Pharmacology Module 3 Quiz Review PDF

Title Pharmacology Module 3 Quiz Review
Author Sarah taylon
Course Nursing Process III
Institution Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
Pages 3
File Size 118.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 102
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NUR2474 Pharmacology Module 3 Quiz Review Be cautious of negatively worded questions! They are easy, but often misinterpreted due to not paying attention to them. 1. Chlorpromazine a. Schizophrenia b. Antipsychotic c. Blocks dopamine receptors. Prevents excess dopamine in the brain d. Adverse effects e. Administration/withdrawal teaching f. Review early and late EPS specifically 2. EPS (Extrapyramidal side effects) a. Cause i. First generation antipsychotics b. Side effects i. Rigidity ii. Muscle Spasm face tone/tongue? iii. Acute dystonia iv. Oculogyric crisis v. Opisthotonus vi. Joint dislocation vii. Impaired respiration c. Treatments i. Withdrawal offending medication (stop) ii. Give anticholinergics iii. Give beta blockers iv. Give benzodiazepines 3. Parkinsonism a. Cogwheeling b. Mask-like face c. Stooped posture d. Bradykinesia e. Drooling f. Tremor g. Shuffling gait 4. Tardive Dyskinesia a. Twisting Worm-like movement of the tongue b. choreoathetoid movements of the tongue and face c. Lip-smacking d. tongue flicks out in a "fly-catching" motion e. involuntary movements of the limbs, toes, fingers, and trunk 5. Review general teaching topics for patients on antipsychotics (adherence). a. Maximize Adherence

b. Direct observation c. Educate family members d. Patient education/encouragement of s/s, side effects e. Patient education minimizing side effects 6. Fluoxetine (Prozac) a. Depression b. SSRI c. Serotonin reuptake inhibitor d. Prevents serotonin from being absorbed e. Makes more serotonin available at synapsis f. Sexual side effects g. Wean off, do not stop cold turkey h. Monitor for worsening mood, agitation, Suicide ideation i. Serious: Serotonin syndrome i. Cognitive S/S 1. Agitation 2. Confusion 3. Disorientation 4. Hallucination 5. Poor concentration 6. Anxiety 7. Occurs in 2-72 hours ii. Systemic S/S 1. Cardiovascular problems 2. Incoordination 3. Hyperreflexia 4. Myoclonus 5. Sweating 6. Fever 7. Tremors 7. Lithium a. Mood stabilizers b. Starts bringing patient down from manic state in about a week c. Does not work immediately d. Full effect in a couple weeks e. Adverse effects f. Bipolar disorder (use lithium w/ antidepressants) g. 0.8-1.4 mEq/L h. Early in initial therapy, draw blood every 2-3 days i. Once dose is established (long term therapy), draw blood every 3-6 months 8. Insomnia a. Self limiting disorder b. Benzodiazepines i. Before pills, Assess for underlying cause ii. First pharmacological choice c. Alternative therapies i. Relaxation

ii. Meditation d. Prescription pills Short term only 9. Paroxetine as it relates to anxiety disorder. a. SSRI b. Serotonin level is increased c. Adverse effects d. Alternative Treatments i. Therapy ii. Assessment iii. Do not just prescribe pills, evaluate long term effects 10. Review basic medication administration formula: D/H * Q = X amount of medication (where D=desired dose, H = dose on hand, Q = quantity/volume per dose on hand, X= amount of medicine to give).

Prototype Medication Name Chlorpromazine Haloperidol Clozapine Fluoxetine Venlafaxine Imipramine Phenelzine Bupropion Lithium Valproic acid Carbamazepine Triazolam Zolpidem Buspirone

Prototype Medication Class Traditional Antipsychotics (low-potency) Traditional Antipsychotics (high-potency) Atypical Antipsychotics Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors Serotonin/Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors Tricyclic Antidepressants Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors Atypical Antidepressants Mood Stabilizers Mood Stabilizers Mood Stabilizers Benzodiazepines Benzodiazepine-like Drugs Nonbenzodiazepine-Non Barbiturates...

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