PF2 INT Study PLAN 10TH March 2017 PDF

Title PF2 INT Study PLAN 10TH March 2017
Course Applied french 2A Intensive
Institution University of Dundee
Pages 19
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making Notes on grammar with questions and examples ...



‘A Scotsman in Paris’

John Duncan Fergusson


"Everyone in Scotland should refuse to have anything to do with black or dirty and dingy colours, and insist on clean colours in everything. I remember when I was young any colour was considered a sign of vulgarity. Greys and blacks were the only colours for people of taste and refinement. Good pictures had to be black, grey, brown or drab. Well! Let’s forget it, and insist on things in Scotland being of colour that makes for and associates itself with light, hopefulness, health and happiness." J D Fergusson


J. D. Fergusson Early life

Fergusson was born in Leith, Edinburgh. He was the first of 12 children. Although he briefly trained as a Naval Surgeon, Fergusson soon realised that his vocation was painting and he enrolled at the Trustees Academy, an Edinburgh-based art school. He rapidly became disenchanted with the rigid teaching style, however, and elected to teach himself to paint. To this end, he began to travel to Morocco, Spain and France where he became acquainted with other artists of the day. Amongst them was Samuel Peploe, another of the group of artists who would later become identified as the Scottish Colourists of which Fergusson was the most experimental and versatile. Painting career Pa Paris ris In 1898, Fergusson took his first trip to Paris to study at the Louvre. He was deeply influenced by the impressionist paintings at the Salle Caillebotte and these were an important influence on his developing style. Later he would also be influenced by Fauvism* and the fauvist principles of using colour would become a strong feature of his art. In 1907, after many visits, he finally decided to settle in Paris, which before the First World War was the centre of the art world and his close and sustained contact with the avant-garde there during the following 6 years sets him apart from his British contemporaries. He enthusiastically adopted the life style of a Bohemian artist and mingled with artists like Matisse and Picasso in the café society* * for which the city was renowned. Fergusson and his wife and life-long muse, the dancer Margaret Morris (1891- 1980: photo on next page), began to spend their summers at Cap d’Antibes in the late 1920’s. With the Second World War looming in the late thirties, they left Paris and moved back to Glasgow, where Fergusson spent the last years of his life.

The painting above shows Fergusson’s wife seated on the terrace of the Hotel Beau Site at Cap D'Antibes in the south of France. Fergusson knew Picasso (1881-1973), whose influence is apparent in the sculptural forms of the head and torso. The warm Mediterranean colouring and relaxed and lyrical mood are characteristic of Fergusson’s later works, the majority of which were inspired by Margaret Morris or her dance pupils in outdoor settings either in Glasgow, or in the south of France (principally Cap d’Antibes), to which he returned each summer.

Fauves auves (French for "the wild beasts"), a loose group of early twentieth-century Modern artists whose works *F *Fauvism auvism is the style of les F

emphasized painterly qualities and strong color over the representational or realistic values retained by Impressionism. While Fauvism as a style began around 1900 and continued beyond 1910, the movement as such lasted only a few years, 1904–1908, and had three exhibitions. The leaders of the movement were Henri Matisse and André Derain. *Café society was the collective description for the so-called "Beautiful People" and "Bright Young Things" who gathered in fashionable cafes and restaurants in New York, Paris, and London beginning in the late 19th century.

JD Fergusson (c. 1910)

Les Eus*

d'Avignon Avignon (19070 from last week’s Study Plan … (Compare with Picasso’s Les Demoiselles d' Fergusson knew Picasso (1881-1973) and his influence is evident in the sculptural head and torso forms.) *"The Healthy Ones".

More information about Fergusson at end of document....


Révisions : le futur ; le conditionnel

10 mars

La concordance des temps

-Révisions du subjonctif et du participe présent

Test 3  

-Exercices du livre

passé composé with être pronoms ‘y’ and ‘en’ * [See AG pp. 64 64,, 65 65] * This section of the test involves substituting pronouns ‘y’ and ‘en’ for prepositional phrases:

‘y y’ means ‘there’ and also replaces à or dans + a thing, place or verb but not a person (the indirect object or emphatic pronoun is used instead, in this case).

‘en en en’ means ‘of it’/ ‘of them’; ‘from it’/ ‘from them’/ ‘from there’; ‘some of it/ some of them’. It replaces de + a thing.

 Gramm Grammar ar T Test est 3  H/W P93, Ex 3; P105 Ex 4

 Révisions : le futur GP P224/ le conditionnel GP P230

future’ re’ (the other future tense) [le futur proche was the first one]  Le futur simple simple: the ‘simple futu

 Usage Usage: The simple future is used to refer to: 

Future events which will happen, as a result of plans and predictions e.g. Je m’assiér m’assiérai ai devant les camions, je fer ferai ai tout mon possible pour les arrêter! Ils ne passeront pas ! [I’ll I’ll si sitt down in front of the lorries, I’ll do all I can to stop them. They will not get through! through!] Also:

(often) to give instructions e.g. Voici des verbes que vous mettrez au futur. [Here are some verbs to put into the future.]

Predicted actions actions, in clauses in which the present tense would be used in English e.g. Quand vous arriver arriverez ez au bout de la rue, vous verrez le château. [When you get to the end of the street, you’ you’llll see the castle.]

After time expressions such as as: quand/ lorsque


 Formation: The 'simple' future (le futur) is so named because it is a one-word tense. In other words, its formation is simple because there is no auxiliary.

The future stem for -er and -ir verbs is the infinitive

The future stem for -re verbs is the infinitive minus the fi final nal ‘e e’

The endings for the simpl simple e future are are: -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont

In all cases, the future stem ends in ‘r’ So to form the futur simple: Take the infinitive of the verb and add the following endings (remembering that some verbs have irregular infinitive stem stemss*(See below) and that infinitives endin ending g in ‘e e’, drop the ‘e’ ‘e’):

- ai

- ons

- as

- ez


- ont

e.g. parler je

parlerai ai


ons parlerons


as parleras


ez parlerez

a il/elle/on parlera



finirai ai


finiras as

il/elle/on finira a


ont ils/elles parleront

nous vous

finirons ons finirez ez

ils/elles finiront ont


vendrai ai









il/elle/ on vendra

 Some irregular verbs h have ave special stems: Irregular verb verbss stems être:

je serai




irai j’ir

fai faire re re:

je fer ferai


devrai je devr


tiendrai je tiendr


viendrai je viendr


je saur saurai


je pourr pourrai

* voir:

je verrai

enverrai * envo envoyer yer yer: (to send) j’enverr [Looks as if it might follow the pattern of employer (see below*1) but follows pattern of voir]


il faudra

to be necessary

pres : il faut

vvaloir aloir aloir:

il vaudra

to be worth

pres : il vaut




je courrai

to run


je mourrai

to die

to acquire


je cueill cueille erai

to pick (flowers, fruit etc.)

recevr evr evrai recevoir : je rec pleuvoir:

to receive

il pleuvra

to rain

theirr future regularly i.e. their Some -er verbs with spelling changes in the present, form thei future stem is the infinitive infinitive……

 These include verbs like préférer (je préférerai), manger (je mangerai) and commencer (je commencerai). *1, and acheter add -r to the present Verbs with spelling changes like appeler, employer* tense ‘je’ form to create their future stems: present tense



tran translation slation




I will call



j'emploier j'emploierai ai

I will use




I will buy

 Demain, dès l’aube (Poem by Victor Hugo, featuring the ‘simple future’) on next page….

 Demain, dès l’aube (Poem by Victor Hugo, featuring the ‘simple future’)

Victor Hugo 1802 - 1885


Victor-Marie Hugo was a French poet, playwright, novelist, essayist, visual artist, statesman, human rights activist and exponent of the Romantic Movement in France. He wrote Demain dès l’aube in memory of his 19 year-old married daughter Léopoldine, who had died with her husband in a drowning accident the year before.

Demain, dès l'aube, à l'heure où blanchit la campagne, Je partirai. Vois-tu, je sais que tu m'attends. J'irai par la forêt, j'irai par la montagne. Je ne puis demeurer loin de toi plus longtemps. Je marcherai les yeux fixés sur mes pensées, Sans rien voir, sans entendre aucun bruit, Seul, inconnu, le dos courbé, les mains croisées, Triste, et le jour pour moi sera comme la nuit. Je ne regarderai ni l'or du soir qui tombe, Ni les voiles au loin descendant vers Harfleur, Et quand j'arriverai, je mettrai sur ta tombe Un bouquet de houx vert et de bruyère en fleur.

Video clip/readings of poem on Youtube: (Reading by Michel Bouquet) q=Victor+Hugo+Demain+Des+Laube&FORM=RESTAB#view=detail&mid=FF93573A93081DA23603FF93573A93081DA23603 ***** %27aube&view=detail&mid=6E5D2374B21D93C04A1A6E5D2374B21D93C04A1A&first=0&qpvt=youtube+demain+des+l%27aube **** (Illustrated text above) (Link no longer functioning 11.6.17) (A virtual movie of the great French poet Victor Hugo reading one his iconic poems, "Demain, dès l'aube," (Tome II. Aujourd'hui, 1843-1856, Livre Quatrième, Pauca meae, XIV). The poem is read superbly by Olivier Le Piouff. Exercise on the poem:

The simple future tense: website links Info on conjugation/ usage and exercise: Information page :

 GP P230 The conditional mood of verb verbss Usage : The conditional mood is used in expressions of hypothesi hypothesiss , involving words such as, ‘would would would’, ‘could’, (‘should’) and also communicates politeness e.g.

voudrais ais parler à Mme. Deneuve.’ ‘I would like to speak to Mme. Deneuve.’ ‘Je voudr Formation: Infinitive + imper imperfect fect tense endings - ais

- ions

- ais

- iez

- ait

- aien aientt


parler parler-- to speak


ais parler parlerais


parler parlerions ions


parler parlerais ais


parler parleriez iez

il/elle/on parler parlerait ait

ils/ elles parler parleraient aient

NB Pronunciation: 

The ‘ay’ sound of the -er ending changes to ‘euh’ (sound of the letter ‘e’, in the French alphabet), in the conditional.

Endings -ais, -ait and -aient are all sounded ‘eh’ (like the ‘e’ in ‘set’)

Some irregular verbs ha have ve special infinitive stems stems, when used in the conditional mood. These are the

same stems as those used to form the ‘futur simple’ e.g. avoir (to have) être (to be)

irregular infinitive stem: aur aurirregular infinitive stem: ser-

Ma maison idéale ser serait ait à la campagne. Il y aur aurait ait trois salons, dix chambres et cinq salles de bains. Dans le jardin, il y aur aurait ait une piscine, un voudrais ais avoir des chambres avec salle barbecue et un salon de jardin. Je voudr de bains attenante.

 La concordance des temps

GP pp. 232 – 237

Sequence of tenses

‘si si si’ clauses: (‘if’ clauses)

P232 Hypothesis regardi regarding ng the future:

‘open possibility’: real, true, likely to occur

‘si' + present tense in one clause > the simple future in the other(s).

Si le salaire est adéquat, je posera poseraii ma candidature. If the salary is adequate, I will apply. achèterai ai ai. Si j’ai assez d’argent, je l’achèter If I have enough money, I’ll buy it.

GP P234 Hypothesis regarding th the e present:

‘remote possibility’: unreal, untrue, unlikely to occur ‘si’ + imperfect tense in one clause > the conditional mood in the other(s).

Si le salaire était adéquat, je posera poserais is ma candidature. If the salary was*1 adequate, I would apply.

Si j’av av avais ais assez d’argent, je l’achèterai achèteraiss. If I had enough money, I would buy it. *1 Strictly speaking, the subjunctive ‘were’ should be used here, in English.

Le futur simple avec ‘si si si’ et ‘quand quand quand’ (the simple future with ‘if’ and ‘when when’): (Sequence of tenses)

 si + present tense / ffuture uture tense in second clause (or remaini remaining ng clauses)  quand + futu future re tense in both clauses (or remaining clauses)

Rappel : A V Vos os Marques P186, Activité 7

Complétez les phrases suivantes: arriver,, devoir devoir) a) Si l'avion arrive en retard, Annie devra attendre à l'aéroport. (arriver b) Si Annie et Philippe vont au syndicat d'initiative, ils pourront avoir une liste des hôtels et des brochures sur Paris. (aller aller aller,, pouvoir pouvoir) c) Quand sa marraine sera à Paris, Annie lui montrera montrer montrer,, présenter présenter)

les monuments et lui présentera ses amis. (être, être,

d) Si je t'invite à ma fête, est-ce que tu viendras? (inviter inviter inviter,, venir venir) dîner dîner,, ffaire aire aire) e) Quand ses amis dîneront chez elle, Louise fera un repas antillais. (dîner

‘Et si tu n’existais pas... pas...’’ (Demonstrating usage of ‘si clauses’ containing the imperfect with the conditional) (You may need to copy and paste link into Google etc.)

Et si tu n'existais pas, dis-moi pourquoi j'existerais existerais... pour traîner dans un monde sans toi, sans espoirs et sans regrets. Et si tu n'existais pas, j'essaierais d'inventer l'amour, comme un peintre qui voit sous ses doigts naître les couleurs du jour et qui n'en revient pas... Et si tu n'existais pas, dis-moi pour qui j'existerais existerais... des passantes endormies dans mes bras que je n'aimerais jamais. Et si tu n'existais pas je ne serais qu'un point de plus dans ce monde qui vient et qui va je me sentirais perdu, j'aurais aurais besoin de toi... Et si tu n'existais pas, dis-moi comment j'existerais existerais... je pourrais faire semblant d'être moi, mais je ne serais pas vrai. Et si tu n'existais pas, je crois que je l'aurais tro trouvé uvé uvé, le secret de la vie, le pourquoi, simplement pour te créer... et pour te regarder... Et si tu n'existais pas, dis-moi pourquoi j'existerais existerais... pour traîner dans un monde sans toi, sans espoirs et sans regrets. Et si tu n'existais pas, j'essaierais d'inventer l'amour... comme un peintre qui voit sous ses doigts naître les couleurs du jour... Exercices: imperfectt > conditional 1) (les hypothèses: si + imperfec imperfect ect > conditional 2 2)) (les hypothèses: si + imperf (les hypothèses: si + imperfect > co conditional nditional 3) Chanson avec le futur simple: Tu verras de Claude Nougaro D7A3987D2AEDB&view=detail&FORM=VIRE1(Claude Nougaro ‘live’) (info about Claude Nougaro)

 The conditional mood of verbs Usage : hypothesiss , involving words such as, ‘would would would’, ‘could’, The conditional mood is used in expressions of hypothesi (‘should’) and also communicates politeness e.g.

‘Je voudr voudrais ais parler à Mme. Deneuve.’ ‘I would like to speak to Mme. Deneuve.’ Formation:

Infinitive + imper imperfect fect tense endings - ais

- ions

- ais

- iez

- ait

- aien aientt


parler parler-- to speak


parler parlerais ais


parler parlerions ions


parler parlerais ais


parler parleriez iez

ait il/elle/on parler parlerait

parleraient aient ils/ elles parler

NB Pronunciation: 

The ‘ay’ sound of the -er ending changes to ‘euh’ (sound of the letter ‘e’, in the French alphabet), in the conditional.

Endings -ais, -ait and -aient are all sounded ‘eh’ (like the ‘e’ in ‘set’)

Some irregular verbs ha have ve special infinitive stems stems, when used in the conditional mood. These are the

same stems as those used to form the ‘futur simple’ e.g. avoir (to have) être (to be)

aurirregular infinitive stem: aur irregular infinitive stem: ser-

serait ait à la campagne. Il y aur aurait ait trois salons, dix Ma maison idéale ser chambres et cinq salles de bains. Dans le jardin, il y aur aurait ait une piscine, un voudr barbecue et un salon de jardin. Je voudrais ais avoir des chambres avec salle de bains attenante.

Eastre (Hymne au soleil): Sculpture représentant la déesse saxonne du printemps. JD Fergusson (1924)

La Galerie Fergusson, Perth, Scotland

Torse de Femme: Sculpture à l’avant de la galerie


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