Physics Essay 2 PDF

Title Physics Essay 2
Course Principles of Physics
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
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Aleah Peterson Principles of Physics 101 Professor: Kasturiarachchi October 2nd, 2020 Domino Effect for Module 5 For my submission, I have chosen to use my Rube Goldberg device I built with Algodoo for my final project. It is known as the Domino Effect due to the series of different size dominoes falling thanks balls whacking into them due to momentum. The design is simple yet is effective in showing how Rube Goldberg's device works. To show my understanding of what I have learned, I have selected the first half of my project to show how energy moves from the previous step, then to the selected step, and after that the subsequent step. In other words, you would start with a ball with a radius of 7m at the top of a ramp. The ramp would be at an angle of -30 degrees for it to hit the dominos on a platform below. Thanks to gravity, the ball is brought down the plane into various size dominos below. Once the ball strikes these objects, it is transferring kinetic energy into the dominos that then try to absorb this shock. The dominos then fall on one another due to the impact, sending their potential energy (now kinetic) into a ball with a radius of 0.15 m. While the ball is in motion, it keeps it the same until it hits the dominos. The dominos then keep the same speed going, transferring their speed to the 0.15m ball. Another thing one can tell is the momentum by seeing how the ball collides into the dominos the hitting the other ball are almost equal in mass because they nearly bounce off one another. A closer way to look at this, I can say we could use the linear momentum formula p=mv and the kinetic energy formula KE=1/2mv^2. One can also use the formula found in Newton's second law to find the force F= m*a. These apply to the forces of energy going from the first step to the selected part. Momentum here is the measure of the object's inertia and motion. When the object collides from the first step to the second, they nearly bounce off one another with opposite velocity, showing the collision is elastic in this scenario. The ball in the previous step falls thanks to gravity and whams right into the dominos. The dominos show elasticity when the ball bounces off in the dominos in the other direction. Simply the Once you have the equations, you can begin plugging in the information to calculate the force, momentum, and kinetic energy. First off, I will start with Newton's second law, you would need to know the acceleration and mass of the object. The acceleration here would be -3.17 and the mass is 642.7kg. You would plug these into the equation f=642.7kg (mass) * -3.17(acceleration)= -2037.4 Newtons. The force at which they

impact with one another, send the dominos in the selected step forward while the ball is thrown in the opposite direction. A negative force likely shows the object is hitting at a decrease speed before transferring its energy to the next object in the second step, the ball that is 0.15m. The next thing to calculate is the kinetic energy of the previous step which you would need to know the mass of the object and the velocity. The mass would be 642.7 kg, and the velocity is 3.86 m/s. Plugging these into ke=1/2 642.7 kg (mass)* 3.86 m/s(velocity)^2= 4787.99 joules. The energy that is going from one object to the next is roughly 4787.99 joules. That is a lot of energy being transferred! The last thing to calculate would be the linear momentum with the formula p= 642.7 kg (mass)*3.86 m/s= 2480.82 kg·m/s. The momentum at which it is hitting is 2480.82 kg*m/s. Here we can tell the quality of motion it has at 2480.82 kg*m/s, which is simply mass in motion. This is the most crucial piece when it comes to something colliding with another object. With this key information, you can tell the object is going east (direction), the mass in motion right before a collision on the next object, and the mass in motion (kinetic energy at about 4787.99 joules. These are crucial to know if you want to know how the collision affects the next object, the energy that was transferred between them, along with knowing the direction. If you did not know these, it would be hard to tell if there are changes in the velocity, momentum, and force. The force is crucial as it is how much pressure it is exerting on the next force then how hard it makes an impact. These show us which way the object went or in this case which direction the force is going, how fast it is going, and how hard it impacts the next step after the selected step. Keeping this in mind when the ball collides with the dominos knocking into the other one at about -2037.4 Newtons. The force throws the ball in the opposite direction while the dominos hit the next ball with a radius of 0.15 m. The force transfers energy along the way at about 4787.99 joules and the linear momentum is about 2480.82 kg*m/s. An equation that one can use to determine the amount of energy across the selected step could be K =1/2mv^2 or if that does not work, you could find the potential energy with the formula P.E=mgh which would be the mass gravity, and height. One could then plug it in by P. E=642.7 kg(mass)*9.8 m/s^2 * 4 meters for the height of the ramp= 25193.84 joules. The potential energy of the object would be 25193.84 and we would have to calculate it to kinetic energy to find the energy transferred. To find the kinetic energy transferred to the selected step we would use KE=mV^2. For this, we would input KE= 642.7 kg*3.86 m/s^2=4787.99 joules. The energy transferred from the previous step would be 4787.99 joules. That is a lot of

energy! It went from a whopping 25193.84 joules in the previous step and by the time, it went to the selected it went down to 4797.99 joules when the energy was transferred. After the energy is transferred to the selected step, the kinetic energy at about 4797.99 joules then transfer to the subsequent step whacking into a serious of dominos about 0.1m x 0.53 meters. The energy for the subsequent step would be kinetic energy transferring onto the dominoes after the ball whacks into them, sending the ball in the next latter with a force of kinetic energy. Here the momentum going through is conserved momentum also known as linear. It means the energy in it cannot change and will keep going until a force act upon it. When you observe the object the ball rolls from the selected step to the subsequent with a kinetic energy of about 4797.99 joules. It is clear the energy is the same due to the constant speed of about 2/3 per second and it continually following a steady straight path with the energy until it collides with the next line of dominoes. These dominos are then transferred to the new kinetic energy until they whack the ball in the next line. The energy that is transferred here is simply from potential to kinetic energy. The object is at rest until something strikes it down. One can assume it is an elastic collision due to no energy being lost, it simply transfers to the dominoes in the subsequent step then to the next ball in line. From energy transferred to momentum, we would need to calculate the linear momentum, the force, and the kinetic energy throughout the complex process. To find the force of an object you would use the formula f=m*a, linear momentum would be p=m*v, then the kinetic energy with KE=1/2mV^2. Using these formulas helps you understand the energy that is being transferred and how fast it is going. Knowing these steps helps you understand your work along with being able to interpret it to others. This is crucial to explain in-depth if you want to get your work published and stuff. Using these steps will show you how fast the object is moving, what the force upon impact is along with the linear momentum. To start off with I am going to calculate the force which is f=m*a. The mass of the object would 315.3 kg and the acceleration of-0.648 m/s^2. Plugging it in f=315.3 kg * -0.648 m/s^2 = -204.3. The total force is hitting the object is about -204.3 newtons. The force upon impact would be -204.3 newtons. Next, you would calculate the kinetic energy with the formula KE=1/2mV^2, making it KE=1/2*315.3kg*0.62 making it 97.7 joules. Looking back to the previous energy, it is slowly going down, meaning the amount of energy going from one object to the next is slowly decreasing as time goes on. Lastly, you would calculate linear momentum

with p=m*v; p=315.3 kg *0.62m/s=195.5 kg*m/s. The mass of the object is moving about 195.5 kg*m/s. From the previous step to the selected step, it is easy to tell with the given information as energy transfers it is slowly slowing down as time moves on. If we did not have the formulas and given equations, it would be hard to notice the difference in the behaviour each object plays in the Rube Goldberg Device I created....

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