Physics hw 5 - HW questions, good for practice PDF

Title Physics hw 5 - HW questions, good for practice
Course Gen Mech-Heat-Snd Lb
Institution Hunter College CUNY
Pages 4
File Size 66.6 KB
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HW questions, good for practice...


1 . Aj e tp i l o tt a k e shi sa i r c r a f ti nav e r t i c a ll o op , a ss h o wni nt h e fig u r e ( Fi g u r e1 ) . If the jet is moving at a speed of 1140 km/hkm/h at the lowest point of the loop, determine the minimum radius of the circle so that the centripetal acceleration at the lowest point does not exceed 6.5 gg's.

Calculate the 77-kgkg pilot's effective weight (the force with which the seat pushes up on him) at the bottom of the circle, and at the top of the circle (assume the same speed).

2 . Ona ni c er i nk , t wos k a t e r so fe q u a lma s sg r a bha n d sa n ds p i ni namu t u a lc i r c l eo n c ee v e r y2 . 2s. If we assume their arms are each 0.80 m long and their individual masses are 57.0 kg, how hard are they pulling on one another?

3 . A1 3 5 0 k gs p or t sc a r( i n c l u d i n gt h ed r i v e r )c r o s s e st h er o u nd e dt o po fah i l l( r a d i u s=9 2 . 0m )a t1 8. 0m/ s. 

determine the normal force exerted by the road on the car.

Determine the normal force exerted by the car on the 62.0-kgkg driver.

Determine the car speed at which the normal force on the driver equals zero.

4. If a curve with a radius of 94 mm is properly banked for a car traveling 66 km/hkm/h , what must be the coefficient of static friction for a car not to skid when traveling at 87 km/hkm/h ?

5 . Ac u r v eo fr a d i u s7 8m i sb a n ke df o rad e s i g ns pe e do f7 5km/ h.  If the coefficient of static friction is 0.39 (wet pavement), at what range of speeds can a car safely make the curve? [Hint: Consider the direction of the friction force when the car goes too slow or too fast.]

6 . T woo b j e c t sa t t r a c te a c ho t h e rg r a v i t a t i on a l l ywi t haf o r c eo f2 . 9 ×1 0 −1 0Nwh e nt h e ya r e0 . 6 0m a p a r t .Th e i r t o t a lma s si s4 . 0k g.  Find their individual masses.

7. If you tripled the mass and tripled the radius of a planet, by what factor would g at its surface change?

8 . Co n s i d e rat r a i nt ha tr ou n d sac u r v ewi t har a d i u so f5 6 8m a tas pe e do f1 6 0km/ h( a p p r o xi ma t e l y10 0 mi / h ) .  Calculate the friction force needed on a train pas-senger of mass 55 kgkg if the track is not banked and the train does not tilt.

Calculate the friction force on the passenger if the train tilts at an angle of 8.0∘ toward the center of the curve.

9A1 09 0kgc a rr o u n d sac u r v eo f69m b a n k e da ta na n g l eo f1 4∘ 

If the car is traveling at 81 km/h, will a friction force be required? If so, in what direction?

If v calculated is smaller than v given is smaller, need friction, if same then need friction V=rad (rg*tan(theta)

10. A satellite of mass 5470 kg orbits the Earth and has a period of 6660 s . Determine the radius of its circular orbit.

Determine the magnitude of the Earth's gravitational force on the satellite.

Determine the altitude of the satellite....

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