Philippine Popular Culture Prelim QUIZ 1 2 PDF

Title Philippine Popular Culture Prelim QUIZ 1 2
Author Alyssa Marie Yuga
Course Calculus-Based Physics 2
Institution AMA Computer University
Pages 7
File Size 171.6 KB
File Type PDF
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Global culture as adopted by the Spanish has been "ordinary" to the point that it was a "watering-down of SpanishEuropean culture in order to win over the general public to the colonial regime's 'ideology.' Select one: True False According to Lumbera, "Popular culture is power, and anyone who uses it to control minds is likely to have their literary and technical machinery turned against him when the minds he has exploited discover his power as a political tool." Select one: True False The first permanent settlement in Spain started to replace the native culture with a Muslim and Middle Eastern tradition. Select one: True False Hauben deeply warns that the internet can be a "source of opinion," though he says a netizen should train him/her to distinguish real from fabricated knowledge. Select one: True False According to Turner, as reporters prefer to bend the reporting to stories they sometimes support. Tabloidization is a clear example of this, or sensationalizing small news stories and making a big deal of it. Select one: True False The word netizen, although popularly used in present times, is in fact a word from Michael Hauben's theory (1996) is a corrupted term from the expression "Net Person." Select one: True False The native intelligentsia used the same types of popular culture in the 19th century, through the Propaganda movement, to "undermine the influence of the oppressive friars and mobilize the people to bring an end to colonial rule" One example of that is Marcelo H. Del Pilar's work. Select one: True

False The rise of American colonization introduced to the Philippines the properly so-called, mainstream culture. Select one: True False According to the 2013 Yahoo-Nielsen Survey, the top three media consumption outlets in the Philippines come from television, radio and the increasingly growing usage of the internet. Select one: True False The common culture is produced by the masses ... it is rather a culture generated either by the ruling masses or by representatives of the intelligentsia in the employment of that mass, for the consumption of the people. Select one: True False According to National Artist for Literature Bienvenido Lumbera in his book Revaluation: Essays on Philippine Literature, Theatre, and Modern Culture (1984), popular culture is very distinct from Filipino folk culture and nationalistic culture. Select one: True False Forms of popular theater and literature such as "the pasyon, sinakulo, and corido ensured Muslim's acceptance and spread, and the comedy and awit did the same for the monarchy. Select one: True False According to Lumbera, the Spaniards developed and used popular culture in the Philippines to the native Filipinos or Indios through plays and literature to get the natives 'hearts and win them over. Select one: True False Under the tutelage of missionaries, the children of the native elite became a central community of intelligentsia called 'ladinos' as they were instrumental in 'taking into the vernacular, literary forms which were to be instruments for the' peace 'of the natives.' Select one: True False

According to Lumbera, the local intelligentsia noted that "Popular literature as a product intended for a mass market was seen as a challenge to serious artistic practice, since the writers accommodated his art to the demands of the publishers and editors who were more interested in sales than in aesthetics." Select one: True False Pop culture is the way to live in a specific time, place, and depicts a few people's habits and how they can cope with nature. Select one: True False International culture is the culture produced by colonial resistance, with a people's group at a given time and location. Select one: True False According to Hauben as netizens, in actual fact, geographical separation is replaced by the presence in the same virtual space called "Yahoo." Select one: True False The liberal approach towards the printing press quickly expanded the dissemination of types of popular culture through radio, television and film. Select one: True False Along with the power to use the internet is the reporter's power provided to the netizen for a netizen may actually be a source of primary knowledge about certain topics or issues. Select one: True False In a well-defined period, a countercultural movement does not reflect the culture and desires of a specific population. Select one: True False (answer. Mali nnaman sa OED) Subcultures involve people who may embrace much of the dominant culture but are set apart by one or more characteristics of cultural significance. Select one:

True False Countercultures are groups of people that are similar with the dominant culture in certain respects, and whose norms and beliefs may be incompatible with it. Select one: True False (eto sagot) Some subculture examples are the LGBT, bodybuilders, nudists, hip hop, grunge. Select one: True False The cultural elements of imperialism are composed of economic imperialism, also called economic colonialism. Select one: True False A counterculture (also written counterculture) is a subculture whose values and behavioral norms differ materially from those of mainstream society, often as opposed to mainstream cultural mores. Select one: True False Spanish colonization came upon the momentum of European mercantilism and the desire to spread Islam to the Philippines. Select one: True False (eto sagot. Mali The critical theorists Theodor Adorno (1903–1969) and Max Horkheimer (1895–1973) coined the word pop culture. Select one: True False (answer) True psychological needs are independence, imagination, and genuine happiness, referring to an earlier demarcation of human needs, which Herbert Marcuse had created. Select one: True (answer) False Pop culture, will enable us to talk as examples of culture about soap opera, pop music, and comics. Select one:

True (answer) False Cultural imperialism is the practice of promoting and enforcing a culture over a more powerful society, typically that of a politically powerful nation; In other words, the cultural hegemony of industrialized or economically and politically influential countries which define general cultural values and standardized civilizations worldwide. Select one: True False (answer) In the work 'Cultural Theory and Popular Culture,' John Story describes Culture and Popular Culture as 'works and practices of intellectual and creative activity, texts and practices whose main role is to represent, create or be an opportunity for meaning development. Select one: True (answer) False Pop Culture involves concepts, beliefs, norms, practices and obects that enable a community of individuals, or even a whole society, to live their collective lives with minimal friction. Select one: True False (answer) Adorno and Horkheimer therefore especially viewed mass-produced culture as helpful to the more technologically and intellectually demanding high arts. Select one: True False (answer) Prominent examples of Western Late Modern countercultures include Romanticism (1790–1840), Bohemianism (1850–1910), the "Jazz Period" of the Roaring Twenties, the 1930's Non-Conformists, the Beat Generation's more fragmentary counterculture (1944–1964), Select one: True (answer) False Since the Spanish-American War at the end of the 19th century, the U.S. had chosen the Philippines like a colonial catch due to its vast natural resource base and strategic position in the U.S. imperialist plan to turn the Pacific into an American lake for U.S. big business and take a piece of the huge Chinese market. Select one: True (answer) False Popular culture does not imitate a factory that produces uniform cultural goods — films, radio, magazines, etc. – which are used to exploit passivity in mass society. Select one:

True False (answer) "The Cultural Industry: Enlightenment as a Mass Illusion," from the book Dialectic of Enlightenment (1947), it was described as a critical vocabulary. Select one: True (answer) False Popular culture is further broken down into six subdefinitions. The first is culture that is popular or valued by others by measurable means, such as sales of songs, playing on the radio, attending screenings or concerts, and ratings of viewers on TV shows. Select one: True (answer) False The fundamental risk of the culture industry is the creation of false psychological needs that only the products of capitalism can fulfill and satisfy. Select one: True (answer) False In the work 'Cultural Theory and Popular Culture,' John Story describes Culture and Popular Culture as 'works and practices of intellectual and creative activity, texts and practices whose main role is to represent, create or be an opportunity for meaning development. Select one: True (answer) False Popular culture is further broken down into six subdefinitions. The first is culture that is popular or valued by others by measurable means, such as sales of songs, playing on the radio, attending screenings or concerts, and ratings of viewers on TV shows. Select one: True (answer) False



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