Partnering to heal assignment handout PDF

Title Partnering to heal assignment handout
Course  Introduction to Nursing Concepts
Institution Virginia Western Community College
Pages 3
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TTE for Partnering to heal ...


TTE-Concept Infection A. View the video and answer the 4 questions “Partnering to Heal” video. This assignment involves the viewing of the videos “Partnering to Heal” and completion of the reflection questions. Students should begin by watching the Introduction segment and then there are other videos to supplement this assignment. You watch various team members and how they respond to the situations. Please watch at least these selected members- the family member Kelly, the physician, Dr. Green, and the nurse, Dena. Answer the question below. You can select more than one response in the videos and see the different outcomes for each response. You are watching to determine what measures should have been done differently. 1. Isolation Precaution What is MRSA and how can it be spread from one patient to another? What precautions must the nurse take to prevent the spread of this organism? Who can get MRSA? What are the signs and symptoms? -

MRSA is a bacterial infection and it is spread through contact (skin-to-skin) Precautions: practice hand hygiene when entering and exiting patients roms, wearing gloves, cleaning contaminated surfaces Anyone can MRSA Signs and symptoms: redness, swollen, painful, warm to the touch, full of pus or other drainage, fever

2. Infection Control Team How might the use of an inter-professional team work toward improved infection control in the hospital setting? How is communication important- would you speak up? There is a Team meeting at the beginning of the shift concerning UTI’s, why is this important? -

It helps each team member understand their individual role in infection control. It also helps to see what the other departments are implementing so everyone can be held accountable equally. It is not one department's job; it is everyone’s responsibility to speak up when they see something wrong.


It is important to share findings and talk about protocol before the staff gets swept up in their work. It gives them a chance to share concerns and voice suggestions and look out for anything that peaks concern during their shift.

3. Patient Question about handwashing

Consider how you will incorporate handwashing into your practice? Can you think of ways to reinforce this practice? What if a patient or a family member is not compliant? Think about the 20 sec rule with COVID -19. -

Make sure hand foam is outside every patient's room, and I inform patients and family members why it is important to practice hand hygiene. If someone is non-compliant, I will explain to them the risks of infections and how it is meant to keep them from becoming sick, which would lengthen their hospital stay.

If the infection is C-Diff, how do you wash your hands differently? -

WIth C-diff infection, you can only use soap and water

4. Family member Communication with family is vital in nursing. How would you feel if you were the family member and were told that you needed to gown and glove every time you came to see your family member? But you saw that the Dr. or the nurse did not gown up when they entered the room? What should they do? How would you as the nurse reinforce to the family the need to follow precaution policies? -

I would feel concerned for the inconsistency. I would question “why do I have to gown and glove up but not the staff?” They should be following the precautions as well to protect themselves and other patients. As the nurse, I would reiterate the importance of following the precaution policies and tell them the other staff were not following the policies in place and that I would talk to them.

B. Answer the following questions after your look up and review of the terms with the CDC or in Lippincott Advisor 1. Define CAUTI, and CLABSI. Look these up. Give three examples of how nurses can assist in the prevention of hospital-acquired infections? What is EBP? -

CAUTI - catheter-associated urinary tract infection CLABSI - central line associated blood stream infection


1 Proper hand hygiene 2 Ensure cleanliness of equipment and environment 3 Consistent use of proper PPE


EBP - evidence-based practice

C. Exemplars- C-Diff

1. What is C –Diff? Why should I be concerned? Who does this mostly affect? -

Bacteria that causes diarrhea and inflammation of the colon C. diff causes close to half a million illnesses each year. About 1 in 6 patients who get c. diff get it again in 2-8 weeks People taking antibiotics, people 65 or older, those with a weakened immune system

2. What are these isolation precautions? Standard, Airborne, Contact- review in your Taylor text -

Standard: includes gloves and any necessary PPE during sterile procedures; implemented for all patients Airborne: gown, gloves, respirator, negative pressure room Contact: gown and gloves

You can either type or write your assignment on this document or you can attach a separate word document to this sheet or use an index card; please bring to class as the TTE. Or keep all your TTE’s in a notebook to review at the end of the semester. This assignment is due on the date listed on weekly objective sheet in canvas. Bring to class as your TTE. No assignments via e-mail will be accepted....

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