past popular exam question and answer PDF

Title past popular exam question and answer
Course Interdisciplinary Studies in Construction
Institution Singapore University of Social Sciences
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BPM101 – Interdisciplinary studies in constructionPass Examination question – Jan 2015 to Jan 2019Question(a) Identify THREE (3) key characteristic differences between a public and a private sector client. (6 marks)Answer public-sector jobs are generally within a government agency, whilst private-se...


BPM101 – Interdisciplinary studies in construction

Pass Examination question – Jan 2015 to Jan 2019

Question (a) Identify THREE (3) key characteristic differences between a public and a private sector client. (6 marks) Answer - public-sector jobs are generally within a government agency, whilst private-sector jobs are those where employees are working for non-governmental agencies - Public sector projects get all the financial support from government whilst Private-sector project get all the financial support from entrepreneur

- public sector are relatively less profit whilst private-sectors are relatively more profitable than public sector - Public- sectors are usually very prudent in procurement and guided by strict procedures whilst private-sectors are market-driven which are less concerned with rules and regulations. Public-sector jobs are usually for government project where its objective is to serve the citizen of that country. Eg: community center whilst Private-sector job are usually employees who are working for enterprise or company. Eg: building a condo Public-sector jobs gets their financial support from the government while private sector project is sponsored by the enterprise The amount of profit generated by the public-sector jobs are much more lesser when compare with public-sector Public-sector are usually have strict procedures to follow when compare to public sector projects as the main concern is profit.

Question Identify and describe FIVE (5) issues confronting the construction industry. (15 marks) Answer i)

Limitations to growth - Market is small with many players and

The construction market has already reached its peaks and too many construction companies are available in singapore Construction volume is dependent on Government Construction project is controlled by the government and hence the market is too dependent to it

ii) Poor image and perception - Dangerous work with many accidents. Jobs are usually Dirty and demanding with long hours and poor housekeeping construction jobs’ image and perception had already been tarnished by having too many accidents over the past decades because of poor housekeeping and fatigue. It is also classified as dirty jobs and no work-life balance. ii)

Productivity lag - Insufficient investment to improve processes and Too many trades that are labor intensive

Productivity of the construction industries has fallen far behind as companies are not willing to invest to improve processes. iii)

Technology lag - Insufficient investment on plant and equipment and Unwillingness to use higher technology

Technology has advanced but not in construction site as companies not willing to spend money on technology such new software. Eg: BIM iv)

Inadequate skills - Poor retention of skilled workers and Imported labor lack experience

Skilled worker are limited in the industry and most of the workers are imported with zero knowledge. v)

Lack of integration - Design not well coordinated and Poor constructability (buildability)

Draw lines between designers / architects and the contractors that lead to poor integration

Question (b) List THREE (3) types of construction and give an example for each type of construction. (6 marks) Answer i) ii) iii)

Building construction; Example: renovation of a house Heavy / civil construction; Example: Highway / MRT network Industrial construction; Example: Petroleum / chemical plant

Question (c) Identify the FOUR (4) main stages in a construction project. (4 marks) Answer i) ii) iii)

Design / Planning stage Tender documentation and Selection stage Construction stage


Hand-over and Maintenance stage

Question Explain any THREE (3) factors that increase complexity in a project. Give TWO (2) reasons why projects have become more complex. (10 marks) Answer 3 factors: i) ii) iii)

Advanced technical systems - more specialist knowledge required Diverse stakeholder expectation - more managing and interfacing required Life cycle development - design has to cater to evolving use

Systems in buildings are using advanced technology that requires more specialist knowledge to get involve. Eg, thumbprint scanner to open the door Different client has different expectation and the trend is to have a mixed development in a building. Eg: condo connected to bus and mrt interchange Design has to adapt with the current and future trend 2 Reasons i) ii) iii)

Built environment as an extension of life Concept of organic integration & renewal Average is not good enough

Question (b) Describe the characteristics of an industrial project. List TWO (2) examples of industrial projects in Singapore. (12 marks) Answer i) ii) iii) iv)

Projects are usually large and financed by industrial corporation Projects usually involves high in profit Requires highly specialized expertise from initial stage (planning / Design / cost estimating and constructability) to post-project (maintenance) Specialized equipment, units and technologies are used and applied


Detailed industrial-scale methods. Usually handle by one main-contractor and work with teams of specialist and consultant Require multiple project team which had gone through intensive trainings and require special skillset Requires large plot of spaces

vi) vii) Question

(a) Define a “Design and Build” contract and discuss its attributes. (6 marks) Answer Design and Build contract is a type of contract where, Contractor is responsible for taking a concept developed by the client, complete the detailed design, and upon approval on the design, proceed with construction Design and construction can be carried out in parallel, hence, shorter time is needed to complete the project. However, there can be a risk related to design and quality. Question (b) Identify the advantages of the “Bid and Build” contract and compare them with those in the “Design and Build” contract. (8 marks) Answer -



D-B-B contracts has the Integrity afforded to all the parties in such contract designer is responsible to review the work of the main contractor for the client to ensure the product and methods meet specifications and codes Main contractor (with experience) able to pick up design flaws unlike in the case of design-build contracts For D-B contracts, Construction team motivated to work with the design team to develop a design with constructability and cost efficient in mind. It is Possible for the team to find ways to reduce construction costs without reducing the functionality as the main contractor is established and early mobilization are possible so that construction activities can proceed concurrently with the design

Question Describe how the Client and the Architect’s efforts and their working relationship can influence the performance of a project. (11 marks) Answer -

Client convert ideas on paper into real property. Hence Architect provides services to the client. It is important that both parties understand each other’s roles and responsibilities.




Architect is client’s rep in obtaining construction bids, selecting contractors, and negotiating construction contracts and to provide design services. Architect produced based on estimated budget and time given. But in actual world, it can cost more and the project duration can be delayed. Therefore they must conduct meetings to update on additional cost a project delay for to prevent misunderstanding. The architect and client must share mutual understanding on the project goals. Client must understand that architect do not know everything. Architect may delegate certain aspect to other profession. So when everything is in-line, people are working together to achieve the same project goals.

Question Illustrate FIVE (5) ways on how a professional construction manager could integrate the tasks of project planning, design and construction in a manner which minimizes adversarial relationships among the project team members. (15 marks) Answer A professional construction manager would carry out the tasks of project planning, design and construction in an integrated manner. Contractual relationships among members of the

team are intended and designed to minimise adversarial relationships and contribute to greater response within the management group. Integration takes place in the following aspects: •Work with client and the architects and engineers from the beginning and make recommendations on design improvements, construction technology, schedules and construction economy. •Propose design and construction alternatives if appropriate, and analyse the effects of the alternatives on the project cost and schedule. •Monitor subsequent development of the project in order that these targets are not exceeded without the knowledge of the client. •Coordinate procurement of material and equipment and the work of all construction contractors, and monthly payments to contractors, changes, claims and inspection for conforming design requirements. •Perform other project related services as required by clients. This organisational approach for construction aligns improvements with project performance. By aligning people, plan and processes within a well-defined and accepted public space, the sense of ownership by all stakeholders would drive incremental improvement and lead to cumulative strategic breakthroughs. Question (b) List THREE (3) principles that should be observed in a matrix organisation where the functional division managers often retain certain authority over the personnel temporarily assigned to a project. (10 marks) Answer -

Interface between the PM and the functional division managers should be kept as simple as possible. PM must gain control over those elements of the project which may overlap with functional division managers. PM should encourage problem solving rather than role playing of team members drawn from various functional divisions. Besides, having responsibility and authority should also be augmented by leadership skills. PM must be able to exert interpersonal influence in order to lead the project team –must become a project leader.

Question (a) The design engineer has a key role in building construction design. Describe how his input contributes to project excellence. (10 marks) Answer Design engineer Is usually licensed as Professional Engineer, PE. Design engineer takes care of the total system as well as engineering of a design. the design engineer usually works with

a team of other engineers and designers to develop the conceptual, preliminary and detail design and the most critical parts. In many engineering areas, a distinction is also made between the design engineer and the planning engineer in design. Planning engineers are more concerned with designing on a systems engineering level like how a drainage system would flow within a given site, and overlaps onto the operational side may occur. Design engineers, in contrast, are more concerned with designing a particular product or system like how each drain system would connect seamlessly to the next. Analysis is important for planning engineers, while synthesis is paramount for design engineers. In building and construction defined areas, the design process and concepts will usually start with an ideation session from the architect. As engineering systems become more complex and an increasing need to integrate various systems aesthetically and efficiently into a building project grows, the design engineer’s role and upfront involvement becomes an important consideration. Very often, their timely input at an early development stage could save time and cost.

(b) Describe FIVE (5) areas of work that a planning engineer would be involved. (10 marks) Answer - Project monitoring and reporting; monitor day to day work progress and provide accurate weekly/monthly report. He continually makes comparison between planned and actual progress and report any difference - Create project execution; set target for activities based on each phase of the project plan and ensure it meets client’s specification - perform project coordination; analyze expenses and identify opportunities to save cost. Ensure projects are handled on time and within budget - manage stakeholder and team communication - drive process improvement; identify gaps in key performance areas and plan activities to increase efficiency.

Question (c) The Mechanical and Electrical Professional (MEP) engineer is a specialist dealing with distinctive systems within a building and construction project. Identify the FIVE (5) main or sub-disciplines of MEP engineers and describe their work areas. (5 marks) Answer


Also known as building service engineer which usually handles Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, IT and civil coordination. Mechanical – heating, ventilation and air condition system Electrical – building’s power distribution including emergency system eg: fire alarm, lightning protection. Plumbing – building’s water supply including sanitary drainage, rain channeling and fire water protection IT – building’s security and telecommunication Civil coordination – coordinate with designer and contractor for building’s construction or service

Question (a) Describe TEN (10) main responsibilities of the main contractor. (10 marks) Answer 1. Main contractor or building contractor is the party who engages in the planning, developing and coordinating of the whole activities that are associated with the building of structures, fabric and services. The building contractor oversees the construction and ensures that all necessary measures are taken to result in the building development finished product. 2. Planning & Implementing: Planning and carrying through all pertinent activities, supervising employees and hired workers to execute them in a manner that aligns with all laws, rules and regulations that are applicable to construction work and its impacts 3. Implementing & HR: Executes daily activities based on a step-by step timeline that he is responsible for developing and implementing. In addition to implementing the construction plan, the main contractor is responsible for hiring, supervising and, at times, firing employees who handle parts of the construction work. Example: C&T Weekly report 4. Sub-Contracting: Engages sub-contractors specially for the purpose and duration of the construction project or a relevant disparate component that he determines and parcels out. Example: Tender schedule of NSC, Example: Sub-con’s submission on Termite Control 5. Payment: Handles the payroll of employees and direct workers and attends to the payment of work done as claimed by subcontractors on a periodic basis, as stipulated in an agreed contract. 6. Resourcing: Resourcing: Be responding to material suppliers to secure timely delivery at a cost that is within the amount (budgeted) that he has factored for. Archi Structural MEP Others 7. Risk Mgt: Risk Mgt: Identify and address the impact upfront the lead times of systems and materials that may adversely impact the construction progress.  Live monitoring progress: activities materials labour equipment utility suppliercontingency planning. This enables him to hire workers and obtain supplies to finish the construction in a cost-efficient manner.

8. Licenses and permits: Responsible to acquire all necessary licenses and permits from relevant entities so that the building project can begin. Ranges from building licences (eg. Factory Licence, licences to operate cranes and other devices) to site-specific permits (eg. Permits to Commence Works -Piling / Structural works, Permits to Connect Water, Sewerage and Drainage). 9. workplace safety and health: Programme work processes and site safety and management measures accordingly in order to be permitted to carry out construction. Differentiate licences and permits that are necessary for the permanent development, which may come under the responsibility of the client or his appointed representative. This may include approvals for building structural design, electrical loading and occupation permits. 10. Crisis Mgt: Deal with emergencies and surprises which relate to the implementation of the project construction, and may occur on-site and sometimes off-site. Experienced and resourceful enough to activate other parties for assistance to deal with them. Incident report plan and emergency response plan 11. Leadership: Decisiveness to act on a daily basis to execute the scheme that has been initiated and designed. Decisiveness has to be backed up by relevant experience and leadership quality and ability to tackle and resolve issues that may impact the construction process – will show the crews, sub-contractors and suppliers the way forward.  To participate all meetings, prepare for agenda, minutes  To chair meetings: weekly and monthly progress mtg; H&S mtg and site walk; payment and claim mtg; mtg on site issues;  Documentation  To counter propose solutions

(b) Identify the key differences between direct and nominated sub-contractors. Explain the significance of the contractual relationship in the latter case and its potential effect on the main contractor. (5 marks) Answer Subcontracting: Incentive to hire subcontractors may be either to reduce costs or to mitigate project risks. Main contractor receives the same or better service than he could have

provided by himself, at lower overall risk. Many subcontractors do work for the same companies rather than different ones. Allows subcontractors to further specialise their skills. Nominated subcontractor: Certain contracts permit the developer or employer to reserve the right of the final selection and approval of subcontractors. Main contractor is permitted to make a profit from the use of nominated subcontractors on site, but must provide attendance (usually provision of water, power, access, insurance, etc. to enable the nominated subcontractor to do his job). Appointment of nominated subcontractors establishes a direct contractual relationship between the main contractor and the subcontractor

**(a) List TEN (10) information or considerations a Contractor need to know, prior to making a decision to tender? (10 marks) Answer 1- What is the client’s background? Can you trust and work together with the client? 2- Project requirement; understand the scope fully and service required & service required for the project. Are your company able to provide the service. 3- Is the project fit goals of the company that matches your ideal project such as project market, project type and size? 4- When is the start and the end of the project end? Are your company able to deliver the project? 5- Where is the location of the project? Are you able to travel the distances if the project is too far? 6- Is there any special requirement needed for this project? 7- Project cost; can your company make profit out of this project? 8- Capabilities; can you provide the manpower, machines and other resources to commit to the project from the start to the end? 9- Business capabilities; are your company financially strong to complete the project? Does the business have the expertise, qualification and necessary accreditation that are needed for tender 10- Bid management team – are they equipped with skillset and knowledges write a successful bidding

(c) One area where main contractors can add value to the construction process is through the application of prefabricated construction.

(i) Demonstrate your understanding of the advantages of prefabrication; and (5 marks) Explain this and identify its advantages. (5 marks)

Answer -

Productivity improvement Reduction on-site manpower Better construction environment Better quality control

State FIVE (5) reasons why there is resistance to its ado...

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