Perdisco-practice-set-solution-bank-reconciliation compress PDF

Title Perdisco-practice-set-solution-bank-reconciliation compress
Author Anju Gurung
Course Fundamentals of Value Creation in Business
Institution Edith Cowan University
Pages 8
File Size 1.6 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 28
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https://myassignmentg Feedback: Feedback: Bank reconciliation This is a feedback page. page.Please Please review review this this page page carefully carefully because because later later pages pages in in this this practi practce set build o provid provided ed here. here. After After you you have have reviewed reviewed your your feedback feedback page, page, click clickContinue Continue at the bottom bottom of this page next page of your practice set.

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Poi n ts ( on thi s pag e)

1 65

1 65


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682 1 ,0 50

51% (appr oximately y))

Remaining Remaining pages will take:  up to 9.25 hours The time frames we provide are a guide only. It may take take you you more more or or less less time time to to complete complete each each step. step.

Now Nowthat that you youhave have finished finishedrecording recordingall all of ofthe the transactions transactionsfor for the themonth month of ofJune, June, you youare are required requiredto top reconciliaton as at 30 June 2017. The The purpose purpose of of the the bank bank reconciliation reconciliation process process is is to to reconcile reconcile the the balance balance of of cash cash shown shown in in the the company' company the the balance balance of of cash cash reported reported in in the the bank bank statement. statement. Instructions for bank reconciliation 1) Identify Identify any any reconciling reconciling items items and and record record the the relevant relevant reconciling reconciling items items in in the the appropriate appropriate journals. journals need to use: the previous month's bank reconciliation reconciliationstatement, statement, and the current month's bank statement

Note Notethat thatthe thegeneral generaljournal journalisisnot notprovided providedon onthis thispage pageofofthe thepractice practiceset setbecause becausey use use other other journals journals to to record record those those reconciling reconciling items. items When When you you enter enter items items into into the the journals, journals, ififaa cheque cheque number number is is not notrequired, required, you you need need to to fill fillthe the app ap an X.

Back-On-Track functionality functionality Please Pleasenote notethat thatany anyanswers answersfrom fromprevious previouspages pagescarried carriedthrough throughonto ontothis thispage page(either (eitheron onthe th information informationpage) page) have have been beenreset, reset,ififnecessary, necessary,to tothe the correct correct answers. answers.Your Your particular particular answer answe are no longer shown. Remember: Enter all answers to the nearest whole dollar. dollar. When When completing completing the the journals, journals, ififaa cheque cheque number number is isnot not required, required, you you need need to to fill fillthe the appropriat appropria You You are are also also required required to to apply apply the thejournals journals and ledgers instructions instructions provided in previous weeks. Before Before pressing pressing the the Submit Submit answers answers button, button, we we recommend recommend that that you you click click the theShow Show All  tab and check accounting accounting records records have have been been completed. completed. If If you you want want to to print print this this page, page, please please read read and and follow follow the thespecial special printing information information to ensure you can

Recon onciliat ciliation ion Show All Bank Rec

Special Jou Journ rnals als

Su Subsi bsidiar diary y Ledger gers s

Gen Gener eral al Ledger

Glorious Pants Bank Bank Reconciliation Reconciliation Statement Statemen As at 30/0 30/06/20 6/2017 Bal a nce as p er b an k st ate me nt :

8 53 82 C R


deposit deposit in in transit transit

1 17 7 28 2

deposit deposit in in transit transit

1 12 2 88 0

To tal

3016 2 115544 CR


unpresented unpresented cheque cheque


62 8

36 26

unpresented unpresented cheque cheque


63 1

53 00

No. No. To tal Adjusted Adjusted ban bank bala balance nce

Bal a nce as p er le dge r ac co unt


892 6 

106618 CR

1 06 6 18 D R


u np resent ed che que

N o. 6 28 3 , 62 6

u np resent ed che que

N o. 6 31 5 , 30 0

Adjusted Adjusted ban bank balance

8, 92 6 106,618 CR

B ala nce as p er le dg er ac co unt

1 0 6, 61 8 D R


CASH RECEIPTS JOURNAL In order order to to receive receive full full points, points, for for each each transaction transaction you you must must select select an an account account under under the the column column Note: Note:In indicated under the additional instructions above. Since all transactions in this journal affect the Cash a are are asked asked to to enter enter the the name name of of the the appropriate appropriate account account credited credited in in these these transactions transactions into into the the Account Accoun type type of of transaction transaction can can be be determined determined by by the the name name of of the the account account entered entered into into this this column. column.

D a te J un

Ac cou nt 

3 A RC - Qu ic k Bol t C o ffee

Post Ref.

D e bit Cash at Bank

C r edit 

 Discount Allowed

Sales Revenue

Accou Accou nts Other Receivable Accoun Accoun

1 10 -5

3 ,20 0

11 0 -1

2, 25 0


6 6,, 16 0

11 0-6

1, 60 0


12, 96 0

11 0 -3

17 ,28 2

J u n 26 S ales R ev enue


22, 44 0

2 2, 440

J u n 29 S ales R ev enue


12, 88 0

1 2, 880

J u n 30 A RC - Ka va Jav a

11 0 -4

3, 28 3

Interest Revenue Revenue J u n 30 Interest

4 03

55 6




11 0- 6




-16 00

J u n 10 A RC - Re vamp C of fe e C a rts J u n 12 S ales R ev enue J u n 17 A RC - Ja nde sh' s H ot Spo t J u n 19 S ales R ev enue J u n 22 A RC - Co n's Cof fe e

Jandesh's esh's Hot Spo J u n 30 ARC - Jand

3 ,20 0 25 0

2, 50 0 6 ,16 0 1,6 00 1 2, 960 17, 28 2

3 ,2 8 3 55

Ju Jun n 30 Ju Jun n 30 Ju Jun n 30 Ju Jun n 30 Total

P ost R efe ren ce

81011 (

100 100))

CASH PAYMENTS JOURNAL In order order to to receive receive full full points, points, for for each each transaction transaction you you must must select select an an account account under under the the column column Note: Note:In

J un

5 Of fi c e S uppl ie s

62 2

1 30

J u n 11 A PC - J ordo Go urm et Coff ee

62 3


J u n 11 Wa ge s Expe ns e



J u n 12 A PC - Cr oup Cof f e e

62 5

21 0- 5

2, 216

J u n 14 A PC - Eas t Ta ngi e rs C o oo opera ti ve


21 0-1

3 3,,952

J u n 18 Wa ge s Expe ns e



J u n 24 A PC - Eas t Ta ngi e rs C o oo opera ti ve


21 0-1

J u n 25 Wa ge s Expe ns e



J u n 30 I nve nto ry

63 0


J u n 30 S alar y Ex pe nse

63 1

5 45



Bank Charges Charges J u n 30 Bank

4 52 2 2,, 90 0 1 , 845

1 , 856 3 ,700 2 , 019 2, 8 80 5, 300 0




Ju Jun n 30 Ju Jun n 30 Ju Jun n 30 Ju Jun n 30 Ju Jun n 30 Tota l P ost R efer en ce




Dat e J un

A ccou nt 

3 ARC - Qui ck Bo lt C off ee

Post Ref.

De bi t Cash at Bank

C r ed i t 

Discount Sales Accou Accou nts Other Allowed Revenue Receivable Accounts Accounts

11 0-5

3, 20 0


2 ,25 0


6 ,16 0

110 -6

1 ,600


12, 96 0


17, 28 2

J un 2 6 Sal es R eve n ue


22, 44 0

2 2, 440

J un 2 9 Sal es R eve n ue


12, 88 0

1 2, 880

J un 3 0 AR C - Ka vaJ av a


3 ,28 3

3 ,2 8 3

Jun 3 0 AR C

11 0 6

1 60 0

1 60 0

J un 1 0 AR C - Rev a mp C of fe e Ca rts J un 1 2 Sal es R eve n ue J un 1 7 AR C - Jan de sh' s H o t S pot J un 1 9 Sal es R eve n ue J un 2 2 AR C - Con ' s Co ffe e

Ja nd esh' s H ot Sp ot

3 ,20 0 2 50

2, 500 6 ,160 1,6 00 1 2, 960 17, 282

J un


Pre p ai d Re nt


14 0

J un

2 APC - Braz il I mp ort s Gr oup

61 9 21 0- 6

J un


Elect ri c it y P ay able


22 1

J un


Wa ge s Pay a bl e

62 1

2 20

J un


Of fic e S upp lies

62 2

1 30

8, 200 2, 1 45 8 58 1, 05 4

1, 1 43 452

J un 11 APC - J or do Gourmet Coff ee

62 3 21 0- 2

2, 900

J un 11 Wa ge s Ex pe nse

6 24


J un 1 2 APC - C ro up Coff e e

62 5

21 0- 5

2, 216

J un 1 4 APC - E as t Tangie rs C oo p erati ve

6 26 21 0 -1

3 ,9 52

J un 1 8 Wa ge s Ex pe nse

6 27

Ju Jun n 2 4 APC - E ast Tangie rs Co Coo op erati ve ve

6 28 21 0 -1

J un 2 5 Wa ge s Ex pe nse

6 29


J un 3 0 In v en to ry

63 0


J un 3 0 Sal ar y Ex pen se

63 1

5 45

5, 3 00

Jun 3 0 Bank Cha r g es


5 72


1,84 5


1,85 6 3 ,,7 70 00 2,01 9 2,8 80

Total Pos t re fe r enc e

(Q=803-11 (Q=803-11

SUBSIDIARY LEDGERS ARC - KavaJav KavaJava a Account:ARC Account No. 110-4 Da te

Des cr i pti on


3 1 B al a nce

J un

3 0 R ep ay men t

J un


J un


J un


R ef.

D ebi t

C r ed i t

B a la nce 3, 2 8


3 , 28 3

Feedback There There are are no no relevant relevant entries entries in in the the KavaJava KavaJava ledger ledger for for this this week. week

(Q=803-11 (Q=803-11

ARC - Jandesh's Hot Spot Account:ARC Account No. 110-6

 Feedback

ARC - Jandesh's Hot Spot Account: Account:ARC Account No. 110-6 D a te M ay

D e scr i p ti on

R ef.

De bi t

C redi t

Bal anc

3 1 Bal anc e



1 7 R ep ay men t


1 ,6 0 0



2 7 C re di t s al e


22, 77 0



3 0 D is h onou red c he qu e


1, 600



GENERAL LEDGER Account: Cash at Bank Account No. 100 Da te

Des cr ip ti on

R ef.

D ebi t

C r ed i t

B a la nce


3 1 B al a nce

66 ,0 3

J un

30 q


8 1 011


1 47 0 46 D

J un

30 q



4 40 0428

106 6 1 8 D

J un



Account: Cash at Bank Account No. 100 Dat e

D e sc ri p tion

R e f.

M ay

31 Bal an ce


30 Total fr om cash rece ipt s jour nal



30 Total fr om cash pa ym en ts jou rna l


D e bit

C re d it


8 1, 0 11 4 0, 428


Account:ARC ARC - Accounts Recei Receivable vable Control Account No. 110 D a te M ay

D es cri pti on

R ef.

D e bit

C re dit

3 1 B al anc e


21 S al es re t urn f rom Con 's C of fee



B al anc e 29 , 2


2 ,97 0

26 ,2


Account: Interest Payable Account No. 225 D a te

Des cr ip ti on


3 1 B al a nce

J un


J un


J un


R ef.

D ebi t

C r ed i t

B a la nce 22

Feedback There There are are no no relevant relevant entries entries in in the the Interest Interest Payable Payable ledger ledger for for this this week. week

(Q=804 (Q=804-40 -403.I 3.I

Account: Interest Revenue Account No. 403 D a te

Des cr ip ti on


3 1 B al a nce

J un

30 q

J un


J un


R ef.

D ebi t


C r ed i t


B a la nce

55 6

556 C


Account: Interest Revenue Account No. 403 Dat e

D es cripti on

R ef.

M ay

31 Bal an ce


3 30 0 I nte r es t r ecei v ed fr om the b an k

De bi t

C redi t


Ba l a

5 56

(Q=804-571.In (Q=804-571.I

Account: Interest Expense Account No. 571 D a te

Des cr ip ti on


3 1 B al a nce

J un


R ef.

D ebi t

C r ed i t

B a la nce

Account: Bank Charges Account No. 572 D a te

Des cr ip ti on


3 1 B al a nce

J un

30 q

J un


J un


R ef.

D ebi t


C r ed i t

B a la nce



D e bi t

C redi t

11 D


Account: Bank Charges Account No. 572 D a te

D e scr i p ti on

M ay

3 1 Bal anc e


3 0 T rans actio n f ee

Manual Manual Accounting Accounting Practice Practice Set Set Glorious Glorious Pants, Pants, Australasian Australasian Edition Edition 33 (VSA3q) (VSA3q) © © 2009 2009 -- 2014 2014 Perdisco Perdisco / latin /. v., learn thoroughly Terms Of Use | Privacy Policy|| Thursday, Thursday, June June 01, 01, 2017, 2017, 21:51 21:51

R ef.



Bal anc...

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