was the first to lay the foundation for this great work. Next was the Qin Dynasty (221 - 2017 BC) the first Qin emperor joined the parts of the Great Wall on the northern border. Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD) Han Wudi extended the Great Wall to the Yumen Pass and beyond. Song Dynasty (1368 - 1644) General Qi Giguang continued to build this project around the capital Beijing. Over thousands of years, through the dynasties, many parts of the Great Wall have been severely damaged by the effects of war, people and nature. The Great Wall, which tourists often visit today, was mainly built during the Ming dynasty, from 1368 to 1647, starting from Hushan (Liaoning) and ending at Jiayan. The Great Wall is one of the "New Seven Wonders of the World". "Great Human Feat in History": The Great Wall is a construction project with the longest time and greatest cost, dedication from human life, blood, sweat and tears.

The fortifications of Xi'an Xi'an City Wall is one of the oldest and most well-preserved city fortresses in China. Built in the 14th century under the Ming Dynasty, the wall surrounding the area has an area of 3,625 hectares acting as a military defense system.

Head to the suburbs from the city center for a walk along the 13.7 km perimeter city wall. Every 120 meters there is a rampart protruding. The distance between each of the 98 watchtower is calculated to allow soldiers to shoot arrows at enemies from both sides. On the outside of the wall, observe a few of the 5,948 small holes, which used to serve as soldiers' observation points. This monumental wall has a height of 12 m. This solid and well-preserved structure is one of the most intact city walls in the country. Xi'an is one of the most attractive tourist destinations in China. According to the press and tourists, Xi'an's reputation can be compared to the Greek capital Athens, Egypt's Cairo and Italy's Rome.

The Forbidden City The Forbidden City is located in the heart of Beijing, the palace of 24 dynasties from the middle of the Ming to the end of the Qing Dynasty. The massive palaces in the Forbidden City were started in the 4th year of the reign of Emperor Yongle the eminent emperor of the Ming dynasty, and one of the eminent kings of China (1406), and completed after 14 years (1420). It is China's best-preserved royal palace and one of the oldest in the world. The total area of the Forbidden City is about 720,000 m2, including 800 palace and 8,886 rooms; but at present, only 179,700m2 of ancient architecture and foundations of other types of imperial court architecture. The Forbidden City is considered an invaluable historical treasure, this place is considered a historical work that witnessed the golden age of China in feudal times. Not only has historical value but also has great cultural value to the Chinese people, this place is considered a masterpiece of Chinese architectural art with delicate carvings. The palace is recognized by UNESCO as the largest wooden architectural complex in the world and also became a World Heritage Site in 1987 bearing the name of the Ming and Qing dynasties in Beijing and Shenyang.

The Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor The Mausoleum of the first emperor of China, is located in Xi'an city. This is an important national cultural sanctuary of China. Qin Shi Huang, the king of the Qin kingdom during the Warring States period, started constructing his tomb in 246 BC. According to historical records, it took 70,000 people to build the tomb and A Phong palace for Qin Shi Huang. The tomb of Qin Shi Huang is large-scale, built for 36 years, divided into two parts. The inner city is square, the circumference is 25,254 m, the suburbs are rectangular, the circumference is 6294m. In the tomb there were many compartments and many precious gold and silver jewels. In 1980, two groups of bronze and horse statues were unearthed in the west of Qin Shi Huang mausoleum. Each carriage had four horses and a bronze coachman, half the size of a man and a real carriage today. This tomb is known as the 8th greatest wonder of the world and is one of the most important discoveries of contemporary archeology. The bronze weapons discovered in this tomb were innumerable such as swords, spears, and arrows.


Confucianism is an ethical system, social philosophy, educational philosophy and political philosophy promoted by Confucius and developed by his disciples with the aim of building a harmonious society in which you people know how to behave according to reason and morality, peaceful country, prosperity It gradually gain popularity and eventually became dominant in the Han dynasty (206 BC. - 220 C.E). The significance of ritual, respect and family duty, ancestor worshipping and self-discipline in China are still influenced by Confucius.

Taoism believes not only that humans and animals should live in balance with Tao, or the universe but also in spiritual immortality, where the soul of the body joins the universe after death. It was formed in the Peasant movement of South China in the 2nd century AD, the philosophy promoted by Lao Tzu, a famous Chinese philosopher.

Buddhism is an ideological system originating from India, founded by Sakyamuni (Shakyamuni). After its establishment in India, Buddhism spread and became popular in China in the first century C.E. Buddhism is not a religion, it is a philosophical ideology, used to apply in life to avoid mistakes and achieve the ultimate goal of happiness through the path of lucid wisdom based on the effort and self-control of each individual. As Buddhism became more prevalent, its concepts merged with Taoist and Confucian ideas to become the cornerstone of ancient Chinese society and government. It has influence in Chinese art, architecture and literature.

Mohism was an influential philosophical, social, and religious movement that flourished during the Warring States era (479–221 BCE) in ancient China. Mohism originates in the teachings of Mo Di, or “Mozi” from whom it takes its name. Mohism is best known for the concepts of "impartial care"

Legalism is a philosophical belief that people tend to do wrong rather than right due to self-interest and require strict laws to control impulses. It was developed by the philosopher Han Feizi (c. 280-233 BC), a pupil of the Confucian reformer under the Qin....

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