PHI 445 WEEK 1 Discussion Utilitarianism PDF

Title PHI 445 WEEK 1 Discussion Utilitarianism
Author kimi raik
Course Marketing and Communication
Institution The University of Arizona Global Campus
Pages 2
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Utilitarianism, Deontology, and Virtue Ethics: Case Study: Starbucks How people conduct themselves must contain some type of conformity. Not saying that everyone ought to be slaves and obey, but to behave relative to an over-all standard regarding morals and ethics. Talking about slaves, had been the abolishment of slavery by Abraham Lincoln morally simply, or had been there a way to an end of the plan of action? Did Abraham Lincoln free the slaves because he felt that it had been the suitable move to make, or had been it simply an attempt to win the war? In any event, his utilitarian gesture had been even more favorable than unfavorable to everyone it benefited (Fieser, 2015). Actually, among utilitarianism’s characteristics possessed by Lincoln's gesture is consequentialism. In accordance with Sheffler, S. (1988) “This is a moral doctrine which says that the proper act in virtually any given situation may be the one which will produce the very best overall final result” (p. 1). However, did Lincoln practice universalism or think that human rights are universal for the reason that all humans worldwide should possess them? In cases like this, the issue had been treated as a way to a finish instead of the deontological technique of treating people only as leads to themselves, which may end up being doing only so what can end up being universalized (Zúñiga y Postigo, 2015). Treating others as you wish to end up being treated is taking care of from the deontological theory. The planet is really a prominent place, which is full of people with different personalities and competing ideas. Despite a number of the social issue across the world, everyone appears to obtain along generally and there are many factors that are likely involved within this coexistence. A lot of people prefer to get righteous since it is really a duty, not due to any consequence great or bad, due to the fact it really is morally simply. Or, there’s the divine command theory, that is the concept that folks act relative to the term of god. As mentioned by Bryan, K. (2010) “Most theologians declare that the only real genuine basis for morality is within religion.” Nonetheless, whatever guides people’s moral compass, the virtues are traits that people learn from parents or from society itself. Since Starbuck’s rapid growth, a few ethical issues would not go unnoticed by consumers and related organizations. Aside from driving local coffee shops out of business, there has been negative feedback regarding its products. According to The Organic Consumers Association, (2014) “Starbucks has largely ignored consumer demand for organic milk, non-GMO drinks, and snacks.” Some of the OCA concerns are that Starbucks is a promoter of the GMO agriculture model, which feed dairy cows a steady diet of GMO crops (The Organic Consumer Association, 2014). The question to ask is are the Organic Consumer Association genuinely concerned about people’s well being or are there other motives at play. The utilitarian approach for Starbucks would be to do what is considered good because the consequences of its actions would benefit from its consumer's happiness.

References Bryan, K., (2010). Divine Command Theory. Retrieved from Fieser, J. (2015). Introduction to business ethics [Electronic version]. Retrieved from Organic Consumers Association, (2014). Five Reasons to Boycott Starbucks. Retrieved from Sheffler, S. (1988). Consequentialism and it Critics. Retrieved from hl=en&lr=&id=QTucAQAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP2&dq=consequentialism&ots=Q8ygetuxdE&sig=Bp-afyXNxzBDLmR6ShDcAn7soU#v=onepage&q=consequentialism&f=false

Zúñiga y Postigo, G. (2015). The moral good in three traditional ethical theoriesPreview the document [PowerPoint Slides]...

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