Personality Disorders Multichoice Questions and Answers PDF

Title Personality Disorders Multichoice Questions and Answers
Course Abnormal and Therapeutic Psychology
Institution Massey University
Pages 7
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Multichoice questions with answers...


Personality Disorders Exam Question Bank 1. A concern about the DSM-5 classification system for personality disorders is that A. about half of the people who meet criteria for one personality disorder also meet criteria for another personality disorder. B. some of the disorders are rare in community settings, and even in most clinical settings. C. many people who seem to have a serious personality problem don’t fit any of the personality disorder diagnoses. D. All of the above 2. In research on response modulation and psychopathy, psychopaths won or lost money depending on what playing cards appeared. In this research, the impulsivity of psychopaths was studied by A. making them wait before deciding to continue the game. B. having them estimate the amount of money they had won. C. ratings of their verbal statements during the game. D. All of the above 3. People with borderline personality disorder often exhibit which of the following characteristics? A. Unpredictable and impulsive B. Uninhibited and promiscuous C. Demanding and angry D. All of the above 4. Two primary features of Linehan’s diathesis-stress theory of borderline personality disorder are A. ego functioning and transference. B. object representation and cognitive style. C. cognitive bias and attribution error. D. emotional dysregulation and experiences of invalidation. 5. Schizoid and schizotypal personality disorders may be distinguished only by the presence of which of the following symptoms in schizotypal persons? A. Indifference to others B. Visual hallucinations C. Flat affect, little overt emotion D. Overtly odd behaviours 6. Which of the following personality disorders is the best diagnosis for Claude? Claude goes to great lengths to be the centre of attention. He announces his views and feelings with great drama; however, one soon suspects it is only for effect, and he seems willing to say or do almost anything to get others to pay attention to and like him. A. Histrionic B. Schizotypal C. Schizoid D. Paranoid

7. According to the social-cognitive model of narcissistic personality disorder, people with this disorder place a high value on interpersonal interactions because A. they yearn for interpersonal closeness and warmth. B. interpersonal interactions are central for reinforcing their self-esteem. C. they have such high self-esteem. D. they are very concerned about the quality of their friendships. 8. Avoidant personality disorder would most likely be treated with which type of psychiatric medication in order to reduce social anxiety? A. Anti-anxiety medications B. Antidepressants C. Neuroleptics D. None of the above are correct; medication has not been found effective in treating personality disorders 9. Monica has a difficult time maintaining friendships. She is generally suspicious of the motives of other people, often misinterpreting the behaviour of her friends. Based on this information, the most likely personality disorder diagnosis for Carla would be A. paranoid personality disorder. B. dependent personality disorder. C. avoidant personality disorder. D. histrionic personality disorder. 10. This disorder is different from paranoid schizophrenia because other symptoms of schizophrenia, such as hallucinations, are not present and there is less impairment in social and occupational functioning. A. Paranoid personality disorder B. Schizotypal personality disorder C. Borderline personality disorder D. Schizoid personality disorder 11. Which of these personality disorder clusters is complete? A. Antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder B. Avoidant personality disorder, self-defeating personality disorder, obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, dependent personality disorder C. Paranoid personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder, avoidant personality disorder, schizotypal personality disorder D. Antisocial personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, paranoid personality disorder 12. The DSM-5 defines __________ personality disorders. A) 5 B) 8 C) 10 D) 13 13. The most prevalent DSM-5 personality disorder in a community setting is

A) antisocial personality disorder. B) borderline personality disorder. C) avoidant personality disorder. D) schizotypal personality disorder. 14. Women are more likely than men to be diagnosed with __________ personality disorders, and men are more likely than women to be diagnosed with __________ personality disorders. A) antisocial and narcissistic; borderline and histrionic B) borderline and histrionic; antisocial and narcissistic C) obsessive-compulsive and dependent; antisocial and histrionic D) antisocial and narcissistic; obsessive-compulsive and schizoid 15. In Japan, those with avoidant personality disorder would likely be diagnosed as having A) hojo. B) taijin kyofusho. C) hatini. D) shanghi dongwa. 16. Antisocial personality disorder has previously been referred to as A) psychopathy/sociopathy. B) evilness. C) antiempathic. D) None of the above. 17. Compared to individuals who don’t display psychopathy, the skin conductance of those displaying psychopathy is __________ when confronted with an intense or aversive stimulus. A) less reactive B) more reactive C) equally reactive D) more reactive only in those who are criminals 18. It has been found that, in avoidance learning tasks, the reason psychopaths had difficulty learning to avoid shock was because A) they were unaware that it was a possibility. B) they experienced very little anxiety. C) they had a learning disability. D) the experience of the shock was a positive sensation. 19. Individuals with borderline personality disorder are difficult to treat because A) their intellectual functioning is too low for them to reach true insights. B) they do not feel distressed, despite being so distressing to others. C) they have extreme difficulties trusting others, including a therapist. D) All of the above. 20. What diagnosis would be most appropriate for Tanya? She says she would like to meet people but is too afraid of saying something foolish to speak to them. She describes herself as the ultimate social klutz because she never knows what to say or do. As a result, she keeps to herself except for interacting with a few friends she has known since childhood.

A) schizoid personality disorder B) schizotypal personality disorder C) avoidant personality disorder D) dependent personality disorder 21. Compared to normal personality styles, personality disorders are more A. bizarre and out of control. B. dangerous and immoral. C. inborn and physiological. D. pervasive and inflexible. 22. Unusual and eccentric thoughts and behaviour (psychoticism), interpersonal detachment, and suspiciousness are characteristics of the DSM-5 ____________ personality disorder. A. schizotypal B. narcissistic C. avoidant D. borderline 23. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder lacks the __________ associated with OCD. A. obsessions and compulsive behaviour B. personality C. severity D. relevance 24. Lykken’s (1957) research provided support for the hypothesis that psychopaths experience ______________ than controls. A. more anxiety B. less anxiety C. more depression D. less depression 25. Yolanda vacillates between feeling extremely positive feelings for her friend and having extreme negative feelings for her, often for no apparent reason. When these changes in her disposition occur, she also experiences deep depression and sometimes engages in self-injurious behaviour. On the basis of this information, Yolanda most likely has __________ personality disorder. A. borderline B. schizoid C. obsessive-compulsive D. paranoid 26. Given that people with borderline personality disorder are impulsive, we would expect them to do poorly on tests that measure functioning of the A. frontal lobe. B. parietal lobe. C. occipital lobe. D. temporal lobe.

27. Paranoid personality disorder differs from paranoid schizophrenia in that A. paranoid personality is not associated with unreasonable paranoia. B. paranoid personality is more strongly associated with different delusions than schizophrenia. C. paranoid personality is not associated with hallucinations. D. paranoid personality is not likely to be present with depression. 28. Which personality disorder is most appropriate for Joe? He lives alone in a cabin in the woods where he does the minimum to get by. When approached, he responds appropriately but is not interested in conversation or making friends. A. Avoidant B. Schizoid C. Histrionic D. Borderline 29. Schizotypal, but not schizoid, personality disorder involves A. odd, eccentric beliefs and behaviours. B. interpersonal problems and few friends. C. flat affect and emotional indifference. D. social anxiety and fear of others. 30. Social anxiety disorder is most similar to which personality disorder? A. Schizoid B. Dependent C. Antisocial D. Avoidant 31. Schema-focused cognitive therapy for personality disorders A. focuses on challenging maladaptive beliefs in the client’s current relationships. B. is primarily concerned with challenging the schemas clients come up with in their daily interactions. C. focuses exclusively on cognitions formed during critical periods of the client’s childhood. D. helps clients to become more aware of those beliefs and then to challenge maladaptive cognitions. 32. Frank experiences schizophrenia. He has allegedly severely beaten another man in the park after an argument. While he is being examined by a psychologist to see if he is fit to stand trial, he is mandated to a mental health institution. This is an example of A. civil commitment. B. mandated reporting. C. criminal commitment. D. psychiatric commitment. 33. Personality disorders are defined as a) maladaptive behaviours that consistently violate the rights of others. b) long-standing, pervasive, and inflexible patterns of behaviour and inner experience that deviate from the expectations of a person’s culture. c) any psychological disorder having an onset before age 12 and recurring at least three times during

adult life. d) a chronic pattern of extreme instability in relationships, mood, and self image. 34. The most prevalent personality disorder in a clinical setting is a) antisocial personality disorder. b) borderline personality disorder. c) avoidant personality disorder. d) schizotypal personality disorder. 35. Peter not only works 70 hours a week, but he spends his off-work hours planning a schedule for his family. He dictates what time his wife will be home, when dinner will be served, and when they will go to bed. He is such a perfectionist that he actually finds it difficult to get work done efficiently, despite the amount of time he spends trying. Which of the following personality disorders best fits Peter? a) dependent. b) narcissistic. c) schizoid. d) obsessive-compulsive. 36. Convicted criminals are most likely to have which of the following diagnoses? a) borderline personality disorder. b) sadistic personality disorder. c) psychopathy. d) antisocial personality disorder. 37. A major family variable that contributes to later psychopathy in children is a) high number of siblings. b) working mothers. c) parental inconsistency. d) overprotection. 38. The research literature that supports the link between borderline personality disorder and troubled childhood has found that a) most studies were conducted only on women. b) people with this diagnosis are more likely to report a history of parental separation and abuse. c) family conflict is difficult to measure accurately. d) most studies were conducted on families that had concurrent alcohol abuse present in the home. 39. Narcissism, as proposed by Kohut, develops when children are a) abused. b) treated by their parents as if they are special, one-of-a-kind people. c) not getting enough approval from their parents. d) only children or first children. 40. Which therapy approach seeks to break down personality disorders into sets of separate, concrete problems?

a) cognitive-behavioural. b) cognitive. c) psychodynamic. d) interpersonal. 41. Dialectical behaviour therapy for people diagnosed with borderline personality disorder combines a) social skills training and free-association. b) ego analysis and more directive behavioural techniques. c) cognitive-behavioural problem-solving, social skills training and client centered empathy. d) Gestalt techniques and relaxation training. 42. Psychotherapy for psychopathy a) must be intensive to be effective. b) is more beneficial for younger than older people. c) must be examined for 'faking good' by those treated. d) All of the above are correct....

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