Perdev PRE Quarterly Reviewer PDF

Title Perdev PRE Quarterly Reviewer
Author Diane Alcaraz
Course Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
Institution Lyceum of the Philippines University
Pages 1
File Size 66 KB
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Reviewer in Personal Development for Pre-Quarterly Test Sigmund Freud Psychosexual Theory A. Oral Stage ( 1st year of life) B. Anal Stage ( 2nd to 4th year) C. Phallic Stage (4th to 6th year) D. Latency Stage (7th year onwards) E. Genital Stage (12th year) Note: be familiar with Focus and trait outcomes

In middle stage of adolescence greater time is invested in grooming, exercising, and experimenting with new images such as makeup and clothing styles. Adolescence is a transitional period in human development from puberty to adulthood.

Erik Erickson’s Psychosocial Theory A. Trust vs Mistrust ( birth to 1st year) B. Autonomy vs shame and doubt (2 to 3 years) C. Initiative vs. Guilt (3 to 5 years) D. Industry vs Inferiority (school age – 6 to 11 years) E. Identity vs Identity Diffusion (12 to 18 years Adolescence) F. Intimacy vs Isolation (19 to 40 years – Early Adult) G. Generativity vs Stagnation (40-65 years – Middle adulthood) H. Integrity vs Despair (65 years and up – Late Adult) Note: be familiar with issues, social condition and outcomes

Acceptance is recognizing the reality of what is and a lifelong process that you need to revisit every now and then.

Jean Piaget Cognitive Development A. Sensorimotor Stage (birth to 2 years) B. Pre-operational stage ( from 2 to 7 years) C. Concrete operational (8-11 years) D. Formal operational (11 to 15 years) Note: be familiar with the descriptions

Identifying sources of stress makes you more prepared to handle it and ward off its harmful effects.

Lawrence Kolhberg Moral Development A. Pre Conventional Level a. Punishment/obedient orientation b. Reward orientation B. Conventional Level a. Social Approval (good boy/girl) b. Authority Orientation ( Law and order) C. Post Conventional level a. Social Contract Orientation b. Universal Ethical Principle Note: be familiar with the orientations Personal development is defined as a process in which persons reflect upon themselves, understand who they are, accept what they discover about themselves, and learn (or unlearn) new sets of values, attitudes, behavior, and thinking skills to reach their fullest potential as human beings. Personal strength is what you do best and where your genuine talents are and an advantage to get the most value for others. Core value are the beliefs that form how you think about yourself, others, and the world around you. Benefits of keeping a journal A. capture ideas B. problem- solving C. self- improvement D. Better Health E. Reduce Stress F. Self Esteem G. Optimism

Oedipus complex is an attachment of a boy to his mother. Electra complexis an attachment of a girl to his father. James Marcia’s 4 identity stages are Identity diffusion, foreclosed, moratorium, Identity achievement How you see a stressful situation significantly affects your emotional reaction to it and determines your ways of coping.

Teenagers with low self-esteem suffer form inability to maximize their talents and skills, believing that they do not have what it takes to do or perform tasks. Anxiety disorder are class of disorder marked by extreme worries and apprehension Mood Disorder are type of mental disorders characterized by emotional disturbances that affect physical, social, perceptual, and thought processes of an individual. Major reasons why time management problem occur include: poor planning, poor organizational skills, delaying/procrastinating, and low need for achievement. A key to better management of schoolwork is making use of your time wisely. Part of seeking independence is being responsible with your actions Interaction with others is a significant experience that contributes to the development of an individual. Friends who inspire and encourage you to develop your talents and support your goals will be good one to keep....

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