Pathophysiology Quiz 2 Answer Sheet for you PDF

Title Pathophysiology Quiz 2 Answer Sheet for you
Course Pathophysiology 1
Institution Western Sydney University
Pages 20
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 Question 11 out of 1 point Type 2 respiratory failure is caused by inadequateSelected Answer:C.alveolar ventilationCorrect Answer:C.alveolar ventilation Question 21 out of 1 point A 42-year-old patient was brought to the emergency department with a suspected intracerebral haemorrhage. Which of th...


Question 1 1 out of 1 point

Type 2 respiratory failure is caused by inadequate Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


alveolar ventilation C.

alveolar ventilation

Question 2 1 out of 1 point

A 42-year-old patient was brought to the emergency department with a suspected intracerebral haemorrhage. Which of the following is a recognised risk factor for intracerebral haemorrhage? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


cocaine use E.

cocaine use

Question 3 1 out of 1 point

A 64 year old woman presents with a ten year history of dry eyes and dry mouth. She is otherwise well and has no other medical problems. Which of the following would be most suggestive of a diagnosis of primary Sjogren's syndrome? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


positive anti-Ro and anti-La antibodies D.

positive anti-Ro and anti-La antibodies

Question 4 1 out of 1 point

A peculiar sensation that immediately precedes a seizure is called Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


aura D.


Question 5 1 out of 1 point

A female patient presents to emergency complaining of an acute severe headache, nausea, photophobia and nuchal rigidity. No fever is present and there is no history of recent trauma. These signs and symptoms are consistent with Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


subarachnoid haemorrhage C.

subarachnoid haemorrhage

Question 6

1 out of 1 point

Which one of the following signs could be found in bleeding from circle of Willis berry aneurysm? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


Kerni g A.

Kerni g

Question 7 1 out of 1 point

Which of the following suspected conditions would be most likely evaluated with a whole body bone scan with Tc-99m-methylene diphosphonate? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


Paget's disease A.

Paget's disease

Question 8 0 out of 1 point

A massive pulmonary embolism will most likely lead to Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


increase in hydrostatic pressure in lung capillaries E.

cardiogenic shock

Question 9 1 out of 1 point

A patient is experiencing respiratory failure. Which of the following lab values would be expected? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


low blood pH D.

low blood pH

Question 10 1 out of 1 point

A 60-year-old slightly overweight woman suffers a low trauma fracture of her right wrist after a fall. She is a non-smoker and drinks 6-7 standard drinks of alcohol weekly. She is on no current medication and has no significant past medical history, but reports that her mother, aged 80, has recently suffere a hip fracture. What would be the most appropriate course of action? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:

Question 11


request a DXA scan B.

request a DXA scan

1 out of 1 point

Cerebellar lesion can cause all of the following except Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


hemianop ia D.

hemianop ia

Question 12 1 out of 1 point

All of the following are correct statements about mixed connective tissues disease except Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


typical age of onset is between 60-65 years old E.

typical age of onset is between 60-65 years old

Question 13 1 out of 1 point

Which of the following would not be expected in MS? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


neck pain, vomiting, impaired consciousness C.

neck pain, vomiting, impaired consciousness

Question 14 1 out of 1 point

A patient is experiencing respiratory failure. Which of the following lab values would be expected Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


reduced blood pH A.

reduced blood pH

Question 15 1 out of 1 point

A healthy carrier of Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy is likely to have elevated blood levels of Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


creatine kinase D.

creatine kinase

Question 16 1 out of 1 point

Pulse oximetry has shown 90%. Which of the following conditions is unlikely? Selected Answer:


serious anaemia Correct Answer:


serious anaemia

Question 17 1 out of 1 point

Which of the following statements about berry aneurysms in the brain is not true? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


when rupture they cause intracerebral haematoma D.

when rupture they cause intracerebral haematoma

Question 18 1 out of 1 point

Anti-CCP test is superior to RF test in rheumatoid arthritis because Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


anti-CCP is more specific than RF C.

anti-CCP is more specific than RF

Question 19 0 out of 1 point

Which cell in the bone microenvironment is primarly responsible for coordination of bone remodelling? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


osteoclas ts E.

osteocyt es

Question 20 1 out of 1 point

A one-year-old child is diagnosed with croup. Which of the following symptoms is most likely present? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


respiratory stridor and barking cough A.

respiratory stridor and barking cough

Question 21 1 out of 1 point

Which of the following statements about pulmonary embolism is correct? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


pulmonary infarct is classically haemorrhagic C.

pulmonary infarct is classically


Question 22 1 out of 1 point

An initial clinical manifestation associated with acute spinal cord injury is Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


loss of voluntary muscle control below the injury A.

loss of voluntary muscle control below the injury

Question 23 0 out of 1 point

Which of the following best describes the typical bone pain caused by osteosarcoma? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


intermittent, increasing with activity B.

steady, severe, and persisting with rest

Question 24 1 out of 1 point

Which of the following is a common cause of death in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


heart failure D.

heart failure

Question 25 1 out of 1 point

Which one of the following statements about influenza is not correct? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


most serious cases are caused by influenza B virus E.

most serious cases are caused by influenza B virus

Question 26 1 out of 1 point

All of the following micro-organisms can cause acute bronchitis exept Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


Toxoplasma gondii A.

Toxoplasma gondii

Question 27 1 out of 1 point

The inflammation surrounding a fracture site during the first few days may complicate healing by causing Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


ischeamia and tissue necrosis E.

ischeamia and tissue necrosis

Question 28 1 out of 1 point

Which of the following describes lobar pneumonia best? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


acute onset of fever and chills, coughing and rusty sputum D.

acute onset of fever and chills, coughing and rusty sputum

Question 29 1 out of 1 point

Which of the following is a true statement about transient ischemic attacks? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


they can warn of potential cerebrovascular accidents A.

they can warn of potential cerebrovascular accidents

Question 30 1 out of 1 point

Dactylitis (sausage fingers) is common among patients with Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


psoriatic arthritis E.

psoriatic arthritis

Question 31 1 out of 1 point

Which of the following conditions is most commonly associated with an increased risk of osteoporosis? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


rheumatoid arthritis E.

rheumatoid arthritis

Question 32 1 out of 1 point

Bradykinesia is ________________ and is characteristic for ____________________. Selected Answer:


slowness of movement; Parkinson's

disease Correct Answer:


slowness of movement; Parkinson's disease

Question 33 1 out of 1 point

Strain on the right ventricle in serious pulmonary embolism can be directly responsible for Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


raised jugular venous pressure B.

raised jugular venous pressure

Question 34 1 out of 1 point

A 46-year-old person has presented with progressive gait difficulties. He has had several falls at home Which of the following features would suggest a peripheral nerve problem as the cause of his walking difficulties? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


slapping down one foot when walking B.

slapping down one foot when walking

Question 35 1 out of 1 point

A 42 year old woman presents with tightening of the skin of her fingers. She is finding it more difficult to swallow solids and has difficulty fully opening her mouth. She has developed Raynaud's phenomenon in her hands. She has noticed some new lumps under the skin of her finger tips. There are telangiectasia on her face and hands. What is the most likely diagnosis? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


systemic sclerosis D.

systemic sclerosis

Question 36 1 out of 1 point

Which of the following is true about Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


it presents in early childhood as difficulty walking/standing up D.

it presents in early childhood as difficulty walking/standing up

Question 37 1 out of 1 point

A child is diagnosed with cerebral palsy, characterised by uncontrolled automatic movements affecting face and arms. Which of the following types of cerebral palsy is he experiencing?

Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


athetoi d D.

athetoi d

Question 38 1 out of 1 point

Why does vomiting occur in a patient who has increased intracranial pressure? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


pressure on the emetic centre in the medulla D.

pressure on the emetic centre in the medulla

Question 39 1 out of 1 point

Which of the following constitutes a ‘red flag’ regarding low back pain? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


recent onset bladder dysfunction/overflow incontinence C.

recent onset bladder dysfunction/overflow incontinence

Question 40 0 out of 1 point

Which one of the following manifestations is the least likely to be observed in stroke? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


hemihypoaest esia C.


Question 41 1 out of 1 point

A 35-year-old woman presents with a rapidly evolving severe headache. She has a family history of cerebral tumour and is worried that this is the cause of her headache. Which of these accompanying features would suggest a diagnosis other than migraine? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


assymetrical reflexes E.

assymetrical reflexes

Question 42 1 out of 1 point

All fo the following are manifestations of cauda equina syndrome except Selected Answer:


lower limb polyarthritis Correct Answer:


lower limb polyarthritis

Question 43 1 out of 1 point

The pathological brain changes that occur with Alzheimer’s disease include neurofibrillary tangles and accumulations of amyloid plaques that are concentrated in Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


cerebral cortex and hippocampus A.

cerebral cortex and hippocampus

Question 44 0 out of 1 point

A person who suffered mild concussion would typically present with Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


gradually increasing headache E.

retrograde amnesia

Question 45 1 out of 1 point

_________________________ anaemia is a common finding in rheumatoid arthritis. Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


Chronic disease D.

Chronic disease

Question 46 1 out of 1 point

Which of the following is the most likely in a patient presenting with fatigue and haemoptysis? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


secondary tuberculosis D.

secondary tuberculosis

Question 47 1 out of 1 point

Pulmonary embolism can produce all of the following except Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


decrease in physiologic dead space B.

decrease in physiologic dead


Question 48 0 out of 1 point

Which of the following drugs is unlikely to cause seizure on withdrawal? Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


benzodiazepines B.

tricyclic antidepressants

Question 49 0 out of 1 point

The transient nature of spinal shock after vertebral trauma is directly related to which of the following mechanisms? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


incomplete transection of the spinal cord B.

development of oedema within the spinal cord

Question 50 1 out of 1 point

How is the articular cartilage damaged in rheumatoid arthritis? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


by enzymes released from leukocytes and synovial cells B.

by enzymes released from leukocytes and synovial cells

Question 51 1 out of 1 point

A 50-year-old male is diagnosed with pulmonary embolism. Which of the following symptoms were the most likely on his arrival to hospital? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


chest pain and tachypnoea A.

chest pain and tachypnoea

Question 52 0 out of 1 point

Six weeks ago a female patient suffered a T6 spinal cord injury. She then developed a blood pressure of 200/120 mmHg, a severe headache, blurred vision and bradycardia. She is likely experiencing Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:

Question 53


dysfunction of the thalamic functions D.

autonomic hyperreflexia

1 out of 1 point

Where does inflammation usually begin in an individual with ankylosing spondylitis? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


sacroiliac joints with progression up the spine C.

sacroiliac joints with progression up the spine

Question 54 1 out of 1 point

54 year old man presents with a 12 hour history of an acutely swollen right knee. He is having difficulty weight bearing. He has several investigations organised. Which of the following results would be most suggestive of a diagnosis of gout? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


long crystals seen on polarised light microscopy of joint aspirate D.

long crystals seen on polarised light microscopy of joint aspirate

Question 55 1 out of 1 point

All of the following conditions are more common in women except Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


reactive arthritis D.

reactive arthritis

Question 56 1 out of 1 point

The most important serious complication of mixed connective tissue disease is Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


pulmonary hypertension E.

pulmonary hypertension

Question 57 1 out of 1 point

Which of the following statements about tuberculosis is correct? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


people with latent TB do not spread the disease E.

people with latent TB do not spread the disease

Question 58 0 out of 1 point

A 35-year-old man develops low back pain, posterior heel pain and a swollen knee, and has a pustular skin rash on the soles of his feet. There are no preceding illnesses, no previous psoriasis or a family history of it. What is the most likely diagnosis? Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


psoriatic arthritis C.

sexually acquired reactive arthritis

Question 59 1 out of 1 point

Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


generally accompanies pulmonary oedema E.

generally accompanies pulmonary oedema

Question 60 1 out of 1 point

A 23-year-old female begins having problems with tiredness, weakness and visual changes. Her diagnosis is multiple sclerosis. The main abnormality is Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


demyelination of axon tracts in the CNS D.

demyelination of axon tracts in the CNS

Question 61 1 out of 1 point

What limits joint movement in osteoarthritis? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


osteophytes and irre...

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