Substance Abuse Study Multichoice Questions and Answers PDF

Title Substance Abuse Study Multichoice Questions and Answers
Course Abnormal and Therapeutic Psychology
Institution Massey University
Pages 6
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Multichoice questions with answers...


Substance Abuse Exam Question Bank: 1. The criteria for substance use disorder in the DSM-5 include all of the following EXCEPT A. failure to meet obligations. B. repeated legal problems having to do with substance use. C. repeated sales of illegal substances. D. tolerance. 2. Cirrhosis of the liver due to alcohol abuse is characterized by ‘ A. liver cells becoming engorged with fat and protein. B. an increased efficiency of alcohol absorption with a corresponding decrease in blood-cell reproduction. C. a decreased efficiency in absorption due to liver atrophy. D. None of the above 3. Exposure of a non-smoker to secondhand smoke A. is less harmful than smoking because of the lower levels of nicotine and tar in secondhand smoke. B. has been shown to have far fewer negative effects than the media suggest. C. can lead to lung damage. D. has negative effects on the foetuses of pregnant non-smokers but not on the women themselves. 4. Which of the following is mentioned in the text as a complicating factor in interpreting findings from studies of the effects of marijuana? A. Marijuana contains many compounds B. Many users are polydrug abusers C. Effects vary widely with potency and dose D. Its problems were recognized only recently 5. Heroin is broadly classified as a A. hallucinogen. B. pain killer. C. stimulant. D. barbiturate. 6. Tim works at a law firm where he is expected to bring in a large number of cases each week. He has been working at this job for five years, typically putting in 70 hours a week. He has begun to experience irritability and has begun to drink alcohol in the evening in order to get to sleep. Based on this information, if he were taking any other drug, it would most likely be A. sedatives. B. amphetamines. C. hallucinogens. D. pain killers. 7. Chronic use of methamphetamine

A. was condoned by Freud. B. is rarely correlated with use of other drugs. C. actually enhances cognitive abilities. D. may result in smaller hippocampal volume. 8. The drug Ecstasy is classified as a A. stimulant. B. barbiturate. C. hallucinogen. D. type of marijuana. 9. Research on the genetic contribution for drug abuse has shown that A. genetic risk factors are stronger for “hard” drugs, such as stimulants and hallucinogens. B. genetic risk factors appear to be the same, no matter what the drug. C. genetic risk is strongest for alcohol. D. only marijuana use has been shown to be unrelated to genetic risk. 10. If a drug is used largely because it decreases negative mood, then the psychological effect of that drug is considered A. negatively reinforcing. B. positively reinforcing. C. non-addictive. D. a mood stabilizer. 11. An important sociocultural variable that has been cited in the increased use of cigarettes has been A. the role of the family in providing implicit messages regarding smoking. B. rebound effects from the end of 'just say no' campaigns. C. the media and advertising. D. the restriction of places where one may smoke. 12. Treatment for heroin addiction often involves A. ibuprofen. B. antidepressants. C. methadone. D. immediate abstinence. 13. Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning electronic cigarettes? A. They are less harmful than smoking because of the lower levels of nicotine and tar in secondhand smoke B. They are battery operated C. They are made of plastic or metal and are filled with liquid nicotine that is mixed with other chemicals and often with flavours D. All of these statements are true 14. Which of the following strategies has been used to “prevent” drug use by children and adolescents?

A. Peer-pressure resistance training B. Correction of beliefs and expectations C. Inoculation against mass media messages D. All of these are preventive strategies 15. Brent drinks frequently and requires more alcohol now than he did six months ago to achieve the same effect. He reports that he can out-drink most people. Brent is probably A. genetically predisposed to alcoholism. B. developing a physiological dependence on alcohol. C. acquiring behavioural skills in modulating his drinking. D. deluding himself. This is not physically possible. 16. Ana suddenly stopped taking amphetamines after prolonged abuse of the drug. She became very ill and died. Her death is an example of severe A. substance dependence. B. substance abuse. C. withdrawal symptoms. D. synergistic effects. 17. Delirium tremens may result from A. a sudden drop in alcohol levels in a chronic, heavy drinker. B. high doses of alcohol in a person who has not previously drunk heavily. C. high doses of alcohol in a chronic heavy drinker. D. All of the above can cause the symptoms of delirium tremens. 18. Alcohol goes into the __________ and is absorbed into the blood, after which it is metabolised by the __________. A. small intestine; kidneys B. small intestine; liver C. stomach; liver D. stomach; kidneys 19. Pregnant women have been encouraged by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism to A. totally abstain from drinking. B. not alter their drinking habits. C. drink now and again, but only during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. D. reduce their drinking to no more than several drinks a day 20. Nicotine is the addictive agent in A. marijuana. B. hashish. C. tobacco. D. cocaine. 21. Smoking marijuana has been shown to A. seriously impair lung structure and function. B. cause fatal heart attacks in healthy young men.

C. lead to stroke. D. have no significant physically deleterious effects 22. Which of the following are withdrawal symptoms from caffeine? A. headaches B. anxiety C. fatigue D. All of the above 23. Nearly all drugs, including alcohol, stimulate A. sensation seeking pathways. B. GABA pathways. C. serotonin systems in the brain. D. dopamine systems in the brain. 24. Research has suggested that in cultures or social contexts where heavy drinking is considered normal, A. there are lower consumption rates. B. there are higher consumption rates. C. women are less likely to become alcoholics than women in cultures where drinking is discouraged. D. men in the lower social classes are more likely to become alcoholics. 25. Antabuse is a medication for those with alcoholism which A. reduces anxiety during the detoxification period. B. helps replace the nutrients lost through malnutrition. C. mimics the physiological effects of alcohol without creating the same psychological effects. D. causes violent vomiting when alcohol is ingested. 26. The vast majority of smokers who quit do so A. through quitting cold turkey. B. with the help of hypnosis. C. through scheduled smoking treatment. D. without professional help. 27. The initial effect of alcohol is A. depressive. B. sedating. C. anxiety-producing. D. a pleasurable feeling. 28. Nicotine ultimately stimulates __________________, which are implicated in the reinforcing effects of smoking. A. muscarinic receptors B. dopamine receptors C. GABA receptors D. serotonin receptors

29. Marijuana comes from the ________________ plant. A. cannabis sativa B. cannabis marija C. marija cannabis D. cannabis hempa 30. The “stepping-stone” theory of drug use is also called the A. correlational theory. B. multi-determined theory. C. social facilitation theory. D. gateway theory. 31. Matt is experiencing the following symptoms after taking a drug: he feels an initial rush of ecstasy, has great self-confidence and has lost all his worries and fears. At the same time, he is feeling drowsy and relaxed. Which of the following drugs is Matt most likely to have taken? A. Heroin B. Alcohol C. Marijuana D. Cocaine 32. In regard to personality factors that may influence substance abuse, one study involved rating kindergarten children on several personality traits and following up with them several years later. In this study, _____________________ in kindergarten predicted the onset of getting drunk, using drugs, and smoking at follow-up. A. depression and novelty-seeking B. anxiety and extraversion C. depression and introversion D. anxiety and novelty-seeking 33. Jason is receiving guided self-change therapy for his alcohol abuse. Accordingly, he is also learning strategies for controlling his behaviours associated with drinking, as well as actual drinking. In such a programme, which of the following would NOT be a factor? A. The encouragement of minor behavioural changes (e.g., not driving past bars) B. Calculating the amount of money spent on alcohol per year C. Achieving recognition that he has become completely powerless over alcohol D. Utilising an empathic, supportive approach 34. How effective are nicotine gum and patches in helping smokers quit? A. Highly effective as a primary treatment B. Largely ineffective even as a supplement to other programmes C. Moderately effective, as side-effects cause many to discontinue their use D. Moderately effective when combined with psychological treatment 35. Studies of contingency management for cocaine abuse find that it is A. largely ineffective. B. less effective than pharmacological interventions. C. associated with a greater likelihood of abstinence and a better quality of life for people receiving

the treatment. D. None of the above – this treatment has not been used for cocaine abuse. 36. The DSM-5 refers to the pathological use of substances as a) substance abuse. b) substance dependence. c) substance use disorder. d) None of the above is correct. 37. Heavy drinkers a) experience malnutrition from reduced food intake. b) experience malnutrition by alcohol blocking proper absorption of nutrients. c) experience vitamin deficiencies. d) All of the above. 38. Which of the following are medical problems associated with long-term cigarette smoking? a) emphysema. b) cancer of the esophagus. c) cancer of the larynx. d) All of the above are correct. 39. Which of the following statements about the "stepping-stone" theory of drug use is most accurate? a) Most people who use "soft" drugs will move on to try "harder" drugs. b) Most people who use "hard" drugs started out on "softer" drugs. c) There is no difference between "hard" and "soft" drugs. d) There is no relationship between the use of "hard" and "soft" drugs. 40. Long-term marijuana use may result in __________, even long after one stops using. a) visual processing difficulties. b) short-term memory impairment. c) decreased attention span. d) increased agitation....

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