Phi2396 quiz 2 summary notes winter 2021 PDF

Title Phi2396 quiz 2 summary notes winter 2021
Course Bioethics
Institution University of Ottawa
Pages 2
File Size 60.1 KB
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summary for quiz 2 with dean lauer
focuses on key concepts that may be tested in short answer questions...


FORMAT - 11mcq - 3 short answer - Chapters 3 to 6 CONTENT Beginnings of contemporary bioethics - Birth of bioethics - Belmont conference o Brought together theologians, philosophers, and medical professionals o Crystallization of some ideas in the social atmosphere at the time, but society has now moved more into autonomy o Justice, beneficence, maleficence and autonomy o Beneficence has been left behind the most since it collides with autonomy a lot (beneficence is greater good, autonomy follows on an individual) o Autonomy leads to the rise of informed consent o Know 4 principles of bioethics Jeffersonian compromise - Thomas Jefferson saying that religion should not be part of the state/government, but you have freedom to practice whatever religion you like, and it would not be incorporated into the language of the government - This same idea was applied at the Belmont conference, but bioethics could still include from religious ideas (ex. treating others the way you want to be treated) Hippocratic paternalism - “do no harm” - Focuses on nonmalefience - Physician is the wise one who knows best (paternalism) Human experimentation - Kidney dialysis, heart lung machine - Ability to keep patients alive longer than they would have naturally - Tuskegee study Bioethical principles - Informed consent o Important in consulation/medical cretiques - Critiques of autonomy MK Ultra - Plan for mind control funded by the CIA - Psychic driving at Allen hospital in Mont Royal Montréal - Highlighted the abuse of people from the medical system (lack of autonomy of patients) Advanced directives


7 different kinds of living will Surrogates All comes back to motivation of autonomy, trying to preserve, enhance, and extend the ethical plank of bioethics

Offsetting principles Review Kant (deontology) and utilitarianis...

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