Peerscholar - peer scholar Topic: Is there any justification for allowing extreme research PDF

Title Peerscholar - peer scholar Topic: Is there any justification for allowing extreme research
Author lys moore
Course Intro Psychology: Part 1
Institution University of Toronto
Pages 2
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Is there any justification for allowing extreme research procedures to be permitted on animals when they would be considered unethical if done to humans? That is, is there any justification for separate ethic codes applied to human versus animal research?


The Ethnics of Animal Experimentation University of Toronto Scarborough Topic: Is there any justification for allowing extreme research procedures to be permitted on animals when they would be considered unethical if done to humans? That is, is there any justification for separate ethic codes applied to human versus animal research? Introduction: Every single day experiments considered ‘too aggressive’ are occurring all over the world for research procedures whilst using animals as their testing subjects, instead of humans. Some countries have actually made it illegal to use animals for experiments because of how cruel it is, however, there are still a number of countries where its still occurring. These experiments include extremely harmful procedures such as poisoning, shocking, burning and even killing them, but for what?. All for the sake of makeup products, soap and other toiletries?. (PETA, 2013) Unfortunately, these procedures are all considered ‘okay’ just because it benefits humanity. Descartes described animals as “these mechanical robots who could give such a realistic illusion of agony” but no scientist today doubts that the manifestation of agony is real. (Thomas, 2003) It’s very hypocritical of mankind to test on animals and act as though they don’t deserve the same amount of respect. (Rollin, 2003). What if it was the other way around?. Humans aren’t being used as ‘tools’ for furthering knowledge, so why it is okay to use innocent animals, that can’t even speak up for themselves?. Animals should have the same rights as we do, to live freely without any suffering. Nevertheless, animal experimentation is extremely cruel and unethical, but it is also necessary because it has in the past contributed to several cures and treatments. (Gatto, 2017) This is such a difficult but very interesting topic, as everyone has their own opinion on the matter because sometimes the good that comes out these experiments can overweigh the harm that it causes.! Characteristic #1: There are always other choices (Replacement) People need to realize that there are always other choices. For example, research can be conducted on ‘lesser complex organisms’ such as bacteria and plants. (Liou, 2010)

Referring, to the hierarchy, which states a system in which groups are ranked one above the other according to its status. However, the reason why bacteria and plants could be used is because they don’t actually feel pain like animals and humans, since they both lack the nervous system. (Smith, 2001) Characteristic #2: Better research and better statistical analysis (Reduction) Unfortunately, mammals must be used for research sometimes so, another principle that could help meet in the middle is to reduce animal use as far as possible in any study by ensuring that these procedures are conducted to the highest standards, assuring that all the research and information collected will be usable and not a waste. (Smith, 2001) If the experiment can also provide great quality, and disease-free environments for the animals, this will ensure that every animal counts and aren't considered ‘worthless’. (Liou, 2010) Characteristic #3: Aspects of life of a laboratory animal (Refinement) Improving things by making small changes is the process of removing impurities, especially within the laboratory. Advancing refinement can really help with the animals wellbeing, by refining the way experiments are carried out which can assure that animals suffer as little as possible, this includes better shelter, and improvements to procedures in general to minimize pain. (Lamb, 2002) This can benefit people as well, because it will improve the quality of research since it reduces the level of stress in animals. (Magee, 2014)...

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