Pengaruh Office Ergonomic Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan DOCX

Title Pengaruh Office Ergonomic Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan
Author Syaidatul Radiah
Pages 12
File Size 39.7 KB
File Type DOCX
Total Downloads 290
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PENGARUH KANTOR ERGONOMIC TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN OLEH SYAIDATUL RADIAH PROGRAM STUDI D3 ADMINISTRASI BISNIS JURUSAN ADMINISTRASI NIAGA POLITEKNIK NEGERI BANDUNG ABSTRAK In every office has a work space layout been proven to improve health, safety, varies from one office to another because and pro...


PENGARUHKANTORERGONOMICTERHADAP KINERJAKARYAWAN OLEH SYAIDATUL RADIAH PROGRAM STUDI D3 ADMINISTRASI BISNIS JURUSAN ADMINISTRASI NIAGA POLITEKNIK NEGERI BANDUNG ABSTRAK In every office has a work space layout varies from one office to another because they have to adjust to the conditions and needs of the office itself. The room in the office should be in the system in such a way that both equipment and office machines to create comfort for employees when doing activities in the office that will have an impact on the quality of employee performance itself that is called ergonomic office layout. Office layout and use of equipment that do not qualify will certainly be bad for the health of employees and will result in decreased performance of each employee. The purpose of the office layout is ergonomic is that space is used efficiently for the purposes of employment so as to carry out a job employees can take the shortest distance so they can save time and work can flow smoothly, and of course, the advantage of office layout for the employees is an occupational safety and health of employees is maintained. Ergonomic Office has a very close relationship with an occupational safety and health of employees. As the goal of ergonomics itself is to improve the safety and health that will have an impact on increasing the performance of the employee and the employee is also able to achieve high performance in a comfortable condition and safely. Although the application of ergonomic and K3 in the company has been proven to improve health, safety, and productivity of employees however, there are several factors that inhibit the difficulty of applying the system ergonomic ie the management company still gave a low priority in the program of ergonomics and K3 (Occupational Health and Safety) in the company , a program that dilaksanan more curative programs compared with preventive programs. So in its implementation in the company to treat / improve something that has occurred (curative) of the prevent something not occurred (preventive) is more important. In practice, health workers and safety rarely visit a place of employment, so that they do not understand what employees and ultimately not able to provide the solution to improve the efficiency and productivity of work, lack of knowledge about occupational health and safety systems and ergonomics of the company, limited capital, oversight and implementation of sanctions weakened by the government. Although there are many obstacles in implementing office layout is ergonomic in an office, a company must still pay attention to the office layout is ergonomic for the creation of the safety and health of employees who will create comfort and safety for the employees who work so as...

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