Author marima borja
Course Bioinformatics
Institution University of California, Merced
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Physical (biological) Anthropology is the study of biological aspects of humans. A bio-cultural
approach is used to study human variation and human evolution. In this laboratory course
students apply and practice scientific methodology, tech...


PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY LAB ANTH 1L (Fall 2021) INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Ameeta Singh Tiwana COURSE DESCRIPTION Physical (biological) Anthropology is the study of biological aspects of humans. A bio-cultural approach is used to study human variation and human evolution. In this laboratory course students apply and practice scientific methodology, techniques and procedures used by physical anthropologists to understand human evolution, non-human primates, and human variation. Students gain practical experience and a deeper understanding by participating in lab exercises, activities and experiments that explore human evolution, osteology, forensics, genetics, modern human variation, primate anatomy and behavior. Student Learning Outcome Statements (SLO) • Student Learning Outcome: Students will analyze human biological diversity as a response to physical, biotic, socio-cultural and biological factors. • Student Learning Outcome: Students will evaluate biological and behavioral similarities and differences between humans and non-human primates. • Student Learning Outcome: Students will apply scientific, evolutionary, holistic and a multidisciplinary approach to understand human biology and behavior. • Student Learning Outcome: Evaluate human biology and culture as a response to 7 million years of evolutionary process. Contact information Zoom Session: Tuesday 9:30 a.m. – 10:20 p.m. (recordings will be available) Click on the Zoom in the left navigation bar and then join the meeting. It is highly recommended, we go over the lab chapter and the exercises for the week. It is recorded for those who cannot attend. Office hour: 11:20 – Noon Tuesday and Wednesday You can send me an email within Canvas • To do this, click on "Inbox" in the menu to the very left of your screen. From there you can enter "Ameeta Tiwana" into the "Recipient" box and that will send me a message. • Remember to put the class name and section number into the Subject line so that I know which class you are in. If you e-mail during the week, you can expect a 24-hour turnaround time. Feel free to remind me if it's longer than that, because while I try to be vigilant in responding, things get buried. When writing an email, include your name, and section which will make it a lot easier for me to find your e-mail. I'm probably not going to respond during the weekends because that time I'm either decompressing, grading or preparing for the following weeks. Required Text: Laboratory Manual and Workbook for Biological Anthropology by Aggarwal and K.Elizabeth Soluri (2nd ed) You can buy an e-book, or a print version of the text, or rent it. You will need the text to read the chapter and refer to visuals/pictures. First edition will not work.

Each week, we will read 1 Lab chapters in the book. We will meet over zoom, I will go over the labs, and explain the lab exercises you will be working on. If you cannot make it to the zoom session the recording will be put up for you to view later in the day. The entire course can be navigated using modules in canvas and requirements are clearly outlined. Exams:- There are two exams. The exams are objective and not cumulative. Each exam is worth 25% of the grade. They are open book and the exam will draw questions from the labs read and lab exercises done each week. Makeups are only given under extreme cases and when there is a justifiable reason. Please discuss it with me prior to the exam and official documentation is required to make up a missed exam (such as a doctor’s note, jury duty…). Lab exercises –Each week lab exercises will be assigned, you will complete the exercises and submit them in canvas. Labs exercises will be due every week on Monday midnight. Hence after the Lab has been explained during our Zoom meeting, you have a week to complete the Lab exercises.. GRADING Your course grade will be determined using the following percentages: Exams (2) - 50 % Weekly Lab exercises - 50 % Late Policy Late work is strongly discouraged. Lab exercises can be conveniently completed in a week, just schedule time to read the chapter, and do them. I will be accept late work for upto TWO DAYS PAST THE ORIGINAL DUE DATE and with a justifiable reason. It may be marked off by 5% past the due date. This is non-negotiable. How Drop for No Show works in an Online Class The faculty contract requires De Anza faculty to drop any students who do not attend class on the first day. In the case of an online class, this means that any students who have not logged into our Canvas site and been active on it in some way by Sept 21 5:00 pm, will be dropped from the class. Their spot will be assigned to students on the waitlist or ones wanting to join the class. For this online lab, students who have missed the weekly lab and not informed me may be dropped from the class. If something comes up that you know will mean that you will miss participating in the class please contact me so that we can discuss how to proceed. Student Contract : As an Anth 1L student ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

Keep up with the assigned reading Turn in the Lab assignment completed and on time. Check Canvas and your email daily. Connect with me before, after or during zoom session Submit only your own work and maintain academic integrity. o Academic dishonesty, cheating, plagiarism will not be tolerated and result in an F

Instructor Contract: As your Anth 1L Instructor I will… • • •

Be available weekly on zoom, for office hour and by appointment. Keep our class Canvas site engaging and up-to-date. Respond to emails.

• •

Offer engaging Labs. Give you timely feedback....

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