Personal ecosystem for class PDF

Title Personal ecosystem for class
Author Kimberly Moore
Course Intro to Social Work
Institution Marshall University
Pages 7
File Size 82.1 KB
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Personal ecosystem for prof carters intro to social work class...


Moore 1

Marshall University College of Health Professions Social Work Department BSW Program

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of SWK 203: INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL WORK

Personal Ecosystem

Kimberly Moore

09/16/2020 09/16/2020


Moore 2 I.


My intermediate family name is “Moore”. I recently looked at my ancestry with my family. My father’s side of the family originated from England. Eventually they moved to Virginia, and then eventually to West Virginia. Several family members originated in Lincoln County. Eventually, they moved to where I live in Putnam County. They moved to the United States when settlers were given the opportunity to leave. My mother’s maiden name is Reuscher. Her mother’s name is Varnau. My mom’s side (mother) of the family originated from Germany. Eventually, they moved from Germany to Ohio. On my mom’s dad side, we found out we were distant relatives to Karl Marx. Cincinnati was a hot spot for german immigration. Today, there are even german town celebrations. In most recent history, in my life, my Dad has been deployed three times. His first deployment was to Iraq in 2004. During that time, I was four, and my brother was three. He was gone for over a year, and my mom wasn’t ready to be a mom. We were often staying with our grandparents, and eventually I found out my mom cheated on my dad. They got divorced. My dad got custody over my brother and I. In 2007, my father remarried, and I got two more siblings. The second deployment was in 2018. My dad deployed to Kuwait, and he was gone for a year. He ended up missing my graduation, and that was a really sad moment in life. While he was deployed, I became more self-sufficient. He came back before I started college. I moved out of the house. The most recent deployment was in 2019. He went to Cuba. This time, my brother who was 18 left with him. They were gone for 8 months. My dad asked for help with the dogs, and they asked me to move back home. I moved back home, but it didn’t go well , and it ended up with me being kicked out. I kept forgetting to lock the basement doors, and he texted me from Cuba to move out. I moved out and got married .

Moore 3 II.

Environment-Structural I grew up in a conservative home. My dad and step-mom, most of my family actually, are

republicans. They loved God, guns, and trump. My parents believed in God; however, they never went to church. My parents economic status was middle class, and growing up we always had nice things. However, my parents were poor with money. They often were always buying things, and they never had a savings. My stepmom got a new car every other year. If we wanted anything, we always had to work. In high school, I paid for my own car and my car insurance. I got a job at 16 and paid for everything. I had a job, and I took Advanced Placement classes, and played basketball. My stepmom has a huge drinking problem. She also has major mood-swings, and she is supposed to take medicine for it. However, she does not take them. She took a big emotional toll on me growing up. I could never understand why she would always flip out on me, and she was the hardest on me out of all my siblings. She used to tell me that I was going to get a husband that would beat me because I was a pushover. She was mentally abusive to me my whole life. My dad and my stepmom were not close with my other family members. My stepmom hated my grandparents, and she really did not care for me. My dad quit talking to his parents because of my stepmom, which in my opinion is sad. My grandparents are the best role models I could have in my life. They have never failed to be there for me, and they are the ones I looked up to. They were the only ones that came to games or awards. Any major milestone we hit, they were always there. My mom, like I mentioned above was never ready to be a mom. She moved away to Ohio, and then eventually she moved to Tennessee. She had a problem with substance abuse, so I was never close to her. I have a lot of resentment towards her because of my rough childhood. I took those experiences, and they molded who I am today. I am religious, and I go to church every Wednesday and Sunday. This is one of my favorite environments because church is where I met

Moore 4 some of my lifelong friends. Church makes me feel good, and God is a huge part of my life. I also believe church has made me who I am today. I strive to do good things and use the Bible as a code to live by. I know I make mistakes, but I am comforted that I have a forgiving God who loves me. I go to Marshall University, and I really do not have an opinion on it. Education is important to me; however, I dread going to class. I think this is because I commute. I dread waking up early and driving 40 or more minutes. I believe that if I lived closer to campus, I would enjoy getting up and going to class. I just enjoy sleeping in. I have not made any friends, but I also prefer to stick to myself. I used to be apart of a campus ministry group, but I was not a fan of it. I didn’t feel like they truly cared, and they were just trying to make themselves feel good. My husband’s family is very supportive, and I love them very much. I am married, but my parents do not know. His parents and my mom came to the wedding. I haven’t told them because they give me a lot of anxiety, and I didn’t want the stress. My husband’s family makes me feel safe, and I know I can go there anytime. They raised a wonderful son who loves me unconditionally. He would do anything to make sure I was happy.

Moore 5 III.


Being religious, we celebrate several holidays like Easter and Christmas. We also do communion once a month. We go to church every Wednesday and Sunday, and sometimes we go to church on off days to do our college study group. With our culture, we don’t drink excessively. We also pray before every meal. My husband and I are also in a gaming type culture. We both thoroughly enjoy gaming. Brett builds computers, and we both play a lot of video games. Brett and I are both competitive, and we enjoy going against each other. We also have made a lot of friends, and they live all over the United States. We have friends in Connecticut, Alabama, Wisconsin, and California. I absolutely love the gaming community and all the cool people you can meet. We game pretty often, and I even have started streaming. We all help each other, and we watch one another’s stream. It awesome to have friends online, so you are never really alone.



Moore 6 I would love to say that family is everything; however, I really do not have a lot of family that I am close to due to problems. My stepmom and dad are toxic, and my mom abuses substances. I don’t believe that you have to be there for family, because I know people who aren’t blood, but they would be there for me over people who are related to me. My grandparents mean a lot to me, and I do my best to visit them weekly. I would do anything for them, and when they pass away, I am not sure I will be able to handle it. Last semester, I took this class. My grandfather was so sick, and I almost dropped out of college because I was so depressed. I do have family in Florida, and I try to visit them for a couple of weeks every year. I was happy to include my husband last year. Due to corona, I wasn’t able to go this year. I am more involved with Brett’s family. We go visit them a lot. We moved closer to campus, and so we are also closer to his family. I am close with his sister and his mom. I visit them a lot, and sometimes they come see me at the house. Brett works with his dad every Monday and Tuesday, and they fix things around the house. I am grateful for them.



Moore 7 I believe I am a complex person. I have a lot of anxiety issues, and I believe that I am not enough. I have struggled with Brett, because in the past I have dated toxic men. They treated me poorly. They never wanted to spend time with me, flirt with other girls, or say I wasn’t pretty enough. This tore my self-esteem down. Brett tries to nurture me, but sometimes I have this gut feeling that it is too good to be true. I have abandonment issues, and I always fear he will leave me. Friends, family, and boyfriends have left me repeatedly. My stepmom was always mean to me. I spent my whole life trying to make her happy only to end up like Cinderella. I would clean and do anything she asked, yet she would still yell at me. Although I have a lot of personal issues, I am a very social person. I enjoy serving because it gives me the chance to make someone’s day better. I strive to be selfless and be everything my parents were not. I hate being alone, and I always want to talk to someone. I enjoy gaming because I always have someone to talk to. Growing up was hard, but I do not regret it. I know exactly how I will treat my future kids. I am appreciative because I am more mature, and I had to grow up fast as a child. I am self-sufficient, and I don’t ever try to ask for help. I am grateful to have people have my back however. My husband Is very supportive of me, and I am happier than ever....

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